Building The Same Minecraft House in Alpha, Beta and Now

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minecraft is nearly 10 years old and it's been through some of the most profound changes that I've ever seen in a game some time ago it used to look like this in what we call alpha with very bare-bones content it was then swiftly developed into beta where the game actually picked up majorly in popularity and eventually it was developed into the version that we have today with all of its buttons and whistles and updated textures to really show how the game has changed I thought it would be a fun exercise to build the exact same house in each era of Minecraft showing the limitations and how the game has improved over time let's drop straight into alpha that is the sound of nostalgia right there the old alpha damage now we are in version 1.2 point 6 I already see creepers and the lighting is bad and I've just realised wait I don't even I don't even have a skin and I've just realized there's no creative mode in this version I'm going to have to grind wait ok I'm going to have to grind my entire house up no okay no no yeah I think the AI is also a little bit stupid by the looks of things he doesn't seem to be doing much does he know nope I guess I've got to start this off the old-fashioned way and I've got to grind out everything I'm gonna need so I'll be back in an hour with a bunch of stuff and we can get cracking on the house there's a few things that I want to note for some reason none of the leaves decay when you get rid of trees so that's super annoying you can see there's just a floating forest and there's no other kinds of trees yet so oak wood it's gonna have to be but in the later version I think I'm gonna change this out also the generation is really strange with these random bits of then it goes into gravel and it's just very basic let's start by lighting this place up because alpha is very unforgiving when it comes to mob spawning this seems like a good enough place to me let's flatten this out and make something now the first thing that I want to point out is that I've got a very limited selection of blocks so the first house that we're going to be making in alpha is going to look incredibly simple and quite bad so we're gonna start off with the four pillar technique so we're just gonna make a square with some o´clock pillars and we'll start with that now I need to remember the exact size of this so that I can replicate this in later versions what is it with the moss in this version how do I make slabs I can make staircases but they're like back they'd like backwards oh of course and they turn into a block alphas weird man I don't think I can make oak wood slabs cuz this is a pressure plate look that's how you used to make pressure plates now without any wooden slabs there's really not that much I can do however there's a little there's a little weird thing that is in this version of Minecraft that I thought I'd show you now this looks like a stone floor but it's actually all made of furnaces which is so for some reason the top of the furnace just has a random stone texture in this version so I thought I'd use that for the floor just for fun right let's try and decorate this hideous wooden box the best we can using what little available blocks we have we actually have way less than I thought I'm starting to realize why everyone's first house that they ever made really didn't look that great and I can't even place fences on top of each other I have to I've got to place a block down place the fence remove it and then I can place it and it doesn't even connect up I'm gonna do my best to try and create some kind of roof for this but I'm I'm not sure how far I'm gonna get with no slabs I think so far so good to be honest with you it's not the best looking house but it's certainly better than what I made when I first played this game oh my whoa that was terrified why don't spiders jump like that anymore that was that was terrifying I hope thank goodness seriously I've got two hearts and finding food in this version is so difficult I also want to point out that it's taking me over an hour to make this and look at the size of it this in any normal minecraft or you know up-to-date Minecraft this would take me ten minutes max these trees are really in the way of me building my roof there's got to be a quicker way of getting rid of all this hang on that totally is using the good old flint and steel now hopefully that will actually get rid of it yeah oh oh maybe that works a little too well I it should be far enough away hopefully it's not all gonna catch on fire yeah no it'll be fine it's protected by a cobblestone like a fireball so I've just got to put the final touches on this roof and I think it would be pretty much complete I am however going to add a chimney I think I've made a mistake here it's not stuffing no I was just about finished and as the Sun comes up I think I can call this house kind of maybe finished I'm not sure what else I can add I've really done my best with my up-to-date knowledge on these crazy limitations this really does look like an alpha house so all in all I think that it definitely screams alpha version but you know that's better than I thought it would look that old-school cobblestone texture they're awful shading on the lighting the zero vegetation around like there's just no grass there's one kind of tree it's very very old school now that's how I would make this house if it was in alpha but I think we should move over on to beta and see how we can improve and how this would look different in that scenario now remember because of my limited choice I've had to use things like cobblestone in beta I don't have to do that okay then let's move on to the end of the beta era and now moving on to minecraft beta where you can see that it has changed quite substantially in the way that the worlds generate what I wasn't expecting when I went back to beta is that not a lot of difference in the amount of blocks now I'm in creative mode and I can't actually change out but this is the creative menu it's just a list and it's not particularly long look at some of these look at the raw chicken some of these sprites are quite quite terrible however I did say that I would build the same house at least in this version the leaves actually decayed so I've cleared out the space and I'm going to try and improve as best as I can the house that I made in alpha at least in creative mode this is going to take not nearly as long but it was this is the exact same layout it's go exact same footprint so we should end up with a very similar looking house but the textures have been updated ever so slightly and there's a few more blocks that will allow me to detail it a little bit different but I don't predict surprisingly that there's going to be much difference at all at least in this version the top of the furnace is actually quite normal I still can't place their cases upside down however I do now have access to glass panes which means the inside is a lot more clean in beta I actually have access to stone bricks so I'm able to give this a more fitting trim around the edge to make this roof seem a bit more friendly so after investigating the list a little bit further I found that trapdoors were added some point in beta now I can definitely use this to my advantage because trapdoors are one of those things that make excellent ways to detail a base it also gave me an opportunity to change the door frame and you can see with the trim here I've done something a bit different on the top because yeah the staircases don't exactly behave in the same way they don't connect up properly which is a bit annoying however I can easily get my hands on brick this time so I'm going to create a more realistic chimney so I've now completed the exact same house with the exact same dimensions but it's now detailed with all of the stuff that you can get your hands on in beta so as you can see it is an upgrade in my opinion from our alpha house the main thing is that we're able to add a trim because there's another grey block that has a staircase introduced the other thing is the the big use of trapdoors I've had to use trapdoors maybe a bit too much on this one in order to improve it I've also used fence gates to kind of add this or tiki torch on here so for the most part it stayed the same I've even added some vines here vines were introduced between these versions and of course I've just kind of kept everything very similar and there we have our finished beta house now remember I'm taking the exact same house style layout and dimensions and simply trying to improve it based on the availability of new blocks and techniques I think I've done quite well but in beta there wasn't really that much difference so it's got a trim a few more trapdoors but to really see the difference in this exact same house let's bring it all the way up to date to see how it would be done in today's version and now we land in the most recent version which is one point thirteen point two now obviously it's going to be one point fourteen fairly soon but at the time of recording this is the most recent version and my goodness can you just tell the difference between alpha beta and now just by looking around look at all the different biomes look at all the different spacing between trees the different kinds of trees it's absolutely nuts so now we're basically spoiled for choice look at how many blocks and items are in the game compared to the really smallest it's not even done it's a small list in beta now this is going to be tough because I could do oak log and oak planks like I have been but if I was given the option to build this exact house now I would probably choose a different palette I think what I'm going to do is keep the roof the same but I'm actually going to change it to spruce because Bruce for me is my favorite block in Minecraft especially among the woods but this wasn't available in alpha or beta so I would have done that had it been available there we have our very basic box and I did use stone brick but I've actually got spoiled for choice again because I could choose different kinds of doors now which I couldn't do I think I'm gonna go for the dark oak I think it fits rather nicely in there I don't have to use gravel I can actually create path locks which is great even the detail on the door can be improved even really small things like just having different colored glass panes again makes such a huge difference this is going to look really different despite being the same shape the same size everything this should feel very very different and even now just by having the upside down staircases I'm able to make this trim look much more succinct now obviously I'm just building a very very simple house in each of these versions it's just to show what each of them might look like in each era I'm if I was to do an even bigger build the results might be slightly different but by having a very small house you can see the changes much clearer another small thing to point out that has made building in this version or the most current version is simply being able to middle-click it brings it and replaces whatever's in your inventory makes it so much faster all of the different trap doors give me way more options and it's only just now that I'm realizing how limited is but here's the thing and this is what's going to be really difficult to understand without actually have done the exact exercise that I've just been doing and that is despite building this house this exact same house three different times it felt completely different every single time I've built it and that's because alpha beta and now feel like completely different games in alpha the pace of building is so much slower but because of the middle-click feature that I personally couldn't live without anymore I've built this in 15 minutes when in beta it took me nearly 2025 by streamlining the building process I know that I've swapped from survival to creative but by streamlining it the pace of the game changes and therefore the feeling that you get when you play it changes and neither are good nor bad they're just different things are almost finished with this build now it's very similar I'm just trying to demonstrate all the different things that I think that can be done with this one instead of trying to make something that you know absolutely looks brilliant I'm just trying to sort of demonstrate all of the different things and I think I can now officially call this house finished now the reason it looks so much more detailed than the other ones that I've done maybe we should go over them it's just because there's more of a as more options so right let's take a closer look I've always the added lamppost because I was able to at the hopper if I did this in alpha or beta it would just be a torch on a pole so obviously I was able to change some of the blocks I went to spruce and I changed oak log into stripped spruce wood I've changed the trapdoors to be spruce as well and I've changed the front door just having those options available nothing has changed in the design of the house it's simply the palette of what's now available by being able to place slabs on both sides of a block I was able to create this nice trim underneath and up here I was able to make much more space efficient roofing over the top and I was able to put even little things like flower pots on top of the chimney the detailing is much more significant the windows themselves they're just slightly different color and I was able to place these upside down to give them a better feel he even put some mushroom block around the back to make it seem like there's mushrooms growing on it wouldn't be able to do that in the other versions I was able to mix in trapdoors with slabs in a way that made it much more space efficient and I went for something different because I was able to place the stairs upside down those simple bits of utility in building have made all the difference so now that we've seen all three designs let's just refresh ourselves to be able to compare these directly one after the other so the alpha version house was actually not as bad as it would have been if I was actually making this house back in 2010 because I've actually taken all of the skills that I've learned over the years and just gone back so it's not as bad as it could have been but it was a real real struggle to get something that looked semi decent especially with all the textures and the poor lighting in it however it was very difficult in beta it was slightly easier and you can immediately see the huge improvements just with the trapdoors and the panes alone and then adding the trim it actually just made a huge huge difference even though pretty much block four block it is the same except for obviously those trapdoors and the dormer is one of the things that is easiest to see where it has transformed and finally you can see how I would make this house now obviously it's a very small Minecraft house so you are limited if we did this with a much larger project it would look completely different but hopefully you can see the evolution of Minecraft through this very simple house even in the background the setting the lighting the different choices that you can make it all shows how far minecraft has come in 10 years through building alone that's not even mentioning all the mobs and farms that are able to be made redstone is a completely different thing but through building this tiny house 3 times I really appreciate how different it's gotten from purely survival to the introduction of creative mode in a small list and what we have today thank you very much for watching and I hope you've enjoyed this video make sure to leave a comment what you thought and good bye you
Channel: Grian
Views: 5,236,282
Rating: 4.8586979 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, alpha, beta, minecraft house, house
Id: 0xHZy6oXzsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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