5 Minecraft Structure Ideas!

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if you explore through minecraft you will inevitably come across one of the generated structures these are things that are not made by people or players they are made by the game itself and they are entirely randomly generated and they come in various shapes and sizes you can come across villages of different types you can even come across temples which offer a challenge and a reward for the player there are even some structures which some may consider to be completely pointless and useless so I thought it would be really fun to come up with a few ideas of my own and put them out here on YouTube for you to have a look at so without further ado let's take a look at five generated structure ideas for Minecraft the first structure that I want to show you is a little bit on the gruesome side and yes this does look like a hanging heart in the nether the nether is an area which I personally feel could use something a little extra and I'm not talking just about nether fortresses so the concept is to have something called a ghast hive and I've got various different ways of making this to show you so this is just one concept and obviously this doesn't look like typical Mojang style so I have got a couple of more simple versions to show you but first let's go over the concept so as you can see it hangs over a large area in the nether preferably over some lava to make it more dangerous and the idea is that this houses these little creatures called gassed larvae and that's what these little things are here just an idea of what they could look like and they're just little worms harmless don't do any damage and inside is just like their house or their beehive type thing where they feed on whatever else so the idea is a player to get here would either have to use an elite rrah or they'd have to make a quick block tower and then a bridge over to them now if you're not paying attention guests will be flooding out of this hive and firing gas balls fireballs at you trying to knock you off or break your bridge so that you fall down a very very long way so it's like it's a defended thing and I'm not sure what exactly the prize could be in here but there definitely could be some cool loot and it would be interesting to go and see these lava especially if your portal is nearby it could be very frustrating to have a big gassed hive like this lurking around so this is perhaps what it might look more like in game something a little more simplified than a very organic looking heart with many different blocks even this probably is too much shape for the style of mo Yang's generated structures but I think it would be really cool if you came across something like this and you could see gas like spawning out of it like the larvae were clearly growing up or going pew painting or whatever and they leave the gassed hive and they present a real problem it really does look quite threatening and menacing especially as it hangs there from the ceiling of the nether and this this one is actually slightly different because if you go inside there's nether wart which is what I thought the lava could be feeding on and then there's actually some spawn as here for the lava so you'd have to come up here and take care of the spawn --is to stop them going and then there's ways out of the ghast hive itself all over the structure I just think this is a really cool addition idea for the nether it adds that extra extra element of danger to the nether that it definitely doesn't need but I think it is a fantastic idea in fact we like the idea so much we made several versions and a lot of them were so good that I just have to show you so the first one was like the heart which is definitely not the sort of style that would work in game the second is more like Mojang style very simplified and this one is more like organic structures it kind of looks like sort of a hanging plant or sort of bulb or something hanging from the roof and it's made out of more things it's got like tentacles and veins and it just looks gross and I think it should look gross I think with all the gas and the lava inside here it definitely should resemble something a little more on the grotesque side you could even call it gastly okay let's move on to the next one now the Meza is actually a really cool biome and it does have some structures because you can see the mine shafts poking out of them and it's an extremely rare biome with all of these cool blocks to get your hands on but I thought it would be even cooler if it had something else now there are villages everywhere but I thought in particular with this one you could have a custom village that looks like the Meza per day now the Meza vers de verde is an actual building in real life it's a historic site in North America and I'll put a picture of it there so I tried to kind of replicate that and put it inside some of the Canyon biome and I thought this looks pretty cool so a lot of the Minecraft villages in game currently are re skinned and just repurpose for each biome but I thought what about doing something slightly different here and adding a red sandstone one with just the idea that it's sunk into the canyon itself and it just gives it that little bit of aesthetic that makes it way more interesting than a normal one and for the most part everything is very similar to a normal minecraft village in here there's nothing really that stands out the buildings are a little bit more detailed than perhaps they are in the normal minecraft ones but you could have some particular loot here that could be of interest or you could even add some redstone in here to make it seem like they had secret hideouts and temples and that kind of thing hidden underneath the Meza verde itself so this was just another idea for a village and we've all seen plenty of villagers so let's move on to number three which is slightly different a lot of people will know that the woodland mansion is found near these dark oak wood forests but you can see them above the tree line and I thought very few people actually go inside these roofed forests because they're kind of a pain to get through but I thought why not add a structure hidden in them for those that do venture inside because this cabin is actually made to go just above the tree line but you can't see it from the outside of the forest when you're on the floor which I find very interesting so what I want to show you here today is the idea of the cabin in the woods and this is a little bit of a spooky structure now this is more of a conceptual style so this is the idea of the cabin in the woods this is what we kind of wanted it to look like and we have a second version which looks more like a Mojang style more simplified so let's take a look around it's made out of dark oak planks obviously it's got a very very rundown look and it's got these overlapping slabs on the sides and I have done various sort of cabin designs before so this is kind of similar to that and it's got a very higgledy-piggledy kind of style to it and if we go around to the inside it's actually got a bit of a challenge inside it so not only does it look a bit spooky on its own if you go inside it's actually a little bit of a maze so you can see in here you can't get inside you have to walk around to try and find your way through this cabin and because it's so cramped and despite being quite a big build it can seem a little bit spooky especially as it gets darker as you go through so this can present somewhat of a challenge and eventually you'll fall through into the cellar and this is actually where we were looking into earlier and you fall through in here and there's another little maze which is dark enough to spawn mobs in and there's a little bit of a redstone trail there which could freak some people out and there could be a few chests in here if you want but eventually you will find a way out now this looks like the way out but it's not because you can't get quite up there of course you could just you know delete the block and get up that way but we're just assuming that everyone's going to behave and play fairly so there is actually a way out here the maze itself isn't actually that big but it's big enough to be more than just a little bit annoying and eventually you get to the end now there could be loads of chess and stuff here and then you realize that you come out the side the whole time I mean you could go in this way but more than likely you're gonna go through the front door so anyway that is the concept for the cabin in the woods but of course we made a Mojang style one to display what it might actually look like in game so this is it it's a very very similar style and design with the a fronts and the little dormers on the top it's got a chimney or the same same color palette it's a bit more simplified than the other one it's got less details less higgledy-piggledy stuff now it still got broken windows it still looks fairly spooky maybe not as spooky but you can definitely tell that this is a rundown house and the ideas are very similar you go inside and there's a bit of a maze there's a put out fire here with some coal ore and there's even a little bit of a hole here and if you're not careful you either fall through or if you take the ladder upstairs there's actually a little trap here where the tripwire here updates a bunch of carpets and it actually looks like there's some chests there too for your loot or you know your your reward for going in here this tripwire updates the carpets and you fall through this was a bit of an oversight that the vines of Krypton and broken the fall somewhat but you fall through and a very similar task is ahead of you of working out where to go and there's you know chests Oh an actual trap chest that actually produced the trap there are some loot in here the only difference here is that the maze is much simpler and when you get out it doesn't go straight into the open you actually have to delete some of the blocks and sort of break your way out and then you realize that you were under the house the whole time again this is one that I think is really cool it's very similar to the woodland mansion it's like a much smaller version but this is meant to be really spooky as a little structure to explore and it's definitely meant to be a very small challenging maze although the wiggler mansion does kind of cover those bases but I thought this being nestled in the dark oak forest which I'll be honest I've don't tend to walk through because they're so compact could get a bit claustrophobic in there so that's just an idea for there let's move on to the next one the fourth idea is surrounding the flower biome and this is a really lovely biome and I thought it could definitely do with a structure so we made a druid well so this is kind of like ruins that you might have seen in other modded versions of Minecraft it's got loads of those kinds of things in them but the idea here is that it's just some ruins that you can come across you can take care of the wheat and you know harvest that kind of stuff you can even take some of the stone brick and it's just meant to be something that you encounter but it actually has a secret despite being in this flowery lovely biome it actually harbors a bit of a secret which is why I've placed Steve here to assist me with the demonstration so the idea is that there's a friendly mob up here maybe a druid or maybe just a villager that's just a bit fancy whatever if Steve here happens to run over the pressure plate it opens up the inside of this well leading the player Steve Steve Steve I need you to stand on that for me come on man Steve stick come on there we go thank you Steve you've been very unhelpful so when Steve eventually stands on that you're going to get a big piston opening noise and you'll think oh something opened and hopefully the player will just drop down without a second thought and go oh no so what we've created here is sort of a little altar and lots of potion e-type things going on so this is very resembling of a dungeon on normal minecraft dungeon but instead of cobble its mossy cobble sorry mossy stone bricks stone bricks crack stone bricks and then we've got a couple of witches down here which are clearly here to take care of you as you land straight on the sacrificial table so that's the idea behind this one it's a bit of a trick as a bit of a bamboozle Steve up there is betraying you even though he was probably trying to save me by not standing on that very cooperatively so that's the idea and of course it won't be easy for a villager to just randomly stand on the pressure plate so you might need to actually have a custom mob maybe a druid or maybe even a villager in disguise or witch in disguise and they will be attracted to this pressure plate when the player comes along to try and lure them inside of the little dungeon down here the main issue that I can see with this particular design is you can definitely hear the witches cackling and laughing underneath you hear well something's definitely not right here so that might not fool everyone but I thought it would be a pretty cool structure to add in game for our final structure it's something a little bit different because in Minecraft there are multiple temples in the game there's a desert one there's a jungle one and there are other challenges as well with the stronghold and the nether fortress and I thought since the game does do lots of temples why not try and design one of my own so I came up with this idea and you might be wondering where it is because it's not around here well it's up there and it's extremely high up in fact it's about at the limit of the game now I need you to indulge me for a second here and pretend that that sky temple is above the building limit now I know that that isn't physically possible but this entire video is hypothetical and not going to happen so it's just a fun theory so let's pretend that that is above the build limit and I as a player cannot physically change it that means I'm not able to make a 1x1 Pole all the way up to the top because eventually I'd hit the limit and I wouldn't be able to build any higher and I wouldn't be able to reach the temple up there meaning there's only one way to get up there meaning it's a end game in general you'd need to use the Electra and some fireworks so pop on the Electra and we're going to fly up to the temple now this is actually fairly easy once you've got the elite only take a couple of fireworks to make it to the top and you might realize that there's actually some symbols on there and that's some spoilers for the Evo fans out there for tomorrow but there's some symbols here and this is actually in Galactic this is the Minecraft enchanting table text this actually spells out sky sk y and i just thought that was a nice way of decorating this very simple pillar which is obviously pure Mojang style I didn't change anything will make it any more elaborate so the idea is you will eat your up to here probably hit it bounce off and you're in great but I can't build and let's assume also that I can't break anything so you come across this room with one chest in it and all it has is a potion of levitation so the idea of all the challenge of this particular pillow or obelisk or whatever you want to call it sky temple is I can't jump up there I could technically elite rrah up there but that could get very very glitchy very very glitchy indeed trying to trying to fly through all these holes could be extremely difficult so you take the potion of meditation and it is running for exactly 17 seconds which is just enough to make it so that if you bash your head for too long you won't make it to the top and it will just run out hopefully as we get ourselves in this room so just ran out so if you mess up too much and you don't make it will you bump your head too much your potions going to run out before you can get to this top layer and claim that sweet sweet loop which I just made up is just a bunch of diamonds and Alicia I haven't come up with any of the rewards for these sorts of temples I've just shown the design of them so I thought this was a really unique challenge using a potion that you can't actually get in the version I'm using I had to use a command to get this it's one of those custom ones but I thought you could have three attempts at it or maybe the actual number could be 16 seconds seeing as I made it with like a second to spare it depends how forgiving it could be but it's very very fun to try and do it's quite stressful especially as you know you've only got a few attempts to do it and I haven't seen any sort of challenges in Minecraft that are anything like this to be honest with you other than the shell cos in the end and since this is endgame it all kind of makes sense so I thought that'd be really fun it also if you just get to the top using it you could open it and your potion could run out and you go all the way down here and it could cancel your chest activation so that was the sky temple idea and that actually concludes all five of my structure ideas now I would love to hear from you guys obviously I've just scratched the surface with the possibilities on this one you can see the ghast hives that I went over first probably my favorite design out of all of them the mess over day and the cabin in the woods there are so many possibilities and there's so much scope for more they've recently added shipwrecks to the game absolutely perfect the sea always needs more content there's the druid whale or whatever you want to call it the witch trap and of course the sky temple which we just went over so there are loads of options here and I was just trying to be as creative as I could coming up with some ideas for structures in places where I think the game currently could use something there in particular that's what the cabin in the woods weather or the one in the canyon it's such a shame that some of these rare are biomes don't have something for you to explore or seek out and I think there's a real opportunity for more of these things now bit of a disclaimer obviously all of these things are totally hypothetical please please please don't go tweeting everyone telling them to add this in game it's just really fun discussing ideas and getting creative with these things so you know the ghast high for example I really love the idea but it probably wouldn't work in game it'd be an absolute nightmare to add and probably doesn't work as a challenge for the player there's probably more than enough challenges in the nether already but it sure is fun to come up with different design and ideas and speculate how these things might work and it also gets you guys thinking about these sorts of things and how you could make your own if you're ever making an adventure map or anything like that for other people to explore so that's it for me everyone thank you very very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video please let me know down below which one was your favorite - the ghast hive and I would love to hear some ideas of your own in the comments below so thank you very much again goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,985,680
Rating: 4.9215093 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, village, structures, minecraft village, transform, temple, minecraft temple, structure ideas, we need, generated structures, minecraft house, minecraft ideas, minecraft nether, update
Id: GnK46-CKmjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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