Drawing Movie Titles With 1 Letter Missing.... Badly

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hello and welcome back to the drawing very very very badly series today we've got a brand new gimmick and we're back with Martin in the little hello so today we're going to be taking something that happened on reddit basically they said remove one letter from a movie title and explain the plot and then this artist could Austin light then drew the results and it was very very funny so we're basically going to take some of our own titles remove a letter and draw the result but we don't know the title that each other have got so we're then going to guess what they are based on our terrible terrible drawings so brand new gimmick brand new episode are you ready to get into it I'm ready to do this I feel like should we show people what our title is on our perspectives or should we just draw it and then had the explanation unfold see some people like to play along so okay let's let's not spoil it then yeah let's not spoil it okay okay ready when you are if you want to begin three two one draw okay this one's gonna be fun to draw okay so basically green has gone for you've gone for characters that are sorry you've gone for Disney movies specifically haven't you that's all I know yeah whereas I've gone for completely general so for me it's gonna be a little bit tougher to try and hopefully relate to green exactly what why I'm drawn or what's going on I just hope that I've seen the movies that you've got yeah I tried to go for very very well-known movies like I've gone for films I basically did a load of searching for like top films over the 1990s or that one not so much but I did top films of like the 2000 and then the 2010's and and all that sauce they basically did the same thing got a big list of Disney movies and just had a think and I came up with some pretty good ones hopefully I'm just thinking actually this there's there's a lot of a certain color on mine so I'm gonna have to give the backdrop a little a little bit of contrast for it how do I find bread color um I would say go for yellow yes and then drag the bar slightly down towards orange and then move it back across the line in almost like a you want to go like Southwest across it so you're in maybe like the middle east of area and the top I think I'm roughly there I think that'll do now I've got to try and grab crust color that's slightly upward so now I'm instantly trying to think of bread related puns but nothing is I don't think you'll get it just from the bread I think this is the silliest I like it though where can I draw see I I get all funky I do like layers and stuff but last time you said you weren't doing layers right I've actually done layers this time whoa mr. big mr. big spender over here I'm basically now that I'm aware that they're playing along I'm almost like purposely not doing certain parts at times mmm there we go I'm gonna leave like certain features until the very very end I quite like it why don't we go honey maybe like a thinner line just here there we are so basically when you initially suggest this to me I was like oh yeah this sounds really really cool but all the ones that I was initially coming up with we're already on the reddit thread that we saw on like different parts I was like Harry otter that'd be amazing I was like oh we could do et and there was they've already done it with mr. T chances are the chances that we are doing one that has been done but we just don't know about it but we have made an active effort to make sure we're not just copying the one on his blog post there we go get ready for this everybody watch this little cheat over here blend options oh you know I was coming with those kind of plays you kind of see why God he's so smart to put it on a layer cuz I can move it around it we really it'd be a shame if we can't figure it out I really want you to yeah I really understand I reckon we'll be okay my one's a bit obscure a little bit worried right I'm going I'm going next level now with my techniques you ready for this one everybody I'm gonna do this and you're gonna go oh that looks rubbish what are you doing right click clipping mask already something it's analyzed it's so satisfying when you know how to do tricks and I'm sitting here drawing on the lair and I geez I'm so curious I can't wait to try and guess what yours is down boom he's on a road oh no that is well above that I need it to be on a lower layer than that let me go let me try how are you not going behind there sure great the way that all of the artists in the audience that have struggled to watch me draw things in this series are probably like putting their hands in the air being like he gets it he understands layers I genuinely don't know what to do from this point this is as far as my idea went but I don't think that it's enough I'm trying to think of this anything else that I can put on this character to make it work oh you know what I guess I could do this in the background let me um I get this color here and make it a lot lot darker we're gonna give this mmm tell you what we're gonna go fancy everybody again gradient overlay it's too much we can handle this many layers the image is too dense I don't think I can do much more but honestly if I was in your position I would be really I will be surprised if you get this because it is tough this one that's like 80% of me making thumbnails for my videos is mean just playing with the blending options and seeing if it actually does anything good so blending options he just like automatically like I don't know like it's almost like an Instagram filter it's like a really cheesy way of making something look good alright so it's much like last time as well if anybody wants to use this as their desktop wallpaper I will be putting the link in the description to an image or album which will have all of minding and greens and if he wants them in there as well oh okay so it's a it's a it's a sandwich on a lead yes yes sandwich on the need yeah Disney film okay that's the one hint of the film the one hit into the film is a lightning bolt yes come on but I was it bolt this ooh dog you said it yes yes yes but what that's sweet what's the pond I don't I try to think of it what's in the syringe Martin ketchup no in pink and what's pink come on was pink pink ham mm close same same animal salami no no no same animal same animal Oh Oh God breakfast Oh bacon bacon yes no else is in there lettuce yes yes all that's fantastic that took some explaining but I really really liked it oh my god that is that's that's next level let's break this down yeah that's you that's me that's men in black but it's not though is it there's a letter missing men in okay let me write this out I'm a very visual person yeah this is Ryan uh was something that you said in the last episode that we filmed so what could you possibly remove here men in back works no that's not me in black in black that's you it's black I get it very clever I get it it's cuz last time you like everything by makes is just him yes there's another character see that's the thing I didn't even like blink I was like yep that's you three two one draw alright okay mean black it helps to write out the words so you can try and work it out if you can guess what the movie is you can kind of work it out pretty easily but if you've struggled to get the movie then you're in trouble and I've drawn on the background oh I tell you what though like that bolt one is slightly more like that's like like slightly less popular Disney one it's near but I still that's what I would say as I hope you hope you get that one because that is definitely on it's definitely less popular just trying to think I I know the pun of this one but I'm trying to figure out exactly how I'm going to go in to make it obvious what's wrong yeah because I was like with the last one I was like yeah I'm gonna draw a BLT but how do I actually make it you know how does it make it recognizable elsewhere Oh actually oh yeah I forgot the most important part to try and help you be able to piece this one together is this thing oh very good oh actually not a shabby job just there take that driver like a bucket tool oh yes even mspaint got that little recognition there okay so my audience you're going to have to forgive me here like I've I've really I've really messed up a bit so I can't actually make a background to make this look nicer but hopefully everyone's that wise it's not changing color properly why is it always gray what have I done there we go big ol grab okay I'm gonna send you mine first yeah trying to figure out the movie title based on that monstrosity okay so that's Kill Bill right yes correct which is an 18 plus film so I doubt many people in the audience have seen it on my side oh yeah maybe yeah so Kill Bill is basically where this woman gets revenge but she's sick she looks like a zombie bill yeah my sermons she's got a cold I get it yeah very nice look at all the detail you put in the background so it's a pan yeah oh okay so this is basically meant to be Peter Pan yes but you see looking for someone's what is appearing is his Peter Pan it's Peter Pan okay so creepy he just flying around London and just peeking in people's windows pierpan that's a look at his eyes is like the third one I think so yeah let's let's get to it where is it there we go right I don't I have a huge list of them here I haven't actually chosen my third one so I'm gonna have to pick one on the go yeah I think I think I might have won it mine looks way too perfect in the MINIX I'm using the lasso tool like the the polygon II one yeah to sort of make things look shaped correctly but I'm now gonna start messing it all up with my with my amazing skills of destruction there we go that should just about do mine looks like a flag for a country that doesn't exist at the moment like that I'm worried I don't want I don't want to do it because I mean am I allowed to get my stick figures can I do stick figures cuz that yeah I reckon so if you're I guess if your main characters on stick figures then I'd be down with that I need to give my characters some life in the moment they're relatively static that's I'm having to concentrate very hard on this one I've like zoomed in on the face and I'm doing a proper facial expressions as I trying to get these then if I drop beneath this layer here and we pretty throwing arm in there and then I think what this is missing at the moment is the the stage shall we say so I'm gonna quickly drop this down to here make just like a really cool sort of like I'm just gonna make this look like wood I don't really know how I'm gonna pull this off this might work and then if I just texture it properly this might actually pop I wonder if anyone can guess from from mine at the moment what I'm actually trying to do here there's there's definitely like a Photoshop tool I think I'm just gonna go around with a little razor that's probably the the easy way to deal with this problem that I have I don't I have honestly never understood what rasterize and smart objects means all I know is you can only do some things with one and you can only do some things or the other yeah I'm not 100% sure that did the full differences between them but yeah need it on occasion where I want an image just to be a wooden layer rather than it being like something with a stroke and a drop shadow and all that sorts their mind so easy dude if you don't get this like instantly I'm going to be upset it's so easy oh I've got like one thing so give me 30 seconds you know what this was a white list was it this was genuinely on my list yeah so this everybody is Moana obviously that lady there is Moana there's no sign of Maui which I'm a bit sad about but we've taken one of the A's specifically the last a away and she's moaning no I like that that was generally on my list so I'm gonna hit you with some of the ones that I didn't use I've got host Buster's so I was gonna have like Conan O'Brien on one side and maybe Anton deck on the other end someone hitting them with a mallet I had mr. Doubtfire for that might be quite good I was gonna do Forrest Gump and then have basically like almost like a stick like really really good list I've got rocky was gonna be rock so his literature's gonna be a rock with some boxing gloves nice Deadpool I thought that bump okay cool Deadpool yep gotcha the jungle boo so I was going to draw our Mowgli in the jungle getting made jump by Baloo these are excellent ones they might want to sequel Martin stop oh my goodness this is a toughy I think it's it's it's very populated but it's more about what the two in the front are doing and what they are and who they are so dirt better yeah that's night is that the Titanic no no no so this is I'll tell you this is a school lion disco is there basically at a dance it's not liking no no no the pose is similar maybe I haven't seen this movie is it is a pretty big film well some people might not have ever seen it but they will know off it's not High School Musical over now so you've got the same oh say Yeti dancing it's dirty dancing you take off the wise dirt dancing boom that was a disco ball not the moon yes it looks like this is nighttime and yeah I haven't actually seen that movie so you're right I have heard of it and I was like dad dad you can come out that's clever okay there we go that was definitely one of the better ones and I thought if I did minecrafter then everyone would know exactly what it is like straight away so that's all three of them let us know in the comments if you got them all right if you were playing along or not and whether you liked it and want us to do it again yeah yeah so thank you very much watching everyone good bye bye bye you
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,673,409
Rating: 4.8932099 out of 5
Keywords: Grian, grian, tutorial, yt:quality=high, ideas, drawing, funny, story, movies, drawing badly, paint, drawing game, 1 letter missing
Id: GlnQHnbZh28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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