I Gave Myself an Early 2000s Makeover (And Roasted its Trends)

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you all know how I feel about the 90s it was the best light up shoes were invented dunkaroos weren't impossible to find people liked big butts and they couldn't lie ah did not pave-set now in that video i saw a lot of comments from people saying that they didn't live through the 90's or they were too young to remember the 90s but it's okay because the early 2000s are basically a continuation of the 90s anyway balls nothing could be further from the truth and today we're gonna clear that up real fast well not fast it's gonna be a long video I want to be thorough in my trashing of the early 2000s your computer was more infected than a zombie apocalypse thanks to the viruses you accidentally downloaded through LimeWire and Kazaa blockbuster turned down the chance to purchase a lesser-known little video service called Netflix which ultimately sealed its fate one word Bennifer which by the way was the first of the super couple ship names that all y'all do nowadays and I don't think that's a good thing musicians had our rough time breaking in a film from Justin to Kelly crossroads chillax was something people said in all seriousness even the rock was struggling with movies I guess you could say he was stuck between himself and a hard place the song my humps by the Black Eyed Peas came out the song bad day by Daniel Powter came out I'd sing it for you but I don't hate any of you that much best way I can sum up the fashion of the early 2000s is going into your closet in the dark grabbing socks underwear a shirt preferably with two or more colors you can pop pants a skirt to go over the pants a hat a scarf a puffy vest and perhaps a tiara if you're feeling wild make sure none of those matched by the way and everyone's butt cracks were out and songs that was actually a thing back then I remember even in my middle school it was hot for you to see your entire song in your eye just yeah we were children I hope that's not a thing now maybe that's just a kid that's not a kid thing that sounds so wrong already I'm moving on anyway we're gonna get into my hatred for this era actually we have already I'm gonna continue with my hatred for this era I'm gonna consider anything from 2000 to 2005 give or take a little bit the early 2000s I say give or take because Mambo number 5 was released in 1999 along with all-star by Smash Mouth and I'm sure all the bad fashion hair and makeup creeped into like 2006 7 so without further ado I'd like to get into some examples because for anyone who doesn't remember this time I don't want you to think I'm exaggerating when I say it was weird and that's coming from someone who embraces weird in general this was a level beyond what I can even handle I asked you guys on Twitter to send me the ugliest pictures of makeup and fashion from the early 2000s that you could find and it doesn't seem like you had a hard time at all with that challenge so I want to talk about some yeah ok need i say more let me just sum up what you're looking at here this is Paris Hilton on a red carpet she's literally standing on a red carpet in a ruched hot pink tube dress with a puffy pink vest on with reflective [ __ ] on it it looks like with a fake tan that can only rival mine the dress is paired with sparkly silver sneakers that she's only half wearing naturally the laces are tied around the backs of her ankles what's what are we looking at and then if we zoom in we can see the very lovely all silver non blended eyeshadow I'm gonna move on for a second we'll come back to this one wait no I love this interaction Carla Powell said in response to this picture didn't Kim use to style her I don't know if that's true but if it is we've all evolved quite a lot from this era pink oh my Oh Hilary Duff I feel bad ashley tisdale was iconic in the early 2000s for kind of setting the tone of the here she's wearing a graphic team another tank underneath layers were like a big thing back then you had to have several visible shirts on at a time with a piano her switch is actually kind of dope I'm not gonna lie but a skirt a sparkly skirt over bell-bottom jeans again friends I would just like to point out she's standing on a red carpet right now I don't I don't even know what this hair is actually I've never seen this before is that real is that Photoshop we got Ashley Tisdale again really doubling down on that jeans under the skirt look chunky highlights okay I'm not gonna lie I kind of feel like this isn't the worst of the early 2000s because it looks like candy on your head like a chocolaty swirly treat or kind of like a skunk but this is also coming from someone who had a black streak in the front of my blonde hair for about six years in high school so I'm a little biased Kristina coming through with the skunk hair yeah yes the classic Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears y'all I kind of wonder if there's some people watching that are too young to even remember that they were once the power couple of America they once wore a fully denim and rhinestone outfit complete with cowboy hat and weird shades to a red-carpet event I love it I love it in a bad way like this is this is good bad it's so bad that I'm genuinely glad it happened I remember these these were these like really stretchy shirts obviously I mean look at the size difference that is the same size as the one that she has on they looked like they could fit an infant and then you put them on and they're so stretchy that they fit you and they just have like a ton of fabric nipples all over them and that was cool they were very comfy to be fair the thing that just blows my mind about this is that this was the formal attire of the time these were our icons setting the bar for the rest of us these were people who had stylists that they paid money to and he showed up like this christina with the thin brows thick liner all the way around the eye tons of blush nude lip I shadow that looks like it was purposely not blended Pam Anderson with the pink or nude lip again dark eyes thin weird brows tan always tan the super low-rise pants I don't understand like how her vajayjay is not just hanging out all over the place maybe they were here we have Paris Hilton with those dangerously low pants and a song out see see I told you it's a thing I see a g-string string present that's scandalous the fact that I remember watching other 13 year olds walk around me with their g-strings hanging out heck I probably did that at some point sorry mom sorry dad if I did I've repressed it it's fine ah the lingerie tank tops we're such a big thing I had so many oh good the crimped hair we'll see that later don't worry ashley tisdale killing it again Wow at least she's matching this time she picked a color and she's stuck with it at least oh yes the velour juicy track suits a vital piece of the Wardrobe and honestly I don't think this is that bad I we're not here to be nice wanna get dirty that is a very small miniskirt that is basically a scarf and that is a scarf covering her boobs oh boy Ashley Tisdale I am crowning Ashley Tisdale queen of early 2000s fashion no one else deserves it more than her Von Dutch trucker hats no no no I can't relive that Ashley that hat with the flower reminds me of like the hats you put on babies for their first photo shoot okay you know what let's review this picture this picture is full of legends first of all there is one important thing to note about this picture though Maya looks incredible she's defied the bad trends of the early 2000s and she was like no you know what I'm not gonna look back at pictures of myself in ten years 15 years and think what the hell was I doing this must have been for a Milan because they did their song together what is going on here here we see pink with i-ight I literally don't know what to call that hairstyle it seems like she's trying to contact aliens through hair antennas antenna antennas and Tenay a long half fur half foil shirt with a foil halter top but the real star of this look are the waist area of the jeans it's like they wanted the pants to go even lower than what was already in trend but they knew the vagina would be out if they did so they just scooped out the area on the sides of the vagina so that they could go even lower and you could see her muscles which I will give her a lot of props for she had a great stomach glitter hairspray I thought that was maybe only a trend because of being in dance competitions back then but maybe it was just a thing I put some glitter hairspray I know shocking I guess that like twisty hair thing whatever the like the little it's like a firework at the end of your hair oh yes one more of ashley tisdale to close this out that's what I want and this might be her best look yet slippers a pink boa and a sleep mask on her head as an accessory this looks like it's at the premiere of Princess Diaries - I love her I don't know much about ashley tisdale but I feel like I just love her now I think we need his stuff now that we're well versed in early 2000s fashion hair and makeup it's only right that if I'm going to trash the fashion hair and makeup of this era that I would give myself a makeover to wear it all where to begin actually I know exactly where to begin I need to get naked because no early 2000s look would be complete without the worst fake tan of my life which is really saying something I'm gonna need a lot I'm gonna put on so much of this that it no longer permeates my skin and it just starts streaking on top strategically this time oh yeah make sure you get the armpits that way everything looks nice and cohesive and you smell like self-tanner for the next day I think if I put on enough of this it might start to look really orange one layer done that's where a normal person would stop but things were not normal back then round to the next video where I'm trying to look normal just be warned this is why I don't there we go there's the orange we're looking for I'm gonna wait to get dressed for a little bit I think I need to dry off let's get into makeup first I'm gonna have to match this beautiful tan on my face how do we make our face more Orange I'm just gonna layer it on top of my current makeup because foundation didn't look great back then so neither should mine I genuinely don't know if I have a foundation dark enough to pull this off but oh no wait that's pretty dark that work we're gonna just mix that with some lighter foundation I just get a nice orange base going okay I'm already feeling more Paris Hilton ah looks like I just stepped off a beach I already look ridiculous on the bright side it's a great way to make your teeth really white look at my hands oh my god what have I done the other huge thing back then was a craps on a bronzer just everywhere I don't think I own bronzer but that was the other big thing you had to have to complete the orange look and you just kind of put it all over your face didn't really matter you know if it was too orange or too dark you just did it obviously we're gonna have to get rid of the brows this is something that continued from the 90s grunge era where we had these pencil thin brown brows but let's do them again no need to be alarmed I lost my eyebrows because I attempted a jackass done at home you should never do that I'm just gonna draw these right over my existing brow hairs I'm not shaving off my eyebrows for an early 2000s look I know I've shaved off my brows for less it seems but this is certainly my cutoff you know there is an upside to these brows they're much quicker to do lashes I feel like we're not as prevalent so unfortunately we're ditching those and and we definitely have some plans for these eyes so let's get into that fun [ __ ] actually that already looks like half the look I might just leave that there I know the order in which I'm doing all of this might seem counterintuitive but I'm just trying to capture the tone of that time which was all entirely counterintuitive and made no sense for the eyes I just want to do that I see white silver all over the lid just that that was the thing makeup inspo goes to Paris Hilton oh oh yes this will be fun this was a great choice to accentuate your orange tan I'm not gonna focus too much on blending because clearly that wasn't much of a focus at the time it's kind of like stripe it yes like that over your eyes doing a mix of white and silver don't forget to get underneath the eyes too because it's not enough to just have it on the top lid I think we need neuter lips I feel like snob my Mac is the perfect color for this very Paris Hilton I can bash Paris Hilton a little bit because she's made fun of herself for how she dressed from the early 2000s to and I appreciate her self-deprecating humor I remember so many girls in my middle school would tightline their eyes like this really heavy and they were the girls that all the guys thought were super hot and then I tried it and I looks like a raccoon with tiny eyeballs I was very upset about it sadly I don't think lashes wear it must have back then so mascara is the extent of what is gonna be happening here hey what else can I do more blush and honestly not all the makeup from this era was this bad but why do it if I'm not gonna do the worst of it I feel like the face is sufficient and I think I'm pretty dry so let's get dressed funny story about that by the way originally I wanted to channel pop princess Britney Spears for this so I ordered this denim crop top off Amazon supposed to lace up the front it's a little [ __ ] which considering we had g-strings hanging out of our pants was I think appropriate I'm normally a size small in tops and I don't know if you can tell but this thing is like a child's small I think I misread I tried to put this on and I couldn't move my arms so unfortunately we have to throw out denim princess and in lieu of that I decided I'm going to channel Ashley Tisdale instead because frankly I had nothing else that would fit the era but if you throw a shirt on with a spaghetti strap tank or dress on top and then you add a scarf that doesn't match you can't really go wrong these are literally my pajamas but we know from Ashley Tisdale that that is fully okay especially for the red carpet the only thing left to do here is the hair and boy do I have big plans for that now I can't bring back my skunk streak but the best way to accentuate an orange tan is to have bleach blonde hair the side shave was not in at the time and this is a trend that I'll probably look back on in 15 years and be like wow nonetheless we're gonna work with what we can I've come prepared with butterfly clips and my personal favorite hairstyle of this era was the twisty and I was good at it even as a child I'm sure some of you remember this era fondly based on how many butterfly Clips you stepped on oh it's just getting worse and worse oh yeah that's that's a good look this really brings out the weird shape of my head I'm gonna need some twisty Firework hair held up only by butterfly clips oh boy this is not flattering at all and last but certainly not least the crimper you know let's get that highlight back on that hair I'm genuinely really excited about this part because I was the crimping Queen crimps my hair all day every day and it takes forever this is really high I think this thing is from the early 2000s my hair looks like weighty fries look at the steam coming off this thing yeah so happy I mean I'm not happy at all and I don't enjoy this at all I hate everything about the early two-thousands okay don't at me the worst is when you're crimping your hair and you accidentally skip too big of a section and it throws off all the crimps like why why was this ever a good thing this is steaming so much it looks like I'm gonna set off a damn fire alarm imagine I start a fire over a crimper let's grab a few pieces you know little accent pieces if you will oh that's just what we needed I think is like buzzing in my ear it is a definite fire hazard do not recommend yes let me turn that off immediately and you know just run your fingers through your hair separate your crimps a little blue fit and then just really make sure those fireworks are going up top and done [Music] I would ask you guys what you think of this look but I don't think I need to because this is the prettiest I've ever looked this complements my natural skin tones best this is a very flattering outfit the hair really brings out my facial features along with this very subtle makeup there's a party going on in my hair in all seriousness you guys it's fun to bash old trends because we can all look back on how ridiculous we looked at one point or another but two things one that if you like a certain thing to style yourself whether it's hair makeup or fashion or body modification or whatever if you like it you should do it no matter what anyone else says because what you wear on your body has absolutely no effect on anyone else so as much as I'm sitting here bashing the way that everyone looked I didn't even get into mens style but trust me there's plenty to be said there too it doesn't really matter what I think and this is all light-hearted and honestly poking fun at myself in a lot of ways because I did a lot of these things this was I makeup I wore for real I still have bad fake tans every week for you although this one is top-notch the second thing is that I'll admit some parts of the early two-thousands were actually kind of great I still think the 90s were way better don't get me wrong but rock music in the early 2000s was amazing and I wish it would come back honestly and flip phones were the best we had the razor we had sidekicks I wish they made a sidekick version of the iPhone we're a razor version of the iPhone where it's still a smartphone but you get the flip action you get the flip action there were plenty of great movies so there's definitely summer I can't think of any off the top of my head but I'm sure there's some and overall I just wanted to have some fun and hit the nostalgia feels like I love to do in a way that I don't usually do the time period was tacky speaking of shameless self-promotion please subscribe to my youtube channel if you're not already hit the bell because the Bell is basically the new subscribe button and like this video if you think I've never looked better and otherwise I will see you guys in next week's video where I we'll probably still be regretting what I've done to myself with this [Music]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 4,420,391
Rating: 4.9400039 out of 5
Keywords: I Gave Myself an Early 2000s Makeover (And Roasted its' Trends), Early 2000s Makeover, early 2000s trends, early 2000s fashion, early 2000s makeup, mykie, glam and gore, glam&gore, mikey, mickey, 2000s, 2000s roast, makeover, worst of 2000s, fashion trends, makeup trends, 2000s makeup, paris hilton, kim kardashian, ashley tisdale
Id: gSYUwicsf7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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