HAUNTED PRISON : I Did My Halloween Makeup In Eastern State Penitentiary

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yello-ha begs guess where woody I some of you already know what this is all about which is really exciting something you don't like the title says today I am doing my effects makeup in a haunted prison yes those exist oh my god the ghosts are so loud here I'm already cute we are in cellblock number eight of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia Pennsylvania my hometown and this one is an extra special episode of the Halloween series because this place this video is what inspired me to do the whole Halloween series for those of you who don't know my very first special effects makeup job I ever had was right here because they have a haunted attraction at Eastern State Penitentiary called Tara behind the walls it's very good it's very fancy I'm not biased you should totally check it out Ruby Morrow gave me my first job ever because she believed in me and I lied a little bit and said that I knew what skin illustrator was when I didn't put dust besides the point we're here today I'm back at my old stomping grounds because I thought it'd be a really nice full circle to come back here in a way that I've never been here before which is oh wait other fun fact I kind of became Mikey here because no one called me Mikey until I got this job cuz when I got this job as some of you already know I have a different name my first name is not my heat my first name is Lauren please don't start calling me that but when I got hired here there were five other Lauren's so she said to me when she hired me the good news is you got the job the bad news is you're gonna have to pick another name and I always like the nickname Mikey from my middle name Michael but no one ever called me that so I was like Mikey I guess and then suddenly I had like 50 brand new friends that all only knew me is Mikey and it was the best thing ever and I started to associate the name Mikey with special effects makeup so when I started my channel and the YouTube thing I had to go by Mikey and now many more people know me as Mikey than is Lauren which is cool anyway not spooky at all yet sorry but check this out this looks like I'm in front of a green screen right like this doesn't even look real but it is watch I'll show you I'm just I'm just in cell block I'm just in a cell block that happens to be really old like 100 and math they built this in 1822 it opened in 1829 October 25th to be exact which is pretty spooky I'd say right in time for Halloween in 1829 today celebrate Halloween in 1829 probably translation this place is old af considering I feel like it's holding up pretty well probably LED paint all over this place it's best those maybe huh but it is sheltering us right now and it is home to apparently a lot of ghosts which I like I'll get a little bit more into the history and the spookiness of this place as we go along but for starters I just wanted to introduce the look that we're doing today as you've probably gathered every look that we've done so far for the Halloween series is taking inspiration from the location that we're at at the Roosevelt we did Marilyn Monroe zombie style because the ghosts of Marilyn Monroe is said to be their queen Mary we did a zombie Ursula because duh the ocean ships you get it in Jerome the ghost town we did a desert kind of look because we were in the desert and today I am clearly in my inmate outfit so I am recreating an infected look that I did very early on probably my first year here perhaps my second but my first year here I think it was a look that I did frequently but that I changed each time a little bit but this look is different because one it's fast too it's budget-friendly three it's easier like it's just the skill set is lower it doesn't involve a ton of prosthetics doesn't involve a ton of blending and these are a lot of products that you will recognize from a lot of my early videos but in a way that we haven't actually used it yet a lot of my channel a lot of the FX on my channel is built around out of kit stuff and that's because early on that was what I used I didn't use a lot of prosthetics I didn't do a lot of full face applications I used building blocks that I could put together and then turn into something so we'll be using some familiar things because I know that I've been doing a lot of big looks through this Halloween series and I wanted to make that you guys had at least a couple of easier budget-friendly options so this is going to be along the lines of the jiron ghost town look in the sense that it is for those who are here to recreate the things and not just here to watch the things but you can watch too like if you don't do things you can still watch the things you know because we're gonna find ghosts tonight we're gonna find ghosts tonight I'm determined sorry Ange it's happening let's do it Wiig snatched halfway oh gosh it's just on so good like snatched yes yes airy hair yeah y'all imprison Mikey if you get that reference I love you glam that's good core we'll talk some history ah I got to protect my lashes though goodbye lashes I suddenly feel so naked that's all it takes the worst thing about prison was the defense's wait things need to get scary I'm gonna tell ghost stories like fun hairier from world scariest and I never got caught neither the belle of the ball I love girls so much I can't get scared if I'm thinking about the office we got to stop Abella the mall you my friend would be the belle of the ball should I leave pristine eyebrows is that spooky not really it's October 3rd in case you or lindsay lohan were wondering I mean you're not seeing this on October 3rd but just no but the day that I'm filming this is me and Girl's Day which makes it kind of special to what do I want to do first I'll mess up my eyebrows at the end I'd like to leave them for now because they make me feel happy did you hear that see that's the tricky thing because we know that there's people here right now people are like leaving work they're doing auditions retire behind the walls so we're gonna hear noises we're gonna assume that they are living humans but what if the ghosts are having a field day in cell block 9 because they know that we're not on to them right now we're not suspicious of ghost activity we assume they're humans those have all been ghosts so far yeah honestly you might have just heard a million ghost sounds and you're chillin you know cuz it's all about perspective if you just think that they're humans you're fine okay so today we are using stuff that all the og zombies have seen many times before which is liquid latex and ground coffee I fell in love with liquid latex and ground coffee right here at Eastern State pen because we used it for a lot of things burns just wounded' textures like a road rash kind of burn but one thing that we used before that I've never mentioned is I used to use it to do infection type looks it's basically like the burn that I did very early on in my channel but it's painted differently all you need like I said is liquid latex and ground coffee you can add other things like lentils or cereal or rice anything that's like small and shapely but we're just using coffee today to keep it really simple please let me know if you see a ghost over my shoulder viewers at home also you too yeah thank you cuz imma be run if you run on them if you run that way I'm running this way immediately to go find the ghost oh the other thing that I'm gonna do is for the most part I'm gonna try to keep all of the painting to one greasepaint wheel which is this one take a look see will it autofocus on this I don't know you get the gist though you see the colors we got green we got yellow we got a blue we got a purple we got a red we got a tan my nails are filthy from the video I filmed yesterday anyway okay yeah okay I'm going to use the green in this on a little brush and I'm gonna map out roughly where I want my infectious spores to go well oh I'm gonna use reference pictures too from times I had done this at terrible handles cuz that's fun there's like a smell about this place that makes me hella nostalgic I'm enjoying it it's taking me back also look I'm on the wall here the exciting I'm gonna put some spores I hate that word spores like some a lot of women don't like the word can you guess she knows they don't like the word moist I'm fine with moist boys I don't like the word spores everything about that is just unnecessary luckily I have a lot of real estate up here so I'm just gonna draw whole thing there you can't really see what I'm doing but are any of you really watching my face now you're watching that behind me I know y'all I should act more scary thank you I can't entertain the people with scary stuff if I'm not scared write something on the nose I guess I can have it coming up my neck all right we're goin a little bit bigger than originally planned cuz I can't help myself but it's all still really simple so you can make it as simple and small or as extravagant as you so choose I think everyone's gone awry so from now on if we hear anything it's a ghost you excited Ange why not it's gonna be so fun so now I'm just taking a little bit of latex I make a pledge shake a bunch a sponge wedge sponge wedge do we have a name for this unit brave we're taking a sponge triangle and I'm going to put it in the areas that I have cordoned off is that a word suddenly I don't know anything about anything I think the ghost is making me stupid can ghosts do that they probably can those can do anything I would imagine except for show themselves sorry I am gonna summon them tonight while you're here come at me bro get it like ghosts but bro gross it doesn't roll off the tongue great but you feel me and then I'm taking ground coffee she smells lovely and I'm going to sprinkle it all over my face well specifically where we put latex kind of try it also not to make a mess but no promises there clean up in cell block eight cuz Ange picked cell block eight it was just focused behind me I'm just saying it's starting it might be because I'm off-center or it's because there's a ghost too oh yeah we have a night-vision camera going on the side that'll be extra spooky when we get in to the other cell books that we picked a cell block that is well lit because I want you to be able to see behind me and how deep the cell block goes but there's a lot of other really creepy cell blocks here that I want to show you before we leave today don't worry you'll get the tour prison Mike has me talking in a New York accent now Wow you better watch yourself I'm gonna lock you in a cell block by yourself solitary confinement jersey trash okay we're gonna start here with those three once you do that you take more latex and then you completely cover the ground coffee you're making like a sandwich on your face the bread is the latex the coffee is the ham or the turkey or the tofurkey whatever you knew I need to be less weird I'm supposed to make this spooky this is probably the scariest place I'm visiting the entire series and yet I'm hype because I'm comfortable here because I worked here I've walked these cell blocks by myself in the dark and nothing ever happened I feel real tough here insert shots of me at your room to just bring me down a peg I was I was there and absolute was now I'm waiting a little bit of time perhaps like two to three minutes for this to start drying and when it's kind of dry I'm gonna start picking holes in the latex so that it kind of looks like it's festering and disgusting which is the exact same thing that we do for burns it's all about the paint job paint job is different placements a little bit different and you get a whole different look it's fun that's a ghost that is a ghost opening that creaky door that Kirk was coming from there I heard it from that way the girls say that it it's that way you're saying it's that way yes and you tell them you're a ghost you are gonna be a ghost you know what has to happen first for you to be a ghost I'm a hardened criminal person might be nice to meet you I've been caught neither and now I'm just taking the end of my palette knife you can use anything know it toothpick a fork the end of your brush there's a lot of more basic things to use before you get out for it and you just start peeling away yeah get in there can you see what I'm doing prana I'll zoom in for you don't repeat that anywhere else you've marked off for the infection I'm gonna go a little ham down here toxin well that's Mel oh god I'm gonna regret this so hard all right oh well no matter it's just putting a lot of latex in the baby hair area of my face that is truly spooky honestly I'm just trying to hide a pimple that sprouted up last night has one pimple makes latex beard listen my skin has been clear for months I do one one chin prosthetic you'll see and I get a huge pimple the day before another big shoot I don't think so I'm covering that thing I don't care god I'm gonna regret this so much it's focused on the back back there oh it was it's not anymore going for it yeah we can deal with that later and covers the bear thought I got a football in this guy first you don't want to wait until it gets too solid otherwise it's not as good for poking holes in trust me excuse me I'm over here we're good I regret that's already so much it's so much but I feel like because it's so simple I have a hard time just doing a simpler look and getting infected from the body up you know Marilyn was getting infected from the blonde brain down infected from era just how it goes sometimes let's Joe pages I guess I should use some of the coffee that's on the desk huh don't even be wasteful there's so much I think I just inhaled a coffee it's nice too because if your latex smells bad coffee grounds kind of balance it out because it flushes the nose and things you know how you're supposed to like smell perfume and then smell ground coffee and then smell perfume Oh baby here is already I'm never taking this off I'm just gonna wait until it slowly peels off so I don't have to go through the pain of ripping it off not that I would ever do that I remember staying late sometimes in helping the actors take off their makeup properly it was fun and I used to not understand actors would sit in my chair and they talked about how raw their face is from makeup and how they don't want latex and I'd get frustrated as a makeup artist thinking like my job is to put latex on you pretty much like your skin can't be that raw and then I became a youtuber where I put makeup on myself and latex on myself and now I get it and now I feel bad yeah that feels like death I hate that I do look like I'm part of the building [Music] okay now we wait for my infection beard to dry this ends up looking beardy we're gonna have to change it can't look like a beard I hope you bad so as far as painting goes that's also very simple I used to just use Browns on the inside of our little opening infection II pustules fours yellow on the actual coffee area and then brown on the outside like a sandwich again where the bread is the brown and the tofurkey is the yellow how did we get here I'm already messing this up there's no brown in this wheel I don't think I realize that but Brown is crucial so I can't keep it to one but I can keep it to two family don't so first I'm just putting brown on the insides of we're gonna call them spores they are now our sports Brown on the inside of the spores face craters sure Eastern State Penn has seen some [ __ ] while it's been open there's a lot of cool aspects about the penitentiary the first being that it was the first penitentiary where the focus was not just to house a bunch of criminals altogether it was to actually reform them make them better make sure that they go through penance hence penitentiary however as humans tend to do things did not stay great all the time [Music] there are reports of one person in particular who kind of ran a slew of very questionable punishments for the criminals there's reports of a device like a gag device that would tear an inmates tongue while their hands were strapped behind them [Music] [Music] inmates were reportedly dunked in cold water and then strewn up on a wall to dry in the winter months of the year there was a chair that would cut off the circulation of the inmates limbs and reportedly there were some amputations that arose so you know not the best things the inmates had some good things going for them early on when this place first opened it had running water before the White House did which is pretty impressive that's probably where the fun ends though because there are some horror stories associated with how inmates were treated unless you're Al Capone he was living the high life check out his cell compared to a normal cell Al Capone's cell is actually one two three four doors away from me right now but what's happening here I just ripped open the whole neck apparently not remember doing that but here we are so obviously there's a lot of reports of ghosts in this place there are reports of a guard being seen in the guard tower where I believe no one is allowed to go anymore I heard that directly from a friend when I worked here so now that all of our innards are brown I'm gonna paint the meet part of our sandwich yellow we've had a stuff with that comparison but it's the only one I know I think I'm hungry I'm probably just hungry go for yellow and we're putting that on top of the coffee so like in a burn you would paint this part red instead I paint it with yellow and it ends up looking green because the latex mixed with the brown coffee mixed with the yellow it's kind of makes this green and gross I'll cost you scared yet Ange no man you seem pretty tough so obviously a lot of ghost stories come out of this place I haven't experienced anything personally when I worked here I did walk through cell blocks by myself in the dark but I did get to talk to some friends at the beginning of this shoot who have worked here a very long time and have either heard some [ __ ] or experienced so [ __ ] Fang come tell me a story okay you're gonna have to I guess just stand like a ghost cuz I only got one chair I used to do makeup on pain kind of religiously every single day that you were tell me those stories what have you heard so it's more so I would have heard there will over in cellblock 12 one of the managers had somebody come up to him one of his workers she was in what we call drop scare so she you know she's looking out through a very narrow little spot at people coming towards her for her keyword went to jump out but she came up to him obviously shaken and said that she was looking out through her little scare window and she saw customers walking towards her but there was somebody behind them and they were dressed in a like a prison uniform but not like one of our costume ones they were dressed and like an old-timey looking one and she said that they were like walking behind them kind of menacing but also like mockingly like oh it's so scary like walking with tans up and like this really weird look she looked away she's you know kind of like shut her head clear her head I guess and then she looked back and it looked at her and disappeared [Music] so she was super shocked she went home he was just she was she was all so apparently his stepfather had also gone through or somebody from his family might be getting some of the details wrong it's been a long time so many from his family came through that night and he met up with them afterwards and he was like so what you think it was like oh it's great but as I was going through your attraction there's one part we've got like a cell in the middle and you've got an actor in there but there was somebody in there with him and he was wearing this like old prison uniform didn't match all the any of the other prison uniforms and he was behind her after and he had like his hands up and like he was kind of like mock scaring him and you know I was like what the heck's going on here and I looked at him and he looked at me and he disappeared so two different people who could not have like planned their stories an actor and a family member experienced the same thing on the same night and you've seen some [ __ ] yeah tell me your story cell block 9 yeah that's Alan that we didn't shoot an event that you didn't pick I gave her the choice between cell block 8 and 9 and she chose 8 because I couldn't think I wanted 9 because it's my lucky number but she chose 8 so we went with 8 is 9 the one where we're a thing happened to you times we might have to walk down a walk it was a dark stormy night not really it was probably in the beginning of October a night like tonight and I was a zombie guard anyway it would take about 10 to 15 minutes to do the scene where the prisoner escapes we run out into the crowd we grab him then we shove him down a hallway much like this a lights we're out and all of my actors ran away and we use radios here in order to communicate and I had left my radio in one of the cell blocks and I bent down to get my radio and the cell lock and something pulled me in and pushed me out by my jacket like in a cell like innocent like in a cell like that look so I left my radio down on the floor where all that debris is much like that and I would pick up my radio and usually be okay but this one evening I picked up my radio something yanked me in and then pushed me out with an energy I believe oh boy see anything in nine you should film tonight we're going at nine later you and I New York no no we are gonna be fun Paris that's hilarious that you might be given the choice of the two you didn't know it was that one you were like that's not denying let's do anything and I'm like I want to do nine I let her pick because since I knew she had a story I figured she would pick the one with the higher ghost activity there is any yeah but maybe she just helped us I've laid it thank you if nothing happens in this tutorial it's an just fall I'm sorry 100% also I think one of these scariest things I've ever seen on ghost hunters came out of Eastern State Penitentiary because I'm like a very evidenced-based person despite getting easily creeped out by small noises yes I know but there is a shot from here from ghost hunters where it looks like something runs towards the camera and immediately darts back away from it have you seen that it's really strange it's one of the most compelling visuals for the supernatural that I've ever seen still don't fully subscribe to the idea that that's what we're looking at but it's very unsettling for sure it just got very quiet I will say that I've walked through some cell blocks in the past that were significantly colder than other cell blocks and that's supposedly a sign of the supernatural or that one is drafty er than another I don't know I'm such a party pooper like imagine me showing up to like a haunted party and I'm the one that's like it's just drafty in this one actually actually a draught does run south-southeast I'm just saying like I'm taunting ghosts I've gone to all these haunted locations and I'm taunting them and they have not given me anything back is it that I can't demand ghosts or is it that they don't exist I don't know okay so now we got our green we got our brown and then I think the the trick that really makes this look much better is to pull more Brown away from our spores so for this part I'm just taking a brush or a sponge or whatever you really have dipping it in brown grease paint laying it along the outside of our sport and pulling out and as I pull out I'm pulling my brush slightly away from my face so the pressure on the brush lessons like this is a really simple extra step that makes it look extra gross [Music] so like obviously this is not accurate to any actual infection you'd probably ever see but it's a nice theatrical rendition of something gross not all effects makeup has to come for something real or realistic sometimes you just want to look gross for another reason kind of look like a mossy tree though yeah yeah I'm totally not going for a mossy tree yeah I mean I want to look moldy in like a sports but not in like a moldy tree sense this yellow has made it like extra green so I think I might try to put a different color on top to counterbalance that's a ghost 100% confirmed and ghost sighting sometimes I would run white cream paint like I am now over the top because it makes it look a little more like moldy which is disgusting I would think against mold I mean I know that humans instinctively have a thing against mold but like I really have a thing against mold I thought that was a scream but it was a toilet damn cliche creaky door there's been a lot of cliched creaky doors in the places we've been filming it's like they plan it what places are just creepy that's sufficiently pretty gross another thing that I would do for infectious type looks a really any look that I did I'd tower behind the walls is I would use red cream paint on a brush and I would put it around the eye area just a really easy way to be disturbing to look sickly or creepy red specifically in the waterline is very unsettling so I also used to do a lot of theatrical type accents when I worked here so I'm gonna use a little bit of brown to kind of emphasize bags under my eyes wrinkles in my forehead even this chair is cliche creepy it's all creaks oh yeah looking tired already now's the time to mess up an eyebrow right it was an odd sound oh please go explore be my guest and just getting brave over here go in oh you're both leaving me well welcome back to earth how was your experience yeah I'm impressed you were pretty far Hoss I keep forgetting the best part I was looking for a puss pun to make because I'm applying puss to my face and ang said it best when she said I can't puss out now I gotta go ghost hunting as soon as this look is done into the dark cells that are creepier because they are so very pitch-black feel like I'm icing a cake a spory cake this puss is not very stringy and it's bumming me out I was looking forward to screening puss oh that's too much kind of reminds me of honey mustard suddenly I'd like some chicken fingers that don't cost $20 yes I'm still on that wonder if I'll ever not be on that puss is like the scab blood of infectious looks you can't do without it yeah cool all right now if you'll excuse me I need to add some teeth some contacts and a prison Mikey hat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you feel safe with flashlights yeah [Laughter] casually going down to the hole fun [Music] this is so creepy my head is on the ceiling right now I'm ducking [Music] No [Music] so basically sensory-deprivation 24/7 [Music] I think I think that was the point I see you and that's right oh really [Music] yeah I'm not a big fan about says it move forward it's a very few how scary is for that to happen and you can't see I can't see I just heard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the first look I've ever done where I truly can't see the final product I won't see the finished look until I'm fully out of this and I have these contacts out of my eyes but it straight up looks like I'm in a cloud right now and I'm saying to them that the funny part is that they might be traumatized soon because they're gonna see a ghost and I won't see anything because I can barely nope I can't see my hand right now that's amazing I can't see my hand it's not as bad in dark but in front of a bright light like I am right now to film I can't see anything I can see the tip of this finger right now none of the others the best finger yeah it reminds me of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland where like you can't see your hand a foot under the water but that's my whole world right now I'm not gonna talk too much because I don't want to crack this by my mouth but this is the final look this is Eastern State Penitentiary this is the most beautiful full circle of my life I think and the grossest as well and yeah I think that there are like points in my life that explain a lot about me and why I'm such a creep being born on November 1st being the very first to start off the creep factor like I was trying to enter the world on Halloween and my mother made me wait so sorry mom but you got more than you bargained for with that one The Exorcist at age 11 being one of them and I think having my first really serious makeup job doing the kind of makeup I really wanted to do which was FX here at one of the most haunted places in the world my life has led me to being the creep that I am today so I hope that you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching if you are new here and lurking please hit subscribe like this video if you've ever done something illegal I'm looking at you jaywalkers like this video if I can't see which means you should all be liking this video and hit the notification bell even though you're not gonna see any just like I wouldn't see any ghosts if I met any right now I'm gonna ghost bust out of this place thanks for watching see you next week when I can see again bye okay I'm just gonna take a stab in the dark here it wasn't that [Music] [Music] from [Music]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 2,813,834
Rating: 4.9794641 out of 5
Keywords: HAUNTED PRISON : I Did My Halloween Makeup In Eastern State Penitentiary, glam and gore, mykie, haunted prison, makeup, halloween makeup, halloween makeup tutorial, makeup tutorial, eastern state penitentiary, terror behind the walls, mikey, Glam&gore, ghost hunting, ghost hunters, scary makeup, scary halloween
Id: d5MB4WKCtWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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