i fell down... go boom... | Human Fall Flat w/ Bob & Wade - Part 2

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previously on human fall flat seems like I could fall off at any moment not a great club what's the point Bob what's the point dreams don't know wait don't take this from me why would you do it for us this is for us no wait don't please don't [Applause] I think he was really gonna have it I was you know I was I think I believe I think you were it was very clear I had here let's just move this way buddy it's okay it's okay buddy mark you owe me break this lock he won't hear you know what you do it buddy you earned it no way did you hurt me today you've hurt me in ways I didn't know I could be hurt I can't believe you'd do that the pain in my soul you're being so dramatic right now mark you know that it didn't happen to you Bob dude he did it to me too he did the exact same thing to both of us oh yeah where's the highest mountain I can jump off here wait mark I can Ram you through this is this this is like a cool spear thing to die yeah let me entail me impale why isn't it turning turn here I'll be I'll be wherever the pointy end is just know I saved him I tried to kill mark leave me alone let me die no that's just my bad it's harder to a that you'd think it's harder to have move towards where it's going to be turning it's really close backwards okay that'll definitely be better you know what I think I need to reset my grip okay please in the face you're nagging me now oh I'll save him don't worry let me go let me go these stairs that's not what you want to see but it'll work and I'll catch you I'll catch you I got it didn't work it it didn't work the climbing so I'll give you some time you're not ready to fly this was ahead of wasting time put me the catapult launch me please alright alright alright finally a way to die alright okay oh my god you went over it damn it nice work baby there you go Bob can you both get in it and trigger it while you're in there oh yeah climb in here and then just smack the handle yes this will work right it'll work so that's almost it oh wait wait can I do the thing oh wait no I could just get to the other ones no no I'm an idiot I thought this was special I thought if it was like you didn't break the wall you could get to agree but no though you're right I mean you're totally right that would be clever game design I guess these developers obviously subbed myself oh no wait a minute oh my god can someone come grab me Wade you can always count on him grabbing yeah cuz this is a go ah there you go one block at a time dude there's a door here dude pump dude by plum dude this door I can't get it up in here we got a door oh my heart's being blown I mean I want to follow in your footsteps mark my mind's blown wait oh my god no there's stairs right here I look upon you peasants entering my castle my castle with my name on it hang on I can use this haha okay I prefer there was an easier way in the net what whatever wait wait why this fall wait mark where's this super secret door bro yeah yeah yeah I am saving you I don't think that's true doors open the way is clear can we push this together where are you guys going oh you see guys guys guys guys guys binding oh good thinking mark I open the door yeah let's use the cart no guys the door look I did it I did the thing I want to ride it cool good oh wait bringing the cart over here oh here Bob the doors open now I made it across oh hey Mark I think I picked the optimal way to handle this cart hang out a minute I'm not trying to kill him I'm not petty like that yeah I'm not petty I'm not petty you know wait is his weight does and it's all haha that's all art or am i bringing this cart just over here by this rooftop of that plank working out for you mark worked up great but your carts obviously way better and I would never belittle any of your efforts so I don't imagine you would belittle mine you do great work dude thank you I wasn't talking to you and I don't think I ever will but good to know what I'm in the water is that good oh no apparently not knocked me off you dick I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry I'm sorry than I was trying to get out of the way get one swing back do need one swing so what multiple swings are for babies we know I guess I'm baby God how did I make that better watch it no please help me grab my head take my hand take my head I'll owe you a life debt please gotcha do I have you let go of your hand on my head grab on there we will both lick of yeah and then we'll both go up we got this yes yes yes yes I don't think you have be come on listen there we go you go first buddy you earned it you go ahead alright thank you Bob were you it you need a night why not Tim figuring it out you know all right I did it I've done it hey Mark you said that lamp back where what oh yeah it's coming back very slowly with this part I can't believe you struggled with hey I'm pulling a block thing over here where your sister meant you're meant to drive it yeah trust me don't drive is it just to get on the roof no this is to get across somewhere are you still pulling wait which way are we going I was gonna go I think we might need it over here looking at where mark set whoa do we even need oh I see what you're doing here you got to put in between these so you can jump across this gap or you guess you could just climb on that building over there through the lamp all right guys I got this huge thing by myself you drive it all by yourself logically speaking can't believe you're struggling with it do you want me to push or pull I may have been too far I didn't know that could happen it was unaware we've gone keep going wage I feel like you're really not helping alright there we go there we go if we lose mark it's alright wait we just need to make sure my gosh guys good turn the other way wait turn are we under we I think we're uh yeah yeah no more no more stop this is where we stop this is where the stopping happens we we did around cool good whatever is happening now is not us also I have an idea I'm gonna go back a little bit well if I just feel like this can you can you oh my goodness guys have you you can do it nope not quite you need to go a little lower mmm oh that's that's the rock that's the rock oh oh oh that's your right hand is on my head right now you let go your left hand there's a lamp you there's a lamp the last lamp lets you it swings around yeah this is gonna work so well guys I'm gonna get in position to help if it doesn't beautiful nevermind I'm in trouble okay one of you just pull me up the roof or something wait actually let's do it on this end because you can stand on you know if you climb up on the wheel you can stand on the wheel and just get me that doesn't make any sense wait why are you so aggressive with your wobbles and we go wait let me go you can't do it wait I don't need it okay I do need help actually thank you life-debt I was trying to find tackle one of you is that a hook hook hook swing [Laughter] Oh save you save you yeah oh well interesting but I did the hook part good it was the didn't stick the landing hey wave got me a cross in time look at us well you guys just took the rock up enough you got what you need there way alright let's go up this is for but this might help you guys somehow good blog okay cool oh yeah that'll work that's walkable right oh my god no that's working all right Wade you ready yo inkum you're great yo ur the hamster wheel over the hamster wheel we're gonna hook this on there well spin the hamster lower the rock all right you know what I meant I don't know I never know what you must my favorite kid rocks on lower the hamster wheel grab sorry I have to lower the rock it's definitely good oh my god for good reason what you didn't think it was doable well I didn't say that okay I didn't see mark smarter than the rest of us thank you thank you somebody said it thank you I've been doing it I came in here first I'm smarter than the rest of you well by my own rules that's true and just am not the rules giveth and the rules taketh away are we supposed to roll a barrel we must have been supposed to like lay it down and then give it a little shove a Rooney yeah well that looks right go catch it go catch a Bop never mind I'm here to catch it I mean that was up I got it I'm the best done I'm so goddamn great good work Highway yeah okay you know what I'm not bitter I'm not a bitter vengeful person is this really the right window apparently no that's terrifying I don't like that at all no did you not make it you need it oh I need a hand all right we kind of lost the barrel so don't [ __ ] up anymore it feels so good to be so far ahead yeah yeah yeah ooh you want to spin the wheel don't want to hit a Xango hmm a really good wheel spinner wait we got I'm gonna try to jump around you there seems to be something going on here wait what's this all about what's all this nonsense this is a place huh yeah wait is this where we're supposed I'm still way back here doing weird stuff oh did I just go backwards Oh God I did um this is not what this is supposed to do I found the blacksmith guys gone oh that's like a you mean I lived oh I died life is cruel like oh come on I hate this oh hey Mark Waid get it get it get it for me do it for me you didn't do it at all I did it exactly as I did before only wrong or I just grabbed it yeah what is it gonna come off yeah are you guys over at the end maybe oh wait for me I'm alive I'm alive you probably don't want to be that alive Wow your chin cut alright there's nothing down here where does this even go room for two yeah it doesn't really go anywhere so I'm gonna swing friend swing swing swing wait oh wait wait we only need to go to the ledge over yonder way yeah this way you guys need some assistance from a hook don't worry Bob [Music] you're right this couch slam the hell down people pay a lot of money for that Wow slam like I've seen some bad ones but that one quality good slam you don't make that jump is the thing oh I'm back here now guys you're gonna love this we're gonna why are we gonna love this I'd already hate it you're gonna love this did you make it over already mark to you oh my god you actually got it what a wizard I got it wait we don't see where your stupid person that you are are the windmill blade that's dumb he's dumb Wow I think I can make this jump it feels like I can make this jump I mean I didn't make it but I'm close wait mark where are you I thought this is where you were going I'm on the ledge exit one of these is home get sucked in you must wait for I got this that's oh I'm not dead well this is a different setting what are you doing are you still trying to make the jump off the windmill no I'm at the blacksmith what where where's where's the blacksmith all right we're not in on the joke okay just because it's a you meme doesn't mean we all like it Smith maybe I'll find the blacksmith whoa this is a different setting what's going on down here why do that bring this bucket did you come in my fuel yeah oh I know why I brought oh hey what's up dude because I am the best you can't beat him die a horrible painful death shut up I'm the best what don't what the best is playing oh god okay pop you didn't tell me about the falling pillars ooh I didn't know about the falling pillars I may have done that I may have started that train of events accidentally how's it going down here guys great I think you mean how's it going up where we are winners hello oh my god it's Lord of the Rings in here that didn't that's the first time I experienced that myself the last one before it just did it is this gonna work [Laughter] grab your face I think I got it hey buddy I know oh oh wait wait jump on this wait cuz jump on this oh you probably know about it but I'm coming with you I face playing it pretty hard [Laughter] all three of us can get in this I bet oh yeah let's do that we can totally do this little butt I've ever seen dang it ah don't force me out hang on all right all right [Applause] Oh interesting hi Mike you can just hop around I gotcha you don't I don't work weights being is I'm one up - come here little guy never embodied the Three Stooges more than in this case good solid grasp on there for two seconds do we need to bring something to climb up there just right one of us has to make it all right teamwork everybody I can't believe that worked a little bit it's a miracle yeah this is the exit oh oh come on guys I believe in us okay well before you go Wow okay oh he's still in a position where it can help I think okay all right is I'm gonna grab here and we'll bring my head up and if you can grab my head get him get him Wade you can do this there you go there you go you just like grabbed my ass I know how this works wait can you dangle your legs on this side and maybe I'll grab your legs and then you shoot myself again looks like a really tall guy oh dammit what's going on with his camera okay okay how do I pull the lever okay very high angle to see for a spider-man kiss oh my god it was never to be repeated never to be unfortunately maybe your arm is joint oh oh what it's fine we live together this and teamwork no it's fine no no no remember you Oh Bob and I another life debt all right that's fair [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,287,519
Rating: 4.9791102 out of 5
Keywords: human fall flat, human fall flat markiplier, human fall flat gameplay, funny games, best games, multiplayer games, human fall flat multiplayer, human fall flat muyskerm, human fall flat lordminion777, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, funny multiplayer games, best multiplayer games, online multipalyer, mark bob wade, markiplier muyskerm lordminion777, gameplay, gaming, funniest games, laughing, coop, collab, funny collab, funny gaming videos
Id: Owl3D609g_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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