ANGRIEST FISHING EVER | Hand Simulator w/ Bob & Wade

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ninja-Yatsu 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
W:OOHH hey! Hey there! B: H-Hey buddy! B: Hey how's it going? M: Okay, I'm glad you guys are having so much fun there. HA. HA. HEE. HO. W: Oh hey, there's-there's Mark. M: Hang on, I'm here... M: Hello, who- who's that over there? Is that to the right? B: That's me. That's me. that's me to the right. W:That 's Bob M: Hellooooooo, W: I'm to your left. M: Helloooooo B: I'm gonna give you a Casey Neistat wave B: This is how he waves to people?! *Words turn to laughter* *Everyone laughs* M: Helloooooo... B: Alright so what are we d- What are we doing here? W: So first we have to press this red button... B: OK W: ...And then, it starts the map W: So now we have to open this box, get a grenade out, and throw it at each other M: Alright, easy peasy! B: Oh god W: nrg.. No where are you going, W-where? WHYYY is r- hand that way! M: You know shouting about your own failures is maybe entertaining for some people but for professional gamers like me we don't care. W:*gibberish* M: No! Its t- What are you talkin' about? ME? W: That's all you've done for 6 years-- M: Noooooooooo! M: I shout about my successes M: And my successes are that I'm gonna blow your ass away B: I- I- Having never played this game before I feel like I'm at a distinct disadvantage M: *laughs* Don't worry, It's really... *fades into more laughter* M: Oh you can left click-- There goes my frames again! It's two frames! M: Oh- It's back, nevermind W: Why- Why're you having issues? M: It's two frames!! Aahh! I've turned to jello!! Hang on! M: Wait- What the- What?? *wade yelling* W: Oh no, it didn't go very far M: You actually threw it- Uh *explosion, scream from wade* W- whaaa??? *Mark and Bob laugh* M: I got two frames! Two fra- Two f- Two- Two frames! W: I like how my stats are pretty bad but like Marks, 0 wins, 0 kills, 2 deaths M: Oh please, you have 18 deaths! W: I do- M: You can't exactly the proportionality is-- M: ooouuuyyuooouyouuo W: Hey, 14 of my deaths are *unintelligible* B: Oh no! I c- Fucking close the thing!- God- B: I hate all of you M: what, you hate all- What did I do to you?? M: I'm just tryna play a nice friendly game of grenade! *Bob in background* I... hate... all of you M: Hang on-- I'm about.. I'm about to blast your ass from here to Timbuktu B: Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah... M: Right... quickly... FRAMES! FRAMES!! M: Frames! Frames! FrAames! Frames! FRAAAMEZ! B: Is there a more convenient way to raise the *unintelligable* M: FRAAMES! W: One of Mark's arms is just gone.. *laughter* *Mark yelling frames aggressively* M: There we go, I'm back now.. apparently M: I don't know why that happens B: uh- u- uh- hang on- W: Mark, where is your left arm?? M: Don't worry about it, it's right in front of me M: You don't need to worry about where my arm is, worry about where your arm is. W: I'm dead M: Yeah, I know, see? Maybe you should- shoulda worried about where your arm was W: I- M: sTuPiD B: Can I not pull the pin once I pick this up? I don't understand M: You gatta put yer finger in the pin M: FRAMES! frames! FRaAaHaAmES! *laughter* FRAMES!! M: K. We're back- FFRRAAMMEESS!!! M: Hang on- Wait- No- It's fine. M: FRAMES- uhuhh- Frames! WHY? FRAME-RATE! M: WHY FRAME-RATE? WHY FRAME-RATE GO BAD? M: WHY DO I HAVE NO FRAMES?? WHAT IS THIS SHIT? *Bob and Wade laughing* M: Oookay M: Well I guess I win! M: Why do I have no frames?! M: Are you tellin' me they didn't optimize this game to be high quality- W: Does this look like the kind of game that they would optimize?? M: YESS!!!! I played this game before and it was perfectly fine! M: It's only when I join YOU assholes!! W: It's perfectly fine for me!! M: It's not fine for me! M: Hang on im gonna- Ima restart the game I'm gettin outta here! Screw you guys! Screw each and every one of you guys All of you at the same time Screw You B: Wh- How do we restart the- How do we play it again? W: I do it M *mocking*: Ohhhh Wade does it Oh, okaay. W: Well I hosted the server what do you think-- M: Ohh Wade does it Oh, okaay. W: Hey how are your frames? M: They're better now! I'm- I restarted the game and it's definitely better W: You don't wanna yell "FRAMES! FrAaAMeS!" for 10 more minutes? M: What's wrong with me- m- I'm telling you guys of a problem and you guys- you guys should be like more understanding W: Hey! You didn't care about my issues! So I don't care about yours M: I don't care about your issues! W: I don't care about yOuRs! M: Well you ShOuLD! W: No I shouldn't! You having issues is better for me! M: No it's not I'm pu- It- du- Obviously not! I had a ton of issues and you still died! M: So who- *burps* -'s fault is this? Did we start? I'm pushin my button. Alright. Get ready Cause you guys Are donezo. By the way I know you guys were concerned but the frames are- BAD- BAD- FRAMES fa- frames! WHYY?? Why- This is not fair! *Bob laughing* M: This is very clearly not fair! M: Why are you guys ruining my frames?! W: Bob and I decided to get together, earlier, and, take away your frames. M: hhah god dammit M: G- I can't- I can't-- I cAnT- I can't. I can't, I can't. M: Maybe it's the multistream. Maybe m- maybe- maybe watching the multistream is causing this-- Ima turn off the multistream, ima go back in the game It's still crappy-- AAH! NOoOoO! hOw DiD tHaT- bUT i- but! I didn't even pull the pin! M: But I didn't pull the pin! whoa W: Where'd bob go? M: Bob? *explosion* M: Well. W: Bob's muted by the way. I don't' know if you know that. B0:Hello B: Hello W&M: Hello M: I- I- I need to- I'll be right back M: Hang on, I'm turning the graphics quality to very low *Sad piano music plays* W: Did you hear about that guy who had bad frame issues? What a loser B: What an iDiOt M: Ok I've got good frames right now but I have a feeling that's gonna stop *W&B Laughing* W: We'll find out, I'm sure we'll hear about it if you do M: Yea Whatever man. I feel like I should be able to share with my friends... The problems that I'm having and you guys are just like nnnnnnnnnnnnnn M: Fr- Oh right when I go for trying to put the pin in... M: It frame drops, everything's fine until I try to pull the- I pulled the pin M: Hang on wait, I gotta throw it, throw it, throw it M: LET GO M: LEEETTT GGGGOOOOO M&B laugh *Mark's horror of realizing that he didn't record the game immediately sets in* M: I didn't even show the game. I didn't even show the game to people. I didn't even show the game. *Wade laughs* *Bob laughs while saying* He, didn't, even, have, the game, on, screen M: I'm such a bad let's player, I'm so bad, I'm so bad, I'm just the worst M: I can't do anything right. I c-, why don't' I get any frames hang on I'm looking it up, hang on I'm looking it up. Good bye game, I'm looking it up. Help M: please, somebody help. M: Ok there's two fixes, I'm gonna do this real quick and then we are gonna play a real good game in heren M: and I'm gonna beat you guys, right? W: Bob you're muted again, I don't' know if you meant to be. B growls: NO *W&M laugh* B: I haven't- I haven't done anything yet. *M&W still laughing* B: So I don't know.. B: What you're so worked up about Mark M: It's just funny man, I'm just laughing man, laughing M: HA HA HA HA B: That's *unintellgible* W: *screaming* OH NO, NOT AGA-HA-hain! *Bob laughs* B: I'm just over here trying to jam it in the hole and Wade's killing himself for me, I appreciate that W: I'm a master of the pin. But a failure of the throw M: Yea, yea, yea ,yea,yea M: I can't even get any, get any frames... W: Just FRAMES, FRAMES m: oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ok, alright, ok, alright, ok, alright, ok W: Mark's master of the FRAMES M: alright, ok, you know what... W: Know what? M: I don't know man. M: Wait, wait, we've got a fix, a start a new one. B: Hang on, I gonna get the pin out! M: Start a new one W: As Soon as Bob lets me I'll restart it. M: Cut him off. Cut him Off. Start a new one M: Once Bob gets in here. I got another idea. Ok now B: Hello M: Ok now restart it. Apparently that fixes it. W: done M: Ok and now apparently this should be all good. So I should be good to go here. M: Alright, smooth so far, smooth sailing W: I'm ready M: Smooth sailing so far. Oh yea, this is smooth as butter. This is smooth M: Nnaahhhh, goddamn it. There goes my frames. OH W: What happening M: THROW IT! THROW IT! THROW IT! THROW IT! THROW IT! M: Oh W: I DID IT M: oh, goodbye guys W: See ya dude W: How's your frames *Bob laughs* *Mark laughs* B: How's your frames you f#$&ing dick *Mark laughs harder* B: You know how my f*%&ing frames are you f$*@ing dick M: You know Wade I*wade tries to interrupt* feel like at some point, at some points we used to be friends... M: who cared about each other and who supported each other when we're low M: And had problems and know I feel like you are just smacking me when I'm down. W: Oh, bro M: wha, don't bro me W: Dude, bro. M: what, what, what W: man it's- B: man, are you dude bro-ing him right now. W: Dude no, bro M: Alright, I'm watching you. My frames are good now. M: I don't know why. Now that I'm not playing M: Yea Wade, for me your left hand just isn't, your whole left arm is gone B: I feel like my pin is not... My pin does not want to do the thing M: I found like shaking the grenade around, the pin just naturally falls out. W: Oh damn it. that was my secret W: I wasn't gonna tell you guys. I just grab the grenade, shake it like crazy till the pin falls out then I just launch it. Like that B: OH FUCK *W&M laugh* B: Nailed it *More Laughing* M: Yea, pretty good, pretty good, pretty good M: I'm already dead, *pausing to contemplate whether he wants to say Wade or not* BOB! M: You don't need to blow my ass up anymore. W: I read online that blowing Mark up once he's dead will fix his frames M: No, I've got even worse frames B: This is really not a good game to play for the first time on stream *Mark laughs* B: Ok, got it W: Why is this... B: Let me get this into a throwing position W: *Says "shut up" in Wadese* B: And then violently shake it, and then... W: yes B: HUH M: Wow B: Where did it go? Where'd it go M: Well it didn't go near B: Oh NO *everyone laughs* M: you guys are gonna go down. My frames are good W: We're gonna go down just like your frames. M: No I think it's you shaking your grenade, I think that's what's doing it M: Cause I kept getting low frames everytime someone was shaking your grenade W: You got low frames before I even got a grenade M: No, no, are you shaking? W: No, I don't have a grenade yet M: yo, did you grab a grenade? W: No I don't have a grenade M: See that's the problem, you cant' grab a grenade. My frames. My frames *Wade laughs and mutter incomprehensibly* M: MY FRAMES! M: Oh the pin's out! Go! I choose you grenade!!! M: I choose you! I CHOOSE YOU! (GRENADE uses BLOW UP on MARKIPLIER!) M: Duh W: are you gotta be kidding me? *Bob swears alot* W: YES YES YES M: wait, wait how'd you kill me? M: How'd you kill me? W: I threw a grenade at you, you dumb shit M: No, you, you, you... M: You sabotaged my game B:I- I- I can't make my grenades throw to save my goddamn life M: I can't make frames to save My damn life M: Maybe it's just the gren- no it was the surgery one too M: I don't know what's going on. I have perfectly fine fram- right now everyone wave their arms as hard as you can W: Heeyyy *Bob makes cartoonish noises* M: I've got great frames, great frames, great frames all day, great frames, all day great frames baby Mark: great frames, great frames, great frames, great frames, W: grape frames, okay, very good- very good- that's good M: great frames, great frames, M: Grape frames. *Mark groans* M: Everytime you grab a grenade!!! *wade laughs M: It's a god damn- it's YOU M: It's you!!! Everytime you grab the grenade, everytime I... W: Oh NO M: Oh I hope you dye *Wade scream* B: Oh god WHAT M: Ah, oh, oh, oh, look a the guys with no frames M: Look a the good winning guy with no frames B: Seriously, how do you throw anything W: that's cause you can't grab anything B: I don't understand M: I GRABBED, I have a grenade, I have- oh, shit M: I can't make it frames. B: I can't, Oh No OnE cAreS M: EVERYONE CARES M: I can't, why's my button, why's my lid op- what? My lids already open B: Oh wow wow, Marks fucking cheating. hang on W: Yea I agree M: My lid, my lid is very open *Bob talks indecipherable* W: No frames hack B: cheating M: Ok, I just gotta get the grenade, I just gotta get a grenade out before the frames get bad M: Come on I can't, oh the one time my lid is open I can't grab a fucking grenade before you assholes... M: GOD, THERE GOES MY FRAMEZ! *Mark utters randomly while Bob and Wade laugh* M: Duh my god, where's it going? Not far enough. *Wade continues laughing* B: Oh *explosion* M: Imma lose, Imma lose my mind. Imma gonna lose my fucking mind M: Where is hand simulator headquarters? M: Cause I wanna have a word with the developers of this game M: because I need to have a conversation with them B: Mark, Mark, Mark M: WHAT B: We should try a different map, ok. M: NO sh- alright fine let's do, yea M: Yes, I agree M: That is a sound argument B: NOOO W: I got it, let's go fishing. M: let's go fishing, that sounds great W: Nice calm fishing M; That sounds peaceful B: Oh sweet jesus M: Oh, what is this? B: God, jeez, fuck M: What iS tHIs? W: Hey I see you Bob B: Hi W:where's Mark M: I'm right here, I can't even grab my pole, I'm here B: I see you Mark, he's behind you, he's behind you M: I'm behind you W: Oh, I can't face him, oh hand on, hand on, hand on, we're gonna restarts, we're gonna restart W: Fix it for Mark B: Right, right, right. That'll fix it, that'll fix it M: it's just a nice relaxing fishing adventure B: Oh fuck, do you have to bait the hook? W: You sure do. B: everything is- oh no, oh boy, M: What if I can't grab my pole? It just rolled off my lap M: What I can't reach my pole M: It rolled off my lap W: Just keep on going, you're good M: Guys I di- din- No I can't reach it, it's not reachable B: You'll get it, you'll get it. Relax M: No I'm not gonna reach it. Hong on, o wait here we go, here we go W: Yea you're good, man, you're good M: This doesn't make any sense. Guys you don't understand it not grabbing it. W: Oh yea M: Wait don't oh yea me M: It's not grabbing it B: You'll get it, you'll get it, just keep doing it M: It's not, I'm clipping right through the thing... It just went further M: It just went further, how did... W: You'll get it. M: No I'm not gonna get it, it's not getting it. B: it's not, you're not doing it right M: I'm doing it exactly right, I'm going B: Keep trying it, keep trying it M: I AM TRYING IT M: I am trying it. It's not going. There's no way M: I can't It's not physically grabbing it. M: It's too far. W: Oh GOD OH GOD W: Ok guys we gotta restart I lost my pole M: No What Oh- you lost your pole. *meanwhile Bob laughs* M: Oh we have to restart because you lost your pole W: A yea the boat ate my pole. I didn't just drop it M: NO I- B: Yea I think out of fairness Mark- I think we should restart M: I DIDN'T DROP MY POL- *Bob and Wade laugh* M: Thank you, thank you, ya know what I'm gonna assume you did this for me. M: cause my pole was clear- got it. Ok, I got it. M: My pole is- B: Don't loss the pole bud M: I would never B: Wade was having real trouble with that last time M: No, I don't lose poles W: Out of fairness, if we lose our poles, we should probably restart M: No, No, No, No, cause of what I had to endure. If you lose a pole it's your own dumb fault M: THAT YOU'RE DUMB W: Maybe if you wanted to make the rules you should have hosted the server M: I Would have, I probably would have had good frames W: B-but with your frames I don't wanna risk Bob and I have some bad quality. *Mark sighs* B: That's true, that's true W: Just trying to think of the greater good hear M: Why did we agree to do this? This whole thing, this whole day. M: This whole streaming thing, Why'd we agree? M: Everything was perfectly fine in my life W: ...My frames are good M: Why am I dabbing? M: Why does the hand drift? It should be staying still. M: Right, that's a logical thing? W: Yea, my hand drifts too, I don't- why does only two of the fingies work M: Got a fucking thing. Whatever this is W: this is a larva? B: Did you really get a bait? What the fuck, how? M: yes I got a bait- NO, no, no, no, no, no, no, please M: Don't wanna drop my pole B: How do you grab the fucking thing?! M: No, no, no, no B: ♪no, no, no, no♪ B: ♪no no no♪ M: don't make fun of me M: Don't make fun of me M: No. no, no, no, M: No. NO, it's on the precipice of DESTRUCTION W: I don't know how you bait , how do you bait? M: Oh I dropped a larva W: How do you master this? *Bob laughs* M: gu, gu M: guys... B; You having some kind of trouble Mark? M: My camera just locked into place M: I can't move my head anymore W: Oh wait... B: Why is my arm drifting?! W: We have a rando, we have a rando M: I know we have a rando- (A wild Rando appears!) R: Oh shish! Wait is that Mark? M: Oh fuck off B: All my fucking progress I made, Noooo W: Now it's up, I'm in M: I'm in. B: It's surgery you fucker! B: What? W: You didn't change yours M: What what? W: You'll have to change it on your end *groan* M: All right B: Fucking damn it W: Hey don't you blame me for your guys frames M: I- my frames are fine now M: They got all better. M: THEY WENT TO FRAME HOSPITAL TO GET SOME FRAME MEDICINE W: Drugz?!?! M: Oh W: Drugs? W: Frame drugs? B: Who is that? I see Mark to my left, where's Wade? W: Wait, Wade W: I'm to your far left M: Wade for my frames, restart the game B: Oh no fishing pole! B: I lost my fishing pole, restart the gam-ok W: alright M: Ok, I got an idea W: Oh wait I see… M: No, what the hell? M: No x5 M: Ah Wade, my frames are still bad. Can you give it a little good old restart? W: Ah, not for frames, I think, I think... M: My- Wade come on. Don't you want everyone to have a good experience? M: Just please give it a really good ol' resdardt?!?! W: All right. Last one though M: Ok *Mark laughs* B: God damn it M: It was my frames. My frames were so bad. I just couldn't... M: Couldn't do that W: Give me your worms W: That sounds weird M: No it doesn't B: Give me your worms M: That's perfectly normal W: I can't, I can't, I can't, M: I can't, I can't, I can't, no I can't, M: I just can't do it guys W: Yea know what? Ya know with that mockery, whenever you start to make progress... W: I can see you, if I see you starting to make progress I'm restarting M: Oh yea whatever. Yea know what. I'm never gonna make progress, jokes on you M: stupid, *phew*, idiot. What were you thinking? M: DuMmY M: It's just- Why- It's like these bait, they just don't grab M; there's no grabbing them. they, they, they're impossible B: Is it physically possible to grab these fucking things? I don't understand W: Why is the hook stuck on my oar? W: Why's the hook stuck on my oar? M: Why- I don't care why, I don't care why frankly. I don't where... R: Hi guys, it's me again! M: OH FUCK OFF! *rando nonsense* M: OH GO AWAY NO ONE CARES W: All right we're leaving *Mark groans* M: Good God W: how? W: Is this game like hacked? Cause how'd they get in there? B: Probably M: Oh I don't know W: All right well that was cool, do you guys wanna play a different game? M: NO! I WANNA CATCH A FISH M: I'M GONNA CATCH A FISH M: And we're gonna, and I have, that's a game I have good frames M: Alright, just cause, every time I grab for a bait... M: I grab for a bait my frame drops. If I get it, and I cast it, I'll be good. Lets try it again B: Mark left the name out, says my chat M: It'll be fine M: I showed the name? I did show the name. I did show the name. that was me M: That was me, I showed the name completely. M: That was me, that was all on me. M: And I take full responsibility for that M; But listen, when I showed that name, I did it, I did it in full confidence that I could trust my fan base M: Turns out that my fan base is full of... M: A BUNCHA DOUCHEBAGS. W: Alright so let's try not showing the secret game name. *Mark laughs* M: Wait is there a new name? W: YES W: Would you like to say it out loud for you? M: Yes B: No, Wade, I think we need to restart for Marks frames M: Wait I'm not even in, hang on. *Bob laughs* M: I just got in. B: Marks fishing pole is clipping through the boat M: Is it? B: YES M: Not on my end M: Maybe your is loser W: Oh I can't see Mark B: I think we need to restart for the frames * evryone muttering in agreement* M; All right B: Restart for his frames W: Frames M: Restart for my frames specifically W: Frames got it. M: That didn't count as me calling for restart for my frames W: Alright mark can't call for another restart M: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no B: Bob called a restart and, and, and his frames were very bad, I kmow W: Well I wasn't going to restart for Bob yet but you said I needed to restart M: No, no, no, no, no, M: I- I- I didn't say that M; You, you're a liar W: Oh, well too bad the liar is the host W: Cause I think Mark already used up B: ah I need to restart for my frames M: That's his framesX3 W: Alright now that both restart are done M: No x10. No he called for his frames M: And he called for my frames M: I can still call for your frames, for Bobs frames *Bob shouts* M: and my own frames still B: God fucking fuck. W: I need to restart for my frames *Mark laughs* B: goddamn it B: Seriously though. Is there some kind of trick to like grabbing a bait? B: Cause I'm literally just tossing them around M: I can not figure it out for the life of me W: Me either, I don't know how- half my fingers don't work M: Woh! I got locked in head mode again M: I don't know how it happened. W: Shift gets you out of it. M: No I'm doing that, no I'm going that. W; Click the middle mouse button and it goes to head mode M: No, I know, I didn't do it. I was grabbing a bait and suddenly I'm in head mode M: And if I click middle mouse button... W: You messed up M: I didn't', Can I call a restart for my frames... B: God no, not like this M: Ok, wait, no hang on, I'll figure it out M: I'll figure W: Ok we need to restart frames. Mark, you asked for it. B: Oh no *Mark laughs* B: Man if you don't get the fishing pole you're fucking, you're fully boned M: That's what I keep saying W: Oh shit on a shitter fuckers I got one M: Shit on a shitter. B: Please don't talk to me like that W: Oh, oh Daddy Papa I've got something- NO, MY POLE! *Mark laughs* B: No more frame restarts. No more frame restarts. M: Ok W: Fine, fine M: Ok W: I got it. I got my pole. I managed to recover my pole W: WHY IS MY ARM GOING THROUGH MY BODY!?!! W: WHY THE FUCK!??! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING B: I feel better about what's happening in my life M: Yea I'm pretty good, I'm I'm- OH M: OH, guess who got bait on his hook *Wade screams in agony in the background* M: Oh god B: No, no, no B: Oh no, oh no, W: Alright ah, frames M: yes x5 M: No restarting for frames, No restarting for frames! M: No frames are fine W: No I gotta restart for frames M: Frames are fine. B: Oh Fuck M: Frames are fine W: I lost my frames, I lost my pole M; FRAMES ARE FINE M: I'VE NEVER HAD BETTER FRAMES M: I'VE NEVER HAD BETTER FRAMES m: fRAMES ARE THE BEST THEY'VE EVER BEEN B: I swear to god I just can't- fuck it M: Such good frames B: Every time I get it into a position where I can grab it- B: It flies away W: Mark your bait is gone M; No it's not it's there. What No. M: Where'd I go? x4 M: I have no frames. Frames are bad. Where's my? where did it go? M: Everything's bad? You got it buddy! M: Where's it- What do you mean? WHAT?! *Dramatic music plays* M: NNOOOOOOO W: Alright everyone heard Mark say his frames were bad M: NOOOOO *Bob laughs* B: You asshole M: NOOOO NNNOOOOO M: NNNNOOOOOOOOO M:NNOOOO W: First of all you'd already lost your bait W: It was not on your hook M; No, it was fine, it was there W: Both of your arms were gone M: Don't trust your screen of what my situation is W: You called for frames M: I- W: Just wanted to help you as quickly as possible... M: I DID NOT. M: YOU. BETRAYED ME! M: I was fine. I was so happy B: Wow, what the fuck? B: I got that thing that happened to Mark where my head got locked again M: Yea it happened to me too. I think M: I think Wade's doing something B: I can't do anything. I think Wade's cheating M: Yea I can't do anything either W: Oh wait B: I can't move W: Mine just did that too M: Yea I think this game is broken W: Alright let's call for a restart for frames B: Oh god *Mark laughs* M: It's just- It's when people grab too aggressively in the bait jar for some reason I think M: Like for some reason... W: you can't bait too aggressively inthis boat M: You gotta bait real tenderly -like M: I just gotta, ooh B: Oh Mark M: Oh x3 *Bob laughs* M: I've got it. W: Yes! M: Got it M; It's - it's in the water B: No, Mark, your bait fell off M: No it did not. No, it did not. B: It did. It did I saw it M; I saw it B; I watched it M: I saw- It's still there. It's still there B: Ok, it's just- I can't see the bait on my end then. B: Cause you have a naked hook on my end M: I've got it. It's good. It's fine. Don't restart W: Oh I'm not. I've got a bait, on a hook... B: I hate all of you W: We're just gonna calm the fuck down everybody M: I'm calm M: I'm calm W: Stay calm W: Stay fucking calm,. M: I am calm W: stay fucking calm! M: I'm calm W: Yes B: You're cum? W: come on, come on, come on, M: I'm cum. I'm cum M: I'm cum B: You're cum? W; Oh- bite that shit, god damn it B: Wade, ah, what you do in your bedroom is really none of our business B: Ok, calm down M: Oh, yea, bite that shit M: Oh bite it off M: Oh yea get it, swallow it whole W: Bite that shit while I bait M: oh frame M: oh yea frames W: The bobber, I think, goes completely under. Mine's bouncing right now, mine's bouncen B: naaahhh M: Mine's bouncing. Mine's bouncing. Mine's bouncing. M: Mine;s bounc- oh Fish: o hai goodbye lol M: Oh, oh, wait M: NNOOOOOOOO!!! It was there!!! I saw the fish!! M: NNNOOOOOOOOOOO W: It stole my bait!! It stole my bait!!!! W: Fuck everything!!!! M: OOOHHHHHHH W: Fuck you! Fuck this, pole! Goddammit M:OOHHHHHH *Bob laugh* W: Fuck you pole!! W: Fuck everything B: That was the worst throw ever *Wade growls* W: Alright Bob... B: I think I feel- ha *Mark and Bob laugh* B: I think I feel better about my position in all of that M: Hang on, it's like, it's fine M: It's- listen, Bob. You were doing real good M: Ah, restart for frames. *Mark laughs* B: Oh for god- M: Oh god if you- W: Alright I've got one baited M: If you explode your bait... M: It just locks you in this position of being in looky mode B: Oh, are you locked again? M: yup M: I am so locked W: Fuck it, alright fine M: Frames?? I dropped my- M: Is that a- B: NNOOOOOO! God damn you!! *Mark laughs* M: Yes I- *inserted applause M: Good job Wade, good call, good call, good call M: When you need frames, you frame it up. W: I never said the word frames M: oh, Wade frames, Wade frames please. M: Wade frames please. Frames please M; Frames please W: Oh my god B: No, no, no B: No, no fishing pole calm down, well M: Frames M: Ok that's the last frames W: Oh ok o you can call it five times in a row B: God fu- B: would you just fucking W: five time in a row B: I hate you. Frames *Mark laughs* B: Frames, I get frames. If Mark Gets Frames I Get Frames B: *Gasp* Oh! Oh! It's Gone! B: NO, EVERYONE SHUT UP, I'M THINKING *Marks laughs* B: Ha W: Is this frames? M: no no B: No no, DON'T you FUCKING DARE! *Wade laughs* B: I Will- NOOOOOOOOO B: It's fine B; Everything's fine W: was that frames? M: No, no frame call! M: Who's calling for frames?! M: Who's doing it? Nobody W: Oh frames, frames~ M: No no no frames! M: No frames B: No No No No M: Don't you dare W: Oh no I got head locked W: Frames XD B: No No No M: don't frames, don't frames no M&B: No W: Frames! M: Don't! M: Frames W: FRAAMEZ! M: No! B: No W: Frames! B: You assholes made me watch! You Assholes Made Me Watch! M: My bait! (almost cries) M: I'm fine. No frames, no frames, no frames W: FRAMES M: NO DON'T FRAMES W: That's two people yelling frames. Bob frames. M: I was yelling mames B: NO M: I was yelling splames W: I broke it M: So? B: No one cares! B: It's your own fault W: I'm the server host so I care. I have powers B: God made you this way *mark laughs* M: I have become one with this bait M: It is entered my han- and it's fallin out B: Come on, W: Is that- Is that- is that frames? B: NO M: No B: I will destroy your entire family *Mark uses baby talk* M: Mr pole, who wants a delicious... W: come here M: maggot B: come here and be friends W: Frames B: NO God M: No don't do it! W: I've not gotten a frames yet! M: No you- B: You guys made me watch for like five minutes! W: It's been five minutes M: yea well, B: No it has not M: Yea well SHUDDAP W: Frames M: No no B: God fuck it M: No it's pirouetting. It's pirouetting! M: the bait is pirouetting! M: How's it doing that!? B: I can't tickle it anymore W: Because it's a frames M: NO it's not a frames! M: It's going in glorious 60FPS M: It's no frames M: it's - I don't M: No it's - W: No frames! Mark said no frames M: I have plenty of frames M: I need frames *laughs* B: No, nooo- W: Bob that's' two votes frames *Bob laugh* M: Noooo B: Alright fine *mark groans* B: fine W: Alright frames M: Oh W: I've got frames M: Bait has been achieved *Bob mutters vigorously with anger* W: You ok Bob B: No No No no no no B: you stay over here M: you've become an old southern man in your age *In a gruff southern accent* B: Come on bait, come on ou worm fuckers... B: Just a please a come on... B: No not like this baby... listen B: She didn't mean anything... B: Ugh it's always been about you *Wade laughs* B: Come on please... M: I'm not sure I li- B: I don't wanna divorce... B: nah ple- what about the children?... B: A come on we can work it out. We can go to couples therapy... W: Bob are you ok? B: It's fine... B: it's fine... M: I have bait on rod *suddenly not southern, just crazy* B: all the voice, all the voices M: I have achieved rod bait B: In your head- everything's fine... M: Ok it's in the water, it's in the water *back to normal I think* B: I Hate This. I Hate This! B: how are you guys doing? M: I almost- I need utter concentration M: I don't care about your divorce proceeding W: Frames? M: No, no frames B: did he say frames? M: No one said anything about frames M: Please just let me have this one. M: I got I gOt - I GOT A FISH *victory soundeffects* M: I GOT A FISH B: No M: I GOT A FISH! I caught a fish B: Holy fuck M: It's it- do I have to grab it? Do I have to grab it? W: Yes W: You've got to get the fish off the hook M: Oh God No! M: Ok ok I got- *Music swells* M: My hand, my hand is in. Oh it's too far B: oh no M: No, no, no, no, no, no OHHHHH *W&B laugh* M: JUST LET ME HAVE THIS ONE. IT'S A BIG BOY *Bob laughing* M: It's such a big boy W; get it M: It's such a big boy. I'm gonna get it M: I'm gonna get it M: I'm going for the grab M: hu, I almost had it that time *B&W laughing* M: Ho, come on. Peak a boo M: Peak a boo. Peak a boo. Peak a boo. M: ok catch it on the SWING M: OHH come on M: Give me you. YES! I have it M: What do I do with it!?!? W: alright, frames, frames M: I have it. What do I do?! M: what do I do with it?! Do I put it in my box? M: How do I get it off the hook? W: I don't know, I've never made it that far. B: You should definitely let go of your pole M: Ok I'm gonna- *Super Mario World level complete jingle plays* *Mark screams* W: Mark got it. B: God damn it W: Mark got a fish *Bob snickers* W: I was so close to restarting it M: If you would have restarted I would have flown to Cincinnati to slap you M: I would have flown. I would have done it M: My whole chats just like restart M: Oh, oh my god W: Well we never had to play this game again, now do we? *outro fades in* M: NO B: Yea are we done with this now M: Yea M: Yea I think we're done W: thank god *♪outro♪* (Subscribe to caption authors!)
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,125,861
Rating: 4.9493046 out of 5
Keywords: hand simulator, funny moments, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, bob, wade, collab, funny gameplay, funny multiplayer, funny, funniest, laughing, angry, rage
Id: M7qy2FBs7bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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