KINGS (peasants) OF THE JUNGLE (backyard) | Grounded - Part 3

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
i forget what we were doing as far as the game goes we finished off by accidentally stumbling upon the ending of the story but we still haven't done all the crafting and no we should like build a base yeah build a base and then these ants uh seem to be awfully friendly that's that's nice that's really nice oh they're cute i've uh been told that maybe building a base on top of like the baseball or somewhere not on the ground is better on top of the baseball yeah do you remember how we woke up to the wolf spider ripping down our walls no i don't remember that i recall apparently that's less likely to happen on an elevated position well i mean or we could just kill it you know guys i have a thirst uh yeah water's tough you can make like containers for water yeah we can make a canteen and we can make a dew catcher we should definitely make a dew catcher make a dew catcher if we know anything from raft it's that catch and dew is good we got spider webs right from the wolf spider i don't remember looting it i just remember killing it i have spider venom spider fang spider chunk which looks like a ball sack the ant it's attacking our wall why are you doing this my friend hey that's our wall hey stop it oh it's attacking a bug back here oh that's fine oh [ __ ] i'm just gonna take that meat you just got and casually cook that for myself they're helping us if we make them our friends they'll help us oh god i'm thirsty where do we find grubs i'm pretty sure the dirt things moving around are grubs oh shuffle oh so we need shovels yeah shovel acorn shovel i can make it actually right now all right uh i guess i just look on the ground for them yeah i think they're little like dirt things on the ground what do we need grubs for to make water canteens so that we can actually like oh okay store some of it chest we need to make like a storage chest right yeah that would be that would be killer oh the ants like our cooked food okay we need to not leave the food on the fire oh did you guys oh my god there's a horde of ants over here that just killed a weevil apparently they really don't like weevils man okay we have a storage chest in our little [ __ ] house that's awesome man oh my god guys i'm attracting the ants apparently the food god has been removed oh they're hunting the weevil okay okay we're good we're good we're good okay i worry that if we anger the ants all of the ants will be against us permanently is anyone buy the thing no what's the i have a horde of ants with me and i i needed oh wait there is a white nest are you now god of the ants mark there are 500 ants trying to get into the back of our basement hang on let me take a look it's because i'm cooking the things on the floor they want to eat the weevil roast oh my god dude i am one with the ants dude you're about to be one with the ants oh man they what they're after well oh they're angry oh god oh they're up to me oh god what'd you do i don't know the can why are we safe up here i can't tell i think we're saying what are they doing they're doing something to the grass what is happening my god they're attacking our base guys i think the ants are not our friends what happened i don't know i think i accidentally stabbed one but they lost their [ __ ] no they're fighting one of them's got a piece of meat and they're all trying to get it okay they're leaving they took something and they're out yeah no they're the [ __ ] out now they're coming back here never mind oh god i spoke to you we need to build a base in the sky this oh spider watch out spider oh [ __ ] no i see it it's big don't come this way let's go on the baseball let's go up on top of the baseball baseball up on the baseball okay any water water there's no water all right yeah water is a problem yeah no i've been out of water for ages there's a there's a there's a puddle of piss that we could drink from but it's not good water we're right by a big old puddle of juice water larvae anything something may just have to go for the piss water then like find food so drink the piss wasser [ __ ] all our food out stuff food back in it's a vicious cycle man it'll oh ants are we cool yet or what what are we are we cool there we go there's there's demonic over here jesus christ oh what is this oh i saved you you're so happy now die oh we've got a quest oh i found a hole in the ground well this looks good all right i'm beginning the process of building stuff on top of the baseball okay i'm gonna put a workbench up there and then i'm gonna put our beds up there okay that sounds great i didn't mean that to sound sarcastic that's legitimate oh good good great for you mark there's water on me two waters two waters all right go for it i'm good i i did the i did the piss wasser strat earlier so i'm only 20 thirsty apparently do you want the watermark i don't need it anymore i just i let's leave it i guess i don't know man consume i just ate a bug you consumed the bug i'm dead apparently what the hell all right i'm coming don't eat the bugs they are bad did you consume raw meat yeah is that bad well i don't know yeah we're supposed to cook it i've been cooking no i never cooked a thing in my life there's no way you're going to find me i'm giving up i'm giving up i'm giving up i'm giving up i'm giving mark look out oh thanks man hey at least i spawned with water that's how we're going to solve this we just die and then get our water die near camp get your crap back yeah that's all we need have we been in the cookie box the cookie box i don't remember seeing a cookie box there's a lot of this map but we have not expected we need level two tools to get in here i don't even know how we get level two tools yeah level two either all right well uh we should there's like a storage shed way off in the distance uh there's like the the the dry area with dust kicking up there's the house area there's a lot of area in this map that we haven't touched okay let's try this uh take oh thank you and slime old torch okay thank you okay ooh this is the big ant area this is the not front oh but that's not fun and bad ants the bad ants are you having some kind of trouble with the ants yeah the ants kind of suck uh don't go oh they're still there oh hi hey uh the the army ants or whatever they are there was like a couple ants here and there why are there all of a sudden hundreds i don't know man i think it's just the cooked food is starting to draw him in whoa what are you who put the storage container down here why i'm seeing i did that before oh before we talk about moving on no no no no no no ah it squirted at me ew i'm gross that's gonna be taken out of context later it's like everything i say could be taken out of context that's that's gonna be taken out of context later yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's gonna be taken out of context later oh come on guys lay off that's that's probably not going to be taken out right contacts later nailed it i got it i'm so gosh darn good hey we got research or something yeah because i killed the last day wow dude i'm in spider hell there's a lake i found a lake if this is fresh water here and not an ocean which why would it be an ocean we're in the backyard uh yeah this is unlimited water over here so there is there is a lake and it's oh no it's poop water it's poop water oh [ __ ] i heard the whoa there's also an ant down here that's glowy-eyed in the water uh it's not happy all right whatever okay grass moving means death yeah that grass moving is no good dude there's stuff at the bottom of the lake the lake calls to me i don't know if i fall in i don't think [Applause] [Music] oh god odd night is falling and i'm on the wrong side of the island island i don't know is this an island probably just i'm by the tree why are you by the tree i say as i'm on the other side of the lake oh there's really no end to this i thought that this would loop around uh guys i uh might be alone tonight are you in some kind of trouble no not trouble necessarily but i am literally only getting farther away from you guys as i try to loop around but the loop around just drives me farther and farther away there stopped being grass there's no resources to pick up anymore i think this is in the unfinished area have you left the map no not yet but it seems like i thought this would loop around and it really doesn't it super doesn't it super doesn't i might i'm gonna have to go in the lake oh my god mark you were so far i know look i thought i was gonna get oh god oh can you tell how far away he is i'm at the edge of the tree and i can see where he is hi from here i gotta go in the river oh my god there's something at the bottom oh please tell me there's no like fish in here i can't no i can't break the surface tension of the water hey um friends yes what's up hey should i just give up yes it is it is shockingly difficult to jump out of the water there we go i'm up i'm on the other side okay well that that was awful oh no no no no no you all right no oh i'm worried oh no oh no i got a death bug guys a death bug my backpack is so far away in a random direction oh no did it fall like through the map or something i don't know it's five it's 400 500 centimeters away in a place i wasn't oh cola from the there's a few drops i'm in a can and it's pretty grand i spit lines max spit lines oh hey mark it up nailed it okay can i actually get up here no there's no point you save a drop in here oh you did yeah i did totally for you thank you why is my backpack in the ocean lake what fresh hell is this yeah that ocean lake kind of sucks my journey to find a single larva has ended in failure i'm coming back home my backpack is just floating in the water why oh no be careful going out there it's hard to get out of the lake once you're in it it was not hard at all to get out of the lake losers oh my god is the tree curse bloating for anyone else or is that just for me what there's plenty of the purple corsplosions coming out of the trees oh yeah yeah that's normal oh yeah that's where we found the ending right yeah apparently we can find things to put into that robot there and we can buy recipes from it for more crafting stuff that we don't have and like the tape recorder things yeah i think i think that's oh i found one of those oh we should go talk to the robot then we have to find that purple science blobs as currency but i think the tape recorders would unlock the recipes to buy oh yeah you need a level two hammer to get this mint how do you get a little yeah i don't know how to upgrade stuff how do you upgrade stuff i somehow made it back to our base i thought i was in a completely different area i'm gonna analyze this spider's ball sack was analyzing analyzing purple two testicles interesting interesting oh spider hood i guess i'll grab this so this is going to detect more science nearby so we'll look at that insect bow do you want to save up for fortified bases or should i go ahead and grab torch upgrade and multi-story bases oh multi-story basis sounds cool i am already working on a multi-story base so i would appreciate that for sure sure and i'll grab the torch upgrade too then just the soda can you were in mark yeah yeah there might be another drop in there if wade left you it i don't know if he did uh there was only one drop but it might have replenished nope i'm just gonna go home i don't like being in spider land we can do quests for this guy to get more science okay well that's cool oh i can accept all of these yeah just get them yeah because we'll okay four soldier ants and three weevils oh my god i know where the soldier ants are oh guys i put a marker on our base so now there's a flag at our base oh there is that's handy i i just built that so i think that's why they just uh i finished i finished the building of it thank you you're welcome team um well all right i'm climbing i'm climbing at rake it's very seems good it's very foggy this is terrifying oh my god it's a thick fog it is thick i bought an upgrade that's supposed to show near science or in science nearby i don't know how it works exactly is it nearby this dude or nearby us uh i have no idea let me let me talk to him again i'll see if i can find him why why why why no bad ant about dying to ant yeah the is is it the big one the big answer it's over by the platform oh he's big yeah he's big yeah he's big oh there's i'm on a big rock and there's a weird there's some kind of a bug stuck in the [Music] i touched science i got science an upgrade for the scab scanner module that allows it to detect nearby raw science how do we use your scanner module i don't know man i think so if you look in the bottom left sometimes when you're near a um what is it called when you're near one of the research stations the bottom left thing will be at you it's like telling you you're close to that so that must do that yeah okay so i found raw science it's just like a purple grape looking thing and it starts like little yellow gets more and more pulls i got close to it they're fine you know we could sleep uh what if we weren't idiots what is that oh what is that oh god okay i don't know oh my god i'm oh my god i'm gonna die i think mark's in trouble don't come here where i am i super wasn't i'm gonna die i'm gonna die this is it i'm gonna uh so i'm gonna come like revive you or something no no no there are fungus infected weevils from your knees yeah the base is now a white marker with a house symbol i love that i love that i love that dude this game is terrifying why are the weeds too thick i want a weed i need some weed oh it's just being in here there's like a gas in the air yeah don't come to this area mark i'm on my way what are you doing what are these tiny things oh these are mites oh this is an infected mite infected light yeah infected mite that's what it said so far so good please don't fall okay oh i oh i don't have a shovel i see where there's a grub here oh man i've been looking for that forever can i make a shovel on me do i have to be a thing i think it's a workbench thing where are you that you're finding that um i'm buy a juice box near the tree okay so it must be like by the tree or something because i haven't seen anything out here there's seemingly no way to make a stare of any sort which seems crazy that does seem crazy or a floor of any sort that does seem crazy i'm going to try to kill a soldier ant in in the next list of mark's dumb ideas uh i'm going to try to kill a soldier remember when we could sleep you want to sleep oh he's bad i wouldn't oh he's mad he's mad oh he's mad is he upsetting you this is a large surprise to me i give up i give up i give up i give up mark i can't believe he got mad we might need to uh work together to take them out yeah maybe i'm gonna come home uh let's sleep i think it's a good idea if we sleep i agree funny cool good also when we sleep when we wake up our food and thirst are gonna be like bad again so don't bother eating or drinking before sleeping oh that's dumb oh this is what are lovely so bob how are you flying you're flying so make sure you set your spawn here too you just did yeah spawn point anyone else tired i guess it wouldn't be the worst in the world if we didn't anyone else then uh we'd just respawn right underneath the baseball look it's fine look wait why you got a poo poo on on bob's things that he carefully made for us i spent a lot of time on this he spent a lot of time i don't think i poo-pooed at all chad says we got to get floors from the robot guy i don't like that i i bought all that stuff the only thing i couldn't do was fortified bases floors must be how you fortify i guess so yeah you got to fortify it man it seems pretty high a thousand science for that where the hell are we gonna find five thousand science yeah just find it man god do we have to spell it out for you okay i guess i guess it'll be set to find it how do you differentiate the soldier ants from the other ones are they just bigger you want to come fight them come on come with me i need to find food and water to start the day off though yeah good luck with the water i've been trying haven't found a single i passed a whole bunch of water on the way back from the tree the tree seemingly has lots of water around it that's impossible there's no such thing as water i'm gonna go back toward the tree to find water and then i'll come back and help you with the ants there's no such thing as water oh mark there's an ant there's one of your ants here at the thing no there's two of them we're going to kill them together man oh i do have floors i'm just an idiot guys don't worry we have floors i'm just an imbecile are you dumb bob i am dumb wait let's do this it's called a floor okay oh my god oh god you hurt so bad wait you're helping me you're helping me right you're on the way you guys need some sort of assistance oh that's not what you want go bob that's not what you want got one it's dead okay yeah friend he had a friend oh that was gross i hear him skidding oh it's oh yeah he's actually below us okay i'm going in come here you yeah fights on oh you're you're in you guys you guys need help or are you good we're good wow watch out he's got pincers all right guys i'm starting on our base and it's definitely i'm definitely doing it the right way and look i found water literally 10 feet away from where i was just hanging out no water guys i don't know how to break this to your juice box is going to give me found the box delivered i just drew it all over myself thank you i spat everywhere mark there's water on me yes i've got p i found p guys i there's no water there's only plate on me there's only p oh uh the grubs mark do you want me to find grubs yeah where are they if you guys see any weed stems we really need a lot of weed stems uh what gives you weed stems you cut down the dandelions or weeds but you need better acts for weeds we need to upgrade our tools yeah that's why we're doing the quests come on man keep up does that give us tools it helps the guy who's going to give us tools come on man keep up unless fortify fortified bases is tools come on man keep up you're going at a speed higher than my processing capabilities i know come on man keep up also my science detector is going off here okay nerd there's a nerd over here come on no science detector's going off come on no come on yeah i see dirt okay i'm coming oh how how how does this work oh oh my god oh that's big get it what in the [ __ ] hell i get it it's dead man you're cursing a lot man don't you know you can't do that no what did i say did i say bad things you said such bad things i meant to say ding dong dingleberry dang it somehow i think that's worse i see another grub all right go get it you're you're apparently grub man now how what do we need from the grubs hide goop just grub hide i don't know you you need to turn them into canteens no we need to insert them we need to convert them into water bottles look i don't know how to tell you this is what you do you turn them into water bottles and then we make a big acorn jug in the center of our thing so that we can make more of them [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so part of my language so each grub gives one hide it takes three hide to get one canteen i just got a third grub so i've got enough for one canteen all right cool man all right guys i'm making the worst staircase ever so we can get up either side of our base it's absolutely been worth my time don't ask me i have no questions good i have one question don't what how are you so amazing good wouldn't you like to know please don't look at me don't look at me guys you're gonna be i think you're gonna be really impressed with the bass when you get here is it gonna be nuts it's nutty it's not even just nuts it's not not horrific how how are you so amazing it's nuts i don't like that one it's not that how do you do it you know skill yes you got to be real careful when you're up on the base i do need to warn you uh it's only sort of constructed so if we if we roll off tonight are we just going to fall off and die listen i just i eated my hammer into the next century oh i found i found a different research base weird i can analyze the ants ball sack as well you're analyzing so many nuts these days yeah we need some sac i found out champion found out how to make rubber out of that sack who's the spider oh it's a spider oh what i'm stuck in goo he webbed me oh hey maybe that's how you get spider silk i can't go don't worry it's all right ah i cut myself out i did not get spider silk ah well that's whoa this spider is very happy to kill the spider to get it you you want me to kill this spider by myself is that what you want i'm pretty sure you should kill it what i'm saying is mark kill it you're the most talented fighter among us okay i will for you okay we'll do it then i'm doing it i'm it's an orb weaver i don't know what that means oh they make cool orb nests yeah they apparently do lots of very silky asses ow oh that hurts so bad ah i'm dead sorry i'm not laughing at you i'm laughing near you right okay fair enough yeah i love wade i love you thank you love you sue wade your advice was very poor it ended with me guys um i think my spear hit you and not the spider i think instead of helping you i finished you off oh well that's not so good so that's my bad all right uh i guess i'll hey what's up dude hey what's up hey let me look at this base let me look at the actually what the hell dude we're gonna have such an enormous sky castle you have no idea castle in the sky i you thought i was [ __ ] on you well that's not the word you thought i no way not my pants anyway well all you got to do is run interference on that spider and then i'll swoop in grab my stuff and i'll yeah i'm working on luring it away oh yeah you work on that don't worry work on it i gotta slurp a piss there's so much good water around this tree there's plenty of piss piss-men i don't know why you're always hating on the man's piss slurping yeah thank you let him slurp i'm getting it i just don't understand away that's what i say dude i don't mean to just piss water look i bet you got your water and i bet it's fine but look i i've got a there's an infinite supply this is a spider web i'm all itchy i hate looking at spiders man it [ __ ] me up i am punching a spider web i have spider silk i'm getting spider silk i'm getting so much spider soap really so punching the web gets better there's a different web i am punching the crap out of it i am getting so much spider silk i feel well [ __ ] i am punching this web sponge are we morons no there's a diff it's a more different looking one oh god oh hey did you run interference good thank you i'm free i'm out thank you okay good i lost my spear but honestly it's okay you're is you have a hammer over here an axe over here i got everything you have a hammer this there's a random hammer on there oh yeah that's the hammer that i somehow eated off the mountain i don't know how that happened but it did it went away i was going for an acorn swing and my strength was just too immense like my my huge muscles just yucked it uh way too far away um how much silk did you get from that uh 14 that's enough for a dew collector we probably need more than one duke collector since there's three of us but like that's enough for at least the first one maybe two that's fine i don't know how much money it's fair i'm bringing it back bob i'm bringing back the supplies for you for us for weeks for our family i literally like either i'm an idiot and i've seen so many and i haven't found them or there's no grub is this more pee no it's incredible it's incredible this p it's incredible it was the brightest yellowest liquid and it did so much good for my body i want that as my ringtone is this p it's incredible it's incredible make that your bit donation noise this is p it's incredible there's another one there it is again oh my god multiple usable takes yeah all right hey i've got the supplies uh there's some more ball sacks there they're different ball sacks by the way they're oh different ball [ __ ] there's murder ants oh no we're good we're good it's fine look at all these douchebags i don't know what was just floating in front of my eyes i don't like it there's something floating here it's a nap nat is dead didn't it wait what oh what oh i went into third person mode how did what what what what what what what i don't know what that's a thing i went into i'm in third person mode now wait did you hit control u i no no way what you oh it's you it's you oh it is just you control you gives you like an out of body experience yeah i think it's controlling third person mode it's do you listen well no no no no no it's not that control just you this third person i think it's gonna kill you controlling you doesn't do anything else that's not it pat what's the button that pat showed me chat what was the thing pat told me that makes you go weird i can't take these testicles out of the chest the testicles remain in the chesticles alt you all you will [ __ ] your day what where am i where was i all right back to the all right i'm holding up now i'm full of pee and i need some food insect bow i just made that i'm pretty sure that's like the one of the best weapons you can make yeah i remember hearing somebody i made it now i know it's very good i know but i made it like if i had to explain it anymore i would just say it does a lot of damage and is very useful i know i have it currently in my possession if you had one you'd be virtually unstoppable i am because i got one do i have to go into those scary tunnels to find more grubs is that maybe you should definitely do that go into the soldier ant tunnel say hi to him you know where it is oh yeah i forgot we made love there uh never mind what do you guys do while i'm not around that was someone else not that i want to say we have a ladybug that's kind of stuck over here i would be really curious to try and kill it but i'm really terrified it would be not as stuck as i think it would be quite tough i think when you hit things they typically like bounce backwards and do get unstuck well that's not what you want wait till i get my bow ready okay did i oh my god i have arrows inside me hey mark don't look at me don't look at me my did you dude you get those arrows buddy yeah there's an arrow right below me yeah i'm good wade welcome to the base oh guys i made danger beds accidentally dude i love a dangerous sleep oh my god who gets this one out of here hang on i need a little bit more anyone got clover chunks cause i think it's that long put some in the chest i think thanks buddy you're welcome don't let me set that as my spawn point so i really gotta be real careful on these spawn points okay i really hope that you spawn in that thing and fall and die if you respond so i have a bow and a hundred arrows i am so holy [ __ ] i'm ready though are you ready to [ __ ] yeah i'm ready to bro what time for me to test out this book hey i'm gonna let's go let's go kill this oh my bow's broken my bros my bro my boat guys are you looking at my bow guys my bro my bro wait do you see something wrong with my bow no is your bro okay bro my bro i'm gonna shoot my bro this ladybug it's supposed to look i'm pretty sure all right okay sure shooting i shot didn't do nearly as much damage it it stuck oh it's stuck yeah i know that's why this is the one i was saying it stuck you could just shoot it and get your arrows back i'll stab it well this is just sad now these things are tough as hell though so this ant is watching us just like ha take that you [ __ ] it does really weird stuff on my screen when you throw your spear yeah oh okay made a mess i don't see anything to pick up did you guys get something nope all right i think it shot into the under verse i'm pretty sure well at least we know in a fair fight we can win yeah yeah that was easy i full oh i shouldn't have eaten we're about to sleep i'm an idiot don't eat don't drink don't even think about life idiot hang on i'm moving i'm moving i'm moving on oh god to the east side hang on things are really jiggly in this game can i make a danger work bench that's the real question oh boy do i have how dangerous can this workbench be what you really want to do is you put put some floors down and the game is like oh yeah yeah you put a workbench out here and then you just take the workbench and you just boop that right over there and it turns out these floors don't have to exist anymore that's great i love that that's good look how much space we're saving on the on this on the scaffolding it really is incredible i mean physics just work differently when you're at a smaller scale yeah gravity doesn't affect us the same because of how tiny we are exactly that's what i've always been saying well shoot shall we sleep can we do this yeah i'm ready for whatever this is going to lead to baby oh come on guys hop in why does it say two of four ready to sleep what who is here who's here oh wait what are we being haunted someone randomly joined oh there's no there's no fourth player on the player list i kicked them okay oh okay how do you disable notifications for people that are spamming [ __ ] friend requests i don't know i did that i guess already all right we didn't die thankfully um somehow oh the workbench is very usable i would describe that as very usable it's time for me to go hunting i'm gonna complete this quest oh i love this back door yeah i made it back i made a back entrance that's awesome that's so cool i'm gonna go kill me some ants if you hear screaming in the next few minutes you know that i succeeded there's a regular amp down here but i need to kill the big ants oh they charge far ow what the hell oh we're halfway there got one that's not how that's worth thank you oh living on a prayer oh please don't come up here we're safer oh god okay if you kill a soldier and the other ants the small ones get mad friends what look i don't want to do this little guy it can hurt me it's just a little worker the whole structure goes away if you do this oh what did you no no no no no i agree no no what did you what what happened no no no oh no no no oh it's still there what'd you do no it's your ass back everything's fine don't worry about it get your ass back here you have my spear you [ __ ] whatever's happening with weight is not fine i'm going to help wade then it's throwing grass at me that doesn't seem like a thing that it would my spear is somewhere between you and me and this oh oh yeah you got me you got your magic yeah magic what i forgot about what oh my god oh my god mark come up here oh my god oh my god oh my god am i is it safe it's safe if you don't stand right at the edge oh i don't think i can get in here the holes are too small it has so much health okay i need a [ __ ] ton of weed stems and clover leaves let's do this jesus oh my spear is stuck in its head ow ow ow oh my spear i got my spear hey nice oh god it's halfway dead shoot dang it almost we got it up here it's up there oh come here you [ __ ] so twitchy i will hammer yes nice wait grab it sack oh i've got some arrows for you oh thanks thank you good thing these come back i didn't need to make a hundred you know your spears down there there's a there's a whole bunch more out there in the grass oh boy we killed orb weaver we did it we did it we're gods well yeah you know what i'll let you have that one victory slurp refreshing all right i need water so i'm going to the tree no wait no dude dude my dude come here let me show you oh man you're really sweet we killed norb weaver all through your victory look here tp slurp it's this wait come on oh god not this slurpee's anything this slurp it up yeah i'm gonna just find some non-piss god that was that was great man i'm glad we did that together what did i just actually eat i don't know man anyway it's the memories we share i really make friendship special you drink urine together then you're in together did you drink some more i heard feeling refreshed oh that must have been someone else bob what do we need to get for you i really need water that's the thing i need i know i know that's not easier done than said or there's so much pee but i don't everywhere it doesn't sound good too it's all over the place it's not a good that's bad for three also there is also dying all right it looks like i'm drinking pee boys the tree is covered in water all right i know no one ever wants to come to the tree but like there's so much water here oh why there's no god hey guys i made a ghost scaffolding is that impressive yes i'm learning about construction and how [ __ ] doesn't need to exist for it to exist wow that is beautiful it really doesn't need to exist for you to build it that's fascinating yeah so we got a we got a nice nice tall base there and for like half the resources yeah that's pretty cool man that's pretty cool it's something i take full credit for that you want to see the way down bro yeah i do yeah i do check this [ __ ] out yay whoa let me try that girl um i got an auto saving as that whatever happened just happened all right cool it didn't work for me no you gotta you gotta really believe okay i gotta believe like try it again and believe this time [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,401,359
Rating: 4.9693093 out of 5
Keywords: grounded, grounded game, grounded markiplier, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, multiplayer, collab, funny moments, grounded gameplay, survival, crafting, sandbox, bugs, insects, backyard, honey i shrunk the kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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