THERMONUCLEAR GODZILLA Destroys EVERYTHING in Animal Revolt Battle Simulator

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to another game that's got four letters for an acronym and i feel like they just kind of went to encyclopedia and they said words and it's they came up with animal revolt battle simulator i don't really understand the name of it but we're gonna you know have a revolt of animals and stuff so we might as well just give ourselves a beautiful green valley oh look how nice that is it's valley and green and stuff cool we can select our units now my favorite thing about this game is there's all sorts of fun stuff like i don't know we can make a gorgon whatever that is we'll put him over here look at that that my friends is a gorgon there's also a hydra wow i can't words there we go give me the hydra we need a hydra can i turn you there you go buddy oh yeah that's totally a hydra because it has three heads nice and we can change its ai defaults and stuff we can make a garden idle hp multiplayer let's try 20 times more oh look i just spawned another one that's gonna be terrifying time for team two now i feel like having carnivorous dinosaurs like a t-rex might be fun and i feel like our t-rex needs some better eyeballs yeah that looked good we'll put that one there that one there oh yeah he's got a he's got a bad case of the googly eye let's get rid of that we'll change it a little bit here googly eye you know what a second thought googly eyed monster seems like a good idea can i give him a helmet kind of that's kind of awkward though i feel like he needs it for science purposes that's also yeah i know he doesn't need that i'll create my own helmet with spikes and because t-rex don't really have arms i decided to give him boxing gloves some harpoons a machine gun and of course a ballist on his back and we might as well i don't know i give him this thing on his side yeah that works like a little piece of armor i think he likes that look at how happy he is i'll be entirely out honest i don't really understand this game no i don't why is why is there a giant hydra and then boxing gloves happening and then there's the gorgon coming in and this tail's being bit what is going on here hydra's like i'm gonna eat this dude's tail and then we're just shooting it with a ballistic minigun and is it gonna die don't push me off the map bro i didn't deserve this i did not just okay maybe maybe the gorgon will fall off he's fighting hard oh clubbed him in the head with a boxing glove guys guys that's not okay quit it and then they're just they're just mulling him oh he grappled on no okay wait i got a victory oh i was i was the good guys yay maybe if i add a butt load of spikes to his tail the hydras can't bite his tail anymore also a missile launcher attached to his hip that could be a good thing yes let's try that again go little go little rexy boy there's the harpoons oh yeah i put in a bunch of steel spikes too those could work get a missile launchers there's one there's a good blast i feel like he's doing it yes box the gorgon with your fake arms it's working it's working is the gorgon dead the gorgon is not dead um this could be bad for t-rex kind oh with a spike club attack right on the back that was beautiful i like that okay this this is good they're biting each other exactly what you would think of a t-rex doing except he's got harpoon gloves boxing gloves and like missile launching spikes oh yes that one in the back is trying to fight the spikes it's not working well oh the gorgon's gonna die then gorgon is down he took a ballistic bolt to the head i don't actually understand what's happening but i i like it because it's googly eyes mainly because of the googly eyes yeah and it's working it's working we're getting lots of bullets happening i feel that 20 times multiplayer is probably a little overpowered right about now good thing that the hydra is trying to bite the ballista right with his face yeah it doesn't work out too well for you and the machine guns are like going right at the neck oh no he's doing the same strat oh just before it fell off the map our t-rex friend with tentacle monsters it looks like what was the guy on uh what was that the spider-man movie the octo octo man or something octo i forget his name that's kind of what he looks like he's got a bunch of claws or general grievous one of the two i'm not sure yet general grievous was a dinosaur i like that though those spikes in the tail did the trick makes me wonder of a spartan army yes a bunch of these guys could take out our rexy boy over there yeah him they're a long way away but we'll try also probably some who stars because they're the winged horsemen and an elephant with rockets on it because why not alright so let's see how this goes we got a rocket elephant in the back here comes the winged horseman yes and whoa it's it's lagging down oh my word he's got one in its mouth i wonder if these whoa oh the spartans are so good he's just shaking the spartans around crunching him but doesn't matter because his tail also has like horses attached to it and stuff okay what about the rocket elephant it's got like no that's not a rocket that's a laser gun why does the elephant have a laser on it i don't understand this game but i like it whoa the boxing glove up in the air this is so awkward i just realized needed to make a genetically modified human we have to we have to name him kevin oh there's a good tail swipe we have people stuck literally on the back of this thing oh look i just got totally flung way off the map hot dang this guy's like i don't wanna fight that wrecks that's okay he's probably gonna die he won't know it anymore whoa a tail swipe to the elephant's head and another one they're gonna push them off the map they're gonna cheat they got cheating in them look at those googly eyes he's so excited to be chomping on that spartan right now i think my favorite part is just the boxing gloves like why does the t-rex need boxing gloves it's because he doesn't have arms oh did you see that guy getting ripped apart up on top hot dang that looked painful and then he gets bit too oh and another bite that's great elephant's still alive the guy just got launched off the map with a boxing glove ooh and a rocket strike i think our elephant friend is down i mean our defense enemy oh he's still alive but that tail swipe oh that is so deadly oh no rexy is down wait i won i mean i lost his team one's my team there really aren't that many dead spartans kind of amazes me and then the elephant's just here like it's like i've claimed my prize i have won the day i have carpe the dm so it makes me wonder there are bases like a humanoid base i want this oh oh oh like this one uh-huh i don't know wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up why are you guys still here you're supposed to go away maybe i'll try a different color this time like large grassland oh there's very large grassland oh player army disabled units victory condition time of day so many things weapons and armor yeah we like that all right let's see what we can do here we got this guy just the legs no nothing else i don't really know what's what's going on here we have torsos humanoid torso or gorilla skelly man okay all right we just kind of we just kind of slide that right on top here all right i mean yes now we have puncher hands i like that i gotta scroll that right right and we'll put that there what happens if i could i just make it bigger i'm gonna make this guy like super ripped and by super ripped i mean his arms it's just gonna be bigger than his entire body also that's his is the wrong arm that's okay i don't really care i don't think he does either because he doesn't have a head yet hulk smash give me a head he needs a super tiny head actually you know what he needs he needs two heads because he's just not a cyclops what is that with two heads and he looks hideous i love him so what if i fight a hill giant versus my big arm friend this could be interesting i don't really know how oh you don't have i did i made him on team one oopsies here you no no no no turn around there we go also i gave him shades him him them i don't really know oh can he walk that's the real question can he even walk i'm gonna see what happens no he can't really walk punch [Laughter] it's almost like a helicopter we need helicopters in this game and boom nice oh no don't you dare fly off the map oh oh i don't like this anymore oh don't you dare fly i told you i gave you a big map so you didn't have to fly off of it nice well done and attack i wish my arms were so big that i couldn't walk actually take that back no thank you he skipped leg day totally skipped leg day and attack again why is that guy picking himself he's got a he's got an atomic wedgie going on i feel like one of these punches is just going to launch our enemy here off the map oh attack mode oh no no no no no oh oh oh oh oh oh no he died you know what else is interesting there's a lot of weird stuff in like thumb nuclear godzilla uh-huh oh i don't know what that is there's an entire workshop oh the roman war elephant that looks cool somebody made that and uploaded it to the workshop i need to use that is there a clear map button i just want a clear map button i don't want fine we'll do a new map there should we try mech godzilla we'll do mech godzilla over here oh that looks so cool i love it there's also one that i found was called mecha kevin i don't really understand that but i like it because his name's kevin and then i don't know much but i don't think that the romans actually used elephants i think that was like everyone else that attacked the romans that used elephants oh there's also mutant primates goro the giant we need to fight gorilla the giant should we see if uh the romans here what are they doing why aren't they fighting godzilla godzilla's over there guys look at him go he's so cute just stomping around oh he's like hey guys i want to be your friend but i'm heavily armored with all sorts of crazy things plus made out of metal there we go oh yeah he's got machine guns yeah this is the good stuff oh and rocket launchers okay the horses the elephants not horses oh the elephants die quick oh this isn't good mechazil is pretty uh pretty dangerous here it looks like i wonder if he can make it against our friend the t-rex oh he just destroyed another elephant another elephant oh he's grabbing things with his spiky claws eat him nice and he swings that tail wonder what he's made out of like what's behind the scenes under this is it a t-rex body there's some sort of dinosaur in there he also has a ton of rocket launchers yay and these little spartans are no joke either oh no he fell over he's just jumping back up stop and everything oh that's so cool get up bro wow you can see that the real dinosaur underneath it's so much smaller oh we just killed another elephant oh he just got wrecked oh no the roman legion could take that's why it's an herbivore why didn't we give an herbivore godzilla skills i feel like i should use thermonuclear godzilla instead yes this this looks very terrifying why is there a bunch of tnt thermonuclear godzilla's just going to blow everything oh whoa okay there's an explosion that happened uh most of the spartans are gone but all of the elephants still remain they're using their ballistas uh oh uh thermonuclear godzilla he's got a case of oh he just bit somebody i thought he was gonna have a case of the dumps in his face oh he is ripping apart he's ripping apart the elephants i grossly underestimated his strength he got this guy who's still stuck to the elephant he's like why doesn't he have legs he doesn't have legs but his eyeballs are sticking out oh is that it he did it okay okay we need to use goro the giant versus thermonuclear godzilla i don't know what goro is but we're gonna try it wait i do have two armies you need to be on team two yeah there you go let's see what happens now can goro the giant take on thermonuclear godzilla that's the real question is he is he like oh he's just gonna get nuked yeah it's gonna load all right so uh that was easy wait this one's called projectile i feel like i need to test all these out let's get rid of goro we're gonna use we're gonna use shatter well let's just add them all yeah the entire team simarilla we got king kong wolverine wolverine it's wolverine knockout artist then we got berserker and pooja tile does he throw turds i kind of hope so oh no they're all attacking each other that guy literally just threw his hammer what the world you dorks were all supposed to be on the same team last time i trust you for anything you guys want to fight the real con no don't go that way there's the kong's over here well they figured it out now okay it's time for the nuke okay they blew up the nuke it looks like goro is dead oh he's not dead this time wait what knockout artist why does that whoa whoa i want to see the guy throwing the poop that's what i really want i think that's this one okay wow can the kongs defeat thermonuclear godzilla they're doing a good job of it they're all up in his business stabbing and grabbing and punching oh hey gordon's getting his head bit wait that's not really oh a little right hook and a left hook taking him down but his face is stuck with spiky boys they get this guy back here he's literally pooping in his hand and throwing it that's so gross oh he's dead now nope never mind he's not dead but look he's gonna drop a loaf and then he throws it that is disgusting i have a really really not a good feeling about thermonuclear godzilla defeating everything even with goro here just left and right hooking all the time oh he's got maybe the belly is the soft spot get him thor zilla throw your hammer at him mjolnir is that what it is oh look there's squishy spots you can hit underneath through the armor oh that hammer does so much damage actually i don't know that i'm just saying it because i think it's funny it does give a nice knock back though get up thorazilla oh no he's gonna fall off the map i mean yes he's gonna fall off the map that hammer's pretty cool not gonna lie oh what a knockout threw him off the map and he shatters into a million pieces i lost again why do i always lose that's a team i want to lose what about a team that's kong wait we need to put him on the other team okay we got mechagodzilla mecca kevin and then thermo nuke we need to put thermo nuke man in the front because he's gonna blow everything up and then we're gonna put in kong over here kong 2021 remastered with battle axe that sounds cool we'll put him on team two it's already laggy and i haven't even started yet which is amazing and then we start the battle yes it's the evolution of kong oh this is going to be a rough okay someone's got a big minigun like mini any godzilla oh okay i don't know what happened over there but i don't like it are these guys shooting our friend oh with a clobber to the face okay we got to see what kong does here um kong oh wow this guy got ripped apart kong looks pretty sweet though look at that does he have a fish in his hand supposed to be a battle axe it looks like a fish oh and kong is down and they've done it the victory is here i should do mechazilla vs kong all right boys got it clear let's do a regular mechagodzilla on team one and then team two we're gonna do kong that'll be better just like such as very nice oh i like it those missiles though okay his little battle axe isn't very good his face is good though he knocked him over doesn't really have any good attacks he needs he needs missiles and junk get him get him kong i kind of want kang to win but i don't think it's gonna happen because he can't figure out how to actually hit and he's getting hit with missiles he's got this derpy little stick that he's trying to smack him with and it's not working oh he did it i am so surprised kong won that's great they weren't gonna be friends i was hoping they're just gonna be friends and then sit down and drink a nice glass of tea anyway that will do it for today's video of animal revolt battle simulator if you enjoyed it let me know give me some ideas for your own suggested units and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deacon paul longstone and raul and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 155,116
Rating: 4.9355488 out of 5
Keywords: animal revolt battle simulator, animal revolt battle simulator godzilla, animal revolt battle simulator new units, battle simulator, animal battle simulator, arbs game, arbs, purussaurus, goro, godzilla, t-rex, kong, dinosaurs, unit creator, update, animal revolt battle simulator game, animal revolt battle simulator gameplay, king kong, goro the giant, new unit, every unit, physics games, king kong vs godzilla
Id: -aJkXjE8caE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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