When Genetic Splicing GOES VERY WRONG ! Genomon First Look | Z1 Gaming

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that looks disgusting what have we [Music] created what is going on everybody z here and welcome to genome on genetic monsters now this looks like kind of it kind of reminds me of sporeish where you uh like you you craft like like animals and monsters and things but it also kind of gave me a little bit of a slime entry vibe so we are checking this out now this is a free demo i'm playing a demo version i'm not playing anything else so if you want to check it i'll have a link down below it's completely free demo let's hop on into it hopefully you guys enjoy if you do uh make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more and leave leave a comment let me know if you want to see more of this adventure demo let's do it new game oh yes oh yes this this has given me vibes of like oh this is super cutesy this is super cute oh geez uh my my mouse okay all right all right sensitivity was a little high on the mouse there all right so uh genome registry rename your genome uh genome library check genome progress shop research terminal there's a lady over here with her arms out t-posing like like a boss good job proud of you uh okay so what what are we first steps we have an eye oh why is i inventory come on tab i can't i can't tab the inventory that should be like an industrial standard uh okay so i think we need to find oh hold on what's this looks like uh looks like a rat hello rat pick up hey aren't you a cute little rat i like rats i've had pet rats before have you had pet rats comment down below let me know my name my pet rat was his name was cruiser he was a cool little guy all right put that in our backpack uh do we have anything else oh i saw something flipping over here it looks like a rat though as well okay more rats we'll just we'll just we're just gonna grab them we're gonna grab all the rats i don't know what we're gonna do with them and hopefully it's nothing bad i hope it's nothing bad do we have anything up here on the hill anything nothing nothing okay so uh let's go talk to this lady we have a helicopter too what do we do with the helicopter is this just like the vehicle that i got here in open expedition map what you need at least one genome to go on an expedition oh hold on a second what is that about okay who are you irene hello irene your t-pose and like a boss oh hi there i cannot tell you how excited i am to finally meet you okay uh seriously it's just been me and like a million rats on silence for i don't know how many days um i'm irene i'm sure your uncle's executor told you about me right um we're gonna hope that the uh the uncle passed away and and you are you are the person executing his will and not the actual uh hopefully we're not actually talking about you know an actual execution anyways right yes oh good by the way sorry about your uncle just know he died doing what he loved science so he died doing science okay also here your uncle gave me this to give to you he wanted you to use it to build yourself a nice lab here's some cash to get you started new research items available all right uh so i i have a lot of rats um l current job speak to irene thanks for playing the demo look forward to much more of everything else in the full release okay do i need to speak to you again uh give yourself some space first off maybe build some floors after that may i suggest some walls yep floors and walls that's what's good architecture all about okay so how do i do that uh research architecture 1.0 using the research terminal and expand the floor space of your lab speak with irene when you're done with the job okay so research terminal architecture 1.0 adds building and demolition mode and some basic architecture to the menu research cost a hundred dollars okay so we have money so uh there's possibly anytime there's money in a game there's got to be a way to exploit it we need to make all of the money okay so we did that uh b for build mode okay we've got wall we've got floor so we need six floors and six walls uh can we can we like expand out from here maybe let's do one two three four five six okay so there's that and then q and e all right so let's get some walls on here one two uh what if i don't want to put any more walls here well we can always just destroy them later right five out of six can i put a wall here yes i can okay speak to irene irene i've built the thing look it it's the most amazing thing it's such a wonderful thing uh oh what a perfect fusion of form and function you know i pride myself on excellence what can i say here's some cash to get you started yes we made 500 again uh speak to irene again now how about we put that laboratory to use uh for your first task would you currently fetch three rats if you're having difficulty try using your scanner to find them uh oh you do have the rats those are some beautiful specimens you know as rats go uh here's some cash new research available okay now we have all these rats what should we do with them yes we could eat them but i'm on the low rat diet little joke see what i did there yeah i see what you did there i know how about we just harvest their dna for that you'll need a dna extractor and while we are at it an embryo splicer once you've completed the necessary research just switch to build mode and install the dna extractor and embryo slicer in your lab okay so do i need to research this stuff dna extractor 1.0 research that and dna splicing 1.0 okay um i feel like we're gonna have to consume the rats i i almost feel bad for the rats i almost feel bad for them all right we've got extraction and spliceage so let's go into build mode uh architecture devices so we have a dna extractor uh can we rotate this okay so that goes that way rotate is g there we go okay can we bring you over here awesome and then dna splicer can we get you right next to it no oh my gosh we've done it speak to irene okay so we have a dna extractor and a dna splicer all right so what do we do with these things you're done that was quick okay let's harvest those rats dna and splice it with an embryo obviously you can't do that without a viable human embryo so i've placed one in your backpack wait what you can't do that without a viable human and where are you uh where are you getting human embryos that's super weird that you didn't even notice me putting it in there yeah i'm quick and quiet kind of like a rat oh god it's so wrong what do you mean a viable embryo has been slipped into your backpack where did you get it where did you get it oh my gosh this is uh almost terrifying so dna extractors uh pretty simple actually you put your animal in there turn it on and viola just like that magic you've got dna and don't worry the animals hardly feel a thing okay the process is actually excruciatingly painful but it's only like a super short amount of time this is terrible anyway make sure you have a rat in your hand and approach the machine to attach it don't look in their eyes never look in their eyes so just harvest one of those rashford's dna splice the dna with an embryo then come see me that all sounds simple right yeah sure i don't know about this okay so if i go into my inventory i grab this i pick it up pick up uh attach oh god activate said never look in their eyes uh what is happening man rat embryo activate i hit activate it doesn't seem like a super oh there's a there's a little progress bar right there that was awful pick up now do i place it here attach okay so then i go into here take out attach so we're going to attach a rat dna with a human embryo dna this just just this just doesn't even sound right on any level whatsoever okay all right well i don't know what's gonna happen and i don't know why we're making a human rat but we're making a human rat so i guess we gotta look past the point of um harvesting animals for the dna that's terrible like they could just say like oh yeah these rats are specifically formulated to become used this way man rat embryo put him back back okay i've done it i've done the thing i don't know what we've created what kind of monster oh look at that recumbent dna now we can give birth to the perfect rat human hybrid or what we call a genome on okay here's some cash new research items available let me guess i see the look on your face and don't worry we're 400 miles away from the nearest internationally recommended recognized nation state while this sort of work may ethically be questionable we're out of any anyone's legal jurisdiction it's even known it's even saying how wrong this is and like how terrible this is that we're doing this but it's just it's like yeah you know what it happens anyways next you have to research and build a genome incubator in a genome lab oh my gosh okay all right so geno incubator genome lab you got to do one at a time oh my gosh this is you know this games like this i just don't understand like i get genome on it's like okay yeah like you know other mon type of games um but genome on lab so i need that and then i guess genome relocator as a genome uh relocator to the build menu allowing you to teleport to genome on to any area that's kind of cool uh should we just go and research that nope because we don't have the money for it awesome all right so let's go into our build menu uh devices and we need a genome lab let's see let's go and rotate it around interesting it doesn't want to rotate only wants to go that way in that way okay we'll put that one there and then genome incubator there we go okay all right we've done the things fabulous now we can truly blur the boundaries between animal and man guys is there any red flags going up red flag you know i feel like there's a red flag here uh research item available okay so what does this do let's start populating our little island huh give life to your man rat by placing its embryo on the incubator uh incubator okay so man rat embryo uh can i have you no pic pick up okay attach activate not enough items wait what take out attach activate hey oh my god that looks disgusting what have we created irene i don't know about this this seems like a terrible horrible awful idea okay it's turning into a person oh my gosh what in the heck it's a monster it's absolutely terrifying i read what are you guys doing here this is not cool amazing look at him his very existence is a total disruption of the natural order yes it is he would do can you guess what we do next with this metamorphized abomination study them no we enter him into the island fighting circuit for prizes and money what you can battle him by joining by going on an expedition using the helicopter what the heck is this your first genome they're like simultaneously disturbing and fascinating aren't they genomon are naturally violent creatures that engage in battle out of sheer instinct better the genome on get out their aggressions on other genome rather than us right get to the helicopter okay so am i supposed to uh oh my gosh this is terrifying am i supposed to do anything with this because i what what is this heal or modified genuine okay all right we'll just let's leave we get to the helicopter let's get to the hell get to the choppa open expedition map uh rival species possible loot cost attack rival man rat oh wait uh hp 75 what is what is this 100 attack defense okay battle oh my gosh oh we actually control oh whoa that thing has like super super huge claws i think we killed each other defeat oh come on we killed each other heal or modify genome on oh hold on heal okay uh close okay all right hold on we gotta fight this thing again i think we won that one that thing was actually kind of cool okay all right you know if you can get past the uh the questionable stuff the actual fighting is kind of interesting um all right uh battle got him haha i'm the winner i'm victorious uh loot we got those whatever that clothing it had and we got two rats uh level up okay oh my gosh this is actually kind of funny this is actually kind of funny all right irene uh your first gentleman they're like scientists are destroying yeah uh do you know what our natural creatures blah blah blah did you see the complete blood lesson or gentleman's eyes win or lose they get stronger with every battle next shopkeep with good work okay uh so now what do i do we need to start growing our last reputation amongst the wither ward islands then maybe we can reunite the breakthrough science community and return it to its former glory let's start off by sequencing uh by fully sequencing the rat genome that would surely earn us some respect each time you extract rat dna you help complete the genome uh you can always check your progress at the genome library okay cool so if i want to go in here and heal you up hold on um i have an upgrade uh verminous scratch uh and we can equip it okay so we've got verminous scratch as a as an attack attribute okay let's go ahead and heal you because we're gonna have to do more fighting unfortunately but let's get some more let's get some more rat dna going uh take out and attach and activate okay so we'll let that do its thing what did we unlock here actually i need you i'm gonna need to we're gonna need to get a whole bunch of the rat stuff done uh genome relocator adds a genome uh relocator to the build menu allows you allowing you to teleport genome on to any area architecture 2.0 adds painted black and white styles to the build menu uh gifts from irene adds decorations for marine cost okay uh let's get the genome on relocator first of all adds trim and pillars to the build menu okay i want to know what these upgrades are for and what these are about so let's finish the rat stuff uh pick up put it back back okay so i guess we're just going to uh hey no equip attach activate rat genome is 37 of a hundred okay cool uh i feel like we have enough rats to complete this oh our rat is 99 complete uh none okay here there last one we should be good and then actually we can go into build menu i think devices hybrid transporter i think that's what we just unlocked okay it doesn't like when i stand here but if i stand here it's fine so we'll put that there what does this thing do teleport genome on oh teleport genome on here oh that's kind of cool okay genome fully okay so we're good there so now i think it said to genome registry rename your genome i think that's what i need to do hold on irene uh we've now mapped the complete rat genome we will only use this knowledge for the benefit of manned and rat kind or what about man rat kind that is unless there's a the potential for a lucrative business opportunity nice job keep the good work blah blah blah okay uh now i've always wanted to combine a man a rat and a bat crazy idea right i mean that what would that look like oh gosh could you incubate one for me you can get a bat from fighting on osaki island okay so should we oh oh no that just needs to be man rat uh close yeah we'll leave that as man rat man rat bat all right well i guess we gotta go somewhere and fight so let's get into it open expedition map um rival species bat possible loot okay and oh wait we could have two well i don't have another i don't have another um embryo so i really can't do anything uh battle oh gosh there's two of them oh geez oh yeah we're not gonna win this one yeah no not even close i need two man rats uh man rat bats uh yeah how do what is this genome library shop oh there's a shop oh human embryo buy item confirm close okay so now uh if we go into the dna splicer and we get a human embryo oh god this is wrong this is wrong and rat dna and activate okay so we'll get that one going wait so can we make our man rat stronger where is our man rat at our main rat's gone i wonder can we like get the the genome for man rat maybe i don't know i don't know i guess we'll have at least two fighters now instead of one how does that work are we gonna switch between the two are they gonna like auto fight i don't i don't know all right uh pick that up let's put you in here attach activate and we've got another man rat perfect we got another main rat are you excited i'm excited we had that upgrade of the the claw attack thingy but i don't know if that is like a one like we call we only have one of them so we need possibly more i don't know [Music] man rats done good job man rat uh let's see man rat energy let's heal you is there another main rat here somewhere next okay there we go previous next uh okay so we don't have any traits for that one all right well i suppose it's time to go fight again and see if we can get a man rat bat this is crazy this is so weird all right and battle oh the other one does kind of fight on its own oh wait did we win victory okay so we got two bat loots and whatever that thing is what is this i don't know what it is okay continue oh that was super neato all right so what is that uh should we just make like one super powered one verbanist fur what does that do oh defense and hp by three okay equipped you so it's going to heal you and heal you and then close that heck yeah and we also so she wants man rat bat how does that work what is this research technology okay so i'm not worried about that stuff how do we get man rat and bats do we go pick up a man rat speak battle is law is master happy wait so how do we do this i want to teleport uh one of these man rats teleport close uh well masters wise how do we get man rat bat oh the embryo okay so we need to shop uh i don't have money can we sell stuff sell items oh here we go oh rat dini is worth quite a bit okay cool we'll sell that one uh sell item confirm sell rat dna confirm uh so we can turn these rats into stuff so buy item human embryo buy that this is super sketchy just saying and then we need to get take out attach and then take out attach activate and then we'll put the bat one in here and it'll be a man rat bat oh this is gonna be here this is gonna be interesting this is gonna be interesting we got two of them though too so that's pretty cool yeah i know you're stuck there i'm sorry uh this is this is interesting this is like uh this is like almost it's cringy oh goodness okay so now pick up attach and then pick up this oh we got a bat okay so we need to do this activate we need to splice the bat dna okay okay okay all right now we're getting somewhere here i feel like we need another one of these machines like these things kind of take a while and we can make money off these rats just oh god that sounds terrible we can make money just by selling the rat dna that's so wrong that is so wrong all right so pick that up put that there activate so that's gonna be man rap bat bad wrap bag uh let's grab this put you there activate uh we need you know what we really need we need man bear pig we need man bear pig [Laughter] comment below if you know the reference oh that's funny i don't really care about that stuff i don't wanna i don't wanna buy the decorative stuff i wanna just do the stuff that we can do all right so we've got man rat bat embryo pick that up and put you attach activate man rat bat okay so let's go and put that in our inventory and i guess let's go ahead and get some rats going that i picked up because we we can use the the dna to sell for money god that looks so nasty and wrong oh it looks so wrong so wrong now is the man rap bat better than just the man rat like i feel like it would be so let's see here uh genome this is uh man rat man rat bat so man rat has 85 hp but it does also have some up oh no this one doesn't have upgrades hp's 85 this one's 73 attack is 38 this one's 31 defense is 25 19 speed is 25 31 but this is uh this is a level two man rat and this is only a level one man rat bat um so okay all right let's speak to irene irene we made your man rap bat what do you think now i've always wanted to combine man right yep yep already did that whoa this that thing is like a walking nightmare good job though i guess we'll have to uh live with this rat bat monstrosity oh yes we will new research items available we've shown what we're capable of splicing and sequencing a wide variety of genomes now we must harness the knowledge in the field of combat defeat osaki at sector six then he can only but bow before our mighty scientific prowess all right so they want me to go and fight something uh do we have like another option to get something else there so you want me to beat him at osaka's wasn't it six extravagant oh there's like extract bat dna to complete bat genome to unlock this sector possibly oh there's spiders uh spiders oh what is that thing possible i don't know what that thing is but i think it's super creepy um those are like attack types oh there's a snake and what is that an ant it looks like an ant a frog oh my gosh oh that's a different type of frog there's like a frog and then a frog maybe this one's a lizard a snake a uh iguana possibly was that a vulture oh my gosh okay this actually looks kind of cool i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie this looks pretty neat so uh i think we need we probably need more man bat rats like man bat rats are probably better than man bats but i don't know we gotta finish the bat genome which means we're gonna have to go back in battle in order to get enough bats to sequence in order to make that happen so uh achieve battle victory on sec oh sokka sector zero six but we can't go to osaka sector zero six because we requires a victory at osaka five sector and then osaka four extract back dna to complete this genome and unlock the sector extract bat dna okay so we got some bad dna that we need to extract in order to get these things going now we could fight these guys again and get uh some upgrades for our man bat rats things and we could fight these which we're gonna fight these anyways and then we can get the whatever skin that is like stronger defenses oh this is okay so red flags and very questionable ethics aside it's actually kind of cool it's actually kind of cool making your own things to fight other things uh it's a little scary where's the man bat rat are you a man bat rat that's a man rat man bat rat where's your wings you don't have any wings are we puppet for master yes yes you are that is all you are oh okay so uh we've got some work ahead of us but that is gonna end this episode hopefully you enjoyed if you did this is uh genomon link down below in the steam page like i said kind of an interesting game kind of weird very weird super weird but it's kind of cool and playability is uh it's definitely there it's definitely there so i want to check out i want to see what we got going on uh and i want to see all like the crazy stuff we can build uh the spider stuff's gonna be super weird you making like a spiderman rat bat oh my gosh or spiderman rat snake bat [Laughter] it's gonna be so weird it's gonna be super weird but it's super uh super interesting thank you again for coming out hopefully you enjoyed if you want to see more make sure you leave a comment down below comment man rap bat down below or man bear pig down below let me know if you want to see more of this it's pretty interesting but thank you again for coming out have a fantastic question and i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 21,508
Rating: 4.9334025 out of 5
Keywords: genomon game, genomon lets play, genomon demo, genomon steam, Genomon monster, z1 gaming, lets play, pokemon, free demo, genomon genetic monsters, genomon genetic monsters, genomon, evolution game, spore, gameplay, games like spore, demo, genomon: genetic monsters, pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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