Stealing CREEPER ORGANS To UPGRADE in Minecraft

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called minecraft the small little indie game that you've probably never heard of one nice thing about this game is that there are a lot of mods and i found an interesting one today where we can literally rip out the organs out of creatures and then put them back into ourselves and become stronger or weaker or whatever you want to say also there's horses over there we can steal their organs but you know how it'd be you gotta rip apart your trees make pointless wooden tools mine up enough cobblestone to make even better tools and then craft that tool also making up a furnace gather your cobblestone gather your coal and eventually find some iron now that you have a sufficient amount of iron you throw in any kind of junk you can find inside of your furnace let it burn up and start creating your iron ingots oh hey fella how are you i don't like him i want to steal his organs so by the power of modding we can start creating some beautiful things yes we can look at this a chest opener oh boy now i can open up my own chest it kind of hurts a little bit and i can steal my own heart but then i start dying because well literally nothing is there to pump my blood i also don't have anything to eat um so that that also sucks hello come here come over here oh there's a bat i wonder if i can steal a bat heart hey oh no that's me oh shoot that hurt hey dark face ugly you got to talk nice to them they like it when you call them ugly hey bud how are you would you like uh me to go ahead and remove your rotten heart how about your rotten flesh in your spleen in your liver and your spine and every other organ that you have huh how do you like that no he moves really slow because he literally doesn't have anything so i'll just dispatch him normally i don't want to go down there because it's kind of scary oh look how slow he is oh it's so sad that was fantastic now i'm gonna eat him yummy rotten flesh would you like that same treatment dork face yes you would oh you know what we'll just throw all your organs on the ground because we really don't need them please don't hit me decayed rotten kidneys rotten lungs rotten skeleton decayed rib flesh obviously and then your appendix i don't know why you need an appendix but you don't anymore there he goes he's gonna die now hey i hear a slime i kind of want to go steal slime organs hey bat yeah what if i can grab one oh oh i got it okay we got all sorts of things we don't need you actually why don't i just take out your heart and give you a rotten heart oh he died i think oh no where'd he go hey buddy hey hey baddie boy come here okay we gotta do surgery real quick ow that was me there it is there it is okay i'm gonna take your heart and give you a new one oh he's still flying yay we did surgery i gave him a rotten heart oh so here is the real question if i build up a furnace can i make that heart into like food and maybe maybe oh it doesn't burn how about these oh i could turn it in a bone meal that's pretty cool i have more science purposes to do on you little bat boy oh no i killed him oh but i got a heart that heart is uh the rotten one oh he's the one we put in him oh boy oh boy abort mission abort mission i don't like you i don't like you oh there's a creeper coming okay okay this is good we need creeper parts we need them uh-huh we don't need the slimy little ones though those are gross all right and then i'll just kind of put you right here where's that creeper at there he is oh boy i'm gonna steal his organs yeah i don't need you i want creeper parts okay you guys can't attack me everything's fine oh creepy i don't like you where are you i see one always go there's a skelly boy too okay i need you in here jump i know you have legs come on okay i am so freaked out right now i need him in this tunnel hey [Applause] [Music] don't blow up okay are we friends are we friends creeper oh i'm stealing his parts give me his appendix and the gunpowder if i take the gunpowder can he not blow up also why does he have leaves and a log doesn't make any sense we're gonna test this for science purposes what happens if wait hold up what happens if i give myself his appendix this is kind of weird hey bud okay better not blow up you oh oh no no no no okay oh oh look he's so cute you can't explode now you're a dork now what are you gonna do i'm gonna steal all your leafy boys and now what you're just gonna look all big and tough and scary oh look at me i'm a big tough skater creeper just kidding give me your oak parts oh no he's dying here oh he died yay i mean that was exciting oh that was fun i just dismembered a creeper he got revenge on me though that sucks i don't remember where i was i kind of feel guilty about this but i'm breaking down the creeper it's kind of fun he also gave me sticks and an apple so i'm happy and on second thought we really don't need all that garbage now the exciting thing is i can open up my chest again now the creeper does have an appendix which is explosive it's creepy and gives me average luck so i wonder if i can replace my appendix with the creeper appendix now i'm park creeper i'm park reaper all right so i'm gonna change this out with r and now if i'm full food in my life i should be able to press r i have three gunpowder let's see what happens oh it's straight up explodes okay i thought i would get i thought i would get gunpowder but i straight up exploded that's hilarious whoa nope that was me oh hey wait i didn't take damage i'm starting to remember that eating rotten flesh is not a very good idea what is this guy all about please don't anyone sneak up on me oh what does he have silk land i want that he also has a heart i'm going to steal his hearts yes give me your hearts he's dying he's dying i stole his heart i oh that was good that was excellent now i have silk lens i wonder what that does for me shall i try oh it hurts so good okay so my my creeper part is gone but i have a silk land now so if i just hit r i should be able to make it no i don't have enough energy ah and i can't eat rotten flesh no hey skellyboy can i have your organs i can what happens if i just remove them all oh i better not die oh he doesn't have organs that makes sense but i can replace his ribs yeah there we go we'll just put all of his ribs right in a bone meal oh poop oh poop get out of here okay oh that was really bad oh you know what i think we're time to leave the cave there they are the horsies oh there's a donkey too and some pigs and some fish i wonder if we can steal fish organs that's kind of weird i'm glad it is daytime though oh i'm gonna try to get squid parts hey donkey donkey oh donkeys don't have parts how about pigs ooh pig parts i'm gonna take all of the animal muscle that sounds like a good idea we'll get rid of the rotten muscle and we'll take the animal muscle yes you're gonna be okay you think he's a little a little bit weak is this demented but i really want to know if i can cook it while he's still alive i think that's demented i'm sorry okay edible muscle in and cool yay finally something that's not rotten that i get to eat what is it and burn meat chunk that's my nickname in high school don't eat that okay that's really not good food what else do you have that i might want average nerves poor defense wait average defense if i rip out his ribs can i put the ribs in myself okay i'm gonna take a lung too for science purposes and heart average health okay let's just see also i don't have socks on i don't know why i don't have socks yeah this food is absolutely terrible probably not a good idea just eating meat oh there's so much better food here cook pork chops yes okay let's open me up and see ow okay a rib good defense compared to average defense i feel like good is better than average and then the heart was average health compared to my good health so probably what are you doing donkey get out of my life and then there's a liver and my spleen why do i have a spleen good endurance good breath okay so animal parts aren't the best we'll just throw those away and go in with my s word die piggy yes pork chops next question what about horses i'm guessing since the donkeys don't work the horsies won't work either that's a really pretty horse oh yes sheep hello sheep nice to meet you i'm just gonna remove your heart real quick [Laughter] i mean oh no poor sheepy this is so much easier than trying to stab them with my s word oh i can just straight up eat their muscle without cooking it that's even better okay i'm really really super curious what does the squiddy boy give me can i make an ink sack nope that was me i opened myself up come here squiddy come here oh gills i got kills animal heart i want the gills what else do you do animal ribs okay cool whoa oh the the rotten zombie boy i don't like you ha da if i put the gills in my life can i breathe underwater that's my real question all right open me up doctor um did i just kind of shove him in there somehow i just remove my own muscle and put the gills in okay we're going under water let's see if this works yeah oh wow i am not losing i'm not losing any any air oh walking on sunshine oh okay give me a fish what do you have for me fish oh he just straight up death this is super cool though i can swim underwater without dying and then watch this if i hit r nope okay some reason the the this thing isn't working i'm supposed to be able to use it so that was a fun experiment but i think there's one experiment left and that's to find a village tell you what there are way too many trees in this forest be a shame if something were to happen to them all how is a man supposed to oh chicken how is a man supposed to be like trying to find a village without that oh he died right away so sad go little chicken spread flame for me it'll be funny ow it's always a nice nice sight to see so i just spent a really really really long time trying to find a village and i found one isn't this the coolest location of a village ever there's even a house way up there like how neat is that unfortunately there's a lot of bad stuff around here what's all the blue blocks is this thing just a broken village hold up that's all water that generated incorrect that's cool that's amazing okay we just need a villager for science purposes are there no villagers here did they all get zombified already come on there's gotta be a villager so oh i see one he oh boy this is gonna be fun anything cool in here not just some paper that's boring hello sir nice of you to be my my um villager oh oh hey oh you know what it's just all the regular stuff well that's not as exciting as i had hoped you know i'm gonna go all like raiders of the lost ark on them how's that feel oh no i'm so sorry actually i'm not actually i am oh no he died that's okay though um that was a fun it's a fun mod but there is one more thing here there is one more fella that we're gonna end his entire career i feel bad about this i don't know if he's gonna attack me i better like eat up carrots that i stole hey bud hey oh this is a good idea hey hey let me up here yeah yeah yeah yeah hey oh oh you don't have organs either oh dang you have other parts that i can steal wow bro chill a little bit i didn't do anything to you well that sucks and uh i guess that's the end of the video bye and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and route and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 669,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft mod, minecraft surgery, minecraft surgery mod, minecraft chest cavity, chest cavity mod, minecraft gameplay, minecraft survival, minecraft parasites, minecraft parasites mod, minecraft upgrading creeper, virus in minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft roleplay, minecraft roleplay ep 1, minecraft funny moments, minecraft update, minecraft mods 1.16.5, minecraft survival 100 days
Id: 2-qsjPqpjJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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