The SECRET UPDATE Is FINALLY HERE - Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a game called totally accurate battle simulator it's a game that i've played quite a bit of and we have something interesting today april fool's day is the day that landfall likes to drop a lot of their fun updates and we have version 1.0 of totally accurate battle simulator that means it's no longer early access and it is a full release game available on pc and on mac through steam and on the epic game store i'd also like to thank landfall for sponsoring this video and if you do want to buy it you can check out those links down below in the video description to get it for yourself now there is something interesting here when i first load up the game i find this multiplayer also if we go into the sandbox right away into oh let's go to medieval one now this is going to be a spoiler for you who don't like spoilers new stuff up there but check this out you guys know about the door there is a secret hidden door deep in the depths of this cave and do you hear it it's like making noises we can finally go into this door the door the light it's glowing it's just sucking me in it's sucking me in actually it's not i'm just moving the mouse but it is making fun noise what does that do no way oh the door opened what is inside here what is this what that's that's the landfall logo on the floor what are these things this is the painter these are the different units on the side who's you he's got a little ducky whoa whoa what just happened what is going on what is happening um um what is that i like that do i touch it do i go in it it's sorry be it oh whoa whoa what in the world what is this i i've not done this so i have no it these are these are new units did we ascend to heaven or something what is going on here that's like a butterfly on butterfly hat it's so cute oh there's more down here what okay so this must be a new campaign how do i how do i defeat them i don't know anything about him a mammoth a mammoth will do the trick fight fight mammoth borrow ow mammoth bro not like this okay some of the items are squishy what does that circle thing do ow don't kill him his head's stuck on the wall mammoth uh oh my mammoth died i mean the mama's mammoth's a bad anyway everyone knows that right this is hard we have steps we have like bad things happening i kind of feel like some regular archers might help i don't know if they will though and if i put in some guys with shields but these look like melee so we'll just maybe just spam it with a lot of units that might do the trick there we go we'll just see what happens here oh whoa whoa what was that okay we got arrows the arrows bounce off the shields this is not good oh okay um my friend here he's got a case of the dumbs in his legs no wow okay then uh huh i just got this is the first level of a campaign i just got annihilated now there was the whole thing in the peasant spam back like in the early early like pre-release versions of tabs so we're gonna do the halfling spam and it might work just overwhelm them oh jump in there little dude no no no no no no uh oh those little fist things they're just grabbing them quick throw them off the map throw them up nope it's not throwing off the map did we lose again we're gonna lose again ha dang okay so we're gonna try the harvesters harvesters will do the trick right oh oh if they can get in there they do a lot of damage not even flex tape is going to make it survive oh here we go oh nice are you still alive bro he's still alive we got this yes harvesters are the way of the future and what are these units there's some sort of like light night or something wow all right i'm gonna bring in the ballistas blisters seem to do the trick usually i mean it's a one-shot kill on these little guys oh it bone stopped that shield but the shields disappeared okay we have some archers the archers are being destroyed oh what is that big thing i don't like him can't quit kill it kill it dead it destroyed okay those guys are dead over there quick quick kill no no no no shoot again shoot again shoot again shoot real hard shoot real fast that's great quick one more time one more shot one more go two come on hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up no so i'm changing it up a little bit i got brawlers hopefully they can do something okay that's a giant hammer uh i don't like giant hammers go arch your bro no no no no no fire that thing yes yes okay little little archer bros little archers do your work yes yes that was the bad one okay that thing's dead oh i think we did it i think we got this no there's two left no i want the head butters instead we're just gonna jump in there and make a mess that's what i want to do hey just jump in yes there you go yes get hammered okay no no take the big guy out come on archers we got snakes in here too oh there were my archers that was illegal okay archer okay he's gone he's gone oh oh that's a chain reaction attack yes one oh there's elephants why are there elephants man if i could hit all of those we need ballistas again ballistas do the work i need my own elephants i don't have enough money for my own elephants but maybe a minotaur a minotaur versus elephants that sounds fun and then we'll put a firing line of musketeers behind it that'll do the work oh that was so good that was so good oh this is so bad this is so bad oh that was so good no no no no no no no no no no i don't like friendly fire i don't like friendly take out the elephants quick oh they fell off the wall okay goodbye elephant bro oh he attacked there quick one more no one thing i've learned in this campaign is that everything has attack damage over an area so if we're gonna do things we gotta do things from a distance i think this might work we got the minotaur in the background catapult back here oh this guy is so big and strong and nasty quick ballista hit him ah hit him and ballista did it work those elephants have such a low gravity whoa okay bro i don't like you i don't like you he's got some sort of weird advantage oh that ballista though i want that blister to flip around oh it does it does oh that chain reaction is so disgusting how you hit your friend you dummy why did you do that quick quick attack fire they're worthless every one of them clear everything delete them all berserkers only quick bridge that gap we've done it nobody expected the the berserker inquisition except they're all dead these things suck to fight man peasant swarm i got barrel rollers and peasants for days ain't nobody gonna beat this yes attack good job barrel rollers they just killed most of the peasants oh he's going in ha ha it worked that was a good attack except that other side didn't do the trick oh and they're just gonna get absolutely mowed down aren't they wow let's go that ranged attack again i really like these barrel rollers they do a lot of work uh-huh plus that range attack maybe single larger up items would be better i feel like bigger items are going to do better because things have missed more yes this could work this could work go pirate queen do your work oh they're so easy when you can just get in their faces and slice them to pieces and then until they jump in the sky okay okay this isn't good come on pirate queen do your work nice nice hack and slash jump up in the air explode your bombs you got you gotta case the dumbs in your your hand there why are you doing this no all right what about a king can a king do the trick i always thought kings were kind of dumb because they they have one attack and it never really hits yeah oh that kind of hit except you didn't kill the one i wanted you to kill haha quick draw he popped hey hey now that was uncalled for what i ever do to you here's an interesting strategy uh buttload of vampires yes we'll close that distance we'll eat all of their blood juice except these guys are the deadly ones over here there you go swarm them swarm on bats swarm them it does working it is working quick the other side yay wow that's the way to kill a bunch of angels with vampires yes i have ten thousand money ten thousand i could get four reapers in here i kind of want to i like the reapers attack reapers yes oh my word they are so powerful okay maybe maybe the allies of good are doing something i don't know about what are those why did they just turn into angelic beings okay wow reapers are yikes why am i stuck in the middle with them you know what i need to do we need we need to go vampire mode we need 400 vampires i don't need 40 vampires maybe just if they just close the distance no no don't dog pile one yes no oh they're getting just obliterated don't don't go super saiyan mode here i don't like you oh yes good job vampires grab their ankles and fight them they're all frozen and dead in space this is against the rules oh the humanity they're still working though i really like those units those must be the boss is that the end boss no i do feel really bad for it but these ballistas are really stupidly strong against this faction so as long as we can hit the big guys that's what really matters if we just hit those angelic god things that oh you missed it we got one off the map though that was good oh okay then wow an attack again oh here comes more here comes more yes yeah we defeated him oh did i do it i think i did it so i wonder if anyone's actually playing multiplayer uh we can do like a quick match search for an opponent online so i am using this a little bit early i'm searching for battle searching for battles oh i think i found one we can do a map can i do the new the new supermap the fantasy good i don't have the other one unlocked so i don't know what the fantasy evil is okay we could just do them the arena i'll do the arena that sounds fun i'll create a game waiting for player number two um baron von games just jordan he just joined my game huh i know him hey buddy so i've been fighting the demons man you are crazy i've been fighting the agents of good the agents of good yeah well no they're called fantasy good but check this one out look at this oh you ready look at that wait you have it elephant i do it it's not an elephant it is in sacred elephant i'll name him kevin the sacred elephant with an empty chair yeah well campaign he has it is a really cool model in the campaign he's got a different uh rider on there what do you do okay you got anything fun do you all right you want to see the the beast of all beasts uh yeah yeah this is not him this is my basic unit whoa he's called a shadow walker shadow walker i like him little bony swords is kevin the boss of the good no that kevin's the elephant i mean i didn't know if the elephant was you know you wanted to see what you want to see the boss it's him wait he's just a dude with a big whoa is that a cl what is that a clock it's a i think he's called a chrono master or something yeah croto manser so he like changes time oh great okay so my guy how much does he cost he's three thousand so my boss unit he cost three thousand five hundred forty so not even like the most in the game but this is the description every everything else is like mad mechanic how do you find it is shadow walker well that's the thing normally they just have a name this guy has a description what yeah lord of darkness and stuff like that oh no all the bad stuff really he he's lord of all of that okay that's his name that is his title wow oh my god look yeah he's the lich that's really a cool model why he looks like the demon king his sword's pretty powerful but what's cool well i'm not going to ruin it for you he makes a very dramatic entrance in the campaign i'll tell you that much that's that's great you don't want my my favorite guy this one right here it's called the righteous paladin i like it okay he looks awesome so let's make up a battle all right let's do three of our two hundreds first okay there you go oh they're weak but they're like their main thing is they can teleport in yeah and so like if they're range units they can sneak up behind them and do the little stabbing stabbies but one thing i've noticed is that yeah the only thing that's really good against the the good guys is those units that close the gap really fast really so you think that these guys would have done it all right so i have a 300 guy me too let's do three of them these are the celestial ages oh these are kind of our defensive units then huh take note of the guy what he's she's carrying two things right yep but it doesn't always stay that way really they change oh yeah okay oh yeah i gotta survive long enough i got no they're not dead though so the interesting thing with the shield is it blocks all arrows too oh you killed one of mine now oh they turn into axes what yeah okay i was waiting for that to happen so you can block arrows and then when you need to you can slice and dice that's pretty amazing that's a powerful unit so good good one tier one bad one tier two now i've got a 500 mad mechanic i've got the radiant glaive i like so my guy these guys are like flamethrowers oh of deadlines they do if they here we go let's get some of the those mad glaive dudes are crazy good they are they're really these guys are really good against like crowds okay i'll put in a bunch of peasants how much well i can't do peasants let's just do halflings how much money do you got 1500 bucks okay so that's uh 300 actually 30. i can't count that there's a lot of hobbits okay here we go all right get ready to get burning oh i like it like they summon these like i don't know stuff from the demonic planes or something out of those that's mad i'm grabbing i'm grabbing them it's a dog pile they're grabbing their feet yeah boys you can't they can't attack seem to be pretty good counters i guess so if they get close enough they can keep them from hitting them yeah they just grab the machine what is happening here i have not a clue this is chaos oh god we're carrying the other guy we found a hobbit so this counters these guys this works so much better than playing how we did the multiplayer before this is oh my gosh legit right i'm so glad there's official multiplayer now right you can take control of guys i think oh with efki um yeah now you do 30 peasants and i'll show you my glaives due to that okay okay so these glaives um they're very good against large crowds i i think hobbits are just good at countering are these dudes although no you seem to be doing better look at that one guy getting yeah just bring him over by his knee just bring him over here oh oh i know the difference is better is that shield you got a shield plus that thing is like a yeah a lightning blast all right next up those are a thousand dollar ones right i have an 800 one oh oh me too the righteous paladin void cultist oh my oh my okay now these guys have a pretty interesting power me too i don't know what your guys oh oh i do not like the daddy hammer the mighty hammer we create this is going to be a hard battle baron a boom yeah except they both have shields and weapons i think i'm i think i'm attacking myself though with that that hammer with the hammer yeah that hammer is so cool i love that thing [Laughter] oh my gosh it's a big battle my guy's just breakdancing yeah oh my oh my guys are just breaking wait one of mine has fallen they have but that forces the good scene i'll prevail oh oh oh oh oh okay it's uh wow why is the good better than the bad because the good is gooder i think goodness it seems to make sense but the bad guys look so much cooler yeah they do oh see that's their thing they've been spending too much time working on their fashion all right thousand dollar thousand i think you've got me on this one i don't know i don't really like these guys these guys are good but so weak same same they're tempest they're just coming lightning storms oh my god we got we [Music] [Laughter] there you go you have it i think yeah you're tempted it makes sense tempest storm right that's awesome yeah did i mean when it first happened i was like where are these clouds coming from all right here comes kevin and his friend kevin how about you want to do 1v1 or 3v oh we got a 3v3 this is the deathbringer i don't like him the death he's bringing the death of heaven no that's illegal kevin did nothing wrong today story oh man that thing is so cool looking my poor little elephant bro i i just want to put archers on top of kevin they have in the campaign they have like a little a little rider yeah writer that throws spikes yep your your dude's one rest in peace kevin may the pepperonis no longer rest with you and now a three thousand dollar one yeah just a one view one yeah i think these probably have the similar mechanics right yeah oh yeah so he's just the void monarch this is he devoid monarch and he turns into the big bad scary dude doesn't he well i don't know if he does in sandbox mode but this is what he's trying you can kind of tell by that giant sword on his back yeah this is going to be the ultimate test of good versus evil right here baron oh okay wait what are you doing i don't know oh my god did you like that how does that feel super saiyan do you see his sword where did he swore i i don't you just go you just got destroyed my dude it looked like he was getting stabbed okay butterfly king one okay we gotta we gotta redo that let's let's put in put in like five of your two hundreds in front of it okay and then maybe one of three and then i don't know and then like two of the five hundreds and then one eight hundred just to make it and then yeah okay yeah a little bit more like an epic battle right totally epic battle simulations all right uh oh there was a spike in the ground where'd that come from what's happening okay yeah do that he didn't do it last time here it is so you guys all right this bodes well for me if i can come victory went up but i've got this weird angelic being that you're yeah it's gonna kill you angels indeed whoa what is what is that i don't know man i don't know they're just kind of i think here's my oh look did he die did he die he's dead yeah the demon oh and now you're doing magical things to my boy cultists okay butterfly king is much better than i thought see i i tried better you didn't know that butterfly king was the butterfly king i didn't so we can learn we can sum in the actual like boss unit right yeah yeah but but the transformation is so much cooler it it really is like it surprised me all of a sudden there was just like a magical tornado thing and next thing you know you're fighting a demon hey speaking of which yeah um i need to make a magical oh no you're not i'm gonna try it okay how many how many cheerleaders do you have i don't know all my money worth okay yep that's all my money worth too hey go uh this is gonna be absolute chaos what are those i don't know it's like gotta be like lightning power or something i feel like in some weird thing by putting the cheerleaders in they're fighting slower i think that feels like it oh your dude's just dead oh he's dead i didn't think that the ancient the forces of good were gonna be so much better they're they are really good we did it they're really good well i mean tabs multiplayer blitz tabs multiplayer baron it is here and it's funny i think that people should leave us challenges on how we should fight each other and there's also like a new twitch mode which would be a lot of fun too twitch mode yeah what is that uh nothing it's uh my emissary he wants to say hi oh i wanna fight that like angel thing i wanna take it down you wanna take it down my angel thing i want to try okay okay i'm ready and artemis oh okay take him out okay you're missing watch this he freezes them in time he does yep i need i never noticed that uh-huh and it's like a big circley area where every one thing floats still oh my gosh no wonder okay that guy's amazing here so can't touch me wait his name is timmy timothy yeah timmy timothy these arbiters are fun i'm gonna do i want to do like everything only arbiters just real quick that's enough okay okay i'll take out artemis i'll do these guys so what are those guys they have like the golden butterflies again yeah i have a lot of these dudes yeah i think all right then i'll take out the shadow walkers because they'll just teleport yeah i don't want to teleport we'll just do infantry this is going to be a little bit rough they're so cool but apparently yeah it's wrong it's gonna be a hard i don't think i can actually win this oh it's just not i got a lot of dudes out there yeah and that that whole space based thing not quite oh maybe those places wait what what is happening [Laughter] wow that looked like the the evil was just going to dominate yeah but the space spaces man you got it you got to have one that does the trick well baron thank you so much for playing with me had fun yeah man we should do it again we should i always love tabs updates so we'll see you later dude see ya so guys that'll do it for today's video of tabs i hope you enjoyed our adventure a little bit of a surprise i wasn't expecting those new factions and it'd be as good as they were so make sure you check it out if you haven't purchased the game already make sure you click on that link down below in the video description to get the game on steam or on the epic game store so thanks again for landfall for sponsoring this video and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time
Channel: Blitz
Views: 476,916
Rating: 4.952765 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle simulator game, totally accurate battle simulator gameplay, TABS, tabs game, tabs gameplay, tabs new units, totally accurate battle simulator update, blitz tabs, tabs update, TABS Simulation, Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Simulation, Unit creator, tabs unit creator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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