Turning YOUR Drawings into Spore Creatures!

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today i'm going to turn your drawings into actual living creatures in spore they're going to be living in spore i asked everybody in my discord server to submit their drawings and we got some gnarly submissions man i mean what is this look at what is that why why is that so the first drawing that we are going to be tackling today is a drawing that comes at us from muli mek so here is the drawing that he has submitted ooh it's a scary looking monster thing now i interpret this as some type of a gooey swamp monster thing that's what that is with four arms and two legs okay you know what i think this is definitely doable now i can't really see if there's a tail there or not but i am going to assume that that dude has a tail it looks like a tail is kind of a dude alright so i believe this is roughly the body shape that we are after maybe make him a little bit skinnier all right something like that i am i'm satisfied with that body that's that's a cool body now let's quickly change colors just so that i can fully picture the swampiness of this swab monster alright so this dude seems to have two legs and four arms and i think i'm actually just going to use these limbs right here as ours because they got that creepy looking muscle looking limb right there i'm gonna see if i can customize these limbs just a little bit oh you know what what if we use something like that baby [Music] all right so there we go we got the basic body now we need to make it actually look good that's the that's the hard part all right so on the drawing the creature seems to be screaming and i love that pose man i want i want that creature to be screaming always just always screaming because he looks really cool when he's screaming so let's see if we can actually just pose this creature and make him look like he's always screaming you got some anger issues all right i think i should be able to use these parts right here to sculpt some type of a mouth but the question is is it going to look good enough [Music] okay well i i did something now i'm not really sure about what i think about this mouth that we have made but i think we're gonna keep it just for now just while we focus on other things and then we can go back to the mouth later on that sounds good sounds good to me now i want to add a tail to this guy because i really do think that this guy has a tail it just doesn't show on the actual drawing [Music] okay there we go we got a tail it says it's a cool tail now let's see what we can do about those little details on his back i think we can definitely do something clever with these parts right here hi it's the voice over terrace it's a different terrace this one is from the future ooh cool now i had a lot of issues making that little thing on his back making that thing turned out to be quite the challenge no matter what i did it didn't really look as intimidating as it looked like on the drawing and i really wanted to capture that intimidatingness intimidatingness is that that's a word right it's a word guys it's a word it's a word [Music] now eventually i found a really nice combination of parts that really worked well to create that in intimidatingness guys i promise you it's a word so with the back thingy already and looking good the rest of the creatures still look like as i don't know a malformed frog fetus i'm not sure what it looks like it doesn't look good [Music] now after a few more touch-ups and a few more parts and things and stuffs it was finally starting to look pretty decent if i do say so myself and after we found the perfect paint job to fit our creature it was finally ready now the only thing we need is a name [Music] everybody say hello to [Music] sven [Music] all right so here we got sven our first drawing transformed into an actual living creature inside a sport [Music] and there we have it so here you can see sven compared to the original drawing i think he looks fine now on to the next creature so the next creature comes at us from the user nuts red 2.64 now here is the picture that he has submitted look at his long boy look at that creepy smile alright so this creature is definitely a creepy one and making creepy creatures in spore is a really difficult task because all the parts we got to use are really cartoonist parts alright so i started out by sculpting the head by just combining two other edges to make this really cartoonish rounded head shape that we have on the actual drawing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now i'll be honest i really wasn't feeling what i've been doing so far with this creature but i tried to muster on i tried to throw on some parts and make it look cool but i will say making his head just a little bit angled that made a world of difference man and once i did that i decided to lift up only one of his arms to make it seem like he is reaching for something probably some snacks he's uh he's a he's a big boy he eats a lot of snacks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] now i wasn't really that satisfied with the results that we got so i decided to try again all right so this time i used a couple of different techniques for example i sculpted the head with spheres instead of using the actual mouse to sculpt the head [Music] and then i decided to use invisible limbs for all the limbs on the creatures just so that i would have a little bit more freedom when it came to how the limbs would look like now you are able to see the limbs right now but don't worry once you do actually get into the game the limbs are indeed invisible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and in the end here is the final product now i will say i do think it's a little bit better than the first try it will have to do at least [Music] now compared to the drawings it is pretty accurate i mean you can see the resemblance but i will say after making that creature my confidence had taken a hit i needed to call in the big guns i needed to call hey everyone my name is rebecca also known as dark edge tv and i shall be making this lovely looking winged wolf character by mama llama so thank you very much teresa for this opportunity i'm really excited to be here and as always i'll be starting the body of the creature to get those initial foundations in place so i feel like mama llama's creation has a very elegant prideful looking design to it so i really puffed out the chest it looks a bit too much right now but as i add the fur on later it should all come together quite elegantly now it's no secret that legs in spawn tend to look kind of bulbous especially around the hips so what i'll be doing is i'll be using these rather large bronchosaurus fires here and well at the moment i'm sure it looks a little bit funny if i quickly ground them by adding feet to them for now really pull it into the middle and then extend the spine outwards you can see that it really flows together quite nicely and then of course i'll be adding the other limbs and joints and i'll attach on some av looking talents into what i've read this has a legs of a bird and then for the forearms to mimic that whole bird looking texture i'll make the upper half of the arms quite large and thick but the lower half are rather narrow and i'll make the feet a little bit smaller and next up is the tail now again i'm really going for the whole elegance look here i want the towel to animate i want it to be able to sway side to side so to do this i'll be adding in a couple of extra joints than i normally would and now i've added some fur onto the tail without animating and dancing so you can see how it actually wiggles properly and it just looks a little bit nicer in my opinion than opposed to if it were rigid and stiff and what i'll do next is i'll puff out the chest with the extra first now that her currently rather bob is looking physique should look a lot more natural and like i said really honing for that whole elegant appearance [Music] right then so i think it's a good looking mane so far she's looking wonderfully fluffy now for the next part is the head now i've done a bad jeep but for me wolf heads have always been quite tricky so i'll be starting the croco kiss ahead since it's easily the most customizable i make the head a little bit big so that everything is nice and proportionate and now it's time for the magic of using recolored nail downs to try and to basically force the head to be the right shape that i want to match a wolf so for wolves i find there's always two dividing features that really make a wolf look like well a wolf one is the eyes and two is the ears so it's very important i get these two correct for the eyes i'm going to use the soulless eyes from creepy and cute the important part is that they're in the right shape the right size and the right direction and then to accompany that i need to define the large round forehead and eyebrows now because mama llama's character has glowing yellow eyes i'm going to go ahead and add a yellow sphere into the eye sockets first followed by a white sphere and then i'll add a glowing effect to the eyes that they really shine out now next up are the ears which i'll be placing quite far back and aiming quite far upwards though she's got a bit of a curious looking expression to her and then the horns who's got nice large antennas which i should be able to accomplish with just these ones here so her head and leg is looking a bit bearing a little bit skinny so for that i'll be adding in some creepy and cute uh some of the spiky fluffier parts just to try and add a little bit of mess and now for the final feature those large feathered wings my favorite parts now for this i'll be using the same limbs i've been using for the arms and legs going to pose it upright to look nice and proud and add a little extra bit to the tip of the wing so i've got more real estate to place the feathers off of so i like the look of the wings so far but it's still just a little bit stubby in my opinion so for that i'll be using the feather bluster to add a couple of larger more wispy-looking feathers so here is mama lama's character in the end i will admit there's a little bit too much yellow but unfortunately that's the thing is for i could either have the right colored but very cartoonish looking fair or i could have good fur but a little bit too much yellow hopefully mumbai likes it i personally am very proud of this creation and i think it actually animates quite decently as well and overall this was really really fun so thank you teres again for the opportunity i had a really lovely time making this [Music] thanks rebecca i also made one do you like it anyway guys i hope you guys enjoyed today's video make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you did and i will see all of you beautiful faces in the next one have a good one guys [Music] you
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 4,914,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedart, speed art, entertainment, editing your drawings, drawings, your drawings, monsters, creatures, Spore, Spore mods, creature creator, dark injection, dark injections, dark spore, evolution, forgotten spore, let's play, let's play spore, lets play spore, modded, mods, spore 2, spore creature, spore ep 1, spore game, spore gameplay, spore human, spore mod, spore modded, spore mods, drawing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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