Minecraft has Built-In Slow Motion Now

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Hey Vsauce, Knarfy here. Time in Minecraft is linear. Or is it? You can change time now. I am Science Knarfy and I'm here to simulate slow motion in Minecraft. I asked you on my community tab what features/experiences in Minecraft do you want to see in slow motion? And with Minecraft's new /tick command, we can simulate those things in slow motion. So as the sun rapidly sets behind the horizon, let's get to it. Thank you, ItsKnarfy for the alternate perspective. Oh, he's getting attacked by Phantoms, what the heck? [LAUGH] I did not expect that to happen. Whoa, hey man, hey, how's it going? Whoa, this is off to a crazy start. The current tick speed is 10,000 and as you can tell, crazy things can happen. Oh my gosh. But that's not what we're here for. We're here for slow motion. I just, I just crashed the server. This is gonna be wild. Let's start with something pretty interesting. TNT exploding surrounded by sand. All of the sand would get launched away, which would be cool. Indeed, that would be cool. Let's try it. But first I need to get rid of you, you dumb. Get out of here, get out of here, man. Get out of here. This is a pretty interesting idea and as you can see, we've got plenty of space for this. But just to be safe, I'm gonna build this up in the sky. I'm actually pretty curious if this is gonna work the way I expect it to. I actually, I don't entirely know. So let's see, I'm now in slow motion. I'm gonna light this and place a block above it. Maybe not, maybe it won't do that. Maybe I gotta place a couple. I'm gonna move away. I am falling, I won't be able to see what's going on. But I have the alternate perspective, so we're all good. This could take a moment to light and to actually explode. Oh, there we go. Oh, it didn't do anything. It just destroyed all the blocks. Alright, well, let's do it again, shall we? Alright, I'm gonna place two TNT in the middle here and then once I light that, I'll just be able to place the block above it. Tick rate is set to two per second and if I light this, we should be good to go. Let that drop down and place me a couple sand blocks up here. Alright, sick. We've got our sand ready to go. Let's see what happens. This could be interesting. I really want this one to work. So bad. Oh, did it work? That should have lit the second TNT, which blows up there, which is now not doing the thing. Huh. So it didn't work. Okay, well, let's try a couple other things. This is why we experiment. They don't call me Science Knarfy for nothing. Does this work with just a regular TNT and regular tick speed? Nope, it just blows all that up. Okay, good to know. What about three blocks of TNT with a tall tower of sand? Does this work? Oh, well, kind of, but not really. What if I cheat the system? Okay, that works. Awesome, beautiful, love to see that. I'm gonna set this lever up and set the tick speed. Click! So now we've got explosions happening and sand falling from the sky. And if we look at our alternative perspective here, let's see what happens. Oh, oh, okay. All right. This is, this is immensely satisfying. What? Dude. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. I've just frozen the game. Look at that. That is so cool. That is really cool. Okay. That's, that's amazing. And now it's just going to try to stack itself up, but I don't think it's going to be able to. This is, this is so trippy. What? Right there. That is a crazy spot. Yeah, I'm a fan. Good suggestion. This is cool. Science. Whoa, what's happening there? Hold on. Whoa. It's a couple of them flew up. Nope, they're fine. Okay. What? And this is what it looks like normally. all right. This is still incredibly satisfying. Just normally too. This is really cool. What in the world don't mind me. Just, uh, just taking a shower. Just, uh, just hanging out. This is so cool. Even without the slow motion, this is sick. Okay. This is really cool. I'm very happy with this. Great suggestion. Let's move on to the next one. Next up, I think it would be cool to see a warden spawn in slow motion and see how it looks. I think that would be really cool too. Let's do it. First off though. Let's see what this looks like when it activates in slow motion. Whoa. That's cool. I love that it also renders particles in slow motion. I think that's a really cool effect. That is cool looking. That's so sick. I'm sure you're all thinking the same thing that I'm thinking with the warden shouting effect, but I do need a comment for that. So we'll find one in a moment. First though, we need to find a sculk biome and see what this does. Run in circles. Just going to run around in circles. Yeah. I think that was three. I think we need four. Is it going to go? There he is. There he is. All right. Sick. We've got it. First, we're going to get rid of him because we weren't in slow motion. Activate. Oh, there they go. They flew slowly. Here we go. That's being, that's being called. Where's the warden going to come from is the real question. I really wanted to spawn from like right here. Come on. I'm going to do slow motion. Let's do this. While I wait for these guys to finish their jobs. What's in his chest? Ward, armor trim. Very cool. Oh, here he comes. Arm first. Here he goes. Dude, this is actually so cool. And then now he's going to pull himself out of the ground. Arise from the ground, warden. Arise. He's taking his time, but it's so cool. And he's out of the ground. Boom. And now he stands upright. And there he is. The one and only. That was really a neat idea. Well done. Good thoughts. But we're going to come back to this guy later because now we have another experiment to get to. Subscribe to Narfi button being clicked next to a creeper explosion would be very cool. I agree. That would be super cool. Hey, man, we can talk about this. Be sure to subscribe. Did it work? Did you subscribe? Did it work? I don't know, I'm dead. A row of Evoker fangs popping up, snapping shut, and vanishing would be awesome in slow-mo. That would be awesome in slow-mo. Let's try it! Alright, Evoker encased in barriers. And me standing over here. And here we go. Attack me, Evoker! Attack me, please! I'm gonna just kill all those Vexes because I don't want to deal with Vexes. [laughs] Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Come on now. Yeah! [laughs] Whoa! Whoa! [laughs] Ow! That's so cool! Dude, slow motion is so sick. Oh my gosh. Here it comes, here it comes. [laughs] That's so wild! Oh, that's so cool, dude. That's so cool! Great suggestion. That was--oh no! [laughs] 20 wardens lined side by side using the sonic boom. I think being able to properly see their ribs move would be cool. Also, subscribe to Knarfy if this is in the video. We already talked about subscribing, but I appreciate it. Yeah, that's a cool idea. Let's do it! I'm gonna need a lot of barrier blocks for this. Actually, wait. I have an idea. There we go. Make them all slow. And if I spawn one in, you should just stay there, right? You should just not move. Awesome. Love to see it. So now we just spawn a warden on every block. Oh yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Hey guys, don't worry about me. This is gonna be wild. [laughs] Oh boy, I think only a few of the middle ones are gonna notice me. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Alright, they all roared at me. Awesome. I'm gonna hit the rate of two. And I'm just gonna slowly move towards them. Oh, look at those all of these sent out. And then it's gonna hit all of them. And in theory, a lot of them should roar, right? Come on, boys. Hit me with your best shot. Oh, here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go. Here they come. Here we go. Here we go. Oh my gosh. Look at them all doing it at the same time. That's crazy looking. [laughs] What in the world? Dude, that was insanity. I'm coming back. I'm gonna punch one of them. Put some epic music behind this. I'm gonna run and I'm gonna punch one. Epic music. Here we go. Oh, they're gonna roar again. Can I make it before they roar at me again? Can I make it? I think probably not. Here I come, though. I'm gonna get him. [screams] Can I punch him? I didn't make it. [laughs] Whoa. Now I'm gonna get him. I'm close enough to punch you now. [grunts] Hi- Yah! Oh, no. Oh, hey, buddy. How's it going? Hey, bye. Yep, that, yeah, that's-- [laughs] Look at them in the wave. That was so good. Okay, that was awesome. And now they're all dead. That was so sick. This might be one of the coolest videos I've ever done. Oh my gosh. Dude, Minecraft slow motion update. Best update of all time. Villager Zombie Transformation, 100% pure content. [classical music] [laughs] That's so slow. [classical music] So much content. [classical music] Cool. Awesome. Great suggestion. Now let's do something interesting. The intricate details of explosions or fireworks unfolding in slow motion can be breathtaking. We've already done a little bit of explosions, so let's do some fireworks. All right, I've got three different types of fireworks. We've got the large ball, we've got the star-shaped, and we've got the creeper-shaped, all with different colors, and this is what they look like normally. Wow, so pretty. But what we want to see is slow motion. So here we go. We've set it down to really low, and if I press the button, off they go. Into the sky. [sings] Whoa, that's cool. I love that initial explosion in slow motion. That's so sick. Another round of them before these ones are even done. And boom, boom. All right, that's super cool. That's so fun. I love it when there's just so many particles. One more, nice and clean. Boom, boom, boom. Wow, that's so cool. I actually didn't know that they went off at different times like that. I actually thought they all went off at the same time if they had the same duration, but there is a little element of randomness. I like it. It's very cool. And very pretty. Good suggestion. Very cool in slow motion. Let's move on to the next one. Jumping off of the cliff and shooting a mob in the same time would be cool. Always wanted to do that. That does sound very cool. I broke a block behind you, don't worry about that. But first I need to find a cliff. Uh, does this work? Oh yeah. Oh, this is perfect. Oh, this is awesome. I'm gonna set a mob over here. That right there is our target. I've made it very easy for you to see on the large wide camera there. And for this challenge, I have a crossbow with quick charge three and spectral arrows so we can see if we actually hit it. Tick rate of three and here I go to jump off the cliff. Here I go. I'm gonna try to land a shot as I'm at kind of the same level as the guy. I got him. Yeah. Now I gotta do a 360 no scope. Got him. It wasn't much of a 360 no scope, but you know what? It counts. That was kind of fun. I want to do that again. All right, here I go. Yeet. And I gotta load the crossbow quick and hoo-ya. Did I go too high? Oh no, I got him. I, I, oh. Well, that sure is unfortunate. But hey, I got the guy. Let's go, dude. All right, cool. That was a fun idea. I felt epic. But now it's time for the final culmination. Where are you? I can't see where the camera is. Oh, there it is. It's time for the final culmination of slow motion. Fight another player in an epic slow-mo showdown. But what if I want to do it with two players, huh? All right, guys, I'm here. I'm here. Oh, oh. Oh, sorry. Joe Biden? All right, boys, are you ready? This is-- Hey, wait a minute. You don't sound like a scientist to me. What does a scientist sound like? All right, guys, here's what we're going to do. Now, we're going to slow down reality. That's more like it. And then-- Wait Fundy, Fundy, Wait. Wait. Wait. Before we do that, unplug your nose. You'll breathe better. Is this better? You're still plugging it. - Is this better? - Yeah, yeah, it's better. - Ok. - Bunch of nerds. All right, this is the final thing that we're gonna test in this video. And it's gonna be incredible. And I just realized that PVP is not on. Please hold. All right, Zee, let's start the fight. (laughing) - Hey, Fundy, hey, Fundy, Fundy. You wanna go scuba diving with our scuba mask? - Yeah, let's go scuba. Let's go scubing-ing. - Scuba dooba doo. - Scooby dooby doo. I'm scuba dooba doo. - All right, well, I'm restarting the server. (laughing) All right, is it working? Oh, your hat, oh. Oh, no. - When I took the scuba diving mask off, it ripped off my mustache. (laughing) - Let me take mine off. Hopefully nothing will happen on my end. There we are. - Oh, no. [pain] All right, boys. Last man standing wins, but there's a twist. You're in slow motion. - Oh my God. (laughing) Oh, wow. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I overshot that. I missed. - Why are you guys talking so fast? - Bob and weave. Bob and weave. Bob and weave. Yeah, all right, boom. That's a hit. Oh, can't go forward. Zee is not taking any damage. We need to get that guy. Team up. Team up, mutual. (grunting) Oh, I got him. - No. - Oh, yeah. That pearl's going. I got him. I got him. I got him. - Yes. - Yes. - Oh, oh. He's in the water. (laughing) Oh, I got it. Oh, no. - I'm your enemy now. - Oh, no. I'm gonna drown. - Oh, no. - Skrrrrrrrrt. - I'm eating. I'm eating. - I see a pearl. I see it. (laughing) - Let's go! Let's go! - Go to the pearl. Go to the pearl. - Go to the pearl. - Oh, no. - It's like a whole different style of PVP this way. It's crazy. - Yeah, it sucks. (laughing) - Oh, no. - Oh. - No. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, Fundy. Stay there. Stay there. I'm gonna crit hit. I'm gonna crit it. (whistling) (laughing) - He just spins in a circle. - Oh, you think you're safe? You think you're safe? - Uh-oh. (screaming) - Bowshot. Let's go. - Boys, check this out. Boys, check this out. (screaming) - Tripple! - Oh. You mi-- (laughing) - Don't. (screaming) (laughing) - Hey, Knarfy. This is Sparta. - Wait, Knarfy, shoot at my legs. Can I jump over the arrow? - Oh, let's see. - Oh, ow. - Wait, wait, wait, again, again, again, again. - I'm gonna shoot. Down, go. (laughing) - Oh, that was beautiful. - Whatever you do, don't enderpearl to me. Whatever you do, don't do it. - I definitely won't do that. Hoopa, yeah. (laughing) - One down. - I'm gonna get the apples. - Oh, no, the axe. Oh, no. Oh, no. This is actually bad. Oh, this is actually bad. Can I get the appple off in time? (laughing) Yes, I got it. Oh, wait, this is great. - Stop it. No, stop it. - Oh, no. - Oh, no. It's over SystemZee. I have the high ground. - It's all right, I like the pool. (laughing) - You think the fight ends here? - Uh-oh. - You think the fight ends here? - Uh-oh. (laughing) - We're flying. - You think this is it? - Yeah baby! - Get him, get him, get him. - Oh, dang it. (laughing) - Hey, I win. - Uh oh. Oh, no. - But can you water bucket clutch? - I don't have a water bucket! (laughing) - Ohhhh rip. - Okay, Zee, stay right there. Stay right there. Knarfy, check this out. (upbeat music) - Oh. - Yeah. - Oh, that was beautiful. - Oh, no. - Uh-oh. - NOOOO!! (laughing) - Oh, actually you got plenty of time because this is slow motion, so. - Wait, I'll put it out. - I got it, guys. (laughing) (screaming) thanks for watching <3 As per usual, say hi to me in the comments!! - Subtitle Knarfy :)
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 577,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knarfy, knafy, mods, minecraft, clean, family, friendly, fun, funny, gaming, youtuber, update, redstone, technical, explain, learning, teaching, teach, learn, how to, guide, tick, new command, new, new feature, fundy, syszee
Id: riVGIH9msCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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