Black is the New White

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hello everyone and welcome to the third and final day of the scaling open 2020. now there were a lot of very interesting games to choose from i decided to show this one as i don't know i felt like there was the the it was the most action-packed game and that you guys are going to enjoy this one the most but i'm probably going to cover another one so use hashtag suggestion uh if you want to see some other games covered of the third day so uh like i said uh now we're gonna see uh who uh will qualify for the top eight who will uh you know uh get past the uh eliminate the uh preliminaries and go into the elimination brackets uh and uh here we have anishigiri versus alireza ferrugia it's a very very wild game a lot of a lot of good attacking chess and a lot of turn arounds throughout the game so without further ado uh let's check it out as gary has the white pieces and he opens with e4 alireza replies with c5 and we have the sicilian defense on the board sorry about that uh with knight to f3 by geary b6 and the d4 going for the open sicilian uh we have captures captures and now knight to f6 so uh very standard stuff we have knight to c3 and now here you have many options g6 a6 e6 you can play a lot of stuff uh but here we have knight to c6 going for the classical variation of the sicilian bishop to g5 the so-called director rouser and now e6 preparing to continue developing those dark uh light square and dark square bishop uh we have queen to d2 now uh saying that i might be castling queen side and i probably will uh and here we have a6 taking away the b5 square from white's knights and now a queen side castle by geary so he castle queen side and should already castle king side that we will probably see a nice king side attack with f3 g for h4 and so on so bishop to d7 and here f3 just strengthening this pawn here at some point you are probably expecting b5 b4 so you want uh to have this e4 pawn nicely defended even though uh f4 is also a very popular option even more popular than f3 here but okay uh bishop to e7 uh ferruja continues developing and now while you could start by immediately going forward with the pawns uh first gear goes for the uh prophylactic king to b1 and i don't know it's uh i guess it's a matter of preference but i always play the king b1 first because i've lost too many games uh because i haven't played king to b1 uh due to some silly reasons either you're you know gonna be fall victim to some sort of tactic and you don't want your uh bishop uh your king to be on the same diagonal as the queen or maybe if the rook comes to c8 you're gonna have problems if your king is on the c file or if the queen comes to a5 at some point and you don't have the a2 pawn defended maybe black can also use that as a means of a tactic so king b1 uh always a useful prophylactic move uh you know most of the times so here king b1 and now comes knight captures on d4 this is a very rare continuation here usually uh what you'll see is black playing b5 rook the c8 or queen to c7 setting up uh his pieces for a queen side attack but this is somewhat rarer so obviously furuja testing if geary is all that well prepared uh we have queen captures uh grabbing back the piece and queen to c7 now uh continuing with with the idea rook c8 b5 still uh still the usual moves uh we have g4 now that everything has been said and done here gear is ready to start pushing on the queen side because furuja is either coming queen king side or he's gonna leave his king in the in the center of the board so here h5 now challenging the g for pawn and now g captures on h5 we have knight captures uh and interestingly uh furuja already had this position in the 2019 world blitz championship he had it against alexander grishop uh and giri probably knew this uh as uh hiro grisha played h4 which is uh kind of the strongest move recommended by the engine but he replaced rook to g1 so i don't know if gary knew about the game but gear is uh you know really into chess theory so i imagine he did uh and he prepared a new idea rook the g1 so already as of move 14 we have a completely new game uh now uh okay so the bishop is nicely defended now by the rook and here rook the c8 first just continues developing also one of the nice things about having the king and b1 instead of on c1 uh should this knight ever move uh queen to c1 queen capture c2 will not be checked maybe if the king was still on c1 uh it would be checkmate uh we have queen back to d2 now the queen also guards the bishop here uh and uh you could try some something else you could try captures captures and then rook the g5 which really wins a lot of space for uh for white but uh you know it's uh it's only one of the options here geary goes queen to d2 and now comes b5 so the plan is uh always pretty much the same for black in this setup you just have to be able to play the moves and white will of course try a lot of things to prevent you from doing that so bishop to d3 uh the bishop will be very useful here regarding the c2 pawn as the b4 could dislodge the knight then the knight has to move and you want we want to have at least one more defender defending the pawn here we have bishop captures and g5 rook captures on g5 now and if queen captures also possible uh would come with with a double attack here but the knight is perfectly fine defending king to f8 will also be a nice defen defensive resource so here we have rook captures on g5 and now comes b4 finally dislodging that knight knight back to e2 and now comes queen to b6 getting the queen out of the way and uh in some lines preparing something like rook c6 king e7 bringing the other rook to c8 doubling up on the c file and trying to uh trying to break through of course if white gives you a few extra moves you might even be able to push the a pawn and beep on the bust open white's queen side so here f4 uh continuing to push those pawns f5 will also be an idea in some lines and here g6 just preventing f5 and saying okay now i have a very nice solid position i'm probably going to re-maneuver the knight via some knight to f6 ids maybe push d5 later on but here we have knight to g3 by geary uh f5 was also very interesting here but it's hard to it's hard to decide on such a move for example captures captures now uh you don't want the position to open up so e5 but now uh you know it's extremely hard calculating uh everything out here because it's a it's a rapid game so you don't want to spend too much time here so gary prepares this line with knight the g3 now saying okay f5 is my next move and alireza doesn't trade here alireza just continues uh with his own plan knight back to f6 and only now giri executes f5 so g captures on f5 we have e captures on f5 and now e5 of course keeping the center closed and now knight to e4 guillory brings another piece into the attack threatening to pick up the knight with check which would win material and here alireza captures uh on e4 there was a chance here and it's uh very strange that alireza doesn't find this because what's the what do we always say what's the one thing you always have to look out for when you when you play the sicilian uh is you know getting this d5 moving so here d5 actually forces a trade on f6 and this is uh perfectly fine for black because after captures and captures you have this beautiful center here guarding all of these squares your rooks are very nicely placed and it might look a bit scary but [Music] you know it it really is a massive center so this was one of the possibilities alireza decides to go for knight captures an e4 instead bishop captures and now rook the c4 putting pressure on the bishop here uh and now uh while the bishop is under attack you could move it you could play bishop d5 you could play bishop to d3 but giri plays the absolute best move queen to g2 which guards the bishop and also uh keeps an eye on the rook here now ideas like rogue g7 are possible rook j check are possible and it's very hard for alireza to find the move so he starts running away with his king king 38 maybe you can hide the king somewhere on the queen side and now comes bishop to d3 this was the probably the one of the one of the critical moments in the game because here uh alireza giri has to decide how to continue and he continues with the defensive bishop to d3 idea what you should go is rook to g7 attack the pawn here and once black defends it then you have bishop to d5 attacking the rook and the pawn here and of course uh giri saw this and he thought about it but you have to take a lot of things into consideration it's not as easy because after for example rook to d4 what do you play here is white and there are a lot of things to take into consideration because for example after characters captures you're still not uh welcome to to grab the pawn because queen to d1 is checkmate and you you kind of have to uh calculate everything and giri doesn't have uh well infinite time to to dwell on this so he goes back bishop to d3 he says i'm gonna you know create a completely safe defensive setup with bishop d3 and rook to c1 and only then will i go after this pawn create a pass pawn and win the game this way so here we have rook to d4 getting the recorded way also rook uh rook c to h4 was was an option but again i i can't stress enough how how this is a rapid game and you don't have all the time in the world so rook d4 and now again you cannot move the bishop because just captures so there might be some plans of of uh you know just maybe something like this could be could be problematic for uh for white so rook back to c1 uh getting the rook out of this uh out of this d file and also i will have help out with the defense king to c7 first continues running with his king and now rook to g7 going after the pawn here rook to f8 and now finally queen to g5 preparing to bring the queen here and then you're going to put pressure on the rook you're going to put pressure on the f7 pawn it's going to be very difficult for black to defend this so here finally furuja plays d5 which opens up the sixth rank for the black queen and now you have to figure out what to do here again uh h4 here incredibly strong because the h file is open you just need to push that pass pawn all the way up the board but giri tries a different plan he plays queen to e7 which attacks the f7 pawn attacks the rogue but now he gives alireza a valuable defensive resource and that is queen to d6 and now you either have to trade or go back but whatever you choose uh it's black who's uh who's calling the shots here because after let's say capture here you're just gonna capture and push e4 the bishop is under attack you're gonna win the f5 pawn next and you have a massive center here it's just gonna be uh it's just going to be very awesome for black so here after queen to d6 uh we sorry we have f6 uh by white now defending the queen uh and here just rook to f4 he says all right you either trade here or i'm just gonna win your pawn here so here c4 that's not a c4 here we go c4 uh prepares to open up the c file as the king occupies it and now uh alerza says okay queen captures on e7 we have f captures on e7 attacking the rook rook the e8 and only now c captures on the e5 opening up a discovery here towards the black king king to d6 and now bishop captures an a6 grabbing another pawn uh here uh gary preparing bishop to c8 after the the rook snaps of the pawn so this is exactly what furuja does and now bishop to c8 and gear is now ready to go into a a rook and pawn end game however uh uh felucia doesn't mind this here we have bishop captures and c8 rook captures on c8 and now king captures on d5 and it's three pawns it each uh two rooks uh each end game uh where uh white has a past h pawn also the opportunity of creating a past a pawn uh but firuja has uh very soon to be connected the double pass pawns here not doubled but connected past pawns here uh and it's gonna be it's gonna be pretty hard for whites to stop them so here look back to g2 uh and uh now comes e4 of course viruja wants to start pushing that pawn as quickly as possible rook to d2 check king e5 and now rook to c5 with check we have king to f6 and now king to c2 bringing the king up the board maybe you can win this pawn this way uh we have rook to e5 if you wants to trade a pair of rooks and now rook to c7 giri decides that that's that's not happening we have king to g6 and now king to d1 you want to get your king here guarding against thee for pawn uh and here first played f6 and it's a it's a really wonderful move because i was watching this game in the live coverage uh i think david howell mentioned that uh this could have been a mouse slip why not push the pawn all the way two squares but the problem here is that uh it's it's a draw now uh because you've allowed white to this beautiful rook d6 check and the black king has nowhere to go problem is after king g5 rook g7 check you don't have the option of going down the board because if king h4 checked this is just checkmate so that's an issue so here you would have to repeat king h5 and here just go into a perpetual so that's why ferruccia did not advance upon two squares but rather only one square to f6 and again we we have a position where it's actually okay to play f6 so rook to b7 going after the b pawn and now e3 attacking and defending we have rook to g2 with check king to f5 just bringing that king down the board uh and now comes king to e2 stopping the pawn also this is nicely protected so you don't have to worry about this uh we looked at d4 now trying rook to d2 check so king to e1 by geary we have rook to c4 now threatening roxy one check with the rook back to c to check to trade off a pair of rooks but now rook beat the g7 keeping that rook defended uh so you don't have to worry about this rook c1 check king to e2 and now rook to c to check uh and here gary goes king to d3 and now uh you can trade here but uh the other rook will just take this works place d2 square is nicely guarded uh and uh well uh black uh black will be able to capture the b dupont if you're not uh careful and move whoa and move this rook so uh feel free to pause the video and find the quickest way to win this for first while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on realizing i was only kidding when i said this is covered because this is exactly what you have to do and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's e2 and now you can see that the problem is uh the rook cannot be captured because e1 is just queen so you cannot allow this after e2 uh what can you do well well here uh rook to g1 was played you have to cover the the e1 square somehow point being that if black promotes the queen now you just capture it and after this capture you will capture on c2 and now white is fine here uh so instead after look to g1 geary just snaps off up oh sorry alireza just grabs the pawn uh rook captures on b2 now he's up upon uh we have rook to e1 stopping the pass pawn and now rook captures on a2 and now after all is said and done uh furuja is up two points and it's of course a completely winning end game but he still ha he still needs to win it so rook to b7 going after the pawn now king f4 uh we have rook captures on b4 uh furuja even allows giri to capture this pawn king of three and now rook b to b1 uh getting both rooks to the to the first rank but now just king to f2 and it was in this position on move 55 that uh anishigiri resigned the game and a brilliant brilliant victory for alireza faruja uh that brought him one step closer to fi to qualifying uh for the for the final eight and we're gonna discuss this but now you resign because there's nothing more for you to do uh you can't really move anything uh it's it's a really terrible position you can never you can never move the rook otherwise this is just uh this is just winning and if you don't do anything just pushing this pawn the victory will will suffice for black so uh before i forget uh we need to check out the standings the final standings after the third day even though we're going uh at least one more game i think uh so let's just check that out uh so here are the standings so in first place uh sharing first place is magnus carlsen and hikaru nakamura with nine out of fifteen points followed by with eight and a half points wesley so yanipanishi and levan arnan and then uh we have with uh eight points uh temur rajab of maxima shayla grav and anish giri so those are the top eight who will be uh who will be playing in the in the knockout phase uh and people who have not qualified alireza firuja in ninth place who who won this brilliant game against anishigiri lakwang liam ding liran uh uh vedic santos gujarati uh david anton ghihara peter svidler sergey so some incredibly strong players fail to qualify but this is uh what will always happen if you have 16 strong players and you know if eight of them can qualify then you will have eight extremely strong players that didn't qualify but it's a shame for alireza because he played the brilliant tournament uh but giri played the uh in you know even better tournament he played brilliantly on the first day he played brilliantly on the second day and those two you know days of brilliant play were enough for him to qualify even though he didn't win a single game on on day three he drew three games and lost two but still he had enough points just uh by his great play on the first two days so tough tough break for alireza but we're going to see what happens in the preliminaries these uh are the bra this is the bracket of the knockout so uh as magnus carlsen finished first and on each gear we finished eight we're going to see carlson versus geary in round one of the quarterfinals eleven will face nipomishi uh wesley so will face timur rajabov and maxine vashilogra will face hikaru nakamura so it's going to be it's going to be uh pretty awesome uh and again uh you know the the chess gods made it so that the magnus there is a chance we will see a magnus cross and hikaru nakamura final uh once again and it it'd be just crazy to see nakamura get one more opportunity to take down magnus in the final but but we'll see what happens uh so yeah that's the game i do hope you enjoyed it this is one i chose i thought it was just awesome uh but like i said do suggest uh games you know uh i i do hope to cover at least one more uh before the start of the of the uh brackets and uh well we will see which one it will be uh i would like to thank uh primors filigo uh florian with ananta ramachandra uh yandejong and lucas bachmann for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank all for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of this killing open uh checking not open skilling uh tournament checking up on your wonderful suggestions and uh whatever else happens in the chess world uh thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 93,991
Rating: 4.9611282 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, learn chess, how to learn chess, chess lesson, agadmator chess, best way to learn chess, best chess opening, win in chess, carlsen vs nepo, alireza agadmator, alireza win, giri vs alireza
Id: 02oTVq4H_5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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