Don't Memorize Moves! Understand your Openings | Road to 2000

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to the road to 2000 as always I'm your driver on this road yes so my name is Caleb this is our first ever live show hello everyone in the YouTube chat hello everyone in the room it's going on a deed show it's going on hey there drew II it's good to see you guys tonight I wanted to talk about something a little interesting I've gone over a lot of planning in my last few lectures and you might have been thinking this seems like a lot of work do strong players actually go through this whole rigmarole alright let's look at the pawn structure figure out a plan in every game the answer is honestly not so much the trick that strong players use is they know the plans before the game even starts they have their opening repertoire prepared and they're you know pretty much ready to figure out what they're gonna do based on whatever happens in the game barring some you know extreme extreme circumstances so I wanted to take a look first off of course you can't talk about you know openings and opening disasters without looking at this game this is an example of a former world champion not knowing his opening so let's see what happens here just to start it off and see e4 e5 Knight f3 Knight f6 so this is the Petroff defense next up white takes the pawn I'm very common black cleverly plays d6 not falling for the first trap of Knight takes e4 when of course Queen e2 would be a pretty good game for black or white I mean maybe black has to play Queen e7 let's not go into this this line is kind of nonsense d6 is the main move Knight f3 I take c4 Knight c3 and now do you guys know the move here there's a couple options what would you play what do you think for black no idea alright there's a couple options here that the main move that most people play is Knight takes c3 right this is the most common line also available as an option for black though is to retreat the knight what is not an option is the move that Anand played here which is Bishop f5 so now white to move and win the game and in one turn not buy checkmate but by winning large amounts of material what do you think tactics not so hard any idea 9h forward to be interesting you're trying to remove the defender right but unfortunately he can take this night also maybe has an intimate so like if you tried the same idea with Knight d4 it can take here still but someone in the YouTube chat hey there got it as well as ascended lord and ruler of something the right move is Queen to e2 so why do you think this moves corrects yeah it just pins this Knight to the king the only way for black to try to save the piece would be to play d5 when d3 would simply capture this Knight almost for free in exchange for a pawn so black is just losing after Queen e2 and Anand the former world champion of chess resigned on move six so obviously knowing your openings is somewhat important at every level what I want to talk about today isn't quite this much surface level this is kind of just a funny way to intro it and the way knowing your opening kind of usually appears in games is more like this next example so this is a game I had quite a while ago now against a local player looky who's an up-and-coming kid he was around I think you know 2000 when we when we played this game and maybe a little bit below 1950 or so and I wanted to show what it looks like when you know a 1900 player doesn't really know what he's doing in his opening doesn't really know the plans associated with his openings so let's take a look and see what happens you for c6 Sorina caro-kann Luke is playing white by the way I'm playing black we see d4 d5 Knight c3 takes takes so we're in the classical line of the of the CARICOM Bishop f5 you know attacking this knight in developing the bishop Knight to g3 Bishop g6 h4 threatening of course h5 trying to win the bishop so h6 Knight f3 Knight to d7 contesting this c5 squared we see h5 Bishop age seven Bishop d3 takes takes c6 and these are all you know the theoretical moves all these moves are really are really theory and so this is not what I mean when I say you know knowing you're opening you can know all these moves and still really not understand the ideas behind your opening that's what I want to focus on today is understanding why these moves are important why these moves are correct Luke even continued playing theory with Bishop f4 this move is fine I played Bishop b4 a check which is also the main move let me see the ship d2 Queen I five c3 so this force is the bishop back and after c4 the queen is forced to come back why do you think white is forced to go on for this c3 move right away this is kind of a kind of important that white has to play the c3 c4 idea which allows black to kind of move his pieces back into position so if you were white you'd be kind of you know you want to complete the opening right so White's gotten his pieces out he's controlling the center the last step is to figure out what to do with the King so what do you want to do with the King here yeah castle which way though yeah you want to Castle queenside because you spend all this time pushing this pawn actually with tempo in the bishop so you want to launch to launch an attack on this side using these pawns so you would like to put your king over here but the thing is you can't right away because of takes and Queen takes pawn so this is why white actually has to play c3 here just as it's kind of a side note so the bishop comes back now we see c4 forcing the Queen back as well so now there's no you know tricks on the a2 square and white can save the castle okay black just continues development why it plays even more theory with Knight to e4 I take on e4 I think this is starting to become like a sideline that's no longer the main line Queen takes c4 and out of six Queen e2 and now I want to ask you what do you think the plans are for both sides this one shouldn't be so hard in general what are the plans any ideas no answers so what happens when you castle on opposite sides most often is it like a boring positional game or a you know tactical attacking game when the Kings are on opposite sides of the boards sounds positional well it's actually going to be more of an attacking game and the reason for that is when Kings are on the same side of the board it's not so easy to push the pawns to attack right because you're having to push pawns that are protecting your own King right for example if just for example as King was over here let's just place some moves it wouldn't be so easy to you know start pushing these pawns up the board right because you're weakening your own King but with the king on the other side of course it's quite common to do things like you know push these pawns forward to weaken my Kings side so yeah it'd be attacking so yeah you have pawn storms and attacks right so now we know you know black wants to attack this King by pushing these pawns somehow maybe with straighter arrows and white would like to you know attack my King he kind of has a head start because this pawn is all the way up here already but using these pawns in this pawn is how he would you know continue his attack where it comes into play and knowing your opening right you can kind of just look at the position and realize okay both players want to attack but knowing you're opening means knowing the specifics about it you know how does white continue with this attack what are the common ways that he can stop blacks advances and push through with his own advances and same thing for black how can he try to stop White's advances and push his own agenda kind of so with that in mind what are some candidate moves for black here how can he start you know attacking this King while trying to slow down White's pawn storms what are some candidate moves you might play just moves that look reasonable to you yeah you might want to start pushing one of these funds which pond do you think would make the most sense here out of these three yeah I like the b-pawn too so one of the most common pawn breaks in the caro-kann probably the most common is this move c5 with the idea of attacking this weekend d4 pawn right you know it's on a half-open file it's easily attacked and c5 you know kind of attacks it probably first though black would want to get his King out of the center to avoid any any ideas of playing d5 when the Queen and the King would be on the same open file which is a little uncomfortable so C 5 is a good idea the move that you suggested is the move I played in the game which is actually b5 you know I had seen other games in this opening I knew a little bit about this opening line I knew that b5 is sometimes an interesting idea so do you think white wants to open the area in front of his King or kind of close the area in front of his King yeah you know he would prefer to close it right but something is wrong with white trying to close this area down what do you think might go wrong so how first of all would you go about trying to close close it up trying to stop the pawns from exchanging and opening files because if you're not careful I'm probably just gonna take this yeah so you can you can push to c5 right they don't go backwards pawns don't move backwards right so because they don't go backwards every time they push forward they leave squares behind that they can no longer attack so what squares does it doesn't leave behind yeah the YouTube chat saying is d4 pawn but even more importantly than the d4 pawn being left behind is another square being left behind yeah it doesn't always have to be a piece it can also be week squares yeah so it's it's on the D file it's this d5 square right so this is actually a great square for a night and now that the c4 pawn is no longer there you know this night would be kind of unassailable and it could you know control important squares probably Knight to d5 right away isn't the best move you know black can still try to put some pressure here maybe push more maybe get castled but leaving the square behind is actually kind of devastating to whites position so c5 isn't quite so easy to play what are some other options for for white do you think to you know try and combat this this b5 break how should he try to you know keep it under control no ideas so one thing he can do is just you know kind of get his King off of this file right that would be something to try something else is you know he could try to take and open the see file or rather than the B file the best move actually I think might actually just be this king b1 idea this King b1 and then you're not so worried about this anymore cuz your Kings not on this file you know you're preparing to open up and attack this weakness that the black left behind so probably black wouldn't even want to take c4 here after king b1 maybe something like Queen to b7 getting castles and putting more pressure here as well as you know always keeping this idea in the air instead my opponent played a different move and I want to get your guys's thoughts on the move my opponent played what do you think about g3 here this is what was played in the game what are your first impressions yeah so first impressions first impressions Yeah right it's kind of confusion right what is g3 how is that relevant to the position does that do anything important and the answer is kind of no it doesn't really solve any of Wight's problems it doesn't make any new threats it it just doesn't make any sense right so you know wait if he knew the opening better he probably would have known the most common way for white to continue his attack so what do you think or do you guys know the most common way for white to continue the attack which it doesn't have to be a move immediately but it's it's an idea later on down the line how does white usually break up this structure with the g7 and h6 pawns with you know the pawn on h5 there's a very common you know your sequence of moves that happens so let's say you know white does some some move here like king b1 and let's say I don't know black castles and we find out eventually okay 95 and Queen b7 does any move jump out now now that we've played a couple more moves gone a little bit further down the line No so when you're attacking and chess especially on opposite sides like this like I said the best thing to do is usually push pawns so yeah the the YouTube chat has some good ideas it's you this is the idea that you want in in these positions is you want to play g4 and g5 take on GC or h6 and open up the position open up the King and usually you find checkmate quickly after so it's almost kind of incredible that my opponent didn't remember this and if he did remember this then to play this move g3 right cuz you can play g4 in one move right according to the rules of chess so playing g3 first is really a huge waste of time because it's doing nothing except delaying your plan by an entire tempo and so with that in mind you know I had no qualms about castling here I felt like castling should be fine since he's wasting his time with this my plan should you know go through faster yes so he can't play g4 right away here right cuz maybe I can take it maybe I can take it I'm not sure I would because it's kind of scary but maybe I can take it especially since I haven't committed to this yet but you know definitely some move like 95 that was suggested or King B 1 followed by 95 could you know prepare this idea of g4 right preparing the idea so that later on you can push it through so after g3 I simply castled knowing that you know his plan is gonna come through slower now because he wasted this time playing g3 and these aren't things that I you know discovered over the board like oh okay so maybe you know white's plan is going to be to attack me on the king's side somehow so g3 maybe doesn't make sense these are things i knew going into the game i knew these things about my opening which is why it's so important to study your opening and by study I don't mean memorize the theory memorize the lines you want to study the middle games that come out of your opening the middle game positions around move 15 16 17 the common you know positions that you get the common ideas in your games there and so you you'll know what to do when you hit there so yeah that's enough talking about g3 obviously it's not a great move but a king b1 makes a lot of sense stepping off this file and what do you think blacks should play here he's a few different options any thoughts I'll stop using the word idea since someone wants me to stop saying it and he thoughts any feelings about this position for black alright so black has a lot of options right he'd like to continue the attack on the king the question is just figuring out you know what's the best way to do this so yes some good moves are being suggested rook D to b8 there's no ruck here but maybe this rook you know putting a rook opposite the king whether it be this rook or this rook those moves both make sense this rook a DD 8 makes sense in a different way it's kind of not aimed at attacking the King but attacking White's other weakness which is the d4 pawn maybe I'd like this rook on undie eight better if if that's something I'm gonna play yeah and suggested and chat is of course B takes c4 this was the move that appealed to me the most right because you get to open up this file you get this square for your knight and you know the attacking possibilities become far greater once this file is open so that's what I went for in the game and I think it's it's perfectly fine if five a4 is another idea leaving this hanging for a bit longer but I felt like the time was right to take care now my opponent plays Knight to e5 so he's finally getting with the program kind of you know advancing his knight on preparing to maybe push at least so I thought so again black has a few different options here in the game I play it kind of a weird-looking move which turned out to be okay but maybe there are other ways you can do it it's lept Jacob good to see ya so in the game I thought hey maybe I definitely want to put a rook on this open file alright all these ideas make sense maybe you're on the D file maybe pushing the this pawn down the board maybe putting the circ all the way over here and pushing this pawn down the board maybe my Queens better on b7 butter on a a5 but I can't leave this pawn maybe I can push you know all of these are our great ideas but first I decided I want to misplace this Bishop right so what is White's plan that we decided we just talked about it what does white want to do here yeah he wants to push g4 g5 right so I decided hey okay I'm this pawn is a goner right this pawn is gonna get taken maybe even the rook can come over and put more pressure here and this bishops well-placed right now on this diagonal attacking g5 so I played this move c3 which yes someone suggested it in the chat forcing this bishop to come off of this diagonal where it supports White's plan right this is a move aimed at preventing White's plan for you know at least a bit longer so now the bishop no longer controls g5 which makes White's plan harder to enact I continued with Knight d5 just improving my pieces we see Queen to c4 get played and what are your thoughts on this move good or bad good or bad so the idea is of course Queen takes c6 someone's pointed out that 2005 would be a bad move I agree yeah yeah you're absolutely right so you know he thought okay maybe I'll just attack this pun and something might might happen out of it it's kind of weak but you know of course you know white should realize my plan is to attack the King the plan is to attack the King so the Queen belongs on this side of the board where it can actually do something to aid in the attack so while this move makes some sense you know attacking a weakness it actually just slows down White's plan even further and now White's gonna find it very hard to catch up I played rook a to b8 in the game this kind of indirectly defends the the pawn what happens if Queen takes yeah if he takes my pawn well there are some tactics that work out in my favor if I trade Queens I think so yeah hey there's got it so if twin takes c6 Queen c6 Knight c6 and then the final blow Knight takes c3 taking advantage of this pin this pawn can't recapture cuz the king is hanging so the King would have to move I can take this you can take me I can take him you can take me I have more bishops so this line wouldn't be so great for white the other option is Knight takes c6 and what would I play here this one's not well it is still pretty complicated but this one also works out for me after rook c8 so yeah the point is this night is now pinned to the Queen you can't retreat because I can take here on c4 twice you can try taking on e7 but I'll just play Queen e7 Queen D 3 and this Bishop still hangs because he's still pinned so all in all wreck b8 defends my pawn indirectly through tactical means he plays King a1 trying to renew the threat I simply play rook to c8 defending my pawn Queen to d3 Bishop b4 what do you think about this move on on my part here what do you think well there it's good whether it's bad what do you think the idea is is it a good idea yes so obviously at its core it's offering a trade of the bishops right I'm offering to trade my bishop that was on e7 for this bishop on c3 good move because the bishop on c3 is better than the bishop on e7 bad move because the white bishop is bad these are the the ideas and good because it gets the pieces towards the king so yeah in the game I was thinking okay what's my next what's my next really break really big breakthrough right oh yeah so all in all people think it's good because it removes a defender but let's look at the specifics here so what do you think my next big breakthrough is gonna be you know it's something I can do quickly to open up my last two major pieces that are kind of stuck behind pawns still yeah the c-5 move is is actually quite strong say it if you were to try to take you know simply Queen tix and you know my my major pieces would definitely be opened up right so uh this was my idea right what's the obvious downside for this for for black there's kind of an obvious you know move that that's will not move but an obvious piece that's been improved by this so the piece that's improves is actually White's Bishop right it was looking at this pawn stuck on d4 but now it's kind of got a clear line of sight to my King right so in the game I was thinking okay so this is what I want to do to open my pieces up but I'd like to get rid of this Bishop first so this was the thinking in the game it turns out actually Bishop b4 is kind of just a bit too slow you know the move is fine principally but when you actually look at the variations when you think through it you know this Bishop really isn't doing all that much even after the pawn gets traded and this just wastes a bit too much time so even though principally it makes some sense it is kind of you know missing the urgency required here to open up the pieces so white captured I captured and now actually the move that white should play is something like a3 the rook might come back and now White's play on the Kings side isn't really advancing fast enough but he has some time now to bring his pieces in and not to be won probably probably sir cover to c1 maybe up to c2 he has some time to bring his pieces in get some counter play on this pawn before I get to play c5 and kind of defend his king with his pieces so this is something that white could have could have considered is playing like this and maybe my advantage is has dwindled away with that in mind probably c5 immediately it was better however in the game we didn't see any of this he instead played Queen to c2 I of course broke with c5 now that you know I had traded off his Bishop Knight to f3 I continued with Queen a5 just bringing my pieces in we see g4 but bye-bye now it's it's quite obviously far too little far too late right you know his plans gonna take many many moves to annex and my plan I've already opened the B file my pieces around the AF file the C file is about to open clearly you know in Black's play comes faster the final blows just come after okay for a three and now I guess I'll let you guys try and find the move here okay let's go back for a second actually so c5 you're saying I hung in exchange I'm not sure I believe you guys not sure I believe you guys blundered in exchange and the line was c5 immediately okay you're saying here I blended to exchange uh let's see is this actually true does this actually matter feels like something should be wrong with this land for white yeah probably Queen f2 is okay yeah maybe not let's see maybe you're right i blundered in exchange okay I'll take I'll take this with the bishop you guys caught me problem solved but okay that would have been better so Bishop before back here what do you guys think the move is here Black has a lot of good options probably a lot of moose end up winning the game but some moves you know better than others maybe yeah they're multiple ways to win night before is a good idea rook b8 is maybe not the greatest maybe that one also works actually yes so in the game night before would be good maybe just like Queen C 3 here and maybe tries to hold on somehow through some magic not that I believe it the move I played in the game was c4 and this is actually the best move and why do you think c4 is as good what makes it good rook takes a three was actually also winning it's it's a good one but this one is more winning according to me what's the idea with c4 what do you think so the main problem that's stopping me from breaking through yet so see three hits hard that's right the main problem is stopping me from breaking through is I'd like to take this pawn on a three but of course you know the pawn is defending it you know some players might take it anyways and say I'm gonna win your Kings way too weak they'd probably be true or they'd probably be correct I did it the simpler way which is just taking care of this pawn before I take care of this pawn white vainly attempted to attack me with g5 I continued with your p8 after King a2 unfortunately this falls for a tactic with knight to be forecheck and the Queen hangs had he played anything else maybe G takes H there are some fun tactics here any idea any ideas mate in for for for black matin for ya first mate so yeah rook b3 it's a good idea it's not forced mate though you have better yeah hey there's got a rook takes a three check B takes a three Queen takes a three Queen a to only move and now put the rook defends b2 of Queen c3 check Queen B - and checkmate so that would have been a good way for the game to end of course instead of course my opponent played King a2 which just gives up the Queen there are also checkmates here I think like Knight c3 is some funny business after you know pawn takes we have checkmate and if Queen takes Queen takes rook b3 is unstoppable mate this would have been a good one for me to find but I just took his Queen I just took his Queen so that was that game and it's pretty obvious why white lost right it all started back with this move g3 this move is just completely ante positional it just doesn't make any sense of course white wants to play g4 he wants to play g5 he wants to attack the Kings side and this move g3 just slows all of that down there's just no way for him to continue unless he you know even psychologically admits okay g3 was wrong I need to play G for now which took him quite some time to to get a get a hold of so that it mines any questions about this game anything you didn't understand well all right so with that all wrapped up let's move on to a second game this is another game of mine in this one I was playing another local local kid beatin up on the kids well actually this game he beat up on me been Choquette this is a game I had against him in the game we started with d4 g6 the you know maybe modern defense maybe Kings Indian structures whatever you want to call it we went with I went with c4 Bishop g7 Knight c3 c5 d5 now a funny line is Bishop takes c3 B takes c3 but this is almost losing for black but if y doesn't know what he's doing it can be tricky instead been played Knight of 6 plate efore d6 Knight G to E - so I knew this was kind of an offbeat line but I knew a bit about it so are you guys familiar with this line do you know what the the ideas are kind of so there's a very specific reason why the night goes to e 2 rather than f3 and that reason is it wants to go to g3 why would the knight want to go to g3 here what key squares take it does it control yeah this f5 square is actually super super pivotal and critical so that's the idea is I'm going to move the knight to g3 and control f5 and then more specifically we'll see after it takes takes Knight bt7 castles 95 what's the best move for white here this one is just begging to be played smoo should be screaming at you please please play play me play this move okay Bishop g5 is a fine move it's not screaming to be played though this move 95 is just daring you daring you to play it has to do with our control over this square as well so the YouTube chats got it any ideas yeah f4 you want to kick this night out with tempo and then crash through opening up the Kings side opening up this rook so you can attack you know the black King this is why we put this night on g3 we controlled this square so we can push this pawn forward and activate our pieces and you know been missing this was actually just a fundamental misunderstanding of the line he just didn't know that this is what White was going to do or he thought okay maybe it's not so scary for white you know with all this in minds what's a far better move for black here knowing that what I want to do is play f4 and f5 what's a good way for black to try to stop it there are a couple options yeah hopefully if if Benzies this will remember cuz you got a personal talking to by yes to Sarah one I believe about this opening line so we've all had the benefit of yasser telling us the answer which which does help because it can be kind of tough for black if you don't know this opening very well if you don't know that F four or five is coming to just kind of have that you know spidey sense that something's about to go wrong and you need to do something black should resign not quite he actually has some some interesting ways to fight back so let's think of ways we can make f5 not good for white ways we can't do it my favorite way of preventing moves is always to make them illegal if the move is illegal your opponents not gonna play it ninety-nine percent of the time so that's how you arrive at the move Knight to e8 Smoove looks a little strange at first but the idea after f4 any ideas what was the purpose of night to e8 well it frees the bishop but also frees one other piece we don't often talk of freeing pawns but the pawn on f7 has been freed and can now jump to f5 and the point of this move is make this it makes this tonight look stupid makes this Knight look stupid it stops this pawn tonight can't go anywhere h1 is the only legal move that doesn't hang this Knight this rook is gonna be stunted for a while and you know blacks gonna have a good game and if white isn't careful plays some nothing move like Bishop f3 black can actually take this Knight and then this piece is also going to look very very silly for a lot of moves it has nowhere to go as all of these squares are covered by the C pawn this F pawns kind of in its own way so you know white would run into some trouble if he's not careful here so that's why maybe white shouldn't play f4 after 98 you should sense that okay if I play off for my palms gonna play at 5 I have to you know kind of change change tactics but of course you know Ben didn't know the opening very well and so he just played 95 running right into f4 and f5 and white is actually just completely winning here already it's move 12 and the game should have almost been over but unfortunately I managed to get into some trouble Ben played some some good defense and ended up winning this game which we can take a look at since we embarrassed Lukey for about half an hour I can take some embarrassment as well so night back to e5 I go ahead and pin this night preparing to open it up and add another attacker to f6 this meets h6 when I just decided to take this night and after Bishop takes I play Knight to e4 you know threatening to do some very nasty things after takes on f6 so you know if the bishop were to come back maybe he runs into something like f6 now this could be very uncomfortable for black as the bishop gets pretty much entombed so black fell or black felt the need to play Bishop takes f5 which maybe isn't the worst move but it does you know tactically kind of loose after Knight takes a 5g takes a 5 or a 6 f5 material is equal but of course my pieces are all far better placed than blacks pieces this is weak the dark squares here weak the King as weak should be an easy one Bishop g7 Queen c2 Knight to g6 King h1 all these moves are fine Bishop to e5 rook to f1 just putting more pressure here I adding more pressure in the position Queen to e7 was played Bishop h5 was played Brooke 88 was played and now many many moves win what's the funny way to lose the game for white there's a funny way to lose here I don't often ask you to find losing moves but this one should be it's something white wants to do but because of blacks last move he has to be a little bit careful can't do it right away so in a perfect world we'd like to pile up on this night right and then take the night and then break through and and kill the king so because of that this move comes to mind Knight to f6 when after takes and takes you have three attackers here the knight can't move because you can take here but unfortunately of course what does Knight f6 run into yeah well now black has a way to win after Knight f6 yeah so Taco Bell at six in the in the chat has found the idea well I can just take this rook white can't take back he gets checkmated so this wouldn't be any good for white thankfully I noticed this in in my game against Ben and the best move here might just be something like g3 creating left controlling these key squares there's no good discoveries with this Bishop on this night like Bishop d4 now simply Knight f6 and you can check me but you'll end up losing well actually you land Blues in here if you're not careful so of course g3 would have ended the game black really has no tricks after g3 and said I played Queen to d2 and this meant Queen to h4 smooth actually gave me quite a lot of problems that I wasn't ready for yeah but for some reason in my head I was so prepared to meet any move with Knight to f6 after after this Queen to d2 move that I was just like okay Knight of 6 is no problem after Queen h4 I just take he plays some move I take care I win the game this was my thinking in the game of course what's wrong with this thinking there's something pretty obvious something pretty obviously wrong yeah something wrong with 906 here this one's much less hard than than the last question so yeah well night off 60s check forces the bishop to come back but then the problem is after work f6 this is undefended the bishop is just undefended so this is what actually happened in the game here I actually didn't realize I still have one last way to save this game some way preventing this mate in saving this night that was so unnatural that nobody saw it then didn't see it after the game I don't think Yassir saw it but just cuz this move looks absurd at first glance but it makes sense only one way to stop it and save lawyer material and that is of course pawn to g4 which looks kind of absurd but I would have still had the advantage after g4 of course g3 would have been better would have maintained my advantage but instead this Queen DD to move allowed this now since I didn't see a g4 I had to go in for this piece down business and I think I took on d6 I don't especially recall but you know I ended up losing this game pretty convincingly which you know while it hurts it goes to show you know don't give up in your games because you know this position really it's it's abysmal for black and 99 times out of 100 flex should lose this with equal players but okay the point of this lecture it was to show that you need to know your opening and so the important part is this 95 move this really shows you don't know the opening and so obviously you can't know everything about every opening but that should be your goal I guess is to know most of the plans that can arise out of your openings this is kind of a sideline but it's not entirely uncommon so it's definitely something Ben should be aware of and all players who play this line should be aware of the point is you need to study your openings not for Theoretical moves but to recognize ideas if you can recognize this F for idea you can recognize I have to do something about it something needs to be done and then you can arrive at the conclusion 98 and f5 is a reasonable way to stop it any questions about what happened in this game and why why black was just losing out of the opening and also any questions in general about anything we covered today all right so then just a quick recap so the point of today's lecture was to show what happens when you don't understand the ideas in your opening which is the important part it's not the theory it's the ideas in the opening and so if you find yourself in a position or you don't know the ideas that arose of the opening you have to be very very very careful cuz 95 is usually a natural move in these kinds of structures but in this case it kind of just loses the game after f4 so you want to study your openings not so much for theory theory can help but you want to know these ideas and you do have to be super super [Music] you know blacks should have lost this game and white did lose this game you know because of those things of course also if your name is Vichy a nonce you should recognize most six move traps and try to avoid them especially after not 94 but Queenie - I think someone earlier mentioned you have to show what happens after Queenie 7 of course I don't remember right away because that would be too easy feels like the answers Knight d5 with this bear at 1 c7 let's throw it on the night with that in mind thank you everyone for watching it's been a pleasure doing the first ever live streamed road to 2000 I hope you guys you know enjoyed it had a good time and I will see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 558,956
Rating: 4.8288841 out of 5
Id: SxbAGgr4iRY
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Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.