All Hail Sir Knight, The Uncapturable! || So vs Rajabov || Skilling Open Knockout (2020)

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hello everyone and welcome to what is probably the best game that was played yesterday in the skilling open knockout section it's wesley's over system or a job of and it it's the third third game between the two of them uh first game was won by rajabo with the black pieces second game ended in a draw and this is now the third one it's really really an awesome game a lot of you have already suggested it uh so let's dive straight into it wesley has the white piece and he really needs a win to bounce back in this match opens with c4 so the english opening is on the board sorry about that uh and we have e5 uh sorry not e5 knight to f6 by rajabov uh we have knight to c3 e5 and now knight to f3 and knight to c6 so the four knights opening uh of the of the english with e3 uh and now bishop to b for challenging this knight bishop to c2 that's a queen obviously queen to c2 defending uh and now castles by black and here knights to d5 and while it looks like maybe you can double up white spawns problem is after this knight moves then this pawn is no longer defended so instead we have brook to e8 now the pawn is defended but now queen to f5 and again uh what do you play here uh if you go knight captures on d5 now to double the pawns you don't really uh you don't really gain all that much uh uh because after captures and knight e7 you're just gonna go with queen captures an e5 so uh it's it's the same stuff so here d6 challenging the queen now defending the e5 pawn and here knight captures an f6 with the jerk so here we have a a very very quick queen trade but uh this game is extremely wild even without queen so captures captures and captures and here a3 challenging the bishop and this is all very standard theory of this uh line in this uh english opening because there are over 100 games in the database with this exact same position from uh top tier tournament play uh with bishop back to c5 and now b4 grabbing more space on the queen side bishop to b6 luckily your bishop cannot be trapped as this pawn guards the c5 square and the bishop to b2 now wesley continues developing and here uh most of the games in the database continue with pawn to a5 but here at a job of place a6 and uh it is as of move 12 that we have a completely new game so this is basically where where our game starts uh we have queen side castle by white preparing d4 at some point and bishop to f5 now this bishop is going to be uh going to be really awesome here uh controlling this entire diagonal not allowing the the white king to go king to b1 and white needs to be very careful here and here you could continue with something like d4 right away you could start developing your bishop but here we have rook to g1 probably probably with the idea that maybe at some point you can play g for g5 and open up the g file with your with your dark square bishop controlling this diagonal could be useful at some point uh so here knight back the e7 nice regarding the d5 and the f5 squares and finally d4 now by white with bishop to e4 and now comes knight to d2 challenging the bishop here we have bishop back to g6 and now comes knight back to f3 c5 here looks very strong but of course the black will not capture and allow uh well this bishop to be uh blocked out of the game because just bishop a7 and now although this could be fine for white uh in a rapid game you don't know if you've maybe over extended a a a little too much and will you be able to hold everything together so here knight back to f3 uh and we have a5 uh busting open the queen side now as the king is on the queen side you you want to have some files open for your rook so of course uh wesley uh prevents that he goes to b5 and now c6 so the java now will try to open up the c file uh we have a4 captures here and now a captures on b5 keeping the c file closed uh but there's a problem as for the moment you have a backwards c4 pawn and it's not going to be it's not going to be all that pleasant so here a4 a very important move as it uh well prepares a3 but also opens up the dark square bishop for this diagonal and with the dark square bishop on this diagonal and the light square bishop on this diagonal you can see that the white king doesn't have all that many squares to go to so here bishop to a3 stopping this pawn from going any further and now e captures on d4 we have captures and now a beautiful beautiful uh a signature a job of move knight to d5 a brilliant sacrifice that really shows just how powerful the position is from black's perspective because if you capture the knight rook 8 to c8 is just crushing because the bishop still controls this diagonal you have to go to b2 now rook c2 check king to b1 and now this rook the d2 check checking the king attacking the rook and if you want to defend the rook king c1 now comes rook to a2 and now the bishop is attacked the bishop still slices all the way here and there is no good defense against rook the c8 which just ends the game so this is what would happen uh should uh should wesley accept the knight sacrifice so here uh for the moment the knight is is immortal uh we have king to b2 and now comes bishop to a5 here rajab again offers the knight but still the the knight cannot be captured if you capture it now or rather you you can capture it but after rookie the c8 it's uh very very hard to spot uh how how you will deal with this the bishop pair is still fully operational you could go for something like rook to c1 but after captures and captures at the other rook coming to c8 it's still going to be uh incredibly difficult for for white to play this there is one move that actually allows you to capture on d5 but it's uh very hard to find captures and then after rook 8 the c8 you go rook to d3 and now you've blocked the light square bishop you don't allow this uh rook to come to c2 but still it's uh uh difficult to find difficult to cut of course i do imagine wesley thought of it but it's very hard to calculate and you don't know what's happening the rook will come to c4 you're gonna double up on the c file and it's just very tricky playing against the bishop pair when you are low on time so here instead we have bishop captures on d6 grabbing that d6 spawn but now just knight to c3 challenging the rook here rook to c1 and now knight to e4 and again what do you play here is white the the bishop is under attack the f2 pawn is under attack so here bishop back to g3 uh stopping both threats and now uh well you could play something like bishop to b4 to just prepare a3 uh rajab plays it right away and this is just beautiful uh you don't want to capture the pawn if you capture bishop d2 opens up a discovered check wins the rook on c1 so here after a3 check king the a2 was played by wesley and now comes knight to c3 with check forcing the the king to capture the pawn uh or you you don't capture you can go something like king to beat you but then it's just uh then it's just weird you allow this past pawn to go all the way to a2 and then it's going to be very hard so here king captures an a3 it is in fact the the top move recommended by the engine and now comes bishop to b4 with check now rajab of sacrifice is a bishop for some very sneaky play and the bishop must be captured because everything else ends in uh not just a checkmate but but such a remarkable checkmate that i will have to show it for example king b3 if you decline the sacrifice you get knights to a2 attacking the rook and the bishop here and now if you want to keep everything together let's say rook to a1 uh rook to a3 with check king to b2 and now bishop to c3 with check sacrificing the rook here only move as the bishop covers this diagonal and the knight covers c1 is to capture the rook and now the incredible bishop the c2 now the bishop pair controls uh these four squares and there is no defense against the rook the a8 checkmate uh you can capture the knight but still rook t8 is checkmate as the bishop pair is not allowing the king to go anywhere it's not a completely forced line uh it only happens if the rule goes to a1 but i i just showed it for you to see what what is possible here but every line is completely losing for black for white if you play it like this so here king captures on b4 it is the only move that allows white not to lose and now knight to 82 with check and here wesley has to decide what to do and the point is he's very low on time i think he was around 20 seconds on the clock here maybe even lower and he needs to decide whether to go king to b3 or king to c5 and here wesley played king to c5 saying that uh okay maybe maybe i can do some damage here the thing uh if he went king to b3 then it's fine but it's very hard to find and when i say fine i mean uh possible possible to defend because here after knight captures on c1 king b2 knight goes to e2 only square if you don't want to lose the knight but now after captures and captures with check king b3 you get to rook a to a2 and it's still a very ugly position to play uh black is up the exchange but white has this massive pawn pawn chain here so it's going to be it's going to be pretty crazy however after this knight to 82 check wesley said you can have the rook i'm playing king c5 i'm gonna play king b6 i'm gonna capture this pawn here i'm gonna have three connected past pawns and with the bishop covering the b8 square i don't have to worry about your rooks checking me from the eighth rank however this is now completely losing as rajabov is on the move feel free to pause the video and win the game for a job of while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on uh finishing this game in great style and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's rook to e6 and now uh there is nothing more for you to play here uh you've cut off the king completely the king cannot come to uh here the knight guards that square the rook covers uh the entire sixth rank and now well the b6 is just too big of a threat for example if you play something like rook to a1 just b6 check king d5 and now everything is checkmate knight c3 is checkmate knight b for his checkmate bishop to e4 is checkmate you can you know choose your checkmate everything is checkmate it's i mean this is crazy like all of these moves are our checkmate it's uh not not very often that you will see something like this so of course wesley said okay i cannot allow b6 so he played b6 himself now black cannot play b6 but now instead of winning in three moves uh arajava can win in one move and i'm sure you'll see it without even pausing the video uh rook to a5 and this is now checkmate uh so it was made in one but uh whatever wesley played it would be it would be incredibly difficult to defend so knight covers this this uh entire fifth rank is covered sixth rank is covered and the king has nowhere to go so a very nice rook a5 checkmate on move 31. uh the after this rook to e6 you could continue to struggle with something like bishop to d6 it allows you to kind of prolong the game but it's only prolonging it it's not nothing serious and of course white will still lose so incredible game by rajab of constantly offering that knight on e5 and as this is already the second game he won in the match so from three games uh two wins by rajabo one game is a draw uh the first match is won by the jabba so wesley will get his chance to counter back in today's match uh and we'll see how it goes and we're just gonna show the standings here so these are the results of uh yesterday's clashes let me just make that a little bit bigger so magnus carlsen defeated anishigiri after three draws he was able to win one game i thought about showing it but uh it was it was a pretty boring game and especially since uh they played the italian game and the gear did not go for the evan's game but i decided you know best not to show it uh levin aren't undefeated yani ponnichi with two and a half to one and a half uh rajabov defeated wesley so two and a half to half as only three games were played and maxine vashilagraw was uh better than hikaru nakamura winning the first game then nakamura had had a chance to bounce back but uh maxime defended well and uh he won the match so we're gonna see what happens today will we see uh will we see uh you know the the the people who lost to come back into the match or will it be a one-sided uh one-sided uh brawl uh so yeah that's uh that's the game i do hope you guys enjoyed it like i said a lot of you have requested it and for a very good reason says it is a beautiful attacking game always uh always nice to see a job of crushing everyone with the black pieces it's it's definitely his style uh i would like to thank soria bodat peter paul vasa klaus muller nielsen uh jonathan money and clayton miller for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the knockouts checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 139,447
Rating: 4.9643083 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, learn chess, how to learn chess, chess lesson, agadmator chess, best way to learn chess, best chess opening, win in chess, carlsen vs nepo, rajabov vs aronian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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