A Queen for a King - One of my Favorite Bobby Fischer Games

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hello everyone like the title suggests this is one of my favorite Fischer games in this game Fischer plays a wonderful game but the finishing blow he delivers comes with such brutality and yet with such elegance and the game was played in 1960 in the Leipzig Olympia is playing against Rene little Ian Martin and mr. Rene was a international master from Chile his greatest achievement was probably in 1954 when he won the UNESCO tournament in Montevideo ahead of Aussie Bernstein and Miguel Nidal I oh no Miguel my Dorf and some of you may remember or see Bernstein from my video up I did a video on him about three months ago how he escaped the firing squad they were executing prisoners and when his name popped up at the commander in charge recognized the name was it Bernstein and he asked argued a great chess master he replied yes I am and the commander requested the de play a game and if he wins he gets to keep his life but I mean this story is present pretty much everywhere III as hard as I tried I couldn't find the game they played probably due to the fact that this never happened or maybe Bernstein never decided to publish the game but I would be very interested to see what does one play when when his life is on the line but ok story aside mr. Rene has the white pieces and he plays he plays d4 now we have Knight to f6 c4 g6 the Kings Indian defense Knight to c3 Bishop to g7 e4 and Fisher castles and this is a this is a standard position in the Kings Indian White has a lot of options here he can go Bishop e2 he can go Knight of 3 some play h3 some play a3 even f3 was played but when I first started playing the Kings Indian defense I checked out a couple of games couple of famous games and studied a couple of lines but whenever I had this position over the board for example in a classical game in a tournament and I had the black pieces I always thought what if what if white pushes 'if I've here what do i do then then I always thought that I messed something up in the opening maybe I forgot to play d6 or something why would I allow me 5 here and what do I do with my knight do I go do I really go to age 5 or 8 so this travelled me for quite a while when I first started playing the King's Indian and that's why I really enjoyed this game because in this game white really does push he 5 and this is something you don't see very often what when a white plays against the Kings Indian official replies Knight to e8 after the game they asked Fischer what he thought about the movie 5 and Fischer only replied weak but it's it's not like it's a mistake or anything it's just that it gives the black a lot of a lot of options to gain activity F for fish plays d6 Bishop to e3 and c5 seemingly offering a pawn if D captures D captures then Bishop captures and c5 wins a pawn so D captures on c5 by mr. na and now Fischer plays Knight to c6 disregarding this pawn so what do you do here well you do have to capture upon it is the strongest move as Fischer allows it C captures on the six official place each capture son d6 and Knight to e4 now capturing the pawn doesn't really give white anything if you capture Knight capture some b6 and this is this is excellent for black your Bishop is stranded there are only three rook to e8 is coming Fischer would enjoy this position very much so instead after each capture 76 94 by mr. Oren a bishop to f5 and here white could capture the pawn on d6 but instead Knight the g3 was played if you capture Knight capture Sun b6 after Knight captures Queen captures Queen captures he captures on d6 you get this night to be four move now threatening night to see to check for King the rook forking the bishop and after you defend this with something like rook to d1 you still get a knight to c2 after King moves Knight captures King captures and Bishop capture some b2 and okay white is up upon but black has a really active bishop pair and the works are ready to jump into the game so this this is definitely compensates for that one pawn and obviously mr. Renee agreed with this since after Bishop to have five he played night to g3 Bishop to e6 now Fischer doesn't want to allow that night to capture the bishop Knight to f3 developing and Queen to c7 and here there are a lot of options available for white definitely black is better here but what white should have played is something like f5 not developing with Bishop to d3 but better better yet immediately pushing f5 and after G captures an f5 now Bishop to d3 with tempo and black is still better but at least white is doing something instead after this Queen to c7 move by Fischer Renee played Queen to be one it's a it's a weird move to do your King is still anyone you still haven't developed anything and the plain Queen to be one it seems like it's preparing f5 also may be protecting the B to pawn but on the other hand you're blocking your rook the rook can't come into the game and you still haven't developed anything so first replace D captures on e5 and ranae continues with his plan he prepared at 5 so he will push her 5f5 Fischer ignores the pawn he pushes his own born efore and what do you do here well F captures on e6 was played if you play Knight captures on e4 you get Bishop captures on f5 this spins the Queen and after E for if you capture with the Queen you get Bishop captures on b2 with an attack on the rook after rook b1g captures on f5 attacking the Queen and after Queen to c2 Bishop goes back to g7 and well again your king is still an e1 black is perfectly fine those bishops are monsters and at the end of this variation white is in a pawn so not really something to look forward to so after E for Rene Tridev captures on e6 we have it captures on f3 g captures on f3 you don't want to capture the f7 pawn you'll just open up blacks F file so G captures on f3 and here facial plays f5 not capturing on e6 but better yet f5 with the threat of f4 so fisheries inviting Renee to push FF for himself and this is exactly what Renee does f4 and now that night that was stranded on e8 comes into the game and is very active Knight to f6 now with ideas of Knight to e4 and Knight to g4 Bishop to e2 or White has to develop quickly and get that King out of the center rook F to e8 enough going for that pawn on e6 and well now Fischer will enjoy the e-file or all for himself and is preparing to double up rooks came to f2 not castling pistol wants the King to protect the bishop on e3 rook captures on e6 we have rook to e1 now preparing to move the bishops so he can counter Fisher's double the rooks on the e-file rook 88 now Fischer doubled up on the e-file and Fischer's position is amazing here doesn't really matter what white plays black will win this game but white played Bishop to f3 what ideas of activating the bishop now Bishop moves like Bishop to d2 are possible exchanging both of the rooks on the file that Fischer has placed but here comes Fischer's brutal but elegant finisher Fischer plays rook captures on e3 and when you look at this move you think okay what's the idea rook captures on e3 Fischer plays rook captures on e3 and well believe it or not this rook is so poisonous that this is probably the most poisonous rook that that ever stroll the file but mr. Rene doesn't believe Fischer so he captures it King captures Rokan III and I invite you to find Fisher's idea here there are a lot of moves that come to mind but one is one is what makes this game so great I'll give it a couple of seconds if you want to pause the video or something or just to enjoy this position so okay if any of you found the move I congratulate you you are you're a great player and for those of you who just want to enjoy Fisher's mastery in this position Fischer played Queen captures on f4 would check so I mean it's such an elegant move and it's so brutal in this position of course Rennie resigned the game as he saw that there is no coming back from this the initial idea of course is if King captures Queen then the simple basic to h6 is checkmate the King has nowhere to go the knight is guarding g4 and E for this Knight is guarding he five and the bishop is covering III so all the escape squares around the King are covered and if you don't capture if after Queen captures on f4 if you play something like King to d3 or or King to d2 and allow life to capture a bishop then of course you're losing the game I mean you lost a piece and your King is on the run so let's see a line where where the King tries to defend the bishop for example King to f2 if King to have two then Knight to g4 check King to g2 not nice to e3 check on only square where you can protect the bishop is f2 so King to f2 and now Knight comes to d4 and white is without a move there is no defense against Queen captures Bishop on f3 white is getting checkmated you there there is no way a white can stop this and I mean he can play Queen d1 to give up the Queen but that would be just silly so after Queen captures on f4 Rene agreed that this is enough for this game this is moved 23 so definitely a miniature and quite a lovely one at that so yeah one of my favorite Fischer games I do hope you enjoyed it I would like to thank Daniel drily and armino database for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot - really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here as yesterday was Todd's birthday both of the videos will be about doll so you know they're under nice games do check them out if you haven't thank you for watching and I will see you soon and yeah I almost forgot thank you everyone for for joining my stream yesterday we I had almost 700 viewers alive and there were 320 people participating in the tournament so quite a quite a tournament I mean I it's announced the tournament some 20 minutes before it began so 320 people is is huge so thank you all for first joining the tournament and to everyone who participated and especially to the winners thank you for watching I will see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 1,445,333
Rating: 4.9285741 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, bobby fischer game of the century, bobby fischer trap, bobby fischer vs donald byrne, bobby fischer, bobby fischer interview, bobby fischer anything to win, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer best game, bobby fischer best sacrifice, bobby fischer best game ever, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer chess game, FISCHER QUEEN SAC, BOBY FISCHER AMAZING GAME
Id: jAwSBrLk3Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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