i beat the ultimate bone breaking challenge

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can strap a ufo to your balls that you can kill people in order to strap more extravagant things to your balls and kill even more people it's stick man destruction falling stickman destruction falling is one of those games that has incredibly bad grammar which means that we're going to find things that are absolutely horrifying to do to people i'm not going to lie to you this is probably one of the stick man games that someone put a lot of effort into the fact that i can kill people with christmas glee is wonderful there's actually two games that are almost the same that i'm gonna play one i want to have infinite torture and the other one i want infinite points this entire episode is about infinite and we will get our infinite beyond having a ton of crap to use here you also get props such as a bomb or a wall or a freaking volcano just like every game i'ma systematically buy everything in order to find out what i can use to infinitely torture my character forever i want to effectively create a level of hell and i will i won't give up until it works i'm just getting a closer look at the volcano with my harley davidson obviously there are a bunch of levels here uh that gets stupider and stupider looks like we might have some bouncy balls those always destroy physics and then there is a freaking board called death x at first i thought maybe it was death times 10 but it's actually death in the shape of an x and the all-new adult video whole slice obviously we're going to have to open all of these i did manage to open up the mountain i also have the money for this gun i need 10 times more money though to get this gun it's like the other gun just on viagra the fact that there's no shopping cart in this game brings me incredible sadness although i did just break my skull open i don't know why i thought standing on a ufo like this would be a great idea i mean i guess it is if you want to start off with a low priced lobotomy all i really want to do is fall on the damn volcano but it's so oh my god okay so you can absolutely somehow get impaled by the ufo that is good to know all right that means that we have a way to break the game i just have to find a way to get my neck inside of the side of the volcano using it like a bed seems like a good idea [ __ ] more of a matter of whether or not the ufo goes up my ass when it's the crowd i now have access to this girl stick figure with jaundice and i think she may be even better than the male one because it seems like she is just very interested in being impaled by the ufo do it damn it all right we're up to 38 broken bones so far your head is in a really inappropriate place okay i think it's a matter of just finding a more violent level just gotta ride this ufo like a freaking skateboard i decided to check these bouncy balls out okay there has to be a way to set things up to make it much worse i don't really know if the volcano is especially valuable here but i'm i'm willing to check it out holy [ __ ] the volcano can be amazing so um i decided to use this set of skis here somehow i'm stuck between the two poles and i'm just getting my ass bounced by the bouncy balls here for all eternity i always say that eventually i'll find a way to get infinite points this is one of them i'm actually gonna sit here for a while just to see if you know maybe we can actually get to use these points so i can have a ridiculous amount of coins to spend i love how the skis use dark matter to somehow propel them i was right by the way it never ended i was just stuck there for all eternity and now my foot is inside of this man's throat i broke the game again except instead of my kidneys getting rabbit punched for all eternity my head is getting bounced off of the skis this isn't good enough i want ridiculous points damn it all right what do we got here that can be used in a stupid way you know what rolling why not let's do this holy jesus what the hell kind of sauce are these [Music] oh my god this game just went to 11. behold the power of my jazzy power scooter all right off the tnt through the blades how did i miss all the blades damn it obviously i'm not riding on this correctly uh yeah why not when in doubt steer with your feet oh hell the seat is stuck up my ass holy geez i just lost my head okay now we're starting to get some points all right now if i can land directly on the blades like this it seems that i can get a substantial amount of damage done to my character ow what do you know it's a new record anytime i see something i can potentially shove up my character i buy it so i bought this gigantic bicycle because you never know it looks like i could potentially eat the steering wheel just like that now the question is is it a fairly damaging object not really kind of a weird way to ski don't don't worry too much about it oh my god what the hell happened to that guy i need to get this saws wall open i like how the pole is the only thing driving me forward and it is going straight up my ass i never thought that one of the most dangerous things i could drive in this game was just a cart this is the standard position that you drive it in again with your ass what the hell was it what is happening all i did was use the blank and it just spontaneously exploded on me but now it's working just fine okay i finally open up the sauce wall obviously i can't imagine this being anything but absolutely wonderful i just have to get to the wall that's hot i need a very specific weapon for this particular board okay i have definitely found the object if you like to eat the blades it's the skis i don't know why but their refusal to understand anything in the realm of physics is glorious faith in my blood he's like oh it's making my skin so soft it's a new record you don't say remember kids when motorcycling always wear a helmet okay after shoving ski poles up my ass for a long time i managed to get 100 000 coins we're opening up death x my hope is it's a lot like the x-men only a lot more deadly all right just sliding down the middle here uh-huh oh there's a gigantic freaking volcano right in the middle that's amazing decent amount of uh air time here i like how the blades are just getting systematically bigger too oh okay now we're starting to get coins okay now if i can rest just barely on this thing here i could get a ton of points by just repeatedly bouncing off of it getting hit in the head with my own tire is also quite nice so i decided to unlock the propeller stage i was not disappointed it's all a matter of like i said whether or not i can somehow get one of these objects permanently shoved up my ass getting decapitated isn't that bad though i can actually afford the big gun now too it better be substantially better than the shitty gun okay things are looking pretty good so far when the blade manages to get all of your bones at once that's usually a good thing only problem is you need to fall onto the right side of the gun when in doubt try the skis because they absolutely refuse to operate with any semblance of normalcy oh oh god and there goes the head i don't know how i'm still skiing through all this these guns suck they're like dollar store guns when in doubt throw some volcanoes down oh this is gonna it's a home run [Music] yeah i got thrown right off the level yes there's like no floor either i just fall for all eternity i had to try something real quick this is another game by them just an earlier one to see how long they would allow the stupidity in this game to go on you can already see where i've gotten to points the stupidity of the shopping cart in any of these games goes beyond all normal mortal comprehension look at it it's like the freaking shopping cart is a ufc fighter look at him fold my character and have it just throw me through the air why yeah do me a favor just keep working the kinks out of my ass right there one more time oh yeah that's nice god i hope it can end so i can just get my points yay i get a new best score the real question is will the agony ever end i love that just breaking all my bones wasn't enough now it's trying to shove this thing up my ass repeatedly stop breaking my ass bone and give him my points i like how he's just trying to rock me to sleep yay damage score a done air score yes about 217 000 points in bone breaking as well since i already got enough points to own absolutely every stage i just want to try something real quick this board is called pinball i expect you understand why the question is i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get myself stuck inside of my oh never mind i punctured myself with part of my shopping cart it's in a very interesting area too this board is great because they turned the yeet up to nine thousand i have a feeling that i'm about to get a lot of points oh sweet baby jesus points are a guy's best friend oh i may be flying off the entire board hey he landed it okay so i i need to be what 1.5 million i don't know why but i feel like this is not going to be a very big deal it's like i'm using this freaking shopping cart like a jet pack oh by the way we beat our last amount we're at 3 million point so far this is like when uh when you're trying to get the high score on the pinball machine and then you give the controller over to your big brother oh my god look at the points eight million i love that we repeatedly landing inside of the pinball area the point total when you flip like this moves so quickly 10 million points 11 million points 12 million points i'm so twisted inside of this thing i i literally don't know if my character is ever going to be able to get free i'm going to have to find a way out of here if i want to actually obtain these points for use all right slowly juggle my way down here right now ricochet off of grimace's balls over here very good yeah it's gonna somehow have to like shoot me out of the basket because it's basically permanently breaking my bones right now i think what's amazing is that i really haven't been caught on the yeah like this right here oh god going light speed between all of the balls i mean 15 million is pretty good i'm pretty oh now i am completely stuck inside of the basket all right 22 million seems legit just got smashed in the head by the wheel of the shopping cart oh oh it's starting to count three two one yes holy jesus bone breaking score 407 000. you know what's why not i guess right i love that this is legitimately called happy way we all know none of these none of these are going to be as good as the shopping cart so how happy does this way make me well the freaking wheel of the shopping cart just smashed me into scrotum so not very happy this happy way sucks okay i think i found out why i like this board the developer of the game decided to make the objects these fans spin so fast that they are keeping me up in the air they just turn the speed up to 11. i just got to see if i can get the shopping cart inside of them oh i sure can damn it hit me out of my shopping cart you bastards oh never mind i'm back in i'm approaching these issues here as i do everything neck first god this is worse than the pinball level look at the ludicrous speed go my character has decided that it's possible perhaps he can convulse his way out of the basket here i wasn't sure if we would beat 22 million points but i i i think we're going to beat 22 million points i don't know what i'm gonna do with all these coins in case you were wondering we'd be 22 million points well now it'd be 25 million points no one loves you physics all right now if i get lucky it'll hit my body out of the basket so we can take our points back here all right 30 million points oh this is nice in order to speed things up i actually got my knees penetrated by another part of the basket 35 million points 38 million points 40 million oh oh i got i got out i got out all right now if i get lucky i'll be able to finally take my points i just don't know how i'm gonna be able to fall because these damn things are moving so freaking fast okay i just lay here 44 million points these numbers are getting completely out of control look at the amount of coins do you want double coins no i think i have enough thank you i mean just real quick we both know none of these are going to be as good as the the shopping cart okay maybe this one's pretty good what the hell am i stuck inside of there's no ground here i'm just gonna fall for eternity damn it i mean i'm trying the roadster just to try it but we both know that it will never be as good as the shopping cart it will simply be a disappointment okay now to continue getting infinite points in the other game i guess i'll buy the most expensive thing here not really sure what this thing can do for me uh yeah just airing out my groin try this just to see uh how it works on this particular level works pretty good i only lost the lego though i still have my head i have penetrated the inside of the motorcycle the motorcycle is now spontaneously flipping me what the hell is going on i have broken this game in more ways so that i can't play than i ever would have imagined okay this is skill level 9000. i've got the motorcycle stuck on the blades and i'm infinitely just chilling out here so the interesting thing is i can still eject so i think i can just wait until i decide i've been here long enough on this board and then just eject all right just as a test here i'm gonna go ahead and ejaculate my stick girl there we go all right what do you know it's new record ho ho ho just planning on getting santa's sleigh shoved up my ass uh yeah it's looking good so far in fact i'm gonna land back inside the sleigh so i finally bought the whole slice level it's like a new age m night shyamalan movie it is the most disappointing thing i think i've ever seen as you can see my best score on it is 666 because this thing was made by the devil it doesn't do anything it just sucks i'm just gonna let myself get violently beat by this freaking ski pole i decided to open up another one called cave it's mostly better because you can run other stick figures through with your ski poles oh oh god oh i've got all the stick figures stuck in here that's right go to sleep go to sleep young man go to sleep oh the skeet ball's going up my groin now i am inside of another stick figure we have melded together it's like a human centipede of stick figures i i legitimately don't know what's happening right now i think we may be able to separate ourselves but i'm not sure hell yes oh it's through my neck now this ski pole is like quit hitting yourself quit hitting yourself quit hitting yourself i do appreciate that i basically figured out how to endlessly torture myself every time in this game now all it is is the skis see look for all eternity i'm going to kick this guy in the balls and in the face we will battle like goku and vegeta forever i mean to be fair it did allow me to get effectively infinite money so i could afford everything in the entire game it is slightly unfortunate that he has to rest his ass on my forehead but i guess that's the price you pay for infinite anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of stickman falling destruction or whatever the hell it's called until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,146,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, funny stickman, funny stickman fight, stickman jail, funny escape, sandbox games, ragdoll game, physics game, physics simulator, spike fall, stickman falling, stickman falling game
Id: U1MHyuuX3xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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