i completed this legendary 0.000001% spike jump using my secret double backflip move

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all right we're checking out the only game where you get to penetrate the whole of shame yay it's happy wheels i'm not gonna lie i didn't actually think i could get the hole of shame on my very first throw while doing that intro obviously there oh my god there is a jet fall here of which i am completely determined to beat at this point get your bottle ass over there great i'm back down in the hall of shame your computer has a virus yeah i know it's called gray still plays my computer's hated me for years oh hey okay now the wind is unlocked i might actually be able to beat something hold on there mustard bottle you're getting out of hand also why is there a swordfish on drugs i'm not timing this on purpose i want you all to know that i'm not gonna lie that was a fantastic rearward bottle flip uh i don't know throw it like this um why is my arm stuck [Music] boop oh hey i bottle flipped on the right bottle flip in the wind area i also double penetrated the hole of shame [Music] penetrators maximus are you not entertained i've gotta get the win the swordfish is really starting to piss me off uh well that's new i don't care what it takes i'm gonna get that goddamn win you're right well that was a really smooth eat uh oh hey i got the maximum amount of penetration again i got the maximum amount of penetration a third time in fact it's standing on my other bit of penetration people ask me if my penetratus maximus is good enough i say it stands on its own yay pro at this point pro is just like slightly above average winning oh jesus what a pain in my ass i told you i wouldn't stop until i got it though this is called gray still plays birthday i'm actually kind of surprised i'm not really sure i ever told anyone what my birthday is it is in february uh am i supposed to listen to the actual rules here i feel like i'm not oh god maybe i should have followed the rules actually wait a second is there anything past this little death area ah crap hey do you want to play my pogo fight well i would except for the fact that there is a spear pointed at my anus but yes okay now i get to go to the hospital and the doctor will be like yeah what's wrong with your knee oh there's a broad sword in it okay apparently there's a lot more to this board than i thought there was okay so down here and then flip it what the hell there we go flipping to do this way what happens if i say no [Music] i understand now yes i would like to play your pogo fight mostly because i don't want to die oh my god um he's fine i want everyone to know you can see the sword is still being held in the air so the child is fine all righty a little back flip hey that right there is what we call an epic dodge never mind there is now a battle axe in my ball sack well this is a problem okay i finally got the battle axe out of my ass okay this pogo fight is actually pretty legit i never thought my birthday would be such a pain in my ass oh i'm still alive i really wanted to get past this area just to see if there's anything like if you beat if you just go past the board i mean i'm sure whoever made this should have expected this to happen [Music] oh i can win never mind ah why does there always have to be a battle axe in my ass god it's like part of the freaking channel at this point this is the first time i have lived without a battle axe up my ass and i would prefer it if it wasn't the last time dude you're in my pogo stick your ass is in my pogo stick can you get out of my pogo stick please amazing i traded the battle axe for a spear hey salvation all right santa rat bastard here we go okay so far so good great i fell into this freaking pit with this guy and now my life is a thousand times harder it's not really because he's doing anything particularly it's just because he forgot his head at home okay ow okay land on this nice okay now go past santa yeet there we go and a winner part of me is just curious what would happen if i actually followed the rules oh happy birthday gray i even got a birthday watermelon this is called gray still plays bottle run this is my first level and i wanted it to be for grace still plays no cheat okay no cheating it is let's do the bottle run the right way ow i don't know why my leg decided it didn't want to be attached to my hip anymore okay i am really glad i leaned my tire onto that platform this is called gray still dies 99 i spilled lemonade on the background sure you did okay doesn't seem that bad so climb over the death spike okay completely fall on the death spike climb over the death spike here we go uh [Music] i may have almost lost most of my teeth there but i didn't the boat one of my favorite makes and models this is called gray on the moon is there a way to get back to earth there is not so i guess this is a what was that was there was there a person inside of a cannon just then i was gonna say apparently there's no gravity there's definitely a cannon up there what the hell is this i was gonna say it is a level with low gravity and it literally is a level with low gravity why does the moon feel like all the other happy wheels lands just slower oh [ __ ] i'm still alive okay apparently all i have to do is just get to that platform the problem is it's a pain in the ass because my body moves so damn slow and i have no control over it in the air so yeah okay if i can just eat enough got it okay this is apparently the world the world's longest media run but i need to try hey absolutely okay i was guessing i've managed to cheat my way into this little area i want to know what's down here before i start to try and do this damn board especially if it's supposed to be so ridiculously long here we go oh huh i guess that's that all right let's do this my arms are so scared of the meteor they just ripped up my body it's okay i know how to gain incredible speed on this bicycle ow touche okay this um this is definitely looking like a really really long what i was trying to say is this definitely looks like a really really long media run okay so i have to not get stuck on those on those areas at all otherwise i'll lose way too much speed and then get ready for the wall that's coming up and three two one here it is okay bounce down this go over here oh gotta go backwards this is an insanely long meteor run i'm not super happy that i have to do this while swimming through the blood of the innocent i don't hear the media right yet so i think i still have a pretty good lead on it okay another drop off the wall oh god there we go that's good speed oh no damn it the problem is i end up going so fast that i might lose my head aids i know my helmet look at the speed look at the speed look at my legs okay ricochet off the wall come down backwards hop to hit the brakes oh [ __ ] i did not hit the brakes i hit the wrong butt and now i'm going to die epic pop that was good my son actually maybe you can slow the meteorite down my damn it will let me know where the meteorite is okay slow down get away your stupid arm no god there goes my freaking helmet god i'm still rolling where's the head huh no okay you have definitely made the world's longest meteor run i'm the fastest dad in the land the fastest dad in the land tom's like if you're the fastest why do i keep dying shut up child you can sit back there pedal pedal your ass dad come on go go go go go go go go go freaking boards like 30 miles let this end okay off another one no come on what i found on this board is it's so long and you have to keep going so fast that like you eventually make a mistake and when you make a mistake at this speed you explode would you judge me media right don't you judge me we're gonna make it this time i don't care what it takes i don't care what it takes we're gonna make it look at the speed look at my feet move okay slow bounce backwards pop it oh my knee break bounce forward i don't know if having one leg is gonna be enough to keep me up to speed okay level seven i don't even know okay click for noob click for son of a [ __ ] we're doing pro i'm gonna get there and we're doing pro if it's gonna be the longest it's gonna be the longest okay i need all my legs for this bye tom sorry buddy no helmet no arms this is not a good start especially when i have to do like three more levels before i get to the choice okay i've got one arm both legs and my helmet left this is a big deal okay off level four oh yeah oh yeah tons of speed problem is i've gotta slow down before i hit the next wall or it'll blow up my legs all right slow down there we go that was good okay ah i lost my last arm uh pro yes oh sweet jesus a hundred and thirty seconds of non-stop media running this is oh ah i was gonna say this is called rope swing it's ah [Music] it's a very hard rope swing okay i can see where this could be a pain in my ass i made it come on oh that was so smooth came in on the knees too look at us this is called gray still plays boss apparently i have to go through multiple boss multiple boss fights it said don't go here why don't you listen harpoon man killing him will instantly release all of the harpoons uh so what if i just keep him alive actually hold on i have a better idea ah oh no it's yeti or in five seconds you need a meter okay back to harpoon man ouch okay harpoon man yeti or uh have ow ow ow ow stop ow please stop oh most of them just went into my son he has like a mohawk made of crossbow bolts what is the last boss oh no's it's the hearty horde when you get close the tom hardy's will throw themselves at you okay bring it on you are approaching the final boss ultra santa all the others combined prepare yourself for the speedis yiddis that did not work okay this last boss is kind of tough but i have a plan all right tom go ahead buddy this level's turning into a real pain in my ass okay where does this actually go off right about there i'm still alive i'm a winner [Music] i don't care yes what it takes i will beat the boss this is called the spike fall of doom crap so you have to kind of wander on this urine strip over here and then you don't have a choice where it puts you so you basically just gotta hope that you do it good like not like that okay that was a stronger eat there i'll help okay so you really gotta gotta take this seriously all right this is called jet fall baby wall apparently it could be impossible all right the uh the strength of the of the the rockets here start to become a little bit of a pain in the ass ooh full flip into a ball ouch okay then what do you have to do go through here okay roll down here and now i know where the baby wall comes from yeah all right ball ouch i'm okay it says roll into the ball how do i do that there's nothing left of me i can't roll into a ball i am a ball i just exist right now as a ball ow oh yeah that was smooth all right so i got to do this kind of somehow the problem is slowing down enough so you don't explode on the damn baby wall all right i got all my parts my helmet's intact everything's as good as it's gonna get i think what i'm gonna try and do is throw my arms off god okay once again all of me is here can i like grab on to something are you supposed to get past this goddamn baby wall the babies are so powerful give me my segway back damn it oh wait hold on no i have an idea if i can grab the handle of the segway and bring it with me i wonder if i can throw it and disrupt the baby wall okay there we go now i need to bring this with me and not die come here come on we got work to do come here there we go okay i've got it i'm in one piece i just need to not screw this up nice and then lean back this way oh god okay still doing good don't land on your head ah that was a nice soft landing okay and then throw this got it yes oh wow that was a pain in the ass well i hope everyone realizes that the answer to everything is more segways anyway hope you enjoy this episode of happy wheels till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,169,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: OYUFAgZwfzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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