i was hired to ruin your childhood and this happened

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all right we're checking out the only game where the most popular sport is violence this looks inappropriate it's happy wheels the idea here is pretty easy you're supposed to eat the ball into the basket but this guy's trying to do a block okay i'm not gonna lie this is actually kind of annoying how many men must i sit atop before i can win this ow [ __ ] here we go okay i'm not gonna lie this is a lot harder than it looks if it wasn't for all the damn urine in the background what the hell ow oh i um i planned this this is um this is what you're supposed to do boom wow what a pain in my ass actually it's now pain in his ass as well this is called gray super easy i'm very concerned that it will not in fact be very easy hey grape oh my god i can hear the pain coming i'm just gonna leave now oh [ __ ] huh okay i understand how this goes you know what to do tom and you did it well can you survive the booster heck ow uh hmm maybe i can't go yes i do i have any of my limbs intact i have one leg this is called fan run extreme all right let's take a look at what daycare's like i do want to know where my tax dollars are going after all daycare looks a lot like oh my god what the hell maybe i could survive this hold on a second oh my god never mind i can't all right tom you know what to do all right let's see what the fan run is like i don't really normally do fan runs oh my god okay yeah sure oh oh we're this is one of those runs where the slightest mistake causes death isn't it you know what time you're coming with me we're gonna do this together actually after what just happened to you oh my god i might be doing this alone hell yes oh you tried to screw me in the end there ay he he he he's his skeedy hedis edie the fetus what is this ah yes a lovely harpoon run with no way out it says that this one's been fixed too i'm curious exactly how harpoony run [Music] i have a tendency these last few boards to complete the board with just my torso you've heard of glass break well this is literally called glass breaks you i've never heard anything more soviet russia so how how bad is the glass break i don't know i mean i'm i'm breaking it so far it hasn't broken me yet go get a little speed here i'm going to get rid of my helmet too that is how comfortable i feel destroying all this glass little tom hardy's like you're gonna regret that dad i know son but i have to give the people what they want oh okay freaking wise guy huh get ready yeah what the hell can someone please tell me why my leg is trying to stay behind what is happening my leg is like no don't leave me okay that wasn't that bad go in yay the time has come for thomas extreme stunts you remember that freakish psychedelic slightly intoxicated train thomas well now he's going for broke okay let's see here doesn't look too bad yet going pretty fast i would say at this point i'm kind of waiting for the blood and ass oh my god okay thomas the train doesn't take no from anyone i was going to say i was expecting a lot of death but so far it's not actually that bad over the that was that santa claus oh my god what the hell [Music] oh epic jump full flip landed it lost a lick oh my god it's the children's spectator area um we won ah yes a wondrous adventure i know right now it doesn't look like much of an adventure but you'll see it in a moment here we're passing by intestinal corner something did indeed go past the screen a nice yiddly deet onto the jump apparatus inside of a cannon we're gonna go ahead and do a full flip a heart flip if you will off the mine into the secondary cannon this one here takes a while to load up though after we've reached maximum depression go ahead and fire that off off the watermelon through the pumpkin and then we click to win this is called rope swing invisible i'm really concerned i'm bad enough at normal rope swings oh my god oh no grab here okay i did what do you where do you even ah oh god i was right there damn it i almost did the invisible rope swing all right here we go rope swing eat grab down hold on i'm almost there come on baby no all right rope swing jump down grab secondary grab oh hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah it's happening yes this is cup oh my god this is called the impossible escape if you escape i'll kiss my crush that was not very difficult part of me believes you actually wanted to kiss your crush this is called hard bank heist fake win a okay got it okay now supposedly this bank heist is relatively impossible all right go down the hole get the easy win we've done that if your grace still plays i hope you can beat this because i can't great all right here we go oh yeah oh yeah we're winners we're winners over here i'm screwed hey go go ah this is unfair okay this bank heist is less like a bank heist and more like a freaking gladiatorial combat what the hell are you supposed to do i have to okay yes block block block block block damn it okay maybe i can like maybe i can launch myself yes oh and there you have it see if you can't do it i'll make sure to do it for you welcome to spike fall swing okay oh oh okay all right so you have to do the spike fall off of the swing interesting okay so kind of like this and then wait for the back damn it ow i'm still alive um hmm ah god i think i can make this work hold on here we go oh yeah got it behold the golden challenge the challenge for pros complete this without losing any blood okay first off can i leave no all right guess we're gonna do it without losing any blood and whoop there you go uh-huh okay so technically no blood has exited my anus all right let me just step on your dead body good sir here we are and boop there you have it this is called gray still plays sad hey great this is my first board so go easy on me absolutely right i i i think i just won twice also what the hell is this board there's like two completely different areas to fall all right now i assume there's a there's a real way to win this okay so i know that ouch i was gonna say i know that i don't want to go too far back there we go uh this is a long spike fall also did that say i spill oh god i spelt cherry soda on the background god how am i supposed to ouch there we go oh yeah oh yeah oh i'm okay i'm fine never mind i'm not fine this is a terrible day because my segway betrayed me seriously i currently have the handlebars of my segway going through my esophagus how the hell are you supposed to beat this well that looks good i i did it i can't believe it i have no idea how but i did it pain pain like pain squared i love pain this is called impossible jet fall it says that they may have gone too far when they made this that sounds fantastic hey thanks for doing my level the jet falls ahead or you can just forget it and get a florida meth heads and dinner sounds like a great idea what the hell wow ow what what how out wait for what is happening no wow i i did it i won okay let's try the actual jet fall here i assume that there is one other is okay oh my god i'm i'm okay i'm still alive i'm now going to die nope never mind i'm still alive oh my god um all right this mate okay this may end up being kind of hard but i think i know how to do this what did this say don't forget be a good father to little tom hardy your ass must be crazy all right there we go oh yeah oh we're running it now oh god i'm still alive nevermind and go tom alright i'm just gonna wait here for a minute oh my god there's like an anti-cheat method i think i can still do this hold on now is that being a good dad you can't stop go tom go go go go go go go ah see it doesn't know that this is happening oh god yes it does i'm still alive you know what maybe i'll just jump oh yeah oh look at this oh we riding it hell yes this is bad this is a very difficult board you've full flip you know what hold on let me try something ah what the hell what is this is there like a hidden glass break here hell yes boom oh yeah impossible jet fall yay watermelon no this this level is evil this is this is an amazing amount of evil okay if i just stay here i'm gonna wait for all oh my god i was gonna say i'm gonna wait for all the jets to go by how long is this fall this fall is very long and very impossible all right here's what we're gonna do jump let go there oh god why does it keep catching my neck go all right now i'm just going to wait aha so you didn't expect me to do it this way did you ah see there's the little little anti-cheat barrier but if i'm on this side it can't stop me still oh still a few more jets yeah there there was a lot of jets down there like i've been waiting for these jets okay there we go okay i think we're done now all i have to do is sloobity [Music] ouch i'm okay [Music] oh now the anti-cheat barrier comes down this is called spear dodge poor gray oh boy so the idea here is you oh god you need to survive for one full minute but i have no idea how the hell i'm supposed to do this i guess if i catch all of the spears inside of my groin maybe i can make this work there has to be way to cheat this ouch and jump grab oh penis try that again jump grab let go of the freaking segway i i i'm dancing i am currently dancing with one of the spears up my anus this is very very concerning i gotta keep my arm alright never mind my arm decided to abandon me ow oh hell yeah oh i'm the king i can do this i can do this i can do this it's fine one spear up the butt no big deal okay that is very very concerning all these spears are right above my skull as long as they just stay stuck on the thruster i think i can win this now it may look like i am pooping blood out of my ass but that is actually strawberry jam strawberry preserve even if you will ah are you serious all right maybe i can cheat this way this is it this is it i just need a steak oh my god i just need to stay against this side of the board no big deal pretty soon 60 seconds will be up i don't know where the spit oh god i was gonna say i don't know where the spears went apparently they're just accelerating to light speed no big deal i just have to wait this out and i will be a winner i survived longer than 60 seconds can i have my win ow okay i will now protect my skull with my groin there we go perfect all right ah yeah i love it yeah you can't get through my ass can you it's like the perfect shield a bastion look captain america has his shield i have my ass okay uh no joke i've been hanging here for like four minutes okay i'm gonna i'm gonna let go and man hope that the board creator is serious about letting me win here the hell am i supposed to do okay how about if i go ouch i'm still alive okay so i've just been sitting here for like 10 minutes i had to go look at some of the other replays to find out if there's a way to win this there's not it's just whoever can hold on the longest i did it yay this is called graced ow anyway i was going to say this is called grace to please 99 point a lot of nines percent impossible however damn it i want to get to daycare and now i'm really screwed freaking toilet turned away here we go all right and daycare looks like a bunch of swords onward oh my jesus onward part two oh my god oh jesus no i'm still alive now i'm not all right this board is legit ouch i don't have speed i'm screwed come on baby come on baby go yes nice nice nice okay and then backwards come on come on go go my god no this is you're not kidding this is very impossible it doesn't matter how impossible something is though we will eventually win ow by the power of gray skull i i actually lost my skull and now i have a bunch of harpoons up my ass okay you know what we're gonna oh my god oh oh no no no i'm so screwed right now all of the speed yay okay go go go go go go go go go go go go use the use the harpoons use the harpoons i'm the best there's ever been i'm screwed i'm the second best there's ever been we go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh god yes yes no no no no i'm i'm almost there i'm very close onward tom we're doing all right well we were doing this together ow okay this is unbelievably hard okay we got good speed going into it up back land it all right i'm gonna approach this damn it okay here's the key the key is we need tom hardy yay gotta throw him to the wolves i'm dead i'm so oh wait maybe i'm not there okay now just let things happen off still okay now just let things happen off-screen here we go oh oh my son's shoe i'm pretty sure that's a giblet and a heart there are still things falling from the sky i'm waiting until this dies down okay i think we're good here we go yeah everything's everything's looking good so far you don't understand you don't understand how many times i've played this level okay like a million times at this point a million oh my god that is a lot of friggin harpoons all righty tridents don't stab me in the skull oh you're starting to get there don't you freaking do it all right so far so good the big issue is is if there's any more of the landmines because i will probably die immediately when this harpoon goes up my ass at the speed of light ouch i'm fine you know what whatever i don't care i don't know how that happened yes oh my god oh i can't even type anything in but at least i got it saved i think by now you all understand why most of these boards are stained with blood anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels till the next time stay focused so much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,979,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, Simulation Games, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels banned levels, happy wheels levels, happy wheels don't move, harpoon jump, happy wheels gameplay, happy, wheels, gameplay
Id: xgYWsW-pIfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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