i literally drove to space in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can torture yourself by literally driving to outer space it's GTA I've decided to utilize the full power of GTA at this point and thus I have found a board that will literally take you to outer space but gravity changes in everything so this special area has been prepared for me so that I can lose most of my life behind a steering wheel as I attempt to get there now as you can imagine they have prepared a couple of different vehicles for me to choose from in order to get to space I'm glad that they are in the classic Florida man color scheme we have a super car that we could potentially bring to space that's okay it feels kind of cliche ah the Sanchez Florida man has had the motorcycle seat of the Sanchez using his testicles as a speed bag on many different episodes we have the what is this the rebel I think it is this might actually work excellent in space especially if we start losing gravity I'm not sure if you can see but the track goes straight through the clouds and then it just Clips away and you can't see it anymore because it actually goes past the sky box now luckily I'm wearing wearing my special shoes made out of the souls of depression reason I say that is because a very special car has been prepared for me the gray still plays Florida Man car if you will you can see the tire right there it is a phone okay so don't get me wrong I love the super car and everything like that but uh hold on here let me get lined up because this is very important we gotta send this we got to send this attempt to get the space off on the right foot so what you want to do okay you want to get right about like this yeah right about like that is that like a nuclear explosion that I have to eventually parkour through whatever then we go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go bye all right alcoholism let's do this I was saying purse like a kitten I just wanted to see real quick oh yeah how well this thing drives that's right kids don't drink and drive see what alcoholism does I would like to take a moment to also mention that no pedestrians were harmed during the making of this episode all right let's do this I'm not gonna lie this oh Jesus um I have a feeling that that was supposed to be a little troll area because as you can see there is a broken part in the tubing over here that I jumped right past at least there's three arrows to let me know where exactly I failed in life suspension on these beers suck I'll piss okay through the arrows God I still have all the blood sitting on the front of this thing oh here goes part of the the cooler chest so this looks like a fairly normal tube run here to get us started I do have to mention too like we're already in the mountains so at least they didn't start me from the ground in order to get to [Music] outer space why is there always random people I'm not sure if I'm supposed to go around them or not I feel like they're just there to clean the headlights and oh oh you have to pick one of these tubes there's like six of them to choose from I'm not used to having this many choices all right hold on we're gonna need a lot more speed if I want to actually be able to get to one of the tubes Tokyo Drift over that man's left ankle we're picking the one all the way to the left go all right the one second to the left I didn't know it went quite so far left I feel like I had the wrong choice because I'm moving into a gigantic explosion what the hell you have two options did you see it it actually yeah you have two options okay option A or option b along with option A is just fire and death and option b just looks like palm trees and martinis oh we're already at uh 2600 feet I even get like people applauding me can I can I hurt these people I feel so bad why is there a person on fire hold on I'd like to mention something I had nothing to do with this over here can I get out of this okay don't steal my liquor all right I'd like to take the opportunity to just say it like these people burning on the ground I did not do this the people that made this board for me like they really understood I like how there's just dead fiery corpses laying all over the place we're going to heaven hell I don't know why anyone's on fire to begin with all right well anyway we're picking option A because option A sorry I think I just tore that guy's ACL we're picking option A because option A looks like a lot more flamey do I have to like hit this or I guess I just go through option A I appreciate that I have to go through a yacht that I can't afford in order to do this is like a fake yacht what is this need money for beer pot and Jesse is he hose I'm gonna do you a favor good sir you may reach into the blood math mobile and anything that you can grab before I run you over you make key time is up all right option A here we go okay uh I'm not sure if I can squeeze this through here oh never mind totally can I am I supposed to go up that or am I just supposed to ah holy there's a ton of fans oh God okay ready not yet not yet not yet now nice ow fence God I picked the freaking Michael Bayside from here foreign attempt number two through the tight opening miss all of the gigantic turbines of pain oh my God I'm fine I'm still alive you know what we're gonna do this backwards that was a bad idea all right part of my alcohol is on fire now you may be saying to yourself great isn't it incredibly hot trying to drive through this Insanity uh the answer is no because I'm sitting inside of a cooler filled with alcohol see I planned this thing is amazing come on baby ow hell getting through this is a bit more of a pain in the ass than I previously I got it oh I like how it's like an exit just head toward the UFOs I feel like I'm being lied to uh once again there's always like you know the area 51 Trio trying to stop me from getting oh I needed to jump that we're all we're almost past the where the planes are you can see when flying right over there sorry buddy damn it I gotta like Arc this thing upward or something and pull back there it is perfect thank you for the Applause are you drinking a latte this dude's like I'm wearing baby blue sandals of course I am Florida man he's like Jesus God alcohol is on the menu good sir come with me there you go can you taste it the dude's under there he's like no at this point we are now past the mountains moving onward through here past the past the rocks of sadism I haven't had to run into anyone in quite some time and by quite some time I mean like 25 seconds okay I don't know if the beer mobile can make it up this things are getting I have to downshift at this point and past the sadism oh oh okay holy Jesus that's a plane like 10 feet away I was just gonna say I'm really glad that the beer mobile was so low to the ground and then I completely lost it okay go go go go go go go go go I'm the type of person that would take this Challenge on and like somehow end up hitting a bald eagle or something up here and catching a felony for it the other thing is I think at this point uh we're high enough now to where the gravity is slightly beginning to get different come on weight back weight back not yet now yes oh yeah oh we're definitely floating like a butterfly at this point you know like a homicidal derptastic butterfly what is all this what's this like the freaking Land Lost up here it's all the crap that people threw away I always knew that there was a ton of trash in space [Music] I've been on this trip for a long time my car is starting to pull less and less horsepower I'm running out of oxygen man and oh okay now the gravity is really messed up at this point I appreciate that they gave me such a long jump knowing that there would be almost no gravity the plot twist is that it's not actually because we're up so high it's because I've pissed physics off so much in my previous gameplays of GTA that it's just decided to leave me this is what it looks like inside of the Bud Light mobile I was gonna say I I didn't think that the one ouch hey crap I don't have like there's no weight left on this damn thing so I can't get any traction I was gonna say I didn't think that the one turbine could actually touch my car how much higher do we have to go yeah Hey ow okay we are now way past the Sky Box you can now see the curvature of the earth normally I'd say that being up here would be a problem because the brain requires oxygen to work but the joke's on everyone else because Florida man has no brain there's a lot of cherry flavored meat on the front of the AAA Mobile all right onward what the hell is that like boosts into mines into a double pizza slice with almost no gravity fantastic yes this will work out smashingly oh God how are you supposed to do this oh God kill that go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go damn it all right I need this booster like I can't do this without it by the power of alcohol go okay nice and into the land of America and wind turbines made it through somehow all right up the Stars and Stripes I'm I'm dead there's no way I can land this correctly I just realized that like just the bottom of my ass falls through the car body all right one more time you know I managed to get through this like the first time I feel like I'm never going to be able to do it again never mind totally did it a second time okay so the landing area is on the right right let me have this okay slow slow let gravity work for you I'm not the only person that can manage to fall through like a little tiny three by three foot hold come on baby all right slow slow slow slow slow perfect okay so now I have to dance over a bunch of ambulances I'm sure there's people inside Florida man would be the guy who's like why is my ass always cold because it's hanging out of the cooler why would you make this obstacle you bastard actually because we can get so much hype from the lack of gravity hold on I'm just gonna see if I can just jump over all of this ah sad gravity go okay almost there this is possible we're gonna get as much speed as possible make a hard left go off and see if we can ramp all this speed speed speed speed speed tilt back there it is no no I have been told that glorious things weighed Us in space I'm not giving up until we get there all right I guess I have to I don't know I guess we're gonna have to try and go across the ambulances come on come on baby come on yes no come on [Music] got it and there you go never thought I would receive brain damage trying to get across a bunch of ambulances here oh we get to hit some balls are they mobile balls they are [Music] okay that's actually a decent jump and I have to get around the ball okay I almost lost the back end of my car like this perfect okay I just noticed as well that the gravity has gotten way more stupid at this point how am I even supposed to get past this I can barely move okay here's the plan um we're gonna try and get as much speed as possible coming into this we're gonna go around this way there we go and now because we have almost no gravity we should be able to float across that tiny Gap I'm pretty sure anyway it just Neil Armstrong drift this way perfect okay so now pull back and floats crap so I've been trying to figure out how to get across this um I think I realized something I think you're actually supposed to use these to make your car fly and then get across it that way the answer is always violence okay that definitely got us up in the air um all right hold on let me see how well I can steer this thing oh my God okay secondary new plan I was gonna say we're gonna try and get as much speed as possible and see if we can jump it maybe I just have to jump over all of this we're gonna do a launch through the pizza slice ready and ah turning is almost impossible though here we go okay if I if I aim it correctly I definitely think we can make this work go holy cool rap that was way higher than it was supposed to be there it is huh yes I literally had to run into the damn fans like a thousand times before I found the right way to hit them and now through here [Music] way past this a lot of full back flip hit the stopper oh no God damn it I've learned something incredibly important today you can get drunk much quicker in Low Gravity I we're gonna do this real slow how about that is that enough speed to make this jump oh man it's right there trying to Parkour in space is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be oh oh yes yes good enough I'm assuming what is this like the the last the last bump into eventual space can my car even stay on the platform oh I don't think I would ever be able to do it at this speed but because there's no gravity and there's basically no friction this is substantially easier than I would have anticipated [Music] come on baby do it this is for all the vodka oh it's actually there's actually more I'm really afraid of turning because I don't think I'll be able to stay on this thing if I go and here we have it and that's it we're we're completely we have no more gravity at this point hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA 5. till the next time stay foxy much love I'm gonna go re-enter the atmosphere
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,686,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drove to, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, grand theft auto v, graystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, gta, gta 5, gta 5 challenge, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, gta 5 jump, gta 5 races, gta challenge, gta choice, gta custom races, gta hacked, gta jump, gta online, gta v, gta v challenge, gta v choice, gta v hacked, gta v jump, gta v online, gta v races, jump challenge, legend, literally, noob, pro, space, caylus, caylus gta, caylus gta 5, jelly, jelly gta, jelly gta 5
Id: TOH8Wq53iEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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