i completed satan's impossible challenge and this happened

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-All right. We’re checking out the only game where the only diet flavor available from the soda machine is violence. It’s Happy Wheels. In this bottle flip, I can’t help but think about how things have gotten significantly out of hand. MLG Son is now surrounded by like, half a dozen black holes, what the hell am I supposed to do here? At the very least I-I do appreciate that maximum and minimum penetratus are st-- Did I go through them? I’m still here. Bruh. [laughs] What. I did it. I don’t know what this is but I did it. Now I’m gonna do it some more. Crap. Really? I wanna get the stuff behind me. Oh, there’s 10 levels of penetration, we went straight to 11. That’s what I like to see, huh. What? I mean, it’s not standing up, but give me a break. I can’t believe I made it through that insanity. Okay, the backside’s unlocked. Here we go. Okay, we didn’t really get anywhere. Here we go. Right, this backside is really starting to piss me off. Hey, more violence. [growls] Australian man, all right. [screams] I don’t know why that happened. Oh, I-I don’t know what to tell you. Ow, ow, ow, ow, why? Oh God, actually you know what? [screams] I don’t care how many times I have to do this, I’m not giving up until I get-- Gray will find a way, if I’m in there I’m getting it. C’mon. C’mon. I got Spleens The Cat. All right, backside’s unlocked, go. Oh, piss. No. Don’t touch it, do not touch it. Don’t touch the MLG Son. I will explode in a violent bat of chunks. More bottles, no, no, no, no. Ow, my leg. One of my giblets landed inside of Florida Man. [laughs]. Oh my god, I don’t know you could land it like this, that’s amazing. Ah, dogwater, one of my favorite flavors. [groans] Ow. [groans] Yes. There it is, you knew I was gonna play this until I eventually got it, right? This is called,ow, God’s hell. Sorry, you died and went to God’s version of hell. Joke’s on you. I-I was gonna say I’m still alive. [screams]. Oh my god, I did it. Ah, yes. An instance of get in the hole, where all you have to do is get in the hole. This doesn’t actually look that bad, this hole looks narrow enough for the human body to get in. There we go, here, and we go up, and then, yeah. Got it. Say hello to the happy wall, we have to escape from-- I don’t know, what is it? Fruit salad prison? This the prison guards? Okay, click the key. This is everyone’s- this is everyone’s tax dollars at work here. Oh, I woke up the guards. From the top row. Boomshakalaka. All right, down the stairs. Open the door, which one? I mean-- Oh, I actually have three choices. It looks like there’s a human behind this one, [screams] but this one-- What the hell is going on here? Out of the way everyone. I’ve got things to do. Watch out, I’m dead. Nevermind, I’m-- I don’t know how but I’m still alive. Is that a woman inside of a canon? or is she wearing like, a judge’s apron? or a ge-- I don’t know, whatever it is. Past the prison-- Pitchfork. God. I-I-- At this point, I have a jail weapon in like, both sides of my body, okay. Bounce off that guy’s groin, watch out for the security laser. Do you want to come in? Yes. Let’s go, okay. C’mon Santa. Right. All right, no. Oh, I do get to click on the gift. Oh, I escaped. I won. My dead body won. [laughs] This is one of those instances when the only way that I know that I lived happily ever after is because I’m already dead. This is called Hell or Heaven, choose wisely. I mean, I-I’m gonna have to do both, but, uh, I think you know where we’re going. Why does it look like we’re going up to-- Oh my God, oh. I-- Did I circumvent hell? Am I still flying? I am. I’m flying, I went past hell into heaven. All right, let me actually try that correctly. Okay, so this is hell, am I supposed to survi-- I did it. Oh my God, what is heaven? Oh, your little invisible platform. Am I supposed to go somewhere? We’re ascending, here we are. Ow, I mean, I was gonna say, my arms technically ascended, my body came shortly after, welcome to heaven. That’s the sad sign you get. This is called Bottle Run Extreme, I am going to eat those bottles, I’m still alive, I did it, I won. I don’t know how I didn’t die there. This is ca-- This is called Swing into the Box. Ok, oh wow. Ok grab, up, jump, oh fu-- this is a difficult board, full flip, hell yes, ok legs up and then thrust, sit, lean, fall, we’ve got a winner. Ah yes, one of those instances where a man can sit atop his rocket-powered wheelchair and be propelled via multiple cannons through the air losing all of the limbs in the process, back down, up, through the thing, lose the wheelchair no limbs left, and we have a winner. Ow, and I get to rest a rocket on my balls. This is called Impossible Jet Run, the jets are already-- I was gonna say the jets are already really big, this doesn’t seem very fair. Oh yeah, I’m dead. All right, I think I know how to deal with this. Are you ready Tom? And, go. All right, now Tom should get turned into a milkshake in a second. Here it is, nothing? no explosions? What the hell is this? [yells] oh I’m still alive. [yells] Oh my God. I will never give up, oh, oh my God. [groans] I’m a winner. Impossible Jet Run, aye? This is called The Gray’s Yeety Jump, you have to jump at maximum distance to get to the end of the board without, oh this might actually be pretty difficult. So the problem is, there is one tiny little winning area all the way at the end of the board so you have to go fast enough. God. Okay, there it is. So I have an idea of where to land, well, at least my-my foot has an idea of where to land. Go, okay. So gonna slow down a little bit, little bit going forward. Okay and then slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow. Ow. Okay I’m getting closer with every go and my son is still alive, that’s a win. This is a real pain in the ass board you made. it’s all about speed and agility. Okay, speed and agility. Woo. This is called Jet Run for Gray, good luck with two-- [yells] Oh my God, what the hell have you done? Ah, oh I’m still alive, I’m still alive. Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, [laughs] yes, we both know you made it so I’m not supposed to win that. This is called Impossible 10% I don’t even know what to say, I don’t think I’ve ever-- [yells] you lied. I’m ok-okay. So that is a lot of arrows in the ass. I was gonna say I’ve never seen anyone really not shoot for the stars, I feel like this 10% is kind of like 90% lies. Okay so, woo, woo, woo, woo. [yells] Oh, oh God. Hmm, there is a certain amount of cheatiness here. Okay, so you can’t go that way. Honestly, this doesn’t look any-- Woo. Okay, here’s the plan, I’m gonna go in, we’re gonna take a lot of arrows to the knee, I’m talking like 30 years of Skyrimming. Go, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, I’m still alive. As long as I can still hear myself crying in agony I’m fine. All right. Oh God, are you done? You done? All right, I think we’re done. [cries] We’re not done. [moans] Oh God. [cries] My leg is by my left ear, that’s bad. Oh God, oh God. Are we done? We’re done? All right, I’m pretty sure we’re done now. Oh, and hey [laughs] this is called Swing and Slide. All you have to do is swing. Oh my God, and not get massacred by the slide. Ah, yes. One of those random instances where you get to go to space. Okay. Oh, this looks mostly glass-spaced. I’m kind of surprised that I’m still alive. What is it? Oh, you’re in the clouds now. Oh, what does that say? Stop? Still? Oh, I think it’s Gray Still Plays. Whoo. All right. Don’t go down. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What happens if you do go down? [chuckles]. I need to know now. Okay. Is it-- Oh, whoa. Can’t say I’m surprised but you should really continue with your original mission. [laughs]. Ow. What happens if I go even further down? It’s okay. [laughs]. Come on man. [laughs]. Why? Because I’m Gray Still Plays. You disgust me. Over that. Oh, hell yeah. Oh, hell yeah. [groans] Now I’m really curious. Actually, hold on. Oh, stop, stop, stop, stop , stop, stop, stop. Is there anything down here. Oh, God. All right, you know what? We're just gonna go this way. Sorry Tom, get yeetly-deetest. Oh, there’s a whole lot of nothing right there. I need to know. Ow. It’s okay. That just restarted the-- [yells] Let’s be real. You went through a lot of trouble to make all this extra stuff. Oh, God, uh. So I’m gonna learn what’s down here. Okay, nice and slow. Nice and slow. Perfect. Okay, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow. Here. Down. Don’t crush your head and there we go. Okay, I got it. So do this. There we go. That should break all the glass. Ah? Get it. Did nothing to the glass. Ah, dominoes. [laughs]. Here we go. Hell, yes. Through all this. Oh, penis. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. Ooh, [?]. All right. My new plan is to do this without arms. I feel like every time I do this without arms it’s gonna be 100 times better. Okay. Boop. Knock that over and go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Ah, you got to be kidding me. I have to mention too, I’m pretty sure one of those clouds look like a sperm. Don’t ask me why. Just something I noticed. Okay, knock. There we go. Fall. Perfect. All right. Now I’m gonna wait a second and we’ll let that explode then come through here. Here we-- Okay. Trap this. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Now. Oh, piss. Oh, God. All this didn’t happen the way it was supposed to. There we go. Perfect. Okay, good. Go through here. Up. Over. Through. Knock. I’m dead. No, I’m not. Yes, I am. Oh no, I’m not. Whoa. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. My son, listen, only one of us could survive the calling. Ah, through the alcohol. [chuckles]. Welcome back to earth. You cheaty bastard. [laughs]. Fine. Now to be fair, you know, there is an entire other level here. So, oh, God. Oh, I’m fine. Ah, training my son. I told you there was that one cloud that was sperm. Right there. It just-- It went by a little bit ago. Anyway, through the clouds. Oh, I’m gonna die. No, I’m still alive. Okay, so now up through here. Make sure I don’t get crushed. Up. Ah, I didn’t make it. Back. Ah, come on baby. Right. There it is. Bam. Got it. Through. Up. Back. There’s the moon. What did they say? Oh, no. I want to read it. I can’t read it. [yells] Oh, my legs. Huh, huh. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah okay. I appreciate that my arm is sitting in a position that makes it look like I have a titanic wiener. It’s great I’ve got a hood ornament that basically a big fist bump. Okay, up this way. [yells] Not gonna lie space is very violent. Kind of- kind of prefer to just be on the ground. Come on, kid. Let’s go. All right, bye. Oh god. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, oh, [gibberish] Yeah. [laughs]. Ouch. The meteors are real. Ah, God. Oh, my freaking arms. Okay. Okay, so the idea here is to really slow down as you go in, and out of space because space is very violent. Okay, here we-- Oh, yeah, there-- Oh, that’s nice. Oh, yeah, look at this. Shooting star. Got it and another co-- Okay, apparently I have to eat the coin. Boop. Got the coin. Oh, and the last coin is on Earth. Welcome to space. I’m just curious, if I allow myself to fall off of this, do I land on the third coin or do I just-- Ow. This is called Satan Gray Huge. Tired of paying child support? Try Satan Daycare. Enjoy the Satan. Here’s some text. What is this? Is this just like fire or like Satan sparkles? I do wanna see what’s down there in Satan Daycare. What it say? The board hereby refunds you Tom’s child support payments. Thank you for choosing hell, your friend Satan. Yay. All right, Tommy, you know what to do. First layer of hell. Oh. Second layer of hell. Oh, devil is very limborous. He doing yoga? Also, is the devil wearing stilettos? Those could be cloven feet, but they look like stilettos. Third layer of hell, stabbing, maybe. All right, we gotta random guy inside of prison over there. There goes my child doing backflips on top of a battleax. That’s nice. All right, to the forth layer. and the fifth layer. I almost got my chicklets taken out on a piece of glass there. Yay. All right. Ah, the 666th layer of hell, coming. Also, once I get past this-- Hold on. The seventh layer of hell stabbing yeet. I like how just the description for this stabbing is yeet. Argh. A lot of hell you’re gonna get through. Argh. Oh, piss. Hold on. [laughs] The artwork here. It doesn’t really look like the devil so much as someone’s horny boa constrictor. I don’t mean like a boa constrictor, that need like sexual release. I mean, a boa constrictor that has horns on it. Ninth layer of hell. Ugh. Oh, I almost died. Gray’s very own layer of hell. Stabbing, of course. Is this like an extra special glass area? I’m kind of concerned. It’s not gonna vomit out more glass, is it? Uh, what the hell, I can’t break it. There we go. Oh, yes. The old anus stabbing. Stabbed him so hard that he peed out another sword. Excellent. Oh, the smiley faces are getting kind of obscene here. We got a young woman resting on a bed of blades, very consistent from-- with the channel. Hey, and we- What is it? Hold on. What is this? It’s like a Satan with anime google eyes. Hold on. I finally have the opportunity to meet Satan and he looks adorable. Anyways, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels. ‘Til the next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,025,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: rBSEAeOi2u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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