i literally dated Satan's daughter and this happened

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All right. We're checking out the only game where you can hook up with the daughter of the devil through a dating app, it's GTA. Apparently today, I'm going to legitimately be dating the devil's daughter. I also appreciate that the dating app is apparently called the "Yeet Dating App.” "Disclaimer, the Yeet Dating App was designed for the most desperate cases. Its developers bear no responsibility for any consequences.” Is that a gun just sitting on the table? Ma'am what are you-- "That's a tough case. Anywho, use this to swipe next.” You swipe on this app with a gun? That's like the most GTA thing I think I've ever heard. Also, I found out what she was talking about there's two people over here, "She ate my dog.” [laughs] I love that this lady is like, "That's what happens, man.” Look, buddy, don't beat yourself up about it. You gotta ask yourself, did your dog taste good? I love how he stopped to look at me and he's like, "You sick bastard.” Look I'm planning on going out with the devil's daughter. Give me a break. What does it say? "We are proudly sponsored by Double the Rubber Condoms.” [laughs] I love it, some people have double mint gum, we have Double the Rubber Condoms. Find your worst half. L means love. Like, how-- L actually means loser. Although technically, hell has two Ls in it, so that means this should be twice the fun. All right, give me my gun. All right. It's time to find love the only way I know how. Come here. Just real- just real quick. Violently. [laughs] I also like that the board creator made the circles pink just like my outfit. Oh, wow. Why is there a wind turbine sitting on its side? Oh, it's Karen. Oh, this must be one of the people. Okay. So, I have to go through a bunch of people until I find the woman for me. "About myself: Age is just a number. If you're looking for a one-night stand, swipe next. I'm in for long-lasting relationships. Great with pets.” Yeah, the last lady was great with pets, too. And the next thing that guy knew she was chewing on his dog like a freaking hoho. All right. "Portland, Oregon.” "Hobbies: porn, food, and yoga.” [laughs] In that order? "Interesting facts: Can't swim. Claims she is a vegan. Once ate a dog.” What is with the dog eating? This is the second woman now that has eaten a dog. Also, I don't think you can be a vegan if you eat a dog. "Has a tattoo on her left breast-- The dog she ate.” She's like, "I'll never forget you.” Okay. So, I think the way this works is you literally swipe right through the door, or-- Hold on, let me see. This has got to work, right, you swipe left like so. [laughs] Oh, yeah, I forgot she can't swim. I'd save you, but apparently, this is a great time for you to learn how to swim. You're welcome. Many life or death situations teach you all kinds of new skills. Was she still screaming? Pretty sure I heard her screaming. Is that Natasha? Is it black widow again? "About myself: Age is unknown. Like to face my fears head on. Favorite dish is pelmeni with mayo and garlic.” What the hell's pelmeni? Luckily, whenever I don't know something there's always someone who does, my Google girlfriend. Hey Google, what is pelmeni? -According to Wikipedia-- -Uh-huh. -Pelmeni are dumplings of Russian cuisine- -Oh. and consist of a filling wrapped in thin unleavened dough. Well, that sounds carbolicious. All right, Natasha, you're number one so far on my list. I like pelmeni, too. "Favorite drink is vodka.” Okay, we have that in common. "Go-to phrase is Suka Blyat. I have a very peculiar set of skills, and I'm looking for a particular man originating from Florida.” Wait, why? "Place of residence: Wherever dispatched. Currently stationed in South Florida.” Oh God. "Interesting facts: have a hit list ranking number one on it is a man from Florida with extremely fast sperm cells.” What? "Can generate up to 5,000 pounds of pressure per square inch with her crotch muscles.” Ah, so can Batman. "Afraid of heights. Looking for a dad for my two twins.” You had me right up until South Florida. Not that I have something against South Florida, but I think you may be trying to get a little bit too close to me for the wrong reasons. Yeet. Oh, didn't she say she was afraid of heights? Actually, that mountain looks pretty soft. Yeah, yeah, I think she's fine. All right, what else do we got? Beth, oh, this girl actually sounds very normal. "About myself: Age, I was 29 a week ago.” What? Who the hell talks like that. So, what? You're 30, or you're just 29 in one week? "I want to escape my toxic job and move somewhere closer to the mountains where there's less people. We'll settle for a deadbeat.” Hell yes. All right. "Place of residence: Hollyweird.” "Hobbies: binge watching the Twilight saga, cheap wine, drinking decaf.” Beth that's a good way to get your ass killed. "Interesting facts: Was once an employee of the month at a dating company. That month only three clients committed suicide.” Oh, my god. [laughs] Wait a second, are you the lady at the front desk, the one who I sent flying into the lady that ate the dog? "Used to have an OnlyFans account until her parents found out.” What? "Has a twin sister.” Oh, I killed your twin sister. All right, well, listen, I don't drink decaf coffee, and your twin sister is lonely in hell. Now, you get to work closer to the mountains. I'm actually just going to have to say yes to someone eventually because like the planet is gonna run out of women. Oh, Natas. Is that Slavic? "About myself: Age, 627, just kidding. I'm good at multiple choice. My favorite color is red. My friends think I'm naughty, but my dad says I'm a little angel.” "Place of residence: A very hot place.” This is our girl. Let's see here. "Hobbies: Reading ancient Hebrew manuscripts, doing silly pranks and collecting candles.” Oh, the last two are actually oddly non-violent. "Previous six boyfriends went missing. Has a rare Latin name, Natas Flesmih.” What the hell? "May or may not be related to Satan." Oh my God. Well, I guess anti-god. The Natas Fles-- it's literally Satan himself, just spelled backwards, both parts. [laughs] The himself part, too. She's looking for a man with unwavering determination and a lot of resilience. [laughs] Also, Natas, I'm not gonna lie. You look strikingly similar to someone I've met in a Resident Evil. Anyway, much like Pikachu, I choose you. "Hooray, come here, give me a kiss.” Please tell me to get over there. All I have to do is go through this because I'm not sure I can make this jump. I mean I can try. [screams] Okay. Ow, my teeth. Hold on, Natas, I-I'll be up there in a second. All right. Guess I'm going through the door and hoping that this puts me in the right place. Oh, yay. What the hell? [screams] What the hell? [screams] [laughs] [?] Wow. That was, uh- that was all one scene. [laughs] "Hehe, sorry, it was just a silly prank. What do you think we should do on our first date?” I'm not gonna lie. My intent went from something romantic to just survival at this point. Look, I'm from South Florida, the answer is always monster truck rallies. Looks like you already have the right car. Apparently, she has an answer. "Oh, I was just thinking I'd show you my bedroom.” You know what, sure. Who does monster truck on the first date anyway? Bedroom it is. All right, we got-- What the hell? Is this a crow just dead in a circle on the ground? What the hell? There's a little dog begging for help. [laughs] Oh, hey, is that an egret? We got a lot of egrets in Florida. I'm still very concerned about this random dead bird. Oh, I think I just heard him say something. Hey, hey, hey, you okay. You alright? If I push you out of the circle, does something horrifying happen? There, you're-you're free now little bird. Anyway. "Oh, sorry, but my dad Stan is gonna come home now. I want you to meet him. Stand in the circle, just don't step on the bird.” Oh, 10 seconds into a new relationship. I screwed that up. Oh my god. That's what happens when you push the bird outside of the circle. You say your father's name is Stan? Also, in this statue back here, why is this guy like dabbing while holding a fire axe? Sir, let me start by mentioning I only had the best intentions for your daughter. Uh and the flames emanating from your body remind me a lot of home. Oh, there's legitimate texts now. "What the hell? Who is that dead man walking? I told ya, no boyfriends until you're nine centuries old.” Nine centuries? "Also, why did you hang wings here? It makes me look silly.” Wait a second. [laughs] I think you should actually be asking why your daughter has a giant cherry inside of her closet. Okay, so what now? Oh, it looks like she's legitimately starting to fight for my survival. "But dad, he's cute and he didn't die when I tossed him down the waterfall. That's a good sign.” Yeah, I didn't die, but I lost 30% of my brain cells. I don't have that many left. "To hell with you both. Okay, boy, in this case, you have to prove you're worthy of my little angel. I'm gonna test both your body and your mind. We'll start with your body." Luckily, I've been getting the hell kicked out of me for a good couple of years now, so I've worked up specifically for this day. Let's do this. Why you guys got a whole stadium and everything? Oh, am I literally in hell right now? I love how there's a whole bunch of fans here ready to see this spectacle, just like paper, rock, scissors or-- What are we doing? "You're a dead man walking.” That's great. What kinda-- Hold on. What is that a zombie? Getting heckled by a discount member of The Walking Dead. You're gonna learn today, boy.” What the hell? Are you- are you wearing your pants and your underwear around your ankles on top of another pair of pants? That's meta as hell. "I get your clothes after you die.” You're the second clown I've seen here. I'm pretty sure like-- Yeah, there's another clown right there. "I've got $10,000 on this pink guy dying in the first.” Thanks. You guys are dicks. All right, "Satan's Health: 1,000. Gray's Health: About to find out.” GrayStillPlays-- That's a tombstone. I love how they already made my tombstone. From 1869 until today? What the hell, you bastards. I'm not 150 years old. Also, what is holding that shovel up? Do you-do you change every single scene? She's like, "I always carry 30 spare outfits in my purse.” What purse? Isn't that a gun holster you-- You know what? Whatever. "My dad is just playing around.” "I'm going to use your colon as a sheath for my machete.” That sounds both painful and inappropriate. Now, you may think that I fear your little cage here, but guess what? I'm fireproof, baby. Welcome to South Florida. That's right, I'm GrayStillPlays, baby. You ever seen anything like this before? You ever seen Florida-fu? Look at this right here. [laughs] Yeah. Yeah, Satan, you ain't seen my best moves yet. Check this out, I'm running on the cage. Look at that right there. [laughs] Yeah, my teachers were the Florida Blacktip Sharks. Who was your teacher, Satan? I'm sorry, Stan. Oh, apparently while I was brushing my teeth with the cage wire, everyone decided to come up and-- What's that say? "I'm your biggest fan, Stan. I sacrificed 28 puppies to be here.” [chuckles] "Rip him a new one.” "Whoop his ass.” "Give him hell.” "I'm gonna bathe in your blood.” "Bend him over.” What is with you and the double pants thing? Is this some sorta new fashion thing? "Babe, use the swipe--” Holy Jesus. Ow. Oh, the swipe gun. I forgot I had that. Now, obviously, Satan, you expected a fair fight. Well, you know what Florida and the word fair have in common? Absolutely nothing. Come here. [screams] [laughs] Oh, there he is. [laughs] Oh. Uh, it's all right, I have- I have another idea. Hold on. Here. Yeah, yeah, you like that, don't you, Satan? How come you're not fireproof? How come Gray is fire-proof, but Satan ain't fireproof? Whoo. Don't mind me. I just like my hotdogs extra crispy. Hey, Natas. You don't like medium-rare, do you? Because I think we're way past that. Yeah, yeetily-deet. Yes, just got beat. Thank you, dear, you saved my life. Also, I'm taking your father's machete with me. [chuckles] Oh, I'm apparently in a new scene now. "You didn't do half bad for a half wit. But you cheated and I commend that. But strength alone isn't enough. You also gotta have a good head on your shoulders. So, now, we're gonna test your decision--” Oh my God, you son of a bitch. I guess I should have realized that I was on the train tracks. Oh, crap, my sunglasses are gone. That blood spatter will be a reminder that I was here for all time. "So, now, we gotta test your decision-making ability at judging four most effed up criminals. Spare one, cast the other into hell. Last time Jason hired a guy who made some lovely choices, so hopefully you can live up to that weirdo.” Yeah, him and I actually have a lot in common. Also, I can hear the train coming. "My daughter will help you. She's outstanding when it comes to multiple choice.” Oh, okay. Ow, not again. That had clipped my freaking rotator cuff. All right, let's do this. Wow, you really spruced up the judgmental area of hell. All right, so this must be our two guys. "Sin: When we got pulled by a cop, I convinced my little buddy to consume a pack of cocaine that was hidden in my butt. My buddy died on the way to the station. It was a crappy thing to do. Get it, crappy?" I'm not gonna lie. You might die from that joke alone. "I falsified my friend's medical report to say that he will die from cancer in a week, then I persuaded him to sell his house and car, so we could fly together to an expensive Maldives resort to live it up with hookers and weed.” Oh, Natas is here with me. Why are you wearing glasses now? "I think just kill them both.” I mean, what Natas wants, Natas gets. One, two. Yeah, it's fine. [laughs] Oh my God. Okay. Maybe when I phone a friend, you'll be a little bit more help on the next one. All right, here we are. "Sin: I threw a 4 of July event in my gated community and put laxative in every item on the menu. There were no fireworks seen that day, but yet you could hear a lot of firecrackers." Okay. I'm just putting the brakes on the comedy train. Actually, hold on, get-get all the way to hell. Here, I don't want you to just dying on the platform. There. You got jokes, too? "I added an obscene amount of laxative to a birthday cake--” What is with you two? "to a birthday cake during a party on a yacht and then occupied the only toilet. A lot of egos were ruined that day as well as the sea fauna.” You're the reason the penguins are dying in Florida. Oh, sorry. Natas, what'd you think about leaving one of them-- What? "I don't know. They both look killable. [chuckles] Not us. You're not actually any good at multiple choice, are you? She's like, "I am when the only choice is death.” Did I pass my IQ test? Wow. And we're back. And she has yet another outfit on. "I had a blast, Gray. Hope I was helpful. Anyway, I think it's time for our first date.” What the hell was all that we just did? I had to fight your father, the devil, to the death. But before that, I have a little surprise for you. Come with me. I'm very concerned. What the hell? What is this? What is happening? Why did they have a dozen people just get in a go-kart. "Surprise. That's our kids, Gray, all six of them. I delivered them while you were talking to my dad in the tunnel." How did you get pregnant? What, did it happen when I kicked the bird that was sitting inside of the demonic circle in your bedroom? "Hi, dad. Let's play bumper cars.” Satan's here, too. [laughs] "There's always another option, Gray.” Wait, so-- [laughs] Look at him. He's like, "Oh, go inside.” There's no children where we're going. [screams] Well, I guess I got to date Satan's daughter, and I-I don't regret it at all. Anyway, folks, Hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Till the next time. Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,565,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, graystillplays gta v, gray still plays, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, grand theft auto v, gta, gta challenge, gta choice, gta custom races, gta hacked, gta jump, gta online, gta 5, gta 5 challenge, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, gta 5 jump, gta 5 online, gta 5 races, gta v, gta v challenge, gta v choice, gta v hacked, gta v jump, gta v online, gta v races, legend, pro, choose your fate, caylus, caylus gta 5, jelly, jelly gta 5
Id: geeWNgrLcKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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