i refused to follow gym safety and this happened

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-Alright. We're checking out the only game where the best way to get swole is to pump yourself full of a billion dollars of illegal drugs. It's fitness gym. Not gonna lie, I came into this gym and immediately I knew this was the place for me. Feels like rust and bad choices, but it's clearly legit because there is a man in a one-piece yellow speedo that is curling like 200 pounds on each arms. Actually, I wanna-- I-I need to get closer to see this. I'm not gonna lie. You've got balls to do this barefoot. He's like, "Jokes on you, my shoes are just flesh-colored.” So, here's the plan. Uh, you're supposed to work hard and then become the most fit character in the game. That’s not going to happen. Since I spend all of my money in Florida on bud light and alligator repellent, I'm just going to spend money in here. My accountant will be like, "My God, Gray. You're actually spending money on things to get in shape.” I'll be like, "Well, digitally.” "Well, where the hell were you? What is this?” This dude's thighs look like two turkey legs that you get at the medieval fair. It's almost like his speedo spandex shorts are acting like tourniquets on his legs. He's like, "It makes me vascular.” Okay. Now you may be asking yourself, "Gray, what does you character look like right now? Are you incredibly powerful like everyone else?” [laughs] Well, let me show you. This is me. I can't help but appreciate how big my hands are. There's also an overwhelming package here, considering my legs are the size of Slim Jims. I do have a somewhat odd-shaped head. So, obviously, you're supposed to do as many pumps here as you can in like the 40 seconds or whatever, you can see it saying like, "Oh, that was pretty good.” Now it's gonna be like, "You're an asshole. Yeah, so, so.” Oh, yeah. Oh, this is his stuff. You can already see my abs developing, think that my wiener is legitimately getting smaller though because of this. All right. How did I do? The training is over. Do I look any different? Answer is no. All right. Obviously, the reason here is because we haven’t taken enough drugs. Where the hell those dude come from? What is this? It's like the ghost of Jake Paul. Are his hands not covering-- I'm gonna go ahead and say that's his lower abs. Yeah. That’s his lower abs. Watching you work out makes my tendons hurt. Anyway, over to the drugstore. Hmm, supplements. Uh, yeah. We’re gonna buy all this, all that, gainer pro. I want fat pro, protein pro, cocaine pro, all the pros. Obviously, the only way to do this is to throw down a shitload of real money. Yep, buy bunch of that. What else we got here? Boosters. What kind of booster? Oh, yeah. Give me the wiener leaf. Yep. Infinite energy, infinite slimness, and there we go. I'm pretty sure I just spent more money getting swole in a video game than I ever have in real life. All right. Your boy, Gray, is back. I'm jacked up with every illicit substance known to mankind. Out of the way. This is my machine. Yeah. Give me all the energy, all the protein and all the fat burner. Ah, yeah. I swear to God, if I go through all this money and I'm not looking freaking stacked at the end, I even bought the monthly injection or whatever it's called. Look at the face of anguish. As I do this, I can't help but comment, why are my knees like two-thirds of the way down my legs? Also, did I always have bright orange shoes? Oh, I got a new level. What in the hell happened over here? Where'd you come from? Did you eat one of the other workout guys? Okay. I went from like a 0.7 muscle development to nine. We should be able to get swole real fast. I need to know what you look like when you totally max out like a freak. Oh, maybe I can actually make the gym look like it's, you know, not a place that I'm going to get stabbed in. All right. The underground level 11. Son of a bitch. I went over to my house to see what it looks like. Do you notice the massive urine stain on my cot over here? Hey, who the hell is this with my girlfriend on my screen? That is not me. Can I upgrade the urine mattress? Oh, yeah. Oh, that's-- Oh, this is-- This is-- You know what, I actually like the urine mattress now. I'm keeping it right where it is. I'm gonna spend my money on a bigger TV, [?] and throw one of these in there too. Guy's looking at me, he's like, "How the hell did my Google image make it into this game?" This is me. My shoulders are looking like 30 times wider. Let's get a nice poster here. Perfect. I love that the very first rug you can get is one that's just stained with the blood of the innocent. All right. Let's get back to work before my heart stops. Buy protein pro. How many do you want? All of the protein pros. My God, I could buy a better shirt. Wait. I can actually go without a shirt, like, can you go-- [laughs] Yes. I want the fanciest pair of shoes I can get. Gold-plated shoes sold. Uh, yeah. Give me Harry Potter's glasses. Perfect. Out of the way, plebs. The king is here. All right. Time for a dumbbell workout. Pro, pro, pro. More weight. Yeah. Ugh. I'm not gonna lie, Harry Potter's glasses really bring out the fire in my eyes, that could also just be my capillaries slowly blowing up due to all of the supplements that I'm infused with. I sat here thinking to myself, by taking off all my clothes, maybe I would do something different in this gym, then I realized that there's a poster behind me of a dude who had the exact same idea. Right, I can finally do the bench press, yeah, all that, we're ready to roll. God, I look like I'm gonna freaking hurt myself. [grunts] God, this looks unsafe. I love how there's no spotter or anything, all right. Oh God, I can't be in two places at once. All right, you know what, maybe that was a bad idea. I never thought I would see someone with less muscle growth than I have. This man looks like he's trying to do this exercise with two pieces of flesh-colored licorice going through all the exercises. Could you do me a favor and not stare at my ass while I do this? Could you also not randomly breathe in deeply while I do this? I'm not gonna lie, I'm doing a lot of exercising, it already looks like I'm wearing a size three. All right, what happens if I do the worst possible? All right, what's that? Actually what's-- There we go, that's the worst possible, you just flop like a fish. See, the plot twist is, I'm not actually trying to do any kind of pull-ups, I'm trying to see what's going on outside. It's probably the apocalypse, that's why we're all training underground. Oh, I'm burning through the levels. Yeah, you know how Goku always trained with weighted clothing? I train with weighted sneakers. Look at those abs, I think my old guy is actually starting to get relatively toned. I no longer look like the child of Father Time and Gumby. All right, I'm level five at this point, that means I can finally do an incredibly difficult exercise, the jumping jacks. All right, this is a great way to get killed. Okay, so what happens if you fail? Well, what does it look like? Oh, it doesn't even show anything. Oh, there we go, that's kind of like a- like a knee-up. It just looks like I'm flopping around, like I'm-I'm kind of having a stroke or something. Oh, this exercise is amazing, I should have been yeeting this as soon as possible. I gotta get to them pushups. Oh, this is where- this is what it all comes down to. How many pushups can my guy do before he has a stroke? I'm really hoping that all these stains on the floor are just the paint peeling, because, um, it doesn't look like paint peeling, it looks like human DNA, if you understand what I'm saying. Finally, the squat. I had to make sure I could actually do this, so after I'm done here, I'm going to put as much frigging weight on here as possible and see if I can break my character in half. You can already see that my wrist starting to, you know, fail game physics. Okay, all that, and then, I'm gonna-- I don't think normally I'd be able to do this, but with enough drugs, it is possible. Yeah. Oh, God. Come on, woo. I'm not gonna lie, I don't know how I'm still alive right now. I'm pretty sure my spine was not made to accept this much weight. I love that with all the drugs and almost no muscle definition, I can already max out this game. I'm incredible, I'm like stretch Armstrong. Look at this form, not even my balding hair is out of place. Once I finish these pull-ups, I will raise up, and then train in a place with less wiener fluids all over the ground. All right, lose a kidney. I actually feel like you might not get assaulted going to your car, let's do it. Upgrade equipment? Yes. Yeah, keep upgrading it. I will upgrade the equipment till I run out of money. More, more. Hold on, I'm starting to run low on supplements. It's all right, if I throw gold bars at the problem, it goes away. Here we go. All right, what's the clientele like in this new place? Oh, hi? What? It's like there's actually someone working here. Before I was just in someone's basement. Do you do anything or you're just like an animatronic? I don't wanna get too close to it, it might eat me or something. Uh, let's see what kind of magazines we've got over here. Uh, clearly the-the newest edition of Gym Magazine 2019. Galloway, I spent a lot of money upgrading this machine. Oh, this is interesting, if you notice, over in the corner over there, that's my, uh- that's like my 7th-grade Sex Ed teacher complete with the-the gigantic purple clown shoes. That dude has like a size 18 foot. People are gonna be like, "Gray, what is the strongest muscle in your body?” "My wallet.” Oh, the deadlift, hell yes. All right, all the numbers, let's do this. I'm deadlifting like 700 pounds, and I weigh like $1.20. My dude has a smile on his face bec-because you get to see the gigantic freaking wiener outline as he does this. It may look like my hands are made out of children's play-doh, but at least my shoes are golden. That's right kids, when you get to be my age, all of your fingers fuse together. What is this, the freaking tire toss? Oh, spot jumping jacks. There's no one to yell at me, so I just picture someone being like, "Keep doing jumping jacks or I'ma shove my foot so far up your ass the water on my knee will quench your thirst.” The one thing am sad about is that before when I was doing pull ups, I actually got a view of the world above that I was missing. Now I just have a view of this urine-colored wall. I'm slowly growing into my shoes. Look at the musculature. Also, is that my thumb? Because it just looks like another pointer finger. It's actually very nightmare fuel-ish. It just looks like I have five normal fingers and no thumb. So, um, started doing the sit-ups here. Can anyone- can anyone notice anything slightly out of the ordinary? Anything-anything at all? Something like right here. Why does the game put more effort into the groin than anything else? This game's entire budget went to penile development. Hey, I just wanted to let you know, I love your shoes. Clearly, so does the guy doing the tricep dips over there? Does that guy in the background have golden glasses on? How come his glasses look like they're more expensive than my car? I don't think I've done a single exercise so far without drugs. Well, maybe just in the beginning so I could learn how the hell to do the exercise. I've seen a lot of fashion so far in this game. The dude that looks like he got into a fight with Laffy Taffy behind me over there is probably the best one I've seen yet. I found the sweet spot for squat. Well, you don't need knees. Where-where, go away. I have done so many squats at this point in this game. I'm pretty sure I know how many bricks are in that wall. Hey, banana whisper, how are you doing back there, man? Oh, I'm going for 700 pain tokens. It's 519. It's going to be close, 609. Oh yeah, there it is. Boom. I have one more level, and I can finally open up the ultimate training gym. I'm going for 800 felonies. 800. Look at this, 512, boom, 544, come on baby, 704. [grunts] Come on before the rest of my hair falls out. Hell yeah. Progress. Yeah. I just realized I have a piss ton of these to spend. Yeah. All that, more supplements. I'm anti natural. Uh, when this guy bottoms out on his squat, does he have like a credit card in his groin? You know what? Get out of the way, joker. I'm not going to lie, when I came to this place, I looked like a malnourished escapee from the hospital. But now, my body is made of rock hard, mashed potatoes. I just realized too, just like how this wall is basically filled with the urine of those who have sat here for hours and hours doing pull-ups, it's totally possible that these shoes are not actually made of gold. They could just be urinated on. So, I'm doing these seat-ups, in the background, are those two brothers. Because, if you look at what they're wearing, they're wearing like the same outfits, just reversed. Oh, thank God, level 11. You don't know how many squats I did to get to this point. I don't skip leg day. At this point, leg day skips me. All right. Throw some money at the problem, and now we can buy a place that doesn't smell like feces and broken promises. I have upgraded literally everything at this point. The people that go to this place better be like other worldly levels of high. It's the same girl. What does that say? What does it say on her shirt? Stop blowing my mind. Hold on. I'm just curious. Can you- can you get through? Damn it. I'm too swole at this point, I [chuckles] can't get through this little opening. Is that- is that a guy with a man bun doing rows? What the hell? Hey, don't look angry at me. You skipped leg day, didn't you? Finally, I can rip my tendons on the leg press machine. What the hell happened to you? How come everyone in here looks like they just got woken up from the Matrix? You haven't stepped outside your house in 13 years. All right. Yeah, 400 kilograms, let's just max it out. As always, if you throw enough drugs at this, there's no problem. Watch, bam. [background noise] Yeah, I don't wipe this down before or after I use it. I basically sweat anabolic steroids at this point. As a matter of fact, the next person who uses this will get free steroids from my sweat. We already did 800 tokens, going for 900 this time. No, I'm not stopping until I get my 900. All the weight, all the cocaine. Ah, oh, all I want is my 900, and then finally, my old guy can go into the fridge and get some applesauce. This is 100% going to happen. Just like, "Gray, I can't feel my ass.” Neither can I, keep going? Come on, 850.” Yes. I can finally go over here to Stacy and ask her how I look, and she'll be like, "Arthritic.” Well, after I just got turned down, I'm going to go ahead and throw myself out of this window. There's one thing I learned, hard work sucks. Drugs is where it's at. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed fitness gym. Till next time, stay Foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,289,217
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Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, gym simulator, gym simulator steam, gym simulator game, gym simulator gameplay, gym sim, gym sims, workout simulator, workout simulator game, went to the gym, gym simulator 2018, simulator funny moments, body transformation, weight loss, how to lose weight, how to lose weight in one day, how to get abs, gym, gym game, workout fails, simulator games 2021, funny moments, workout, work out, and this happened, gym safety
Id: PO6fqj4jVSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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