i completed this 99.9999% impossible squid game challenge and this happened

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-Alright, we're checking out the only game where sacrifices were meant to be made, it's Happy Wheels. This one is called The Devil Made Me Do It, I appreciate that everything in here is hell-oriented. This young child made a deal with the devil, here's some Deviled Eggs. Uh, yes, you've heard of the Grim Reaper, well, now we have Grim Yeeter, and I Bleed Yeets, sounds pretty legit to me. You go to the school nurse and she's like, "Young man, you're bleeding yeets," and you gotta be like, "Who doesn't?" Beelzebub, all righty, dead in the win. What? I have bottle flipped a bottle on top of a spinning child's head, I-I don't even know what to say about that. That is-- That goes beyond winning. Oh, I am so close to Death. I'm the Hole Lord. I'm even standing in the Hole Lord area, how about that? A huge part of me wants Death, I just have to see if I can get there somehow. Come on, baby. I'm once again the Hole Lord without really trying. Oh, I win. Ah, this is not winning. I feel like I've been lied to. Is-is the win death and the death winning? Behold, half of the Grim Yeeter. I have decided that the thing I want on this level is the 666. I'm not stopping until I get it because it looks like totally ridiculous. Oh, I got Satan. Just kinda, aargh, bleurgh. Whoa, there's one, hey. Damn it, all right, I guess I should throw a few over here too. Oh, there we go, Satan is now standing up the right way like his New Jersian mother says to him, "Stand up straight." Oh, no, come on. All right, all right, I'll get it standing up, hold on, it may take a few hours. What the hell? I got a bottle into the drunk guy, how? [chuckles] Oh, look at this, did you see it? That was a legitimate bottle flip, it's just sitting down here, it can't move anywhere. [laughs] Yes. All right, I got Lucifer now as well. I got the 666 right before I died, yes. [laughs] This is called blast off. Five, four, three, two. Oow. Where am I supposed to go? Oh, oh, you're supposed to catch that, okay. All right. Fall, land, get thrusted, hands up, grab, hell yes. Okay, wait for it, wait for it. Slow, slow. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, we're going in deep, here we go. Mm, that's the stuff. Here it is, ready? Not yet, not yet. Oh, oh, not there either. Oh, hell, ooh. Um, hmm, I don't know if I can save this? [grunts] Or maybe I can save this. [grunts] Damn it. [grunts] [laughs] Three, two, one, blast off. Right, grab. God, I never thought falling inside of a can would be so damn hard. Okay, stop, stop, stop, you're swinging more and more. Stop it. Oh, he's almost there. Oh, oh, almost got defeated, okay. Inertia doesn't work like this. You know what? Screw it, I'm letting go. Ha, got it. [laughs] Blast off. Ah, oh, God, oh, oh, oh, what-what am I supposed to do? [grunts] I'll never give up [grunts] even with no arms, [grunts] I can inchworm my way [grunts] to the end. Come on, come on. [laughs] Oh, no. I'm- serious, I'm-I'm going to do this with no arms and no legs. As long as there's like not a wall that's gonna stop me all the way in the end, I can inchworm off of this. Ready? Yap. [chuckles] Ah. Oh my God, are you kidding me? Okay. Whoop, thrust it. All right, tuck. Oh, yeah, here we go, roll. Aw. [chuckles] Not today, Satan. [laughs] All right, now up, there we go. [grunts] Oh, oh, oh, come on, Nickson. Come on, yeah. All right, now then, woo. All right, now as long as I like really thrust myself off of this, I should be able to, ah, hell, I should be able to get enough distance to make it to the end. All right, get all the way over here. All right, get to the very end. No, no, a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more. Right there. Okay, and now, the rust. There, that's a perfect dive and got it. [music] And I survived somehow, huh. This is called Possibly Possible, hmm. I'm gonna go this way. What cou-- Huh? -I can win that. All right, goodbye Tom. -Ah. Damn it. -That's the sound I was waiting for and yiddley dee, you have a winner. Right, now it looks like there's another. Hm. Oh, wow, I did it. Whoop. [laughs] yeetyMaster 69, really? -Nice. -This is called Grays Hell 2.0. No way out. All right, down the little thingy here. Ooh, ah. Hmm, I could do this. Watch this, right? I'm gonna-I'm gonna clear this entire map. [grunts] Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm dead. I went way too far. Right, slower, slower, slower, slower. Perfect. Yeah. This is called Survive the Harpoon. The idea is easy, you just have to survive the harpoon, all right. Do I have like a timeline? Oh my God. Oh, sweet, I get a shield. That-that didn't survi-- I didn't survive anything. Does it freeze or anything or--? No, it's just protection. [slashing sound] Ah, your little thing here doesn't do a damn thing. [grunts] Uh-huh, I did it. I survived, yes. So it doesn't actually stop the harpoon, it just slows it down enough so it buries itself halfway into your chest cavity. This is called Gray's Blade Run Hard. -Is the easy one down here? -Damn it. -Ooh, it is. [screams] Go forward, you lied to me. All right, down here. Okay, go forward. Very good and yeet down the tube. Ooh, I'm fine. "Seems like you went down the tube. Wanna do something fun? Go down here, don't go up here." Ah, I mean, I have to do both, but I guess I'll go down here first. What you got for me? Welcome to the tube traveler, yay, yay. Ow. Wow, this is like really expansive. What the hell? Uh-oh. Yay. Found the yeeter. Oh, I won. Oh my God, I won. My piece has won, whatever. Okay, so that was like-- How many endings are in this? So down here. Oh, there goes my son. Forward. Ooh, I almost died to the same battle ax. This is really strange. Uh, on the plus side though, my son and I are together again, eh. Right, go up here, even though it tells me not to. Dude, why are you over here? I had to, you made this for me. You knew it was gonna happen. Extreme bottle run, yes. And my head is inside of my groin for two seconds until I blew up. All righty, so what's actually here. Oh, this is interesting. It's like a-like a ax dodge. All right, so whoop. Oh, yeah, there we go, no problem. All right, down this. Oh, do I-do I come out here or--? Oh, here we are, okay. So now don't touch any of the-- Ooh, ooh, why are they vibrating? What the hell is happening? Here we go. How did you get here? Well, time to die. I-I-I don't know, I-I won. Did I? No? [screams] Ow. You're still not dead yet? Okay, then there's no way you could pass my heat seeking blades of doom or can I? Woo, got it. [laughs] And I get alcohol, watermelons, and battle axes, everything a Floridian needs. I'm saving that. This is called Jet Run Easy. The flavored text said it's so easy I never managed to beat it. [laughs] So is there anything like back over here? Like can I even get down this hole? That one's too thin. There is a hole over here that tells me not to go down, and obviously, that's not going to happen. Whoop. Oh, well, this is tight. Hmm, right, how about if I let go of this? There we go. I go limp. I might be able to like shake my-- Aargh, I can't do it on the-- Hmm, I can't rip my arms off. Oh, maybe I can, hold on. If I pelvic thrust my arms upward, look at it, you see, it's working, totally working. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's good, eh? But now my anus is just sitting on top of this thing. All righty, let go, flippy dee-doo, whoop. [tone] Really? Are you serious? Get outta here. Damn it, now my knees are caught. Well, I can still kind of shove myself down. Like through brute strength basically I'm pulling myself. I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get to this yeeter. You have no idea how painful this is. Ah. Well, to be fair, I mean, I asked for it. All right, Gray, let's see if you can beat my most recent nightmare, baby-noob. Woo. All right, normal-noob. Less noobey-noob, okay. [screams] Okay, maybe I should try and jump over the-- Whoa. [screams] Okay, so the idea is don't touch any of the rockets, got it. I'm dead, or am I? Ha, ha. This is very difficult. All right, up and-- Oh, no. Oh no. [screams] Um, you know what? Here's what we're gonna do, screw your board, how about this? Yeah, yeah, how you like that, huh? Oh, am I a noob now? Am I a noob now? Yeah, ultra-noob, huh? Huh? Noob-lord. What else you got for me? They call me cheedley-deedus. Yeah, Gray still plays, we'll find a way, I sure will. Like this, [laughs]. -Damn it. -Oh, no. Well, that's a problem. I just randomly lost one of my arms for absolutely no reason. It's all right. We can't do this with one arm. You're a scrub. "Sorry about your ears." Why? Whatever do you mean? This is called Gray's TV Run 99-- [slashing sounds] Hmm, Gray's TV Run 99%. All right. -Ah. -All right. Ow. Is there-- I kind of wonder, hold on. Go, go, go, go, go, ah. Now I'm curious. [slashing sounds] Ah, ow. I just wanted to see if there was anything over here, turns out there is not. My heart went on. Go. Oh, what the hell? Ow, ooh, ooh. All right, yeah. Oh, I'm-I'm a tech-I'm a technological genius. Yes. [music] Woo. Where'd my son go? Welcome to Bottle Run 2.3. Secret win? No. All right, it says it's not that hard, but I always get really concerned whenever someone-- Oh my God, how the hell? Oh, um, hmm. All right, so do a bottle run, but then like start to arc downward? Damn it, maybe bottle run forward? I'll try it in a second. Ready? Now. Damn it. Okay, bottle run, bottle run, bottle run, bottle run, and then-- [grunts] The Bottle Run's a real pain in my ass. Okay, new personal best, getting closer. Oh, yeah, oh, this is looking good, this is looking good. Yeah. Don't mind me, I'm just resting my ass on my own head. The time has come. Finally, I too get to be on Squid Game. So, what happens if I don't go, do I like get shot or something? Can I hit this guy? Boom, oh, he's not real. There's a hidden area. That's right, you always have to keep your eyes open [grunts] in the Squid Game. Not yet, not yet, now, got it. Okay, damn it. Okay cool, I was gonna say I have to just like land perfectly so that my s-- Ouch. So that my skull-- Aargh. Ah, come on. Oh, yeah. Oh, it's perfect. Oh, it's perfect, I've got it. I've-- [grunts] Okay, that's fine, just a little ball-- Oh, no. A little-- Ah, tickle on the groin. [laughs] [screams] I did it. Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Really? What is this? [screams] All right, get-- Mm, I was gonna say I guess I'm playing the real game. Can I like-- Ow. Ah, how the hell are you supposed to do this? Yay. Oh, I did it, yes. Okay, all right, now, I just gotta wriggle my way through here without touching-- Oh my God, the blades, oh, Jesus. No, no. You know what? Maybe using the pogo stick isn't the right way to do this. [screams] Woo, okay, let go of the pogo stick, there. All right, now, um, hmm. Get outta the way, pogo stick. I don't love you anymore, you betrayed me. Wow, I like-I like cannot get rid of this pogo stick. This pogo stick is like, "You canno-- You can't leave me, Gray." Bull crap, I can. Here we go. Oh, yeah, here we are, okay. Now, if we can make it over the glass. No problem. How strong is this glass? Oh, not very strong. [screams] Actually, do I need to go under this? Why don't I just go over it? Yeah, here we go. Yeah, no problem. Whoop. [screams] Oh, oh, oh, I'm still alive, I'm still alive. That was very, very close to death. Oh, God. Oh, there we go. [laughs] Okay, now then, uh, let's see. Jump and-- Oh, come on. Well, I don't know how to get my way outta this. Ooh, or do I? Aha. Okay, um, hmm [clicks tongue]. Can I like-can I like slowly move over this? Oh, cool. Okay. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Okay, you can kinda bounce over it if you like perfectly line up. [whimpers] Oh, oh, oh, okay, okay, okay. And pogo. Oh, God. [screams] Okay. [screams] -A few hours later. -Getting through this glass is like the biggest pain in the ass in this game. [screams] Got it. All right, this a new personal best. Oh, great, now I have to go through the thumbnail jumpy tube. "Hey, psst, you need to escape. Find the secret exit." All right, jump over this, stick the landing, and down the hole. Oh, what the hell. [screams] What the hell? How come? Ooh, all right, got it. The secret ending. Well, I was asked to play the Squid Game and great, now I hate squid. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels till next time. Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,159,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, funny simulator, simulation games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, squid game, squid game happy wheels, squid game challenge, squid game video game, happy wheels squid game, squidgame
Id: selVho4SDNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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