I challenged the best 1v1 Rocket League player to a game of H.O.R.S.E

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what's up gamer today we're gonna be playing another game of horse and rocket Lee so we've done a few of these episodes in the past but today we're gonna be playing someone very very good at the game most of you know who he is but he goes by scrub killer and when you think of the best rocket League player ever he's definitely on that short list of people he's one of the 12 Titans tournament two years in a row against the world's top one V one players and he's proven himself in the 3v3 scene when his team won the season 7 World Championship those who don't know horses it's basically a game commonly played in basketball where 2 people compete against each other and try to do different types of trickshot the shots can be as easy or as hard as you want them to be but you have to call out your shot before you shoot it if you call out the shot and miss it it's totally fine then it's just the other person's turn but if you call it a shot and score it the other person has to attempt that same exact shot and if they cannot score it they would get a letter and the first person to spell out the word horse loses the game I'm not coming into this expecting the win but I'm really curious to see the differences between a world champion and a normal grand champ like myself I like this are these life easy so first shot just got to put it into the orange goal alright alright guys orange cool nice easy easy do a diagonal flip alright I think I can do that hopefully I'm gonna wait till I get close to the goal so I don't know don't start all right all right still afoot great yeah it wasn't the best but I did what you said all right let's kick it up a notch eh so hurdle an eligible triple flip Reese this aired air dribble into the orange goal from the left wall and it cannot bounce okay there we go gotta keep the composure so here dribble from the left wall with overhead in the ground piece of cake nice nice alright so now it's your turn I'll seal in show into like a backflip into a double touch okay it's taking enough excuse naps like there's a huge you're not safe you can do no well that was a home show yeah wrong side so when and now it would just be my turn let's just see you double touch and you have to flip into it for the first Flint I'm not gonna flip dang it right so you want me do off the wall I'll flip into a double touch it yeah will you since I miss you can do whatever you want but it you can choose to copy that it going oh oh yes first you have to start off on the orange backboard and pop it up like an eligible to land on the ceiling and put it into the orange goal no balance oh dang it I was alright just gonna get it close to the neck oh I reckon I could do it can I can do it alright the same shot Oh far out logo Farah I know what you mean I know you - it's like ten times order yeah okay any sort of double touch okay are you serious every time I try to match your show always feels it as well so this is gonna be the time double touch I'll flip into as well all right Oh el swag you're still gonna get it oh god now I gotta match it let's go the power I got from this touch literally man you almost got your flip reset or I have to hit it no I'm gonna take my time oh god I have such it again yes I got it I got it Liuba that counts I I had to get like kind of like a area dribble don't touch if I mess up my clip but we got it I'm not work so it works you suck sir pinch it can only hit the ground once before it goes into the net okay orange go on Jesus Christ dude oh my god it's like you either goes so hard it just doesn't go anywhere yeah coach pinch oh I really gets easier to do in an actual game again err dribble double tap but you have to start it off like on the hood of your car and you have to jump from behind half field I'm gonna get it let's go yeah I wasn't nicer when I was in this one yeah I'm surprised I'm not choking them and like I'm not gonna I'm pretty nervous I that's right you're right so you you have to hit this shot so airdrop the hood of my car double touch oh okay does that count I guess yeah yeah that counts this start yeah I don't have a little star by mana time I should bring up I guess yeah that's good this is gonna be a long video dude so I'm gonna go for a steal on show up but I'm gonna like I hit the ball to the ground from this you and then it'll bounce back up and over again all right I'll see ya see oh yeah I've seen you hit these dude oh my god I've never tried that do you have to flip on that yeah and if you can like swap it into the ground you can get a really flexible touch obviously yeah they've seen you hit these I'll try it oh my god I was like I was thinking of which way to flip I had no idea how to play it call you though is that shiny H for you then yeah so you have 30 seconds to try to get the ball stay on your car like to stop your stylist oh yeah you're saying stay on the ball it's ending so that's possible I think it is I'll try to get in oh oh yeah I'm not gonna get it I'm not gonna get it I'm gonna try somebody else here a ceiling show into musty into double your trademark move yeah and then off the ceiling though yeah neither 180 [ __ ] oh no you forgot it we're trying to get your card I find the same thing all right I'm ready you earned a bronze map he's gonna go for a dribble off the wall and to flip reset and to just like a flip reach into the goal see oh okay you a dribble I was like what are you doing but your dad and I like the flippers that was kind of close to the goal book accounts accounts it's easier to just get a flip reset right off the bat so I I think I'll do that securing alpha oh my god no that's a trademark move here Musti flick on the ground that's got to get the the contact right orange go along here we go you don't know how to do it now I'm gonna find that I know how the vases you got it you got it do you don't have to get too close for it to come now look yeah you got a little pop up this laws must be flick of all time okay what I'm gonna do is throw and then just enter the eligible we work we do think he started all the way back they set up can you recover though you get a flip recession that would be sure yeah yeah okay so I'm gonna it's gonna go for a very weird one I feel like these weird ones can get you ball has to go into the goal has to be 1 kph or under the slowest possible go see the master of work I think it's just going in it just stopped so abruptly I think I think I'm good I think I'm good what's up please don't stop don't hit the post I see what see that has to be one so how can I get it any slowing the boy there's no way oh my god God try this like I'll try this I need to be really careful with those just for reference you have to get slower than I did somehow honestly I think oh if you just touch it from there it's gonna going fine oh no it stops again it's up together no more no more yeah oh that's such that's like three that's no yeah that's three week goes computer we're going for the exact opposite thing now whatever kind of shot you want to do you has to be going at least 135 kph alright I don't know what 130 kph 130 how fast is want that you can't could you like hook sure this is hook sure to get I think that's like 120 max I think a hook shot would be the best though I'll try a hook shot bring like right to the goal once for me so yeah so I literally told you before jobs can only get one funny yeah I can boom the ball quicker than that so you're just coming for the same shot mm-hmm I feel like I can get the ball to come to me a fast pace then I can hear a fast pace I can pass any if you want three two oh that might be I thought I was decent 127 oh I got 129 wait we keep getting 1 kph off what we need to Brooke you have to shoot it ask to go bar down and end the goal oh my gosh should I shouldn't jump into it i shouldnít jumps I'm gonna try it at the bar down ski as well but I'm gonna try something else have a rule and towards me I'll be the goal line evaluator Oh same thing with me oh no I think I got your formula down I think I can match it I think you backflip see I got the are man I gotta be at least one letter on you like I get it you're world champion and everything but go for another [ __ ] are pinch right one bounce to maximum okay one oh yes let's go dude that was a fast finish yeah yeah all right that's the fence you have to score it yes let's go I was like the worst page book all right so that's an H for me then okay so I'm gonna go into your back hole with a ball and then jump off irritable it and then like flip reset and then score into the blue goal yes let's do doomsy dish okay Jim do this left side orange go up no bounce I will try the shot where I go in the backboard I'm gonna go above your your bat goal and then you're gonna try and head up to me Oh a sitting ceiling though can you do it Oh No how's that really high one yeah I'll try the same thing I was really cool I'm back forward oh I almost got it oh yeah I was close you made that one pretty easy for me it's you I'm gonna try the total irritable and then Google all about the setup oh I've got a pretty good one game oh wait the ceiling can you do it oh good god dude I don't think I can do this I bought failed that there when it when it like look watch this when it Bozek see ya the bulb will sweep up geez dude I gotta do some social experiments here I think my god I actually had to set up pretty good yeah yeah you're gonna again then you got okay free flip I'm gonna score and the blue goal is play me like a three ball I just have to like in between you and the goal basically eight to one sorry I wasn't the best pass was bring up the wall it was ceiling sha backflip double touch sorry I see okay think the ball didn't get a double I need to like catch it under the ball right yeah yeah have you seen a thing where like air dribbling and then right here like squish the ball right here and then get there flip reset and then bang it in the goal oh yeah yeah y'all know how to set it up though I'll try it though you can sort of however you want but it's not I'm gonna do it oh hi actually got pretty close it's too high I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and try that it's a tough one those are so clean then you get up oh I've never even tried that before and you just pop it off perfectly oh my god that was so good that was pretty nasty but I think you start trying that my games I think one more life God imageable squish flat Oh pancakes which they gonna be random names right now looking those bad that was bad but it counts account yeah you know is I've never taken to the ground I was pretty close I was pretty cool I thought I missed it man my heart is found in right now I might go for another concert pinch that worked for me the first time you know the drill one bounce maximum yeah that's what you said right either it was really for us or doesn't yeah so I'm gonna do like just like backward flip I'm gonna do that and then just do a double touch I I think I can do that I think I can do that can't get the power though you can can you get the angle oh no not quite I'm so messed up I'll try it I'll try the same thing try again gun got orange coax Nate try again I can't freakin back with me okay your turn man I just can't do this right now feelin show back flip level tone here we go it's like a must see or like yeah you see your turn again oh not the best okay actually wasn't kind of incentive know what you can actually still get a double dose oh yes let's go so I've never actually tried this before but a far post pinched I talked about it over my videos you're rolling on the go like I cuts a pinch from here into the blue goal if it goes in slow it's fine you know what I mean but it has to go in the blue goal oh no no goal I'm gonna try that let's see you have to get so close to not scoring an own goal who put that in for you good pass now it's actually like that's like an actual play though like yeah right you got a new play you can do with the vitality sealing shot double time okay okay hold went down oh I hate those as you feel that I go try I go try it all right yeah I could have scored that oh my god if you get it directly on the backboard it's gone slow it's actually quite easy can you do it Oh Oh triple touch doesn't count that does I'm knockout no I'm joking man you got it see if you can do this yeah let's see see all right yeah literally guys I forgot on that for a second like wait what am I even doing I just forgot what to do I forgot how to enter oh my card no is on e yeah that's a Neiman and that is game yeah so you gotta work on your [ __ ] sir pinches I gotta work on everything else that's it CTE I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did make sure to drop a like and don't forget to subscribe to the channel because it really helps me out and make sure to check out scrubs channel as well which will be linked in the description so today I'm bringing you guys the top ten musty flakes of all time coming in 10th place we have a shot from spoons the clip starts a bit late but from what I can tell he starts it with an irritable from the wall he doesn't have a ton of booze to work with and he decides to go for a ceiling shot so he jumps from the wall to the ceiling
Channel: amustycow
Views: 1,050,552
Rating: 4.9349809 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League, Rocket League HORSE, Rocket League H.O.R.S.E, Rocket League H O R S E, horse rocket league, scrub killa, musty vs scrub killa, world champion, musty horse scrub, I challenged a Rocket League World Champion to a game of H.O.R.S.E, I challenged a Rocket League World Champion to a game of HORSE, musty vs scrub, I challenged the best 1v1 Rocket League player to a game of H.O.R.S.E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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