I went undercover using Mertzy’s car for a day... (It actually helped me)

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hey gamer if you play rocket League you know the car you play with is a really important part of the game and customizing it is what sets you apart from other people and the other day I was talking to my friend mercy who also has a youtube channel and we realized we're pretty much the only two people in rocket league that I've always used the same design and the cars we use have kind of become a part of our channel like a part of our brand so we've never changed our car designs for years but I had the idea what if we finally change them to the other person's car but we added a twist to it so listen carefully we headed through the trade window switch some of our items and rebuilt the other person's car to a tee so this was me and this was mercy so I had Mercy's car and the next step was to change to his camera setting once I did that all that was left was changing my name to Mercy and using his profile picture so basically I swapped accounts with it I actually did end up switching accounts with them because we figured that'd be a lot easier at this point I'm on Mercy's account using his car and he's on my account using my car but it gets even juicier it's normal for us to challenge our subscribers to a tournament so I made a tournament on Mercy's account and got the real mercy to make an announcement telling his subs to join that very tournament for his own video even though it would secretly be me playing his subscribers in that tournament for my video but they didn't know that mercy did the same thing where I told my subscribers to join my tournament for my video even though in that tournament they were gonna be playing mercy secretly using my car for his own videos so it sounds kind of confusing but there are two separate videos the one you're watching now where I go undercover and play mercy subscribers and he'll be uploading one where he goes undercover and plays in my subscribers so after watching this video make sure to go watch the video on mercy Channel to find out how he did in the tournament using my car playing my subs before we get into the tournament today's video was sponsored by Rachel legend it's the best mobile RPG game out there with 15 million downloads in the last six months and it's been nominated as a finalist for Google play's best of 2019 users Choice Award so in right you can customize and collect over 400 champions discover 13 stunning locations build teams and play tons of other players in the PvP arena all that and it's completely free to download what I like about raid is that you can play for just a few minutes while you're waiting for soloqueue or once your rock league teammates make you rage quit you can play raid for as long as you want to a cool feature in the game is the multi battle auto mode where you can set battles to run automatically while you go to do something else and they also have weekly tournaments and events where you can compete for extra prizes the game is growing super fast and they have a cool road map with huge plans for in-game updates over the next six months so there's a ton to look forward to so click the first links in the description to download raid and if you're a new player we'll hook you up with 100,000 silver few clan boskie's 10 mystery shard and a free executioner champion who's really good all that I'll be waiting for you here if you download using the links in the description but be quick because it's only available for the next 30 days with that being said let's get back into the video all right so all 64 spots filled in like two minutes I've talked to you really fast so Mercy's viewers have really have no reason not to think it's him so if they play against me they're gonna think they're in a mercy video I think it's Harv the pro I swear if this dude's like an actual pro oh I forgot to change my scoreboard button I accidentally saved a replay with it okay guys to pre flipped his car screams bronze though I keep saving the replay what is this a free play button okay Pasadena passenger alright I got a I knew I need on this okay he's I think he's either lagging or he's like bronze which is good I'd really only get first founded I think look like we're good we're good okay let's see we can style on him here take that take that oh okay that was good no I miss well that looked like mercy though like that was something he would do pleaselet nice there you go mercy uses like 12 height that's like ridiculously high oh wait out jump here yeah like this and like that that's it that's it can mercy do that this guy might know it's not very soon immersed I feel like mercy would not do that I'm just gonna go for some really close shots now I know we have this in the bag let's see if we can make mercy look good for once oh my god you can't like aerial or anything this whips out a monster flick up quick green turtle oh when I was sick that was actually sick I am making a mercy like so good right now alright watch we're gonna bait him in and then I hit it to the right of him go for it and then here we go that will jump turtle back okay he's actually saying we're good oh no we're not I gotta quit messing around man I'm gonna try hard mode I'm going sick over bass kick off should work here nope I can literally miss my kick off I'm playing stupid bad right now you just what it saved me mercy your viewers are toxic dude what is safe and back that's what you get he's gonna think Mercy's so toxic now I love that I can do this this viewers gonna unsubscribe now I get more of his subscribers 200 IQ kick ass I'm so stupid that's the thing Mercy's known for that he loses his kick on so trying to be like him take it across this should spawn this sack yeah thank you all right pulling off the mercy yes I'll some mercy with you there's a nice simple sealing side all right good game one mercy one let's get into game number two oh no we got a grand champ oh you serious I'm actually nervous playing against a grand Sam got the save Bailey I'm actually not gonna get boosts playing at the goal please don't get back this guy is actually really good hi losing control my dribbles so Fitnessgram pacer are you serious I'm gonna get out I'm gonna get out second round put that one on target we can't that's the thing Mercy's better than me at you had to put down an entire guy just about guarantee you I knew I was gonna give in mode and an Auguste I saved it somehow please give me boots please tell me I didn't miss okay we're good we're good we're good I'm not gonna leave second round I gotta make mercy proud gonna take this booth just whatever here it should have it up in that yes I'm not gonna like Murphy's camera settings are better for openness yes let's go dude kickoffs are on fleek right now have a balanced air dribble bum err dribbles are so hard with this camera with the heck because I know mercy said air dribbles with my camera is so easy so his camera just isn't good for air dribble let's grab mid boost I'm not gonna play super risky I don't have to I can go for this no matter what so that was a lie dang it's all I said I'll go this way yes oh my god mercy would have scored that okay mercy does scored that let's go you're over him he's literally zero boost should be able to score yes we got it we just baited him in for the 50-50 we wanted cuz we had Peterson he did it doesn't mean I have to go back and score watch this watch my life would have been so cool why sign in no no think that is a big whoops bye Musti no now he's still in the game it's Murthy score these aha air links he was so hard he bumped me into the booth oh my god dude aerials are a lot harder I'm not gonna lie it with Mercy's camera settings but the ground play is so much easier alright game see we get to win against the grand champ gonna go ahead and sign this guy's profile as mercy alright game three another pro gamer we played against two pro gamers no arrow dribbles are harder so I'm not gonna go for an air dribble take the bump and then top that's the Messi classic can get it done nice mo should be a little turn power shot go up perfect perfect gonna try to cut me don't man I'm literally so bad that was I literally think to myself this guy this guy's really gonna baiting me in a challenges please have score hole-in-one oh my god I can't have flip with these camera settings at least it's mercy that's looking trash it's it's not actually me so I'm happy about that err dribbles are so hard at this it's just like ridiculously hard I feel like a bronze they're trying to air dribble for the first time no no no I got a mid boost and the bounce the thing I'm saving these that keeps congratulating me on like every single one of my claims yes yes we got the cut that's what these camera settings are so good for cuz the high stiffness our gerbils off the wall are so easy though yes we got it we got the dung from the wall it seems easier than my camera settings it's kind of weird I'm winning I'm winning I can I can let him come to you [Music] now we go all right you're being banned 200 IQ plays are they just gotta get in your opponent's head so you can set something really fancy up there oh so close miss thang yes let's go oh dude I knew the fake would work all right ceiling shot double tap Oh what the heck yo they actually worked that actually worked oh my god my car didn't flip I literally tried to say like shot that yo okay I'll try to pass it to him rebound it right off though this will be the shot of the century if we can pull it off that's perfect it's perfect yes good pass great pass men DG by Ralph Lauren Swift we have one more and then the finals if we win this doesn't have a Grand Champion tag but that doesn't mean he's not grand champ you don't have to wear it good to kick off the perfect I'm gonna hook in and score I miss yes it's like two times now I've missed see up and net but I've recovered and hidden even harder shot good kick off again should be free goal let's go I'm so close we're gonna do the same thing left this strat actually works just got a beta man bikini that way hey go go see it really does work I'm even against like Gretchen's we both tried to fast hiccup I think this guy's actually decent I'm just I'm winning 6-0 to spend a lot of kickoffs and lucky goals is a free set up - this guy is decent I feel like exit right oh okay I've bounced I do nice camera settings man where it's you this is 12 freaking height maybe got the gold oh nice that's kick up again that was so dumb that was like a nice though all right I'm allowed to see I'm gonna see what he's gonna do I'm not gonna touch it I'll savings for this you got it nice I was literally his first shot all game that's crazy all right Gigi we made it to the semi-finals let's see if we can secure this playing against a specter with a K ah so hard like to defend to have a free goal here nice there we go perfect abuse every ball and again we had to cut my doing oh my goodness okay we're just playing bad right now I'm gonna try Messi flick for the first time oh we couldn't get it I'll really confuse viewers because yeah that never goes for those 45-degree flicks are easier though yes bar down bar down those legs get it let's go we got it so what did it their abusive gonna stop boozing I'm trying to make him think about abuse and then I miss it again actually good touch my game going on Durham perfect perfect so go for those is to make him jump and then you go under him so you want the ball to be on top of your car then make him jump as you bring a low that's the key one more a DoubleTap oh we can't get it no no dang it go for Phillip oh my god that was insane I didn't get on at there but I got the power slide called power science like in that situation are so useful like with my settings I probably couldn't have drifted like that and gotten the angle while they sing touching back clip processing I should've done literally excited him but I didn't do it look at this I can't Erol it's so weird I'm gonna get my game yeah and I shot he's love is I took all the bass should be a go I just won't pinch it here and then do this perfect nice little dish there after the open net miss alright check it out ceiling sad that with that oh no I get on net nice supper 9 be alright the only thing that I'm struggling with is a half lips I'm not really sure why but I'll go ahead and sign this guy's profile again as mercy and let's get into the finals finals are just the best of one planning it's the drift King hopefully it isn't style on me too hard 12 seconds late down this guy's like styling so hard this for the beginning I was gonna play simple that's how you counter people like this just playing very very simple oh my god the power on that how do you save it who is this guy I feel like someone this good I would know who they were if they were North American but they're not from na I'm gonna save it can we do this Oh close good drift catch Jesus Christ this guy's like actually a drift King let's go we got it we got it I almost lost control of that but I think the flake got a ton of power on the little hook shot I'm not the English man's whole career okay oh my god I got my c4 like oh my god I'm not messy though I'm not messy I'm mercy so we're fine that was so fast you can't score yes perfect I'm not gonna shoot that directly cuz I don't wanna miss open that we got it though hey take peace nonzero and he knows it and I missed a 12 pad Code Red actually Code Red we saved it though that's good it's going down for us someone shooter right away we got it this guy is so good though like seriously he's going from really risky shots though why are you in the USA are you visiting some list he's on the me man he's on to us I almost got breezy flicks get that one and please tell man and miss alright here's our cover story we're not visiting sunless we're at flumes house right now got a 50 hole this guy's like he's smart dude good thing I didn't jump into that one she's gonna have a banging only has an angle or he does he does we're good we're good he goes it's gone for super fancy stuff please don't say that sir thank you thank you nice that's like if this guy was trying his hardest like he's playing really really try hard it probably a lot closer but the only reason I'm scoring goals is cuz he's gone for risky stuff that I can say and I get him on the counter-attack good shot not much I can do there I'm just gonna wait I'm waiting yes 26 seconds to score three goals all we have to do is wait for him to come to us alright GG we officially won Mercy's tournament that was a lot of fun this guy was quite good like I said but you went for pretty risky stuff alright the spinning trophy that means absolutely nothing has got me pretty high for the win I hope you guys did enjoy this video if you click the video you see on the in screen now you can check out Mercy's video and find out how he did using my car and camera settings against my subscribers so yeah you can click here and check it out on his channel I'm sure you guys will enjoy his content but with that being said I'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 6,195,352
Rating: 4.9146752 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, amustycow, Rocket League, Rocket League musty, rocket league mertzy, rocket league amustycow, rocket league mertzy and, rocket league musty and mertzy, I went undercover using Mertzy’s car for a day... (It actually helped me), I went undercover using Mertzy’s car for a day, mertzy, musty, mertzy car, musty car, rocket league car, switch cars with mertzy, i used mertzy's car for a day, musty rocket league, mertzy rocket league, musty rocket league car
Id: wW_hV3SYvI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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