I went undercover on fans' Rocket League accounts & guessed their ranks...

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hey gamer imagine you wake up you go to school and when you get home you log on to rock league like you do every other day and the game starts only this time when you join the game you have no idea what rank you're in you could be in a supersonic legend lobby or you could be stuck in a lobby with only silver twos for this video that was my exact experience and i had to guess what rank i was in by the end of the match and here's how i got everything set up so someone sent me a dm about this video idea and i actually really liked it because it's kind of a spin off on someone's guest side rank series but for this i would actually be in the game live to guess what rank i was at so i just went to my discord asked if anyone wanted to be in a video and the first four people to respond got to be in this one so with my subscriber's permission of course i would log on to their accounts change their car to my car and their settings to my settings and without looking at my monitor i would cue one single ranked game and obviously i would try to score some goals you know do the usual but the main point is by the end of each game i need to put in a guess of the exact rank i think i'm in so i could fail miserably with my guesses or i could actually get some right so make sure to stay until the end of the video to see if i managed to guess any correctly we are playing on sam's account so if you could play and then just quick play i i don't see his rank but the thing about that i don't know what a region okay i'm in us east oh no i'm casual okay competitive okay i'm queuing 1v1 except i want to q2s okay i'm confused i'm confused and by the end of this game i'm going to try to figure out what rank i am in and i disabled scoreboard so i can't accidentally see like it's a season 13 grand champ or you know platinum tournament winner so i just completely disabled scoreboard using kickoff decent finish by us uh the probably the best that we can possibly get let's get a bang bang see what happens he didn't defend that at all though he makes positioning not amazing but it does seem pretty fast-paced just hit it try to beat him it's decent definitely maybe could be grand champ i'm not sure i'll just leave teammates should go next and i'll go behind him i got it yeah good challenges this is i would assume somewhere in grand champ maybe team can bang it up to me that's really good i just hit it towards teammate nice shot really good positioning from him the fact that the guy in the red car wasn't ready for this tells me we're not quite at supersonic legend here so far i guess maybe grand champ won bang it can't do much with that a little high it's going to go back here oh my god that's it unfortunate no problem no problem good kick up as well you know how to speed flip maybe team can turn he's not going i'll wait for a sec hit it over here and open space i'm beat here so i'm not gonna go team should try here i'll go for him he's taking too long yeah i'm just gonna wait as i would have gotten like four touches they only got one it's actually a really intense game i'm definitely grand champ i don't know whether one two or three though try to pass that back down to my teammate he forces a 50 which is good i'm gonna fake get boost i get dead mode last second unfortunate touch and shoot can't go wrong with it oh we tried demo as well oh my god i was about to say i was about to say smart for my teammate good game awareness by him to know to go for a demo here because i do have an open shot sam what's my i don't know how to answer this i'm in sso bro okay so i think they they know i'm a little better than they are so i think i think these guys are grand champ one i i think i'm in a grand champ one lobby right now get a shot make both of them jump team can maybe go where's he at no i'm problem no problem try to stay on this decent 50 teammates too far back though so we aren't able to possess you there's like little tiny like micro mistakes that like separate as it sells from grand champs i i really do feel like this is a grand champ i'm beating him here he shouldn't have gone for that i still have a chance here with zero boost free shot for team now teammate shots are really really good really well placed yeah this is i'm commentating it like normal because oh [ __ ] this is a pretty normal game okay are we in champ two are we in champ two after that miss i don't know champ three or grand champ one they're doing kind of complicated stuff though yeah but they're just not ready for for good outplays i'm i'm either champ three or grand champ one i don't think it's a grand champ two okay final guess grand champ one apparently i carried my my teammate did a good job though ah champion three i knew it i i didn't know it i was one rank off okay he's ground champion one in 1v1 okay so i i was one one rank off so pretty intense man yeah they're little little tiny differences that kind of separate like these ranks from uh ssl that i just kind of noticed everyone was like a little bit slower a little less consistent but let's go ahead and log on to someone else's account and see if we can guess their rank correctly so the first game was pretty high level and my first guess was one rank off which isn't too bad but the next game could be a lot harder to predict so let's see how it goes so we're on angel's account and i have to be very careful to not accidentally see the rank here so i get a quick play and then back back competitive 1v1 i want to do twos or i can do threes maybe so go back okay i accidentally clicked threes but it works 33 on wasteland i got all my controls correct i'm pretty sure okay console only lobby a lot of content players a lot of console players in this lobby okay kickoff is really slow everyone what the heck i think it's on here moving oh my i am in the trenches i'm in oh my goodness i'll just finish it nope oh there's no way this is above plaid there's actually no way i'll just finish it now and then i'll kind of play to uh yeah and the wow is coming in chat with a pretty basic error triple yeah i won't like do that too much but yeah i i have to round i have four minutes and 35 seconds to round down where i think i am okay so left doesn't go but it's like kind of a known thing in the higher ranks okay i'm just gonna like play simple i wanna play really really simple i actually have no idea what rank i'm in it's like the weirdest feeling ever maybe gold no one's rotating everyone's ball chasing yeah i'm just gonna play around my teammates play smart make sure we get we get a nice nice fun game oh come on my bad bro my bed see your teammate's not ready for it let's see what teammate wants to do okay he leaves it for me okay all right we're just not rotating we're just chilling man we're chilling it's crazy like rotations like aren't a thing triple command what oh baby a triple let's see i'm just going to analyze all our movements he misses it's kind of a weaker touch let's get a 50 make sure he can't get it towards my goal it's like not really any like threatening touches just kind of getting random touches andrew over here trying to configure himself how to save it the only guy fast aerial is the dude in the orange car gotta get attached to an open space and all you want to do in the lower rings is just hit it like that watch they're gonna struggle with this probably sit in their zone make them mess up and then maybe you know your team gets them set up let's see andrew just gone for every single ball they're just full boosting into everything it's almost in my net just got to be ready for it yeah in the lower ranks all you want to do is to hit it out that's all you have to do let your teammates follow it up again it's going to get really hard to clear off my own corner put it in their zone and stay back now they're triple committing they're messing up they're both kind of pushing up like look how far andrew is up here like it's gonna go above his head no matter what he doesn't not a half flip or anything if i had to make a guess i'd maybe guess flat plat too i haven't been here in like four years though so i honestly have no idea where i'm at just why are they both going i i don't understand the thought process here i gotta buy time for my team to go back i'm just gonna bang it up now my team has time to go back again they're not even there to see if they see the ball they go for the ball now i just have to chill [Music] okay let's get one touch out see what's going on i i don't even think this is plaid i really don't know maybe goal i gold or plat i feel like silver's a little worse than this teammate is disregarding the fact that i'm right there and yeah we get a one goal win or maybe a two goal in two goal win it's going on the very beginning and the very end but yeah and then they're just another kind of basic double tap they're freaking out i would guess i have to get a guess gold three or plat one i'm guessing gold three i'm guessing gold three gold two oh so close i was very close man wow one rank off man one rank off dang i i just want to get one right on the dot i want to get one right on the back this is so fun though man let's go ahead and get into the next one despite it being a much slower pace game my guess was once again only one rank off which is really good but i was still going for that perfect guess i just got a quick play [Music] yeah boy huh extra modes okay he's playing rumble no no no no no no okay well let's do another game of threes and yeah let's try to guess what not arc's rank is quick queue time i can already tell from the queue times this is not ssl man ssl minimum minimum like two minute queue time a lot of console players single flipping on the kickoff i did not even try to score that there what are they doing this is ranked right this is literally ranked this is afk all right it seems kind of like the last game maybe a little higher rank we got one guy not playing the game though usually doesn't happen uh to me let's put a middle for team see what they can do you could try should be free shot nice i don't know me i'm so far i'm guessing around flat or something not sure that's fine i'll get one touch i don't have to do anything insane like i could always escort that but trying to play like the rank i'm in i'm not trying to smurf over here all right he actually kind of finessed me low-key i'm so confused i'm literally in a ranked game my little shot there nice all right i it's it's just like a weird game this is not like a really good evaluation because of someone who's afk but i guess i'll just focus on the other two people i'll literally just also you know what since they have one afk player i'll just sit here and watch i'll make it a 2v2 i'll just sit here and observe what my team is doing let's see decent control this is definitely higher ranked than the last game the afk player saves the ball on the goal line am i in bronze right now what the heck bro what oh my god all right they forfeited let's see i'm guessing plaid three platinum two ah one division off we technically ranked up a tiny bit i keep guessing one rank higher man i keep guessing one rank higher uh yeah that was just kind of a weird game like i don't know the kickoff goal and then the afk thing i don't know i just didn't really seem like an overview of that rank it didn't seem to represent the platinum community like i would have wished but i was one rank off i keep guessing one rank higher but let's go ahead and get into the fourth and final match all right so we are on two two zero four seven three's account and i got my car got everything set up got all my settings so again i got to be careful here quick play casual so i want to keep like casual [Music] okay i am in uh i'll do 1v1 for the last episode i did 2v2 game 233 games i figured i finished off with the 1v1 and one thing to mention when i first logged onto this dude's account he had like freestyler camera settings like really close settings we were playing against y and m xk okay it seems pretty high ranked i think i'm in eu i think you server you had a decent kickoff though i don't think this is going to be an easy game but yeah i feel like i think i'm an eu server oh my god this might be something different is that in that's just in my bad my bad my bad i'll just shoot nice and barely barely touch that that's barely i can't tell if the suit is like literally ssl or like something else like his kickoffs are really good his movement is pretty clean but his defense hasn't been uh amazing quite yet try to get a little touch good save good and quiet he wants to go for an air dribble but i just won't let him here nice apparently oh god my flip mess up yeah these i think the dead zone is like different or something yeah a lot of my flip's still different i i think i forgot to change one of the settings on uh on his account it's fine that's fine all right interesting interesting i genuinely this guy could be grand champ too he could be platinum three i literally have no idea how's 50 here actually i won't because he's staying back oh huh he's giving me like a lot of space his defense kind of kind of not very good man but it's weird because his kickoffs and his overall movement feel really clean i'm i'm not gonna spread that i genuinely i don't know what i'm gonna let him get some more offensive attacks i'm just gonna shoot i i just wanna see what he does he's panicking so hard dragging too much detail before the match see like how is he like freestyling but like he can't defend or anything i still i literally have no idea what this man's rank is okay i'm gonna let him go all the way to my net see if he can like edit control i'm just gonna let him keep shooting just to see like what kind of attacks he goes with because i really no idea what he's doing he's just panicking really hard yeah his i feel like this is one of the dudes who only practices irritables and ceiling shots but he doesn't actually have like really good defense or offense i'm guessing maybe like diamond three in ones i'm not sure yeah it's gonna shoot all right i'm gonna hopefully it doesn't forfeit here and i can just like get him give him some more attacks he hasn't done a single threatening thing on uh my friend your mom oh i have to guess uh okay considering he was that toxic i'm gonna go with champ one actually oh yes i got it i got it let's go i i was gonna get i was gonna guess diamond three but i was like diamonds aren't that toxic it's in the champ ranks is where it gets toxic i got that perfectly champion one let's go dude i'm so happy i got that right man i feel like that guy could have played a lot better like he definitely could be a lot higher ranked i feel like if he just kind of got his fundamentals down a lot more but i'm glad we got to end the video where i got one right which is super insane yeah i hope you guys did enjoy that video make sure to join my discord it'll be linked in the description and yeah make sure you're subscribed to the channel i would greatly appreciate that and with that being said i'll see you guys in the next video peace you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,095,425
Rating: 4.9602981 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, I went undercover on fans' Rocket League accounts & guessed their ranks..., rocket league undercover, rocket league guess rank, rocket league guess that rank, guess the rank rocket league, guess the rank, guessing subs rocket league rank, guessing fans rocket league rank, i guessed rocket league rank, rocket league ranks, every rocket league rank
Id: p4fu5AD0kUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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