I asked every rank to show me their best freestyle: Here's what happened

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hey gamer today i'm gonna be doing a rocket league social experiment i thought it would be fun to ask every rank to freestyle and just see what happens like if you ask a low-rank player to freestyle like what are they even gonna do you know what i mean i'm genuinely curious so what i did to set this video up is i went to my discord server and you should join it by the way the link will be in the description and from there i chose two people from every rank in rocket league except bronze i feel like that rank is just a myth and no one is actually bronze anymore so starting from silver i would get the two players at the given rank to join a private match and tell them to do a freestyle 1v1 game of pig if you don't know how to play you call out a shot and try to score it if you manage to score and your opponent can't match your shot then they get it lighter and the first person to spit out the word cake loses the game so the whole point is to try to score the most creative trick shot or freestyle that you can think of and yeah for all my recent videos i've had to come up with new ideas and do all the work myself but for this i just kind of sit here and let the players come up with the shots and see what they can do so without further ado when you end up watching the players that are ranked the same as you make sure to leave a hate comment about how much better you are than them and how you would have gotten that food reset and let's get into the video [Music] i'll start off with just just a simple open net open net all right now you have to match this open that yes there we go uh just two wave dashes in a row all right so do that again because you called it out as you're doing it okay one two actually pretty pretty clean mechanics for silver do you even know how to uh wave dash metric i'm not gonna lie i really don't uh you're not gonna get it magic yeah it's one of those it's one of those weird mechanics you either know it or you don't so metric you get a letter because you were not going to do that i want to try off the wall like just the net off okay it's like a little bank shot like hitting it off the wall and then straight into the net in one touch yeah good luck okay now you're saying this shot just has to be in you can do this i think it's in no yeah that's good that's that's exactly what you called out right okay i can do this no unfortunate okay just just basically like a straight goal but but where it doesn't hit the ground before it goes in yeah it's a shot without hitting the ground i think that's perfect perfect right in the middle that's perfect oh no i think it bounced at the very last second barely if any higher and you would have gotten it but unfortunately you have a pi now i'm going to try the bank off the off the topic all right go for it all right oh tough bounce you can still still touch it and it won't count i think ah does that count i think it would count yeah you never put a time limit or anything i mean it was kind of scuffed but it counts i have a feeling that was like freaking insane man that counts yeah that was insane jesus all right [Music] no wait no wait no wait would you keep that clip you gotta roll it up the wall and then just touch it i'd say at least once and get it into that orange gold boom touch it ah almost almost okay so you each have a pi before i did the silver eligible now i'm gonna do a normal eligible i practice these like for around one hour oh my god all right metric you you gotta you gotta try man i didn't think howard if he goes and he only gets it on the wall i'll allow it yeah yeah even if it's even if it's not amazing ah almost metric almost so that is a pig for metric so that means power won the game congratulations dude a turtle corner air dribble musty flick double tap all right good luck bro i can't do this one yet six seconds close enough close enough i'm gonna try to hit it in with 100 kpa exactly 100kph no no just about like about okay well within like 10kph of it or yeah okay so 90 to 110kph shot oh if it's 90 through 110. 94. and i missed uh it's kind of it looked cool but i think it's a little slow i was gonna do a grunt 69 what are you trying to do i was getting a ground pitch but they changed my mind oh no evan okay you have a you have a p evan i'm gonna make musty proud and do a musty flick i have to get up on the card no no no no no okay that stuff i didn't from uh backing up into the net backing up into the uh into the ball and score go for it good boy starting on the goal line you got that seven you got it nets are hard you can try that success oh evan please okay you got it watch out watch out watch out what are you trying to sabotage your opponent bro [Music] does it have to go in or just crossbar just above the goal i guess i came up with an idea and then robotic does it right before yeah i would say if you maybe you call it a post then yeah but i i got kind of crossbar as a top bar on me i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the crossbar as well because i was gonna do that first because you stole it but i'm just gonna do that to reset the ball hit the crossbar evan you got this bran oh that's crossbar it looks like a crossbar to me bang it just bang it there's no weight other than just oh no oh i don't know that how that didn't hit him uh turtle not flick we keep going keep going it's still touching yeah it's in technology did not touch it is it so fast robotic i can't lie man you already touched the ball is it easy robotic is is the easy shot you said um oh no robotic musty did i make you proud did i make musty proud you did man so just air careful just air dribble let's see pretty clean pretty clean he didn't call anything about a bouncer just a normal could wear a little a little high on the uh on the power scale there ground pinching all right dave's okay i'm gonna restart or yeah okay yeah i'm gonna restart it crazy gonna try another one double touch double tap let's see if we can do this better touch nice pretty clean now you have to match that jim you have to match it oh i think you thought it was going down the elimination shot because i'm just good flip reset it can bounce clean that's clean that's playing there's some really good mechanics for a play you're the actual platinum who's in my twitch chat the guy who says he can reset i play you're like the actual one person you can do it yeah yeah it's oh he got a reset i touched him you actually got a flip reset but uh it didn't go in yeah good attempt though good attempts uh so the i that is p i g for you amadeus gem gg well played thank you guys for playing [Music] uh i'm going to start with a ceiling shot from the opponent's corner no bounce kinda clean oh okay orilli okay [Music] oh oh my gosh i am just going to do a basic flick and it's like no bounce i assume it's nice oh tactically i'll count it it was a flick and technically it did not bounce guys both rocking the mclarens pretty clean yeah make sure to use code musty honestly i want that title of being the first monkey flick in the video i'll count it i'll count it oh too high oh no unfortunately i'm gonna do for an athena flick so there we go you got it finally the athena flick in action all right you can reset that rosie oh jeez i can't even know no this is saying in the video it's saying it honestly you gotta be good but bad at the same time you have to be good at being bad the perfect balance you have to take some skills or no you're good though but like you're bad because like it you didn't get it so that's p-p-i for both of you guys you know that shot or you just like boost and then you double jump and then you double tap it even the silvers could uh we're trying this one yeah they could do it are you better than a sliver let's see oh many kinds of training nice science i tried to put pressure on you but you actually got it right so i'm expecting dramatic music starting here yeah yeah yeah yeah you know the black bars come down to the bottom yep it's already there all right ah now unfortunate all right so that is a pig for orderly muda congratulations brother you are the [Music] winner yeah i'm going to do a flippery step mostly flake dang this is a big improvement from the diamonds man yeah you didn't say anything about a bounce almost sad face in the chat to express his sad feelings yeah i'm just going to do a musty flick i'll count it how can it ah good idea get out that's not actually almost almost pogo from across the field to a musty flake let's see [Music] oh wow that's a good shot that's a very good shot oh this is gonna be beautiful oh almost you gotta get it on the corner of the car that is 3-0 for lando so congrats man i'm going to start with something simple which is going to be just a regular mustang no no pressure no pressure only like a million people watching okay oh it's not messed up did we count it or no no no no no if you want to counter you can count it but yeah i mean it wasn't super clean but i'll count it okay okay okay um i'll go for double reese as well oh no the clean kind of clean add in the mustard just just yeah i don't usually think of this stuff okay uh pogo into edible i'll go to air dribble hold the butt bounce oh yeah it counts yeah words three touches yeah that's perfect angles ah reset must be double again off level so this is gonna be interesting dude if you hit one of those i'm there's no way i'm replicating clean setup all right please finish this off i'll go for a ceiling into heavy reset you gotta learn to put the ball in the net man you can do everything else doing it again please finish it finally bro finally oh my god a good shot i could say i'm just mostly scared about the musty but all right yeah that's how it's set up yeah that whole set up just really fast for musty double touch i've not done one of these in ages it's so slow nice that was he's just too good with his musty flicks man well played though you guys you guys mechanics are like nuts i'm gonna start for the triple reset just a triple reset that's it bro yeah i expect a quad man that's what i'm thinking i don't know you don't have to you don't have to musty all right okay yeah jesus christ you're gonna crack in this game man i was actually really close i'm gonna hit the ball uh it's gonna roll up here um the boat's gonna roll up there i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna edit from here and um gonna score it no bounce very tough shot to pull off wow and the setup is so difficult oh yeah i can't oh god jeez bro here we go okay okay it's all about the setup bro yeah it's all about the the fruit roll up and then the he's gonna break mechanics mechanics there's no way mechanics ah keep it on this go mechanics keep going no shot oh bro you had to improvise there almost failed maybe a little bit of quad reset action oh no no no i don't know can you do five resets or is it just not possible to do five uh i've tried two three four geez you almost got five i feel like you genuinely i could've you could have gotten five i'm lucky i'll do the the turtle into musty double tap again okay from my corner [Music] little fire to the side perfect touch though yeah you almost got it i want to go for the same thing honestly okay [Music] that was so good what we'll see okay a little far to the side is too strong how do you guys get that much power man i invented that i don't even know how to do that all right bro the ipi game playing boys game point i mean i could just go for the boring classic like one kph shot but i'm not gonna yeah i'm not gonna take a long time with it but i'm gonna try it all right your strategy to do this is actually so smart it's slowly oh okay [Laughter] that i feel like it's not stopping yeah it's gonna stop right after which is good perfect it's not gonna be one kph is it yes it is that's one i guarantee you that's one that's one it's one minutes for nothing for nothing that was it you kept stopping at such fast i don't even know if it's possible to get one i i don't know sidewall into controlled musty into double tap that's clean it's clean and that ladies and gentlemen is pid for osm pi from mexico that's the gg i'm still so sad you didn't get the uh hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like if you enjoyed it subscribe to the channel if you're new and i'll see you in the next one [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,119,160
Rating: 4.9379735 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, rocket league bronze vs ssl, ssl vs bronze, bronze vs ssl, every rank in rocket league, every rank freestyle, every rank freestyle 1v1, rocket league horse, rocket league pig, I asked every rank to show me their best freestyle: Here's what happened, I asked every rank to show me their best freestyle, freestyle at every rank, musty freestyle, freestyle
Id: kGt-PGsVh0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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