I let the best freestyler play on my account for a week. WIll people notice?

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hey gamer i hired the best rocket league freestyler in the world to play on my account for a week to see if my audience would notice here's how i set this up a few weeks ago a european freestyler i know named hankovic won a four thousand dollar freestyler tournament and he hit this clip you're watching right now and it is by far the best goal i've ever seen in rocket league so i knew he would be a really good person for me to choose to help out with this video to set things up i gave hankovic some of my items so he could equip my car preset that i always use next i gave him a copy of my logo so he could use it as a watermark just like i do in all my instagram and twitter clips i post i told him to use my camera settings hit some insane shots and get back with me so a few days later he came back and sent me five ridiculous shots that i'm not capable of hitting so for the next five days i would post these clips he sent on my instagram and twitter accounts to see if i could trick my followers and toward the end of the video i even did a live stream where he would secretly be playing for me but before we get any further here's a quick word from our sponsor subscribe button hey guys musty here what i actually need you to do is click that subscribe button because if you do you will be entered in a giveaway for 10 lime octanes and 20xxs which are the items i use on my car so i'll be giving away five musty cars for the new subscribers that subscribe right now and five to people who have already subscribed to the channel so after you've entered all you have to do is comment what platform you're on and your gamer tag or friend code or something so i can contact you i really just want to thank you guys for all the support recently it's been insane lately and as most of you know me and sunless are on the race to 1 million subs and from what i know about sponsorships sunless literally paid thousands of dollars to linus tech tips for a shout out on their channel not gonna lie i did not think he would go down that route but he's gained nearly 40k subs in a few days so now this race is getting really serious but the good news is we are still slightly ahead of him imagine he resorts to paying another channel for a shout out and we still end up beating him to a million if you subscribe right now that is 100 possible plus you'll be entered in that giveaway so if you enjoyed this video you can be a part of history if you subscribe because this may be one of your last chances before i hit a million thank you guys so much and let's get into the video [Music] okay so here is the first clip i posted [Music] and i'm not looking for any cliche reactions here i'm just looking to see if anyone suspects if this isn't me the air dribble ceiling pinch double tap obama musty milkshake reverse turtle bounce shot interesting comment here by josh blitz but i think they do think it's me that was filthier than my search history okay so we have three comments very impressed with my scale literally how how do you think to do that and that's insane all right so on twitter i just captioned i'm a freestyler now let's see what people think nice sick clip someone said nah i wouldn't consider that a freestyle worthy shot even though it was done by the number one freestyling okay interesting so on day one people really didn't suspect anything too much and some people didn't even think the clip was too good which is good for us so let's get down to the second clip it said holy f word really good job to keep it family friendly okay i don't trust my eyes on this that's an interesting comment he's right not to trust his eyes on this okay and for twitter comments don't do it to him so it's just you know compliments so far logan's saying you can't stall though and that is true i'm pretty bad at stalling he's he's on to something here flash force saying okay then obviously impressed with the shot coming here from noah ever since mussy's playing with pros he's been absolutely cracked not gonna lie this is what we'd like to see you know we want people to think it's me in these clips all right and the third clip i posted is really really good it's two clips [Music] actually [Music] all right boys let's see what instagram is thinking here oh my god you're really going pro in no time the improvement is crazy congrats you're improving so much and pacey was coming with eight likes so some people agree with them this can be musty two insane freestyle goals in one day if there's someone else playing on his account or must he became a freestyling god overnight so pc pc's definitely on to something here all right and let's see if twitter is any more suspicious of this so far there's a lot of people impressed with the clips you're cracked bro osm saying you're actually nuts dude so we even are tricking osm here guys pulse musty gopro already dude my ego is just getting inflated here actually cracked and then poyos here toyo saying next video i pranked my twitter followers by posting a shot i can't do but i can do them anyway so poyos is kind of onto something here but he's not too sure opponent has left the chat that was insane what do we even call this yeah this literally was such a good question from from hankovic e-man's saying i smell large cat he does not think it's me but so far a lot of people obviously do think it's me and this comment right here sums up what i'm trying to do to my viewers why have these past couple clips been so good is it hanko playing on your account he's obviously very confused and lucas actually nails it completely all right similar caption on twitter here's one of my best goals ever waden's saying okay dude i'm not sure if that means he's suspicious or really impressed but this clip absolutely blew up on twitter three thousand likes for a clip that that is unreal for me gimmick here very impressed with my clip osm though he's cracked the code he said hi hankovic nice goal i told hankovic to comment something back you said he could not do that to try to get the suspicion off of him really seems like on clip four a lot of the comments are saying you know they smell cap all right so here's the fifth clip it's honestly one of the best goals ever a double musty flick hankovic did for me in training awake danny very impressed holy mustard in the chat musty over sunless con that's actually very true make sure to subscribe right now so you can beat someone's khan in the race to 1 million seriously boys check to make sure you're subscribed we need to beat him to a million two fresh fred saying we know that's not you bro so we really got him here he said why are you insane all of a sudden a lot of people freaking out all right on twitter i decided you know it took me 30 minutes to do but am i the first one to do it someone said from what i've seen you're the first so he hard believes it's me which is great to see someone said i saw hankovic doing that which is actually funny i think he doesn't know but hankovic is doing it in the clip a comment with 104 likes and nine shot hankovic so a lot of people think you know i'm day five that it is him so all five clips over the week did really good in terms of engagement and especially the last two because they almost double the amount of likes i normally get on my posts but as the week went on and on my followers got more and more suspicious and some even stating they knew it was hankovic playing but i had to do one final task to try and prove those doubters wrong so a few days after i posted these clips i did a freestyle tournament with my viewers while i was live streaming on twitch but the catch is as you would guess i still managed to have hankovich playing even during the live stream hitting insane shots because during the live stream i displayed a pre-recorded video of hankovic playing in a tournament as mussy from the week prior basically when i started my stream i set up an actual tournament but secretly ended up switching to the video file basically it was hankovic playing but my facecam and chad were all live so i had to commentate and react as if it were actually me playing and after the tournament i would reveal everything and do a poll to see whether or not my viewers actually believed it was me playing if the majority of people thought it was me playing then i win but if the majority of people figured out it was a prank then i lose flip reset mustard and the double let's go dude okay that is a really good way to start it off i saw tobles do this on twitter let's go dude dude one second boys 112 ping on u.s server yeah i know it's my internet's been so weird lately man i'm getting out the atm t people on the phone like literally look at that i literally saved that on my screen bro the the a t people are coming tomorrow let's see it's going to be tough but going for the musty decent power turtle oh god this is not going to be an easy recovery bro yes sir let's go dude oh my god i'm cracked i'm cracked bro that's literally like i'm not even lying that's one of my best shots ever wait is my face cam not up a few games in i realized i made two critical errors when the first game started i accidentally hovered my mouse on the screen so it showed the play and pause button so for a few seconds people could have figured out it was a video but i don't think too many people noticed i also accidentally turned off facecam which made people suspicious because without the facecam and showed press spacebar to tackle ballcam even though i'm supposed to be on controller but i'm hoping too many people didn't pay attention to that and they still think it's me sorry i literally had no idea my facecam wasn't up i'll save it there we go decent decent decent little musty flick he gave us a good setup for the ground to air dribble here lip reset not gonna be an easy recovery still decent though that's what i was saying it's really right next to the ground better that's too high think of it you'd be playing pretty good though not gonna lie yeah hankovic really is a good player man for sure definitely uh inspires me when it comes to some of these shots you could hit phillips resets better than also than than uh spooner but some i am a little confused for some reason you just played me but that was a week ago good game though hank played well love you biggums gg bro gg keep looking kiana can pull off okay decent musty musty flick the inventor of the shot bro healing shot messy double okay please let's go let's go let's go but i feel like champion's easier to get now i don't know i mean maybe not but uh even get a pogo here decent pop and finish there we go see we can finesse wave dash what the heck my car did not wear dash might have to do a pogo here as a as a last resort there we go that was a decent air dribble though man i'm gonna go for the mustard double should be good cypher please if sniper's in shot someone ban cypher right now it goes to zero that is like i think it just chooses a random winner okay kind of laggy again i might be able to pogo no no no oh he did not expect that one enter rooney bro 147 kph across no way dude what the heck let's see let's see i'm thinking ceiling shot it's all reset and editable and double dude i'm still ahead by a good margin but it's definitely tough there we go must see double to finish it off the stalls okay get the pog champs ready i'm feeling hot on this one turtle cross map let's go okay that's actually a really good setup get the pop champs ready boys this is it don't save it don't save it let's go dude let's go get the pop champs in the chat boys full field turtle messy flick i'll try one of those high air dribbles again kind of like the thing i did in the last map i think we can get it i think i think we actually got the angle boys let's go dude two shots in a row all right there's no way when's this i'll just go for some something cool here okay i guess not honestly kind of popped off in that tournament though ggs though man ggs for sure i will uh i'll be i'll be right back guys give me a give me a sec i'll be right back [Music] huh what's up what's up oh my god i was so nervous this was uh this is hankovic obviously this was not me guys this is not me i i am nowhere near the skill level did you believe it so after i revealed it i did a poll and 52 of my viewers actually thought it was me playing so even though some people knew it was a prank over half of them thought it was real so in my book that's a big dub but i hope you guys enjoyed this video and make sure you're subscribed if you want a chance to win a free lime octane in 20xx and also help us get to 1 million subs before sunless con but with that being said i'll see you in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,078,292
Rating: 4.949955 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, I let the best freestyler play on my account for a week. WIll people notice?, I let the best freestyler play on my account for a week, rocket league freestyle, rocket league freestyler, rocket league best freestyles, henkovic, rocket league henkovic, henkovic rocket league, freestyler undercover, rocket league undercover, musty, musty undercover, RL
Id: QwMLqsxtJU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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