I challenged Rizzo to a game of H.O.R.S.E in Rocket League (freestyle challenge)

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hey gamer it is that time of the year again i usually do a game of horse every few months and it's been a pretty long time since i've done my last game of horse and rocky horse is actually very fun so today we're going to be challenging rizzo if you guys don't know rizzo he is a pro rock league player he's been a pro for four years and he just recently retired to become a full-time content creator so he's kind of the opposite of me because i've been a content creator but i just recently joined a pro team as a sub so we're similar in skill level he definitely is a smarter player than i am positionally and stuff but i've been really working on those mechanics and horse is all about mechanics so today we're going to clash it out and if you don't know how to play horse the full rules will be in the description to quickly summarize how a horse works let's say i want to go for a flip reset i have to call out that i'm going for a flip reset and if i get it rizzo also has to get it and if you cannot get that flip reset then he would get a letter so you just call out the shot you want to do beforehand if you can't get it it's the other person's turn to call out their shot basically you just have to match each other's shots and if you can't match it you get a letter the first person to spell the word horse loses the game but before we get into it i have a cool giveaway for you guys so i'm giving away a titanium white finish all platforms can enter all you have to do is use creator code musty in the item shop right around when this video comes out season three of rock league will be out with the new rocket pass lots of new items so make sure you use creator code musty when you buy those items that's greatly appreciated but for this giveaway you don't even have to buy anything just use creator code musty to support me and my channel i greatly appreciate that and just comment your steam id your steam username xbox username whatever i'll pick one of you guys in one of my future videos i'll announce the winner so make sure to use creator code musty in the item shop to enter and let's get into the video all right of course you know how to play i'll let you go first you choose whatever shot you want uh oh god dude pressure's on me going first first shot here we're gonna go for the uh the cux pinch next pinch go for it yeah not terrible not terrible i mean it's not one of those it had the speed it wasn't worthy of a of a squeak sound effect you know i only do those on the really bad yeah i've seen i've seen that yeah all right i'll i'll try to do cook to pinch myself here [Music] that is like the same exact thing yeah same exact one like i'm just a mediocre pinch off the ceiling uh musty just that no not even a double just the most the into that alright yeah go for it good start to the setup oh no i hate when it goes sideways on you uh i'll go for a double touch [Music] oh my god i can't even do it i'm going for the same exact thing just a musty flake all right [Music] that's called a musty place oh no oh no way and now i'm going to look stupid if i can to be fair i didn't really flick it but yeah you got the motion right i mean he hit the ball [Music] oh my word musty flick hey does it count though i don't know i feel like we were both kind of slacking but i don't know i don't know man if you got an insane flick i would i wouldn't count that but i think i mean mine is obviously worse than yours but i i think let's let's count it let's kind of okay yeah i'll show you for flippers that musty oh god this is actually super tough oh my word all right i'm just gonna try a double touch all right tried that before i actually couldn't even do it this is the one i miss there it is there it is oh good god oh good job oh no no unfortunately not the backboard that's what i didn't know instantly it's so far yeah it's so far to the right all right unfortunately so that's an h but you get to call the next shot i want to do i'm trying the uh the cucks punch again [Music] oh oh better than last time i'm super close i'll try the astral pinch where you can go from the corner if you score this it's already a letter for me holy no i thought i got it that was close all right flip percent musty again all right i didn't get a flip how do you not i don't know dude i swear if i was awesome if i was adjusted that's a flip if you were justin you would have gotten like someone got two flips off that like a gold that's exactly 100 kph how the hell are you gonna do this all right how you feeling how you feeling about this one that's 102 unfortunate 103. oh i was close it's kind of crazy how close you were with that oh i'm actually i'm just gonna keep the ball right here 80k peach ground pinch oh my gosh so you see the the end of the 18 yard box you see this right here you'll soft pass from half field and then my first touch has to be from behind the 18 yard box and i have to air dribble it into the only goal [Music] okay that was super easy with the pass you you should be able to do this one i you know you would really hope so wouldn't you [Music] oh it's close to bouncing but it counts i i don't think it caught no bounce i think it's fine what a weak air dribble yeah that counts so it counts i want you guys to astral flinch i haven't ever tried it first time is a charm i think that's what they say [Music] yup yup yup close close i've tried to start like thousands of times only over here like three times every ceiling pinch has to be going at least 92 kph oh search is safe [Music] that was anna would have been it unfortunately ceiling must be double oh okay okay and complicated over here is there the freestyling oh god pulsarizo oh my god sideways how about a air dribble from your own backboard into the opposite goal and it can't balance but you can like flip it like right away if you want okay [Music] no i've had one more touch showed have been it i'm going for the same thing musty double ceiling i think it's too high oh god damn 17 hours for pulse fire to get so you have the ball bring it right next to your goal line oh bang all the way into the other goal like a pinch pinch off your own goal post okay [Music] ah it's getting there there's like a certain way to hit it yeah i don't think it's going to maybe we could wait 24 hours and it'll roll in but no we're not counting it literally any any ceiling punch as long as it goes in yeah make it easier for myself too i already flipped it up you can bring it back up to the ceiling i'll try the same thing this time from the blue backward i have to air dribble it all the way into the orange goal no bounce okay [Music] no dang it all right i'm gonna go for a flipper set all right [Music] oh the arsenal reset oh nice couch yeah decent didn't say no bounce nice count it count it all right so we're matching each other pretty well just a ceiling shot no bounce [Music] nice oh that was nice that was actually clean that's clean oh god that worked not good not good no it was literally so free too and i just did it yeah perfect set up all right so it's h this time i'm scoring this cox bench [Music] uh i mean is it it is okay it counts i thought it was off at first i thought i could tell either dang it's actually a hard shot to do yeah but yeah third time is a charm this is the one maybe it's your first letter though you know you never know uh maybe i pray to god it's not a squeak sound effect coming up oh my god [Music] i still want to try that thing where i air dribble it from the opposite backboard and to the other net and no bounce this one's looking nice this one's looking good let's go nice that one took me three tries as well it's like third time actually is a charm let's sing this i see you've practiced this all the time on stream yeah i i literally have a training pack just for this yeah i'm probably gonna lift this up not gonna lie but it's okay i'm retired so it's fine oh yeah this is bad oh you just couldn't land all right yeah it's hor for me all right we're going for the wait what are we going for ceiling must be double let's try that again this might be bad oh oh dude wait wait you don't have speed you just like flip sideways it's a turtle irritable and don't do the thing where you get the reset beforehand and use it just literally a normal turtle air drip with no balance okay nice okay i'm actually surprised i got that it's time you got this come on do you need speed on this i don't even know yes yes you do oh no oh that's a disaster all right and so it's h h o r s h stealing musty double it's time oh no oh that was like your closest attempt today i'll try that i'll try ceiling must be double i don't think i've actually tried that yet it's like i think it's like the most fun shot to mess around not quite not quite any gold i guess that is uh between 100 and 105 kph okay okay i don't know what that is i have no idea that's rizzo that's 98 my man that's 98 i know it oh my god i'm drinking the g-fuel his brain is massive oh my god that's crazy oh my god all right watch this i'm going to buy a lottery ticket 98kph no don't do it to me there's no way after this i was warm okay wait or no no no i thought i was saying crossbar there was no crossbar you think it's 90. oh imagine oh mad enough i got that oh my god it's so close okay astral punch it's time god damn i'll try it i'll i'll try it again i'll try it again don't please no don't hit it okay we're we're not trying that one again we're it's a stupid shot our air dribble into the crossbar pinch it though okay okay not too sure i actually hit that one this time not too bad yo this server oh dude this server sucks man oh my god unfortunate that's h oh for me oh for you yeah your shot as well keemstar oh god keem stomp to mussy flick i didn't get the muscle unfortunately air dribble from the same net's corner no bounce all right these are actually kind of tough okay so i'm going off the back order oh my god i miss i will try the fortnight flick what is that i'm just joking okay i'm like oh my gosh uh i'll try cuxer pinch dang it i'm going for the 100 to 105 shot again i think i missed unfortunate unfortunate unfortunate the ball has got to be right around this boost pad over here right around here and then it has to hit the left post and go in dang it i tried i tried that's actually a really hard yeah that was creative i'll give you that uh like same corner thing air dribble but a flip or so with it too i like how i didn't score the first one so i made it harder perfect logic all right yeah there's no way i don't know epic didn't give it to you i'm in their pockets that was actually really mechanical all right it looks good it did look good yeah that looked really cool the ceiling that was such a good recovery too oh okay i was like there's no way flip reset double touch the finisher dang it i got scared when you're going for the i guess i wouldn't have to do that but yeah you wouldn't have to do that it's just like it's in sync man it's like my controller my fingers slowly move into the musty flick position i can't control it man every time okay hold on i got an idea i'm actually going to get you with this one i got an absolute stinker brood over here you have to flick you're going to dribble it you're going to flick before this line you know obviously make it uh but also like no bounce easy enough before this line it's like behind it's like flick here yeah okay well you play one this is stupid why did i do this okay decent i really hope you just slam the back portion yeah it's hard to get like to get it under i think 45 reflex is my best bet all right i'm calculating like all the different flicks in my head i'm like i'm over complicating this all right all right so nervous so nervous for nothing yeah yeah feel like you get somebody to mess up on the easy ones and then it's hilarious all right talking about easy ones oh god no not like this not on the finisher starting from the middle of the field hit the ball into the blue net without a bounce okay that's more let's go [Music] oh my god i can't i can't even i can't even screw it bro all right instead of from the corner you're gonna okay i'm just gonna give an example you're gonna air dribble up this wall and then enter into the same net oh yeah no no flipper set or anything no no flipper no uh no bounce all right pure clean air dribble oh you said no bounce right yeah no bounce dang it's actually hard to do oh i got so scared i got so scared oh my god you know how you said flick from behind this line right yeah i'm gonna make it harder you have to start your flick from behind half field like you have to start your first jump from behind that field and then flick it and no bounce that makes sense all right yeah that's hard to sell dang it i mean yeah that's like that's like one of those that's a really hard one i feel like i want to do this pulse fire shot that you said it's like 80 000 hours there's still way i'm scoring there is no shot if you do this i will literally end the video and give you the win three thousand i don't like the set of alliances i'll try that flick again from behind half field your first jump has to be behind that field so i'll try to probably i can get it late looking oh my god about to have a brain blast you could do another like speed shot or has to be a certain speed oh yeah no i hit that one how would that one for sure 102. one 102 kph i hit the bar oh no no no way it's like air dribble from the corner like i would dribble it from the blue corner but land on the ceiling and then ceiling shot uh oh i like it clean easily this could be the end result yes roll all the marbles no no so close not like this so that's h-o to h-o-r-s-e rizzo you are officially a horse though where can everyone find you where what are your socials what's the channel link uh yeah i basically just rizzo on everything i got brazilian brazil underscore tv on a few of them yeah just just look up look up for us i might be there i might be all right ggs man i'll link all your stuff anyway thanks for playing thank you yeah thanks ggs you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 1,387,331
Rating: 4.9628377 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, Rocket League HORSE, rocket league musty horse, rocket league freestyle, rocket league h.o.r.s.e, rocket league h o r s e, rizzo rocket league, rocket league rizzo, freestyle 1v1, I challenged Rizzo to a game of H.O.R.S.E in Rocket League, rocket league trickshot, rocket league 1v1, musty vs rizzo, rizzo vs musty, freestyle challenge, rl freestyle
Id: ew8scKyQsQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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