DEAL OF A LIFETIME! We Will MAKE BANK! Flea Market Making Money

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welcome back to treasure hunting with jebus guys guess what it's the day after our yard sale and we have a bunch of small changes what are you gonna do with small changes we go to possibly indoor fleet markets and we're definitely gonna try that outdoor fly market again the one we went to last time and it was like nobody there they said sunday's a better day well guess what it's sunday so let's go see what we can find this time don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's go get it can you believe that our giant yard sale yesterday this is all that was left one truckload which we gotta take to the dump later today gotta love it this is like twice the like stream of ice we had yesterday so what better way to take advantage than to skate on it you know if you fall i'm keeping it in the video i'm seriously gonna keep it in there if you off that just hurts my ankles watching all right it's kind of melted down here but that was fun so last time we said diet coke versus tea right yeah and the obvious winners diet coke this time we want to have an even better debate what's better between pepsi i wanna know and dr pepper diet dr pepper you know this one's harder for me because i like that pepper sometimes but pepsi is still better overall if you say coke better than pepsi then just please just don't even continue watching us just go away yeah never come especially no i'm just kidding i still like you but it's better [Music] yeah the market looks like it's popping today there's a lot of people over there this time last time there's like 10 vendors total and they all sucked let's go see if we can get into all right now we're part time to switch over to the body cam thing and let's go find some vendors and hopefully find some good deals this time because last time sucked this place has to make up for itself let's do it a dollar a piece guys and get mattingly for a buck a little bit yeah can you beat that i'll take it man just bought this for a dollar is all this costume jewelry right here yes do you have a price for all of that i was hoping to get twenty dollars for the jar okay are you looking just for costume or primarily if it goes all together costumes worry i do 50 bucks for everything let me pull him over here hold on okay this is this is awful costume and this full of costumes said 50 bucks for all of it what do you think i mean [Music] yeah i just felt i usually uh sell these for 125 different antique shops i'll just uh fill up a big bag like this yeah we're arc it has costume boring you said 50 bucks for this and that yeah all right if you want to you think so yeah i'll take it put this in there too all right i don't want to get broken i won't you don't have to have 15 small chains here i have 220's on i've got change if you need it okay thank you thank you thank you sir a little bit closer to my goal it's all about do you want the glass jar i mean if you don't want it i'll take it yeah i can just pour it in here yes try to get them nice and stuffed yeah yeah all right there you go all right thank you there's like 50s cartoons okay i think we did a really good here that sack i guess i call it a sack that's what i could think of but of jewelry what the heck man that's like freaking at least 40 pounds of jewelry i think it's at least 40 pounds plus we know you guys that go to our auctions love the costume jewelry pick through it find you know crazy vintage pieces i've heard a lot of good stories i thought we sold so that'll definitely be uh plus don mattingly for a dollar where's the knife i didn't show knife right here sorry i got it out there i forgot to start recording i wasn't used to that but yeah here's the knife i bought this for five bucks five bucks i might keep this one for myself it's spring assist too it's that american flag handle so it's a beautiful knife but now where are we going we are going to check azalea flea market which is another outdoor flea market and maybe find some more stuff after that you know who has some of the most underrated hated own food that's actually really good for some reason 7-eleven they have like the cheapest food it's like actually good and those cheeseburger bites that's like my favorite thing in the world and plus you know i'm trying to stick to a keto diet gosh help me stay to diet i feel so much better and then i break it as soon as something goes wrong because well i'm an emotional eating fat guy but you know what i mean this time i got to stay to it and it was cheeseburger by chiquito but now we're on the way we're about 19 minutes away from the next flea market then after that we're thinking of going back to that indoor flea market type place we went to last time and scored really good on the coins so let's go check the outdoor one out then the indoor one and see what else we could find [Music] am i the only one who finds it oddly satisfying when you stop at a light in the mileage on the odometers at an even number 68k even so weirdly satisfying this place is an absolute dead zone i guess everyone knows what they're talking about when they say the other one's sunday this one's saturday this is the big flea market we went to in the last video and found the knives and a bunch of other good stuff there's like four total vendors here look he's got this guy's got canned food and this guy's got like shoes i mean there is nothing here so you want to go to the collectible store yes let's go all right so here we are back at oddballs collectibles and antiques we scored good last time let's go see if we can do it again going back to the body cam actually found a statue we do not have yet super train super trained super train it's like a train with the cave super saiyan trunks with the sword definitely don't have him yet he looks pretty cool and then this is pretty cool too he's 40 bucks but it's just like his head's a backpack i've never seen it before really nothing like there's no room you might be able to hit your wallet you know what literally like a wallet and a pen oh look they have a bunch of like miscellaneous coins tokens and metals and look at that fun it just legit says old coin for three dollars you see how old it is literally can't even make anything out you could tell it's not machine made because it's like thicker here and more inward here it's definitely not machine made but it's just a random old coin for three dollars i gotta know more about this so i think i'm taking that three dollar chance looking through this booth real quick and right here there was this thing that said somewhere on it action figures right there and look what we found we got napa yeah a little mini super detailed super saiyan goku this is like that's nice the exact tattoo i'm gonna get i guess the exact thing so definitely grabbing these two so once again this story did pretty good not as good as last time but you know we got a few good things we got one little thing i'll show you when we get home and do a giant recap of everything that was at the counter so i didn't want to record the people working there i don't know if they like it or not but for now let's go see if we can get into anything else if not we'll go home and show you everything we got in detail so we couldn't find anywhere else interesting but we went home and i'll show you the recap today was like the deal of a lifetime so first before we get into the big bag look over here we got the don mattingly ball and card combo all that was wrong with the bolts at the bottom or loose tighten them up things cool dollar one dollar that's a good find i found this is what i didn't show you these were ten dollars and mark fifty percent off so got this for five bucks it was a us proof set from 1992 and these did very well for us plus we know like we know what you guys like to buy at our auction so we know we try to find stuff you guys like to buy and coins are definitely one of them so 1992 proof set then we got the american flag knife i couldn't resist i'll be adding that to the knife pile look at that super sick nice yeah this is my mystery item what is that for three dollars i couldn't just leave it there i mean it could just be i don't know i don't know turn around but it's just too weird if somebody has any idea i don't know how you would but what it's like i just picked it up and it just says old coin old coin that could be like historic ten thousand dollar roman coin i don't know but i had to keep that now for fifty dollars i can't wait to see this oh we have to weigh it i tried to it wouldn't fit on there but part of the size hanging off it was at 31 pounds so it's more than 31 pounds of jewelry i just don't know how much oh ready yeah oh geez here it goes oh geez oh holy crap whoa so i think we got a lot of jewelry yeah for 50 bucks you got i mean i'm gonna say close to 40 pounds kill it or so the wall is your money yeah there's something in it i know there's not just the way it feels but for 40 bucks i mean how many lots of jewelry do you think this will be no get off get off getting some watches in there this just says outland you even got a highlighter oh bonus what's this crap a fan yay extra stuff this is definitely what we need with so cold every day some bracelets um what else that's a nice looking watch what is that um it won't focus let me see it read it it says oleg cassini oleg cassini all right i don't know it looks it's nice nice like thin pieces like this sometimes could be real gold though um look i don't know that oh jesus there's so much in here there really is i'm just trying to see if anything stands out like watches mostly or anything this is seiko cool look at that nice or i like to call them psycho sorry they're psycho watches so what's this over here look at that it's like a little cat is it a cat just a whole bag of water [Applause] no there's definitely more washes in here in bracelets and just i don't know just a whole lot of everything so i definitely would say to expect some lots of jewelry at our next level let's look in here any markings oh i don't hope there's a piece of gold or silver to slip through maybe in there you never know but anyway that's all we got today hope you enjoyed going around doing random stuff with us if you did leave a thumbs up subscribe if you're new until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 27,177
Rating: 4.959455 out of 5
Keywords: flea market money making, flea market, flea market finds, flea market flip, flea market making money, flea market resale, flea market selling, flea market tips and tricks, how to sell at a flea market, making money flea market vendor, making money at flea markets, making money online, how to be self employed and make money, how to make money, buy and sell, garage sale, how to be self employed, self employment, self employment tax, sell on ebay, storage unit, swap meet
Id: AIJnWA38g0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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