MOTORCYCLE FOUND IN STORAGE UNIT! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found A Motorcycle

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welcome back to try running with devious guys and this is the moment everybody's been waiting for including myself this is the motorcycle unit that we bought for 25 bucks if the audio sucks we're under the freeway bridge right now don't expect the audio to be as good as normal we're gonna try our best here but this new unit right here there's a motorcycle in who knows what else only 25 dollars don't forget to like this video subscribe if you're new let's get into [Music] guys no joke there are over 1500 storage units in this facility we get here one time there's somebody cleaning it out here in here somewhere like ok we go to the other unit we come back somebody's leaning leaving cleaning up the unit there so really okay let's record finally we record the intro somebody else comes to clean up the unit right here and like I don't think this facility sells unit anywhere other than there's ten by ten area but it's really irking my nerves right now okay I think we finally got a good five minutes before our truck comes to clean out that one so let's see what we go founding fathers what to do look at the bike pictures that that bike you think you need their stuff that aside for now he thinks it here more pictures it's like it though yeah I like the manual know what is the medical documents New Yorker dog paper bag puppet you see that right yes okay stop here for back puppet the old drawings what if they're like original Harley designs nothing just personal paperwork all this stuff is so dusty looks like it hasn't been touched in ages just take a Sunbrella take it out all right what do things into cooler coolers are always scary what do you think kidney eyeball close look at the desk them out of it yeah these are must be cool people closer in a wallet hello beautiful everything's in it boom oh nothing and we got what is that I don't know that is a couple CDs in here Daryl Hall and John Oates joy nothing of interest here let's keep pulling stuff out guys what do you think this is mmm drink I'm gonna drink of that don't pull it out either it seems I don't know that that works I just gonna leave it there I think it's a hundred cent P yes it's for its it's fermented piece I think he's got some diseases I don't know like this in his bag oh boy it's just straight trash I don't like it a lot back to straight trash and weird food containers with like a couple nacho these locker nuts here found in the locker worth it bout some locker nuts old busted Dell monitor yay that's great just a battery let's take a car battery with smaller doesn't it yeah what do you think looks like a better motorcycle battery I have never driving a motorcycle own known anyone to own a motorcycle I know nothing about motorcycles but that's my guess what would you say motorcycle we did we got a weird USPS box let's see we got oh just a bunch of freakin clothes nobody want your dirty clothes nobody wants them so we got some dirty cleaner and that is but let's get an iron I sat on the bag oh look what I see a laptop let's take it to me that is a huge laptop I've never seen a laptop this big in my life it's either really old or really expensive Windows XP so I'm gonna go on the very old side mmm look at that nothing too special II think it'll cut on I know well it's probably dead maybe the charge will be in there somewhere that's at least one interesting find so far let's see if we can pull something else out of here to the Honda bike this is just cow that thing that what is this a circuit tester set it's missing one of them now Digga have some value no idea being a tit and some sacks this is just what I wanted to do with my Saturday so we cleaned out all the clothes up here all about two cheap jump nothing expensive so now let's pull this tote out right here I guess alright let's see what kind of trash we got in here we got we got a seat right here in the van it's nice so we got a hard drive right here it looks like what size doesn't say no it says not originally mine you see that that's suspicious a couple old DVDs jumped what is this now it's interesting like I've bought the newspaper doesn't have a title though on the spine I see that not too sure on that set that aside quad-core Windows tablet it's not gonna be in there no what nope what is this used for guys I don't know Joey hey there's an SD card 16 gig SD card no no way the SD cards go on all the day and there's the adapter so that's junk more clothes Jim is that never seen that before no q-tips I would not touch these guys T's tips at their vehicle we also have just like one of those battery readers test your battery it looks like maybe that has some value oh there it is alright I'll see what we got here laptop number one I get it open it's like stuck okay as an IBM Windows XP as well that's where a lot of tops out of this unit we got that one set that aside then we got a Compaq here which is doesn't even tell me the operating system on this one so no idea and then we also got this one let's see what's in here then get it open there it is also does not tell me the operating system no usually just harddrive stuff so for laptops out of this storage unit that's pretty good a little bit huh what is this for what do we have here I'm sure this is what a vegetable just wants in the same container is that thing we found a few minutes ago definitely for vegetables windows 98 Wow all right what else do we have more DVDs here's a couple computer hard drives it's kind of strange alright sheet set there's a laptop case it looks like isn't it there's chargers looks like we had a bunch of laptops energies here thank you to all the junk there's one charger two chargers three chargers did a bunch of lots up case there are no one laptop case sorry just another one highs why does one person need so many laptops how do you even open this one on the side here it is fifth laptop look at that windows side windows me man that's an old empty case Jeanne's we don't want your genes how are they we got that whatever that is Oh Starbucks gift card what is that tool essentials brush wire what is this thing instead of printer looks like a little printer doesn't it that might be a mini printer and this old-school DVD player hmm not looking well for this guy oh is that what I think it is that is exactly what we think it is look at that oh that's busted to crap but if it works that's nice it's a Windows tablet and it's got the keyboard with it now if it'll work I am Not sure but if it does that's pretty sweet this unit was only 25 bucks remember that empty fellow case there's more chargers down here but nothing else too interesting but that could be very well be worth a lot more than we pay for this unit so we just pulled out two laptop cases now what the one person need with so many laptops let's see paperwork paperwork paperwork no interest doesn't look like there's an actual laptop in here I'll just check so where's the cash we need to cash nothing else in there tip you got anything in the front you look good I see we got an old phone just an LG not an Apple or Samsung a nothing but that could tell the story this guy very easily um let's see anything else in this pocket just actual like office laptop stuff so this one's boring - the phone let's see if we got in this one papers papers papers nothing else we get into the main pocket all right there looks like a credit card no it's a value customer card and I actually be like you don't need to have them name they use that and here's some of the SD card so we can figure out what this guy was up to trash just like all receipts Oh another what is that is that a beeper what is that I don't know what that is [Music] this thing else is a a battery to something something shady was going on here I haven't figured out what yet and this is all paperwork as well so you more interesting electronics and a car that might have some money on it so I think we're doing pretty good so far so just look back there behind the motorcycle to pull it out this big suitcase let's throw it up here we got I almost hit my head again tall people problems what is that what is this thing look that a tablet again look at that so it looks like doesn't it strange guys a lot of electronics I don't see any legal need for this video laughs tops phones and tablets just saying few dates in here oh yes is there what please work I want the laser pointer to work so bad yes it works guess what cats got a new toy was it yesterday we've had to buy this I forgot to get a checkup all right nothing else there what do we got power strip nothing else to watch a g-shock watch that's not bad always got to feel this sucks you never know which one has money hidden in them I don't see anything there it feels like there's something in here I gotta figure out how to get to it say your second zipper I think I found one maybe yeah just close open so it looks like this where all the clothes are kept nothing too exciting there so so the suitcase anyway let's find some more so we do have a helmet that has seen a lot better days but it doesn't look how cool it looks like you can eat almost Captain America on the back of it there's some bags over here let's keep that out and see what else we could find so we just pulled out a couple saddlebag things here like a little propane tank and more pill bottles this guy wasn't up to no good I don't think wrench one of those old coins smash things you get a souvenirs all in I think it's an ATAR wrench Shaw said another phone I know it's a mirror looks like a motorcycle mirror that could have some value to it and what's in here wrench set yeah looks like wrenches so nothing too interesting in the saddlebags there's still more about a motorcycle though let's go plot something epic so this figure is so cool I can stop by here hopefully you already tell me if it has some value wait we get out what can we see definitely motorcycle parts this one is empty though this one looks brand it I might that I actually be the other mirror we just pulled out I have YouTube brand new motorcycle mirrors along with some lights I've always heard motorcycle parts are super expensive never actually found any yet so let's coat that's true so this way though they're all string value with actually hanging right here on the handlebar let's take it out and see what's in it along with this shirt some socks everything's in here but well it's good good good guys good guess looks like more clothes you have this socks and shirts no fun I thought they're gonna be interesting in this one finally well nothing in there I think there's another book bag a few where things love let's keep getting it out just fold this box out needles heavy toy things in there ten million dollars right yeah Oh paper similar I guess that is all files that they don't even use that's so boring guys we're almost done let's plot the last couple of things so the last real thing other than bottles in the motorcycle in the unit is this bag here it looks like it has been beat to death look at this side of it um nothing in there the zippers are all broken it won't run it look hmm that makes it a little bit more interesting we have to cut it open I think we had fun tonight very bad guess what we got it open you know what didn't need dirty clothes and toilet paper just what we always wanted so we just got this bad boy out take a look at this solid me that it's a Honda what does that say Matt I can't see a finger saying go 750 look I'm putting miles are on that sucker 338 thousand miles on it it's obviously seeing a much better day you know the crazy part is do you guys think we should start it I think we should try to start it all right hopefully those sound effects work for you guys can't really get it on but that's a pretty bad it's not in that grading condition obviously as you can see but it's there it's there not bad at all all right so let's do a recap on this pretty epic story unit so you guys know usually I like to pop the price stuff but I have no idea what nothing's worth this time so basically I am just clueless I'm pretty sure what we got is worth 125 bucks I know that much but I just don't know how much exactly so first things first but we got the two motorcycle beers I think this one's a mirror and this of the mirror right here Hey look who's in the back there can you see yourself no but we have two motorcycle mirrors right here I don't know how much they're worth it says it's a IEM I do brand VL six one four zero six eight there are eight six my bad like I said before I've never owned a motorcycle I've never known anyone that ever owned a motorcycle so motorcycles are completely foreign to me like 100% we also have these tubes lights which I can only assume go to a motorcycle as well right there here we go they're not new though they are used but they're just dirty they've got dirt on one side the dirt off these will be pretty shiny so again motorcycle people out there we need your help this time around because we're not sure at all so we have those and we also kept this just because I don't know what it's worth I can't find the exact bottle online for some reason so this is a kodak easyshare printer dock series 3 what it looks like is you plug your phone up to it it's my assumption like you put your phone in right here and then you can print picture directly from your phone that's my only guess otherwise I have no idea pick this over a regular printer maybe it's mobile no it needs to plug up still so I'm not sure I'm getting this for your phone it's my only guess these they're not really valuable they're hard drives and they're older hard drives are not really big with I just keep them because I like to see I'm weird like that and we got a plethora of laptops so again laptop number one is this one the chem book and these laptops are all pretty old and outdated so they're not really worth any big value but if you lock them up just like phones people will buy them for parts so last time you saw I think it was like five or six of these older laptops 120 bucks more so they're not worth much but they'll pay for the unit plus them so that's all good and then we got this big momma here never seen a laptop this big in my life it's heavy in huge big laptop there before me one of the other laptops we also got the tablets here look at the back of this tablet I don't even notice that before what is all this information kind of weird isn't it but this one's a RCA tablet says on the case Elise I never actually popped it out to see it it's definitely not Apple so it's not worth to too much but there's that but it does come with the keyboard which is always good so I'm popping out where I don't know it's a tablet it's a cheap one you can tell by looking at any one of those electrons I don't know many things define a storage unit but I'm pretty sufficient with the feeders and things like that that's a cheap tablet so we also have this one here this is an Intel tablet it's the one a Windows tablet that was really cracked as you can see on there again that doesn't mean it's worthless people will also buy these if it's not worth any money on its own we'll put it in the lot we just have a bucket where we save smartphones laptops tablets and things like that that are either you're not worth selling singly or completely broken because again people will buy them for parts have you locked them up we sold a bunch of smartphones efrati ebay for over $100 I think it was like 13 of them none of them were brand-name no Apple no Samsung just cheap little phones people need those parts let's get this one or open this one I guess another laptop like I said we'll find out that one has a definite internal crack I can see it for me how are you they probably are all messed up in some shape way or form but like I said we lock these all up probably 200 bucks warmer so even with only $25 so that's not bad then we got this one here another lifetime so total thing we got five right nicely five lot of Thompson I think the newest OS on any of them was like Windows XP some of them are Windows 98 they had windows and these stickers on that they're just old and here's another laptop here so five laptops two tablets we also have the smartphone which I don't really we haven't gone through this stuff in detail yeah it's just all thrown in there and now because we have both unity I don't when you'll see you tomorrow is also in the van but all this stuff came out of the 25 dollar unit and obviously obviously there's a big motorcycle in the storage unit but as you see from our past videos the best one I can think of is when we do a locker nuts with the boats the laws when it comes to vehicles and storage units can get very very complex a lot of people think it's just as basic guys it's in a unit you buy it it's yours it should be it really should be that's how it should be but unfortunately with these big storage unit companies that's not how it works if you're buying out like a Joe's storage down the street that's one that's probably how it works for them but these big ones like extra space public storage places like that they have a whole process they have to go through through corporate has nothing to do with the people I never see the last time we did this people are yelling in our comments that managers crap them in addition the managers and people at work they have nothing to do with it nothing at all the corporate has things put in process or put in whatever they can't do it this put it like that they can't just give it to you so we really gotta wait on that hopefully we get some good news back on the water cycle me and as you saw it's not in the greatest condition but it's still a motorcycle for $25 so hopefully we get some good news backs the boats we didn't get good news back what's up the motorcycle are different this time but anyway the TF is over joy makes you live in a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure and babies all the time if you do want a falls on our social media likes I'm gonna be on screen click the X down description below well make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace up [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 113,002
Rating: 4.8085427 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle found in storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a motorcycle, car found in storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit, treasure hunting with jebus, I Bought A $1000 Abandoned Storage Unit and Found This.., i bought an abandoned storage unit for $10, storage auction, storage unit auction, storage locker auction, storage unit
Id: InIBiUp28tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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