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well today was an interesting day to say the least it started as something that was going to be fun we were going to an auction we were going to bid on some things have a good old time and bring you guys a video unfortunately that's not how things unfolded as today went on before we get started guys i'm not gonna i'm in a little bit of a bad mood can you please just take two seconds leave the video a thumbs up it really does make us feel better when we see a lot of people like enjoy the videos and of course if you're new subscribe because we have content like this all the time but let's get into this crazy story in order to understand how we got to this point first let me explain what our original plan was so we got up to go to one of the palette slash item auctions where they have a bunch of pallets for sale and they also have a bunch of individual items for sale so we decided to go there let's get a cool video let's see what we can buy let's see we can make some money and entertain you people you know what we usually do so that's what we did at first 84. good morning is today 25 number one everything was going perfectly fine right we were looking at the locks we were getting our footage we were gonna come home make a good video hopefully get some good items at a decent price but then everything started to go south this is what i know this mr mccarron douchebag with the clipboard was trying to block the camera from us recording so we couldn't get any footage and started to pick up on this and it was like okay this guy's getting on my nerves really bad what are you doing mind your business back up social distance man get with them get away from me you know what i mean and then we get the funniest thing ever you're not allowed to record here it's illegal that's funny in a lot of ways because well there's this cool thing it's on the internet it's called google it's a search engine that allows you to ask it questions see a question is when you don't know something and you put it in there and you can get the answer again this is stuff you usually learn third fourth grade or so but i'm assuming you didn't make it that far so if you type it in google virginia recording laws guess what this is called a one party consent state one that's the number that comes before too after zero by the way in case you were unaware party meaning the people involved in the recording one party consent law what does that mean in a public setting i do not need to ask you if i can record you it is perfectly legal to record it again this is like lol this is like you know high school stuff and i'm definitely sure you've never even seen high school i'm down in middle school i'm trying to educate you here you know i'm trying to be your friend even though you were mean to us to try to kick us out of here but then we get the funniest message of all they say if he knew you're recording he could sue you well first of all if you guys watched our other video the other auctioneer perfectly solid recording wave so does it go on youtube cool whatever tag us they don't care about that so first of all you're an idiot you should talk to people before you start making idiotic rules second how can anybody sue you for doing something that's completely legal like i just i for the life of me don't understand how some people make it to adulthood with such a tiny particle of intel i don't even believe that's there i really don't i believe it's completely hollow like you ever seen those cartoons where just a mouse that's not running at all that mouse is like stopped running years ago he's a skeleton the skeleton's partially dissolved the wheels rusted there's nothing going on in there so after mr mccarron douchebag said all this stuff then of course they go to the you're not allowed to be in here because you're recording which again goodwill is a business so they do have the right to say you can't record in our business but as far as legality goes they have none they can tell you you can't come back they can say you know your trespassed or whatever that's perfectly fine but to lie about the silly stuff was just ignorant and annoying and it just shows your complete lack of basic intelligence at all they told us we had to leave of course everything's everybody's fault right because my mom was with us too she was trying to bid on a pair of shoes there they wanted for the gym not even nothing to do with us recording but because she was with us guess what they had to leave too and she had to go too so that also kind of aggravated me just in general they really just it annoyed the crap out of me my other question is how did anybody notice because we heard a lot of people talking like mumbling under their breath but like i said before you guys know how haters are when they're behind the screen and in the comments they got a big mouth but when they're in person they look at their boots and they'll say nothing that's what it is that's how it is when you're a pathetic coward i don't know if somebody told them who we were and the fact that we were recording because the little red light the blinks had tape over it you could there's no way i mean unless you knew to look for that thing you're not going to see you knew exactly who we were and you were looking for something to record so i'm guessing there's some big mouth hater out there that as usual like i always say they probably run their mouse on the computer then when they're in person nobody said nobody ever says nothing i've gotten 10 000 plus hate comments but not once have i ever had anyone say a word to my face and again that's how it works when you're just you know angry and bitter at the world but you're also a coward you want to say nothing to nobody's face because you're pathetic so they made us leave which kind of sucked but at the same time it was kind of funny because just the pure level of stupidity show this is how i kind of want to end this story they told me not to come back afterwards they kicked everybody out of this auction right but they told me specifically not to come back they didn't tell anyone else they couldn't come back so knowing that legally they have absolutely no power and the worst thing they can do is bananas from the ban them from the building my question to you guys is do you think it would be hilarious to send those two back my mom and amber back to the auction house and try to record again just because why not it'd be hilarious just to take off some already angry people and the fact that they're just again if somebody's super cool about just saying we don't want to be recorded they're super cool about it it's no problem you know what i mean i don't have an issue with that there's quite a few auctioneers there's one in california a couple other ones we ran into they were just cool they said they would rather not be on camera they're nice about it whatever i'm not going to record you but when you start coming threatening and doing everybody guilty by association and nobody did anything then you're just being an annoying you know what and yes i'm i'm going to make it like my point to bother you and aggravate you because you're doing it to me and you're stopping us from getting our footage and yeah it was just annoying so what do you guys think put it down in the comments below should we send them back with the camera again just to see what they say this time you should bring out print out a little sheet of virginia law you know what if we got a shirt made or something put it on the shirt that says virginia one party consent state and explain the law i mean that's far stretch assuming he knows how to read and i don't think so but maybe like a little press to play thing so they can actually be read out to them because you know they can't read themselves so i don't know let us know what you guys think i think we all know what the real truth is why they don't want recording there it has nothing to do with somebody getting sued and whatnot and so they try to portray their image as this gracious company that helps the public and everything when in reality they're taking everybody's donations auctioning them off and their ceo sitting in a fat mansion with a supercar they're not a charitable donation even though you can claim it on your taxes anyone that hasn't done their research please just take five minutes on google and learn that they're just as full as crap as their crappy employees the wonderful life of a youtuber you never know how your day's gonna end it usually never ends the way you expect it to but anyway that's all we got for today hope you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 58,673
Rating: 4.8958335 out of 5
Keywords: kicked out and banned from auctions, pallet auction, storage auction, auction, kicked out, storage unit auction, goodwill auction, goodwill pallet auction, auction profit, how to make money, making money, self employment, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: RC4Si__siC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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