BODY FOUND In Storage Unit! Why Us... Storage Unit Finds Can Be SCARY!

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oh gosh i hate finding this in the unit i just can't see how you put that in the storage unit we are back at our vintage collectible gold mine of a storage unit only paid 360 dollars severely underpriced my favorite con and every box we pulled out just about has been insane i'm ready to get back into it we barely made it dead let's do it before i start pulling boxes out we took the two tvs that were in there out they're not like some super new light flat screen but they're not box tvs either so they're decent we might put that one in our room just with an old xbox tab netflix upstairs so double nice tvs we're getting some of the big stuff out here first again another vacuum let's set that aside i don't want to keep digging down this one side we got to kind of clear stuff out over here as well what is this looks like the fly thing oh no i thought it was a triangle that's it mate something lante's alpha m okay it's just kind of not what i'm saying no i thought it was gonna be something cool yeah i mean our stuff's not bad that calligraphy stuff a set yeah look we saw those earlier like the little pen tips hot glue gun a bunch of blue stuff so overall that's a decent little box like crafting stuff also have a tool bag right here let's see what we got in there flashlight oh wow a nice saw check that one out what brand is that uh you see a brain on a milwaukee little walkie saw and what is this like a jackhammer thing that's another kind of saw that was it milwaukee yes swat sole the hatchet okay that thing and looks like a charger in there so nice few milwaukee tools so just move this big box of books and mostly it's just newer books aren't worth much but this was in here the ambassador stamp album and it looks like it has like a bunch of pages they can go and fill in themselves so there are some stamps in here i'm seeing a lot of foreign ones i don't know if it's like a foreign collection or what but there's definitely some stamps in this book like that one has had a lot this page has quite a few on there as well so fault that was kind of cool i know stamps are one of those things where this one's worth half a cent and this one's worth three thousand dollars and they look exactly the same so that's kind of cool let's get this big old microwave oven yeah it is it's pretty big and heavy gonna set that there because i think everyone knows what i'm like what it looks like let's see what's in there whoa get the bear come here check him out he's just holding something it looks like up here yeah but he's cool and no make on them like usual so maybe five dollars maybe a hundred dollars look at them that's pretty cool put like a little plate on there haven't holding something all right let's get this out so these frames just kind of went down this is a big old walmart van where did i put my knife at here it is let's see hopefully in your pocket no probably one of those it's packed on the trunk already all right let's see here open open open ah looks like it's gonna be a closed box but a lot of other boxes they use clothes as padding for other stuff but unfortunately i don't think it's the case with this one nothing will close all the way down and nothing but clothes all the way down so i can see kind of a guitar tip back here but we'll get to that in a bit look right there you see it yep some type of guitar piece all right i saw this behind the boxes that instantly had ptsd and thought it was a bunch of tackle boxes but it just looks really random so let's figure out how to open it i guess you just pop it like that are these all cigarette tops i remember you used to be able to turn these in for something yeah okay so cigarettes and let's see what's in this one oh these are confusing pine cones joy they don't smell like nothing so this has been a great box so far cigarette tops and pine cones this is what we do it for you know what this is yeah let me show you how to do it we're just gonna go back together a couple things there's like a people jfk it looks like magazine so kind of cool south africa accepts pack so these might be like historic newspapers look harbor 84. these are definitely unprotected things for some reason says deploy eight ships in persian golf i mean you have quite a few another jfk one and look jfk again is that the moon landing no the gift of apollo something to do with space next one random baseball major league baseball for 1991 is it like a just a collector when i got to tony tiger let's see what else is in here looks like crafty stuff we definitely have some crafting lots next time we have auction so that let's see what's in this one an almanac pictures more crafty type things something like that the last piece is empty well all right that was strange maybe the newspapers are worth something other than that crafting stuff so look what i pulled out and i've legitimate flipping and looking at this thing for like the past five minutes and there is not a make or a brand anywhere on this guitar i looked at every little piece but it's dusty is there something on the inside it's dusty i don't see anything on the inside but i mean oh play it i have no idea what that could be worth because they won't give us a brand it's a theme here isn't it all right so we got us another box here let's see what's in this one who is this guy from center um is that somebody should know who it is wars um kenny rogers there's two of them i don't know look inside what is this i was right look at you two of those look at that star wars star wars trilogy huh it's a vhs set star wars then put the empire strikes back and return to the jedi no idea if that's gonna be worth something star wars usually is though oh look what is this one army i've always been told what vhs is you want to look for the old corny horror movies those are the best remotes another box play that thing let's do it first what is it oh my goodness who remembers getting these things out of the machine having to put quarter after quarter after quarter never getting it out of all the teams you choose to keep the nasty cowboys in i can't even see what that says who is that i mean it's an eagle all right i don't know if it's the eagles though uh that there's a collection of these little guys and look coca-cola truck let's see what years on him 2002 but it's metal and some of these little collectible baby looking things those i think we have like a picker here yeah that's what it seems like that's an adjustment though i will pull out a second hold on remotes remote sell on ebay for like 10 bucks a piece depending on the ball so installed a few but usually i don't mess with them this is a photo album it's got pictures in it and stuff or pictures long riders definitely going to check all these vhs's because these people seem to know what they are looking for oh there's some art stuff down here look come on so look a needle thing and there's like one of those things that everybody used to get for christmas when you're younger that has like pastels markers crowns colored pencils there's one of those things in there too before i set down this 7 450 pound box guys make sure you like the video please we want to make 20 21 the most like year ever because you guys crushed it for december and of course subscribe if you're new because we do awesome stuff like this all the time when things are normal don't count january january was abnormal let's see what's in here oh wow they look like old books though oh hold on look at this gallic wars by albert 1888 this is going to be a very interesting box like i said i said this in another video if you're not joining facebook specialty groups you're wasting time there's groups for vintage books sports memorabilia tape cd everything so they'll tell you what you got and you don't have to spend hours looking up every individual thing they enjoy it look at this one 1902 i don't see a date on that i'm just going to kind of look at the one in the sleeves look at this old book here yeah the what blue jackets manual 1943. this is cool philosophy of religion um what is this one here alice in wonderland could this be like an original of that book let's see how old it is it looks old where's the copyright date at all it's reserved i don't see one but it definitely looks older you have some baseball magazines star wars too so there's some baseball stuff right there star wars stuff and some books again star wars official 20th commemorative magazine and just some random other books i'm trying to look for ones in sleeves in particular oh look at this age of that let's just open this one up let's see if we can find a date on it i like looking for the dates finding old stuff's just cool 1954 so something like that and the rest of it looks like random books and magazines which again could be valuable i just don't want to go through it all right now this box has a much friendlier weight to it not back breaking oh no the dreaded word right there but you know what efficient everything's been collectible and you know what the knife's already gone there it is okay i gotta say it already ran i don't lose it you know they run themselves they grow away of course let's see open open open something evidently parents don't believe they always say it like a kid said something what did you grow legs walk away yes it did actually that happens all the time ribbon crafting stuffing yeah there's some crafting in there so like i said before we'll definitely have crafting lots next time we have a live auction but i just don't want to look at this kind of christmas stuff the vintage stuff that's kind of cool with this kind of stuff it's just not cool let's go through some of the frame stuff we got here so we got what looks like a little bit of heaven you know out in the woods out in the river fishing and stuff super nice what is this one oh that's that's a nice piece there though it's by lee tetler but it looks like in one of the memorials obviously somebody probably crying off or someone that lost sad art but it's nice for military people to stay stay all right look at this one it's a little beat up but i want you for the navy that's pretty cool you always see like the old army one you know i want you with the guy pointing on it first time seeing the navy one yeah so that one this one is just outdoors pretty looking area what's this little one down here when i'm with you all the time stand still it's like a plot this looks like it'd be like some sports memorabilia thing you know what i mean yeah not a picture and then we have this one which is upside down looks like a cool zebra this stuff's actually painted yeah actual canvas people have some legit talent man i could barely write my name and a couple more over here and lastly this one looks more just like a home decor if you should get like a home decor store not nothing fancy done they actually paid 40 bucks for price tags on the back so kind of cool got the next box down oh boy gnomes we found so many knows it's more the same thing i mean it's cool because some of them could be worth a lot of money people collecting they look cool they do look cool looking at them i know there's like a lot of stuff that i think is really cool but like i don't want to collect yeah like i think those are cool probably just because i'm not like these nerdy kind of games that have stuff like creatures and stuff like that whoa well i already know this is not all gnomes check that out this is old fitch gerald prime kentucky straight bourbon whiskey that's pretty sweet and that's what they speaking pretty freaking sweet sometimes i speak in cursive you know that's all right that so we see already this is not gonna be all known i love can i say it again these boxes where everything's wrapped it's like literal christmas with antiquey cool things these are what i was looking for that's an owl actually an allen gnome wise and wonderful again look it's got like a coin in there which is kind of cool no idea what these things are worth right now but i'm hoping money like i said even at like if they're worth like 20 a piece then we have a thousand two thousand dollars like it's just we have a lot of them let's see what this is this is heavy whoa look at that metal kicking mule how does it go back down okay look you have to press a little button here and it lets that go so it comes up that's pretty cool man i love this cool vintage stuff what did it say it says the bank on the on this side does it yeah what about the bottom you say anything nothing it's just metal yeah that's super cool i said i'm having such a good time in this unit man we almost didn't buy it because it was over an hour drive away but the price was so good for this many boxes i mean look in here still this goes 10 feet back we've still really barely made a dent and we got i say multiple multiple times we paid for it already the best kind let's see what's in this one right here there goes another gnome this one herb wonder what his revlon level is sorry runescape jokes i'm a nerd that one there's a lot of gnomes in gilanoi there is or there are what is that like a huh let's say a first look like a golf club but it's kind of like it looks like a solar solar thing okay so maybe it takes solar energy and lights the angel up maybe that's just my guess good guess thank you thank you i'm 27 now so you're a lot smarter now another wiser yep all right let's see is that another no baseball now these are so cool like you said i can't wait to be done with this unit i want to open all of them and just put them on a table and just be like crazy looking display just to see if they have to fill the dining room floor i don't think yeah it's just a lot i think it's more than just table yeah even all our tables together i don't think they're going to be enough check them out two of them here buddies with his finger in his mouth he's looking all seductive he's like hey let me see blark clark clark in 1985 so the dates have been very varied too they vary all over the place very very they made a lot of sense they vary greatly i'm gonna open one more and just see if that's what it is i don't want to open them for 20 minutes kind of do but i don't know if you guys want to watch me open them for 20 minutes oh some color on this one look at this guy pretty cool again another entire box of collectibles next box here it says a dot glass so the last one had gnomes had glassware on one side too so i don't know what's going to be in here but all the glassware we found so far looks like nice high-end stuff so even when i'm finding it right now i'm not mad if it's sellable i'm never mad let's see if we got more of that same english so definitely a plate come on white with blue designs please please uh it's different this time this is 26 apple blossom and i mean if you're picking them these up at yard sales or flea markets or something you're probably also paying less than it's really worth or else why would you buy it do you think that this is a personal collector or someone that had like a little store i don't know i really don't whatever this is it's no more gear this is shaggy i want to pull this out and see what it is same type of thing 1924 to 1955 is what it says it says duncan miller on it cut from 24 to 25 they paid 11 bucks for it and this one looks like it might be the same thing yeah so these that's what these are right here if there's three of them in there so they're eleven a piece that could be thirty dollars for this vintage set here nicely see what this one is this is a mug it feels like oh look at that place stein right yeah budweiser definitely super nice like literally there's been like the ratio is like probably 18 out of 20 has been crazy and maybe two out of 20 have been just like closed crap like that and we didn't even look in them the clothes boxing could be really nice too it could be good clothes look at that one's got like this is metal and this is glass what's it say on the bottom sterling look at that sterling silver base can you see it it's trying to focus there we go yep sterling so it says that sterling set in here that's glass you know what that means let's pull out a couple more pieces i was about to stop after that one now that i see sterling i'm a little excited let's see what this is really quick open i'm glad they wrapped it like this but it's also very annoying look at that five bucks whatever it is all right that let's pull out one more big one and see if we see anything at this sterling obviously we will go into this stuff in a lot more detail later on open open oh my goodness 30 bucks desert or dessert rose desert desert dessert two s's for dessert but it's a plate i don't think dessert that 30 bucks for this so no telling this could be a five or six hundred dollar box of plates and things like that we just don't know but it's awesome to see this box says bread machine on it i mean they're talking obviously talking about money right you know what i mean that kind of bread it's just that's what i mean it's worth a lot of bread worth a lot of money no but seriously it's probably a vintage bread maker if i had to guess but let's open it up and see because most of their boxes have been ready but a few of them have been wrong that's exactly what it looks like i don't know if it's necessarily vintage but i can tell that's like a loaf thing right there it looks like you think so no idea the machine itself that's this might be what they put it in after it's done but yeah whole bread machine another box that says kitchen this time but like i said we're checking them all because the glassware has been money this little cup thing has sterling on it so there's always a chance of a silver set we're looking at everything in here what do you think crap kitchen stuff or money kits and stuff money tupperware this is basically throw out at the yard sale whatever somebody walks up and offers me it's freaking deal you can have it and get it out of here i got another box this one i don't see a label so mystery box let's see well they're all kind of mystery boxes but the ones without labels are more mystery let's see what's in there okay this looks like kind of junky stuff maybe not because look right here coca-cola delicious and refreshing i gotta say coat's okay but 10 out of 10 days of the week pepsi is better than coke sorry i said it true stock pepper is better than both dr pepper's number two diet pepsi slash pepsi max like it's like a camel ashtray it looks like is that gold or something what is this i don't know what that is but that's in there so coca-cola thing oh look at this check that out like a coca-cola yeah holder so i'm guessing i'm gonna throw this down what'd you just break there's something in there what did you just break okay just a glass that more coca-cola i can't wait for it we're just like oh great another ashtray it's just a plain white cup so i'm hoping it's not something expensive look at this standing like a canteen almost that's what it looks like to me what's this this looks interesting oh what is it a card holder i don't know these are all cards if they all have money in them yeah let's check them all eventually i'll check a few what is this coca-cola it's a coke coaster all right these people like their coke man sorry pepsi is just superior products i feel like coca-cola is more collectible forever grateful this is just somebody's certificate they'll get that back i'm gonna check one more card just to make sure sun sun sun happy father's day a lot of these are new so maybe they bought them knew to give out or maybe this fits what we were saying before they had their self like a flea market type thrift store maybe but overall in here not seeing too much else the rest of it looks like just basic kitchen stuff unfortunately i got to be another one heavy it's pretty heavy is it labeled cart's going backwards oh sorry you almost handed it to me bully first sorry let's see what it is what do you think yeah that's why it's heavy i see books then picture frames let's make sure it's not all personal stuff because it's looking like a lot of it uh department of the navy certificate so it's military this might be legitimately all personal pictures whoa what's this there's a it's a bunch of personal pictures and then oh gosh i hate finding this in the unit see that yes i just can't see how you just put that in the store to it i really can't so this box is definitely one that's pretty sure that's gonna all be going back to the front because all the only thing else i see in here is just personal pictures let's see what's in the next box i hope there's no more stuff like that i hate finding that kind of stuff and you always give it back but it's like how did it end up in a storage you know what i mean what you gotta put it somewhere yeah i don't get it but whoa there's all scissors first off look coca-cola bear uh what is this they're different shapes whoa it's a wheel yeah look like your styles wings clouds victorian lace that's pretty cool i don't get anything like that a toaster set that over there i'm seeing more coca-cola truck here what's this coca-cola something it looks like maybe japanese or something all right what's this cutting board cutting board silverware thing with us look christmas ornament what's this oh look at that cool you know 100 percent this is a kill collector at a restaurant like a waiter looking right thank you you know 100 that's okay uh pills and yeah the toaster but again the coke collectibles just keep on coming next box all right more collectibles please i know you get a coin collection somewhere or silver something like that what fingers crossed oh no guaranteed seen this episode already definitely you just got to be ready for it can you even see sure all right so let's see what i'm seeing little collectible figures look at this like giraffe and stuff what is it from kay's collection so little giraffes bear train baby in like a rabbit suit just a bunch of little things like that but it looks like some bicker dolls in here let me get this out the way really quick let's throw some clothes out close we'll check those later what's this some bigger doll hi they're kind of look creepy real looking uh check the foot check the back molested all basically the new material is not telling me where she is on the foot maybe no and no so another mystery item no idea how old that is put that all over here there's another one in here chill [Music] and again look at those legs man a little bow-legged just a little bit not seeing anything on her but another older guy assuming holder maybe not dull oh look at this these are all the boy scouts boy scout patches aren't they cool that's what they look like to me some of these can be worth a lot of money too it just depends on the age of them exactly what they are oh what what's that yep oh what's this oh come on come on no all that's in there is this i don't know what that is all right there's more stuff in here though it goes deep can you see it what are all these there's no way i think they look like quarter maps come on come out come out dance all right please oh well not used that's exactly what they are though not used come on give me one out of four at least certificate of authenticity oh boy with no quarters what's good certificate and one more before i'm completely overwhelmed by quarter maps no quarters in any of these unfortunately let me just set these down and there's a couple more in here one more in here but i doubt it's gonna have anything nope no quarters and well other than that we got some christmas decorations in this big boy here coca-cola bottle and decorations in the rest next box will be coming next time so make sure you subscribe to come back bye
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 56,318
Rating: 4.8803878 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 324uCbn67B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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