I Made A FULLY AUTOMATED Dome in Dome Keeper

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so after my last video of domekeeper there was some comments that I should try out one of the game modes and it's this one right here choose your modifier automation start with all defensive gadgets and Gadget autonomy but without a main weapon let your Dome do the work it's like literally I have no ability to fire the mega giant laser also a fully upgraded HUD might be a good plan so let's just start this and see what happens there's just something satisfying me every time crushing the poor little shadow creature because it doesn't leave okay so we have the spider to begin with and it also looks like we have the uh the auto turret interesting I want to see what upgrades we do have okay so we have the autonomy one here but no other the autonomy one down here where is it the autonomy is this one and this one all right so those are the two that we have plus the spiers autonomous oh and this is the stun laser so it's a stun laser the auto Cannon and the Spire that's kind of unique I like that I'm gonna have to get a lot of upgrades for them but I still like having them oh we have some shiny rocks to begin with having the HUD is nice too so the enemies I know where they are all right let's grab that we're gonna get some upgrades right away I'm gonna go for the jet back I like having a faster speed we found some nice gooey shiny juicy rocks that we can mine through quickly too good so these four I'm going to use to buy the drill strength upgrade that was the one I wanted to buy game would you let me buy it please thank you so I can move a little faster I can dig a little quicker and eat some water I don't know if I'm gonna need that at all but I'll gather it anyway now I shouldn't have to worry about being back on the number of waves right because I mean I can't shoot the giant laser anyway I just have to level up my Cannon all the way or like everything else that's there oh boy I don't like that sound everything's smashing already all right I mean it's working as intended but it's not working well thankfully I can't afford a few more upgrades probably just want to get the speed I'm thinking speed is going to be key here so I can get more resources back as quickly as I can I'm also going to punch my way across this way just so I can find all the good gooey stuff over here we'll use this as like a bulldozer to bring that one Shiny Rock all the way to the middle and now I'm gonna start upgrading if I can upgrading the auto turret I think that could be a good idea all right good job that's what I needed okay upgrades let's go with the auto cannon that's the shield Sun laser auto Cannon improved Auto Cannon beautiful improves all aspects of it okay is it just gonna shoot it down please get this stun on there we go there you go you missed your first shot but I got it the second cool that works well I'm making it back up to another wave and I don't know what's happened yet hey it's working all right it's shooting things nice I don't mind this at all I kind of like the digging aspect of this game but now I do want to go to the machine gun upgrades because these seem to be better than the other ones so if I can combine the machine gun plus the stun laser everything can be fully autonomous I do think the bigger problem is though the lack of water for upgrades right so I've just been searching for it oh we got a new one of these if this could be the condenser that'd be fun oh there's some water too nice or a drill bird I could never pass up drilbert please be a drill bird if it was a drill bird and the condenser it might be sad but the teleporter could be cool a lot of people like the teleporter because uh you can teleport back and forth but you can also drop it in a hole and it'll teleport all of the materials back to the surface so like right now there's a lot of things down here and I can only carry like six or seven up at a time but if I had that teleporter upgrade I could just drop the teleporter in it and everything would automatically get teleported to the top okay how's this working all right looks good I mean I can't even go to the attack screen but I could get more upgrades hmm I only have one only one thing so area studs stun blast around the Target Monster the stungs nearby okay it fires for logger which is a damaging one I want the damage is this the damage area stun two stun's strength firing stamina speed area growth area damage see that's the one I want to get to especially with all those little popcorn things on the ground and I can't afford this yet so I think we need to get the areas done so it stuns like a lot okay do your work do your work little Cannon there it goes yes that was awesome I want to see the teleporter upgrade too okay so teleport resources I need three water for that I did forget something though I was gonna buy the uh upgrade for the mining strength so I can go quicker thankfully I have the teleporter and now I can do the zoom zoom zoom zoom so fast I'm surprised this is working though it seems such a weird thing to have no weapons no no physical laser is the laser physical though is light really a particle oh look at this this is a particle a particle of yum oh so much yum ooh even more yum three of them okay it's working the stud laser is stunning wow hot dang did that do good all right that was kind of awesome these are getting messed up the stun laser oh okay suddenly oh wow that's so cool stud laser if you charge down and might need to upgrade this stud lasers uh firing to oh my goodness that's fantastic that was perfect so I don't need to upgrade that I want to upgrade the uh this thing right here teleport resources so I can tell I can't teleport myself anymore oh I can I thought that removed the ability maybe I can't teleport back let's see yeah I can't but I could pick it up so that's cool all right we're gonna pick up all of these we're just gonna fart our way over here with a little space fart plane and if I drill down right here where everything else is yes it's gonna start teleporting perfect then I can gather the rest of this goo use it as a choo choo train to derail all these little particles into the hole my goodness there's a lot of iron here all right whatever time to find some more water Oh okay that's cool I like this I'm gonna borrow two of these please this is the upgrade for vision so if I put these in then if I grab that I can see better now I need to dig every four wide oh there's some water neat kitty cat do you leave my stuff alone Bad Kitty oh I missed a piece in there that's okay I'm not planning on using a Cobalt today unless uh these guys are just really not good to me oh my goodness is the wave over oh no there's something large over there there's something large over here I need faster rotation speed I think speed one stun laser moves faster I also want this one but I can't afford it there you go oh my all right good oh this is working so well this is so cool I don't need my big laser thing oh I can I can teleport down too now I'm stuck in a hole with all of you I see a lot of resources below me wow it's gonna be fun there's a ton of resources here too where's all the water though that's what I really need speaking of needing uh this one I need that one I need this one too come on two more shoot this might be a really bad idea but I'm totally trusting my defense just to defense properly I hear things happening okay The Shield is still holding so that's cool I just need water okay we gotta hit that's not good oh there's water right there okay we're taking slight bit of damage not much though not much I think the level's over nice we successfully survived another wave that I wasn't even there for automated defenses are the way of the future man so I got three more water involved that'll be fun so I can use those ooh another jet pack okay we need to we need I don't care about the The Shield right now that one's okay do I want do I want an area stun larger maybe I want that damage I can afford it I can afford damage do I want the damage what does this area growth we're doing the damage or should I use those two to level up my teleporter shoot I can't all right we're gonna take machine gun level two that's probably a better choice come on everyone come on over the weather is fun oh some of them missed it that's okay I still have lots of trash to go into the trash hole I just gotta push it down a little bit all right put that in the middle now we'll go explore on this side oh my goodness why is there so much iron today just gotta fill up the septic tank here we go drop a shiny right inside of it oh hey A Relic oh and water beautiful all right I need to take a trip up anyway what is that sound oh it's probably the Relic obviously okay something's hitting our Shield something is smacking The Shield oh there's another big hit don't know if I like that please not another one please not another one hey yes level complete again all right condenser please condenser please drilbert condenser oh no oh no the adopt a lovable creature ah I need the condenser for levels up but we need drilbird for drilbert oh no okay we're gonna do this we're gonna do this and then wherever I stop it gets okay condenser it is all right I didn't like that I feel bad because drewbert's not with us that's okay he can come back next time I want to upgrade to machine gun good so now this thing is pretty good we have the speed up as well all right that's what I went with so the machine gun is fully upgraded that's awesome I'm really thinking about taking a load of iron up then I can use those 12 I brought up to get even more faster speed yes gotta go quick and then we found another shiny with two more water in it which is cool and another shiny with a lot more iron in it I really want to be here for another wave just because I'm scared that ow things are hitting me really hard okay it killed whatever was there hitting me it's a little bit scary just fully trusting the automations it worked it worked we're alive okay so another good amount of materials and next I want to upgrade the teleporter um that's also nice too but we gotta upgrade this teleporter 16 seconds to six seconds that's a huge increase I also want to know what this does okay production speed one of these is auto collect okay Auto collect so if I get the production speed that's cool and then we can Auto collect I don't know why I'm flying down here I have an upgrade that lets me not fly I can just teleport to things if I wanted to oh that's delicious thank you Game oh this is more delicious thank you more game just gonna dig a tunnel back to the teleporter and use that to teleport these Goods right up nice it's working it's working one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five one thousand nice it is working I just had a count sometimes I don't trust computers to count for me nice another water node over here it's too fast now I mean I'm not gonna complain but it's like too fast oh hello other Relic I want to go up and watch the battle I want to go up and watch the battle I want to go up in the watch can I watch the battle I want to watch the battle just want to see how things are doing oh my goodness I didn't even get to see how things are doing because it worked too well but at least I can up for my production speed plus do an auto collect and then we get two for one but I don't think I need that yeah because it increases production yeah then I have to buy that to make it quicker but I can't because it's interesting all right next thing I can do is the area damage and then uh we'll get five to get this one cool all right teleporter I'm gonna throw you down here with all of these things yay because there's fun stuff in here there you go you do what you do best and we'll take this other Relic up to the surface so we can figure something else out oh the lift prospecting meter I don't feel like I need either of those because the teleport I should I just shred to Cobalt I hate doing that but I have so many upgrades now it doesn't matter I mean sure why not now I can get the damage upgrade again that's kind of fun I mean do I want to put it here not really this is so far away from the main conveyor belt oh but it was such a big one though oh well that's uh what is that called um that's a seed and you can plant the seed on a bush that didn't make any sense you can plant a seed on the iron node and it'll grow more iron it's an iron tree we're totally getting smacked oh okay we killed whatever it was that was smacking us and we get more water so the question is is this one going to be close enough to the main mine shaft to make it worth it or big enough how many iron rocks are in you that's pretty big I think the main mine shaft is just right here right yeah that's a fairly big mine too so we're gonna grab that seed from right down here hello little buddy come with me come grow a plant I love that sound too and then we're gonna grow a plant right here oh I almost mined it just notice that we have 29 armor or iron not armor 29 plus whatever this number is is like 36. oh that's a screecher oh Screech or not make it wow okay I gotta see what happens with this creature oh my goodness these two together are insane wow that's so cool all right uh more carry strength sure should I kind of want to upgrade the rest of this even better like that damage is incredible firing stamina so it fires longer fires strength I mean why not right let's do the strength we gotta make the speed oh I can't make the speed but I still have 27 so that means I can get probably my speed and carrying strength look how fast I am all right teleporter down all right friendo I'm gonna bring you over here we're gonna drop you off right here that might work I don't know if it's gonna constantly work with that tree or not but if the tree grows it might be able to pull the iron right off of it okay I want to make it up for the full wave just to see how efficient these things are okay good fire fire fire oh my goodness oh that's so cool and the stunt laser is going to kill all of those instantly the bird comes on the map it just gets evaporated and then we have these creepy things oh my word are you kidding me that's so strong but not strong enough okay so we found the end portal now the end Shrine or the first part of it anyway I'm wondering if this defensive structure is gonna be strong enough though I actually haven't even upgraded or like my health once have I right I feel like I might need to move the teleporter real quick we found another area and I'll just throw all this in the hole here and then we'll go get the teleporter that's easier than trying to move the teleporter come on friendo bring it over here I've never actually used the teleporter for this I don't believe but it's working very well not as well as my stuff upstairs is working wow that is so good somewhere over here is the final teleporter I don't know where it is though ah here it is I don't know if I've ever seen one to the edge of the map before that's kind of cool no little spiders are trying to get my horde you can have it I'll just go get the teleporter and teleport you guys home wee should be fairly clear yeah it's eating everything good okay we turned it on and we'll drop it down here there you go all right I'll throw you down a little lower cool I'm gonna Zoom myself back to the surface if there's even anything left up there okay I just want to see how this works my goodness is that a big freeze area okay maybe not so good we're taking damage from the flyer of course we're taking damage from the player because I haven't upgraded the spider at all do I want to upgrade this fire that's the real question I feel like this is probably the way to go instead I mean that's super cheap and we can Harden it a little bit yeah that works really good it will be full health there I could drill faster I don't really need that I have a little bit of water so I could upgrade my strength HP and the overcharged Shield I don't like that so I'm gonna go for the strength upgrades I'm gonna hope to find one or two more things of water down here this is the bottom of the world though oh my goodness what is this do I want it I've never seen this before you guys even farther now is that what that did I have no idea what that did I'm scared of it I'm not gonna lie finding a bust of a person with goggles on it like 7 000 feet below ground that's terrifying all right buddy you getting this hole right here you do what you do best suck things up I'm Gonna Keep you well fed for a while can't believe I'm talking to a portal it's just weird there you go you got plenty of food another wave is here there's something very satisfying about that okay oh wow we got hit oh no that's very amazing so the only thing that's attacking us is the Flyers at this point everything else is just getting absolutely obliterated okay as long as that oh okay all right don't like that we need to upgrade the spider or the shield I'm gonna go defensive mode we're going spider upgrades so I upgraded uh this Catalyst trap before I don't know if we can get that sustained Fire or the burst fire I don't know which one I want they're both the same price we'll do the burst fire projectile split I need to trap let's do oh we can do this one okay and then that crashes the ground so ground split I can't afford that but I can't afford I can't afford that either I didn't want to do that I promise it Wasn't Me game we're not touching that yet we still have a few more upgrades to get so it looks like the Iron Tree is starting to make some iron which is cool I'm gonna try to try to drop off the portal right here and see if it automatically collects after I see whatever happens in this next wave here we go that stud laser is so cool though look at that no chance of these things surviving oh you're taking the bird out okay all right take the bird real good oh my goodness oh that's one of the big guys no it's not I was thinking it was one of the runners okay we got a head Smacker that just got that was the end of the wave that's incredibly easy I'm starting to think this game doesn't have a conservation of mass because once you drill something it just disappears but in real life you have the crumbs that are equal to the size of the thing that you may disappear so where's all the rubble go besides just did little shreds do we keep it in our backpack oh it's not working I was hoping it would all right let's see what fast split does do we want fast split or ground split split rejectiles are faster okay what's the difference 360 we're gonna do this one just because it sounds we can do both I'm not gonna afford both and I'm thinking my goodness things don't even come on the screen all right we have a flyer oh nice all right it still does a lot of damage to us sort of damage the recharge isn't very fast but we can get to it pretty quickly I really don't like those guys but once they get stunned it's so incredible all right let's uh I mean I've been mining everything out there's literally not another single piece of treasure on this map and I don't want to wait for the water to go so we're just gonna go down here and buy down here I mean we're gonna go to the left these things got in my way so I have to delete them real quick we're gonna go ahead and grab the Relic bring it back to the surface and then uh hopefully our fully automated Dome will defeat every single Last Enemy that the game has to offer and we can save our dome for a victory I kind of want to mine those two but I'm not going to because I don't need them for anything building a fully automatic Dome this is incredible I don't have to do anything and I want to see what happens all right Relic I need to save you without you detonating could be a little hard depending on uh which which is which oh my goodness good all right they didn't do any damage I really want that thing dead my goodness you guys need to turn oh balls there's that thing all right okay uh-huh we're just attacking that I don't think this is gonna work but I do have the ability to do some upgrades so I can upgrade the health and I have a lot of stuff to be able to do that with um health is going down quickly we're gonna do some upgrades okay wow okay it's not working it's not working it is working things are dying I think we need upgrades again repair repair buddy we have 13 more good good all right blast them come on Spire the spider did the work oh balls I don't like that the machine gun is not keeping up either all right one's dead I need to uh I need to buy the upgrades again huh okay it's so close he had so far away I feel like at this point I should have taken the uh Cobalt instead of that proximity meter because I am not using that at all oh it's dead oh you're Dome is saved I got an achievement for that difficulty normal media Map size that works for me I had a lot of fun and I hope you guys did too thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd like to thank this month's channel members and patreon supporters including autote Ben Dickie J Teddy hippies Destructo man General Harris Trent m Joe B code I know BC engineer Whip It Goods Spencer T whiskey splatter sex Doug rules skunk chess Corian Rob the king bread 8 30 Grayson monkey Kyle V Zane W Mr one Peyton plays dragon gunjam and Jonas DC
Channel: Blitz
Views: 910,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz dome romantik, dome romantik blitz, dome romantik, dome romantik gameplay, dome romantik game, dome romantik part 1, roguelike games, mining games, mining rogue, mining roguelike, roguelikes, dome romantik spider, dome romantik upgrades, dome keeper, dome keeper gameplay, dome keeper game, dome keeper blitz, dome keeper steam, dome keeper demo, dome keeper sword, dome keeper drill, dome keeper drillbert, dome keeper assessor
Id: cI6oPcNy2JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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