I Overloaded Hydroneer So Hard It Fully Shattered Reality

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Aradanftw 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Bridgepour's most wanted has done it again!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AmePartyPirate 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

The amount of hours that went into this must have been insane :')

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RuinAccomplished6681 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out oh boy we're playing hydroneer you know what that means right that means we get to play with dirt and do weird stuff like this from a previous video oh and also did you know I've got some new merch that's right we have a shirt and a mug and a pen there's a link in the description and also use code let's game it out at checkout for 10 off okay let's fire this up new game Our Journey Begins here at Ember cradle what the hell is that noise ah reckon Bridge ball were minging before fabric got here what the hell what is this excuse me other people in the world oh my goodness things have changed around here you see what I see a shopkeeper and other random townspeople everything is just so full of life now look at that guy hey hey you how are you doing today I'll buy a shiny new truck hey you know what why wait I get to start the game with a free brand new truck of my own oh we're over here now are we hey wait where are you going you wanted a truck I've got a truck hold still oh oh my God I was not anticipating this at all well I guess we're gonna find out what we can do with all this then hey don't think you're safe down there cause I'm coming for you look at him trying to hide from me there and also why do your eyes glow I have so many questions I don't want the answers to well now we have to know besides causing irreparable damage to this guy's spinal cord will he do anything else after constant love Taps from my truck well let's see wait no where are you going stop don't do it wait is he hiding from me oh good I'm stuck you're lucky this time sir okay well good news it turns out if you exit out of the game and reload all the NPCs just come back to where they are at least it means he's not stuck anymore and it gives us another chance to mess with him isn't that right good sir oh where'd he go oh no you can't escape from me that easy where are you there you are oh I feel almost kind of bad for this it's like his arthritis is acting up and he's trying to get back to the oh no oh no buddy are you stuck back here well thank goodness that plant can support your leg oh I'm sorry did I offend you well listen up sir I feel kind of bad that we got you stuck back here so we're gonna make it our mission to get you back out of there so it looks like I can't push him myself at least not enough to move him and I would love to use this vehicle to help him out but even when I get back here he's like really wedged and this vehicle is not what we would call Agile but I think we can still help him out and I know just how here's what I actually mean we need to make a little bit of cash and the best way to do that is going to be with some good old-fashioned Mining and the reason for that is if we head over past this bridge yes the very same or this jerk got stuck the first time you eventually find yourself in the wild City of Bridgeport population not just us anymore what a time to be alive in particular we need to enlist the services of this storefront housing because what we're gonna need to get this guy out is a little bit of structure but with these supplies it's not like we can just steal them can we yeah you know maybe this time we'll just do it the old-fashioned way and pay for them so to get the money we need for this stuff we're gonna do some quick mining so here's basically how this works you got your shovel you got your pan you got your brush and you got your bucket you take your shovel you dig some dirt you shove it into the bucket you do that until the whole thing is full take your shovel over to the bridge hoist it off the side so the next time you have to pick it up the handle's all slimy go back over to your bucket dump it in the pan moon walk yourself over into the river gingerly drop the bucket so it's filled with water water goes in the thing I'm above cast this thing to the ground and then take the brush and do some magic oh my God look at all that content and now just repeat the process a million times and then this turns into this what a mighty haul and then we take this thing and we sell it at the Jeweler well hello there Noble shopkeeper here take a look is this your liking how much will you give me I don't know if that's a lot or a little and I don't care so long as it's giving us money and it is and then we take this money wave it in front of and then through this guy's face and then if we're feeling especially wild we can introduce some Machinery into our Madness namely this drill here hey you got my water pressure any machines are fair bear I don't care just give me the drill and then once you park this thing on the ground and fire it up oh yeah I forgot I guess I need to plug it in don't I and for that we're gonna need some pipes no problem that's what the tools and equipment store is for sweet beautiful pipes we're gonna need one of these and a couple of these probably some of these yeah that seems like enough okay let's get started now this big piece is gonna have to go right here into the river like so you know it's working appropriately because it's making this obnoxious dripping noise but don't worry we're gonna silence that right now through the use of pipes pipes and more pipes okay let's fire it up see there we go amazing chunks of dirt all for us and now we're gonna do a little something to link it all together the stuff in this store that's right conveyor belts my personal security blanket and for this we're gonna grab a little bit of everything and while we're in town let's drive all the way over here and let's pick up some of these Wood Walls don't worry this will all make sense probably basically the way this works is you have to connect the conveyor belts to the pipes because that's technically what powers them which basically means taking the conveyor belt and just mashing it literally right on top of the pipe Tada working conveyor belt and then as you keep adding more pipes and then more conveyor belts and then in no time conveyor belts Galore and not only that you can build your conveyor belt so they go up too and you can just keep going and up and uh and uh until you have something absolutely beautifully functional yeah that's what we're gonna call this let me give you the grand tour for how this works step one get some dirt on the conveyor belt off it goes step two watch its beautiful Journey yes yes make the climb you can probably tell where this is going right essentially we're gonna follow this dirt all the way to the end where there's a nice drop-off point oh watch out there buddy we're gonna have to protect you from all this and that's where these wall Pieces come in I'm sure you can already see where this is going but don't worry if not it's gonna become clear shortly and something a little bit like that there we go now he's safe and sound in there hey wait why do you look so squished oh I see you're squatting well so long as you're comfortable and I'm sure that you are after all look how safe he is in here and now that that's all subtle it's time to turn the machine back on I have this thing all set up here already sitting atop its Throne of dirt and already wired up and ready to go so let's pull the thing and see it work oh boy my heart's racing don't worry buddy we're gonna keep you safe forever all right he's been in there for a while look at that horror movie stuff going on but don't worry he's safe and sound in there buried alive just as the hydrogener gods intended sir we can still see you how do you feel oh never mind well I think mission accomplished see we saved him and that's how you play hydroneer oh uh hi what the hell do you want fetch me some scrum excuse me you want what now what am I looking at maybe this will explain more ah here we go wants a soup bowl with eight cut tomatoes and for my troubles I'll get 28 Farm Guild tokens whatever those are well if you say so okay so I think I have an idea of what this is all about which I believe has a lot to do with grand hay field home of the farming Guild and boy does this look like a fun and magical place oh boy I can't wait for a riveting farming journey to begin hello I would like to buy your finest tomato seeds please let's see what do we got we got corn seeds and onion seeds broccoli beef root what about over here and these are trees and bushes and flowers where are the tomatoes hey you I have things I need I got the goods if you got the cash well hold your horses but I think we can strike a deal because you have the tomato seeds I need we're gonna try this procedure on just one tomato seed I'm excited and to facilitate our first test we're gonna do this at beautiful South Hope look at all this land for us to play with which also features beautiful Rolling Hills which I'm sure is going to be perfect for farming okay let's try this out what that wasn't it I'm not done farming okay I guess I need more supplies than that and you know what let's make this a little easier on ourselves with a hot new vehicle also known as whatever this thing is the Hydro quad thank you sir I'll be taking this right off the lot looking like a casual die-hard serial killer great hair though and we'll head on back over here to farmtopia or whatever hello I'm here to buy some more items let's see we'll take one of these trowels for digging not to mention heading back over here and getting one of these water cans okay I think we're ready to go now so I believe the way this works is first we use the travel to dig a little hole okay perfect we gave the ground an Audi and then we take our seeds here and let's see it looks like we can plan it right yeah look at that green outline showing what could be and plant see that's more like it all our hopes rely on this one sapling and now I think all we need to do is wait oh my God we can see it growing in real time this is wild yes grow big and strong and healthy oh well it's looking a little less healthy now all right that's why I got this watering can okay first I gotta fill this thing up and thankfully over here on this property is the Big Wide Ocean which I'm sure will do just fine okay just get in there and scoop it up good with all the Finesse of a terminator and where were we that's right the Miracle of Life yay it's all green and stuff here I have some more why not all out of water good luck [Music] okay I see how this is gonna go we gotta make several crappy trips to keep watering this thing I don't get why I can't just stare at it and everything just magically works out okay third time's the charm and by that I mean fourth time's the charm okay I'm sure it's gonna be all set up for Success even though the Sun is going down as we speak maybe if I take this thing and aim my headlights at it maybe this will do the trick as the sun goes down well doesn't seem to be the case but since we're here already I'll just use my vehicle to sing it a lullaby all night until it's morning again wakey wakey it's daytime again I don't understand why does it still look like crap okay I'm getting tired of babying this sapling I know how to fix this and it has nothing to do with you why take repeated trips back and forth when we can head back to town and get some pipe stuff going on hello I'm here to make some purchases let's see just give me a bunch of pipes I don't care what they are so long as they work and let's get these back to the job site okay let's do this and we'll just connect that right over here and one of these and one of these and a little bit of this going all the way up into the sky how far you wonder pretty much as high up as the game will allow and by that I mean this right here this is the top of the sky box and then our pipe system goes all the way over there and look at that you can see everything in the game from up here there's that Farm Place and there's that other town and that stuff over there and that's how we're getting water to fall delicately from the sky one droplet at a time it couldn't be more simple you know how that's good for the leaves to have water droplets slamming down on it at terminal velocity well hello there that was easy and if I just leave these ones here is it gonna grow even more for me so I've been standing here staring at this for hours and something tells me we're missing some secret ingredient and it can't be water since obviously those gods are still smiling upon us well how do we get you to give us more Tomatoes well that's okay for now maybe it'll work itself out in the meantime we're gonna handle this problem with good old-fashioned Brute Force which is to say time to buy more tomato seeds how many tomato seeds a lot of them after all maybe this one tomato plant just wants friends and let's see how close exactly can we get these friends to each other yeah this looks like this will be good this gardening thing is easy and place one here and there and here here here here here until they're all filled up yes good grow for me all creepy like hey why did you guys all dry out is the water brutally hitting this one plant just not enough for you oh God do I need to expand this whole thing wait stop right there criminal scum I think I have the answer it's these things sprinkler hooks hooks onto pipes and sprinkles water just what the doctor ordered okay let's see all we need to do is just attach it up there okay so to use this thing we just take it and we just latch it onto a pipe well hey look at it Go surely that nice spritzing is gonna make its way all the way down there what do you mean that's not working well if this is too high and won't be effective then maybe something a little bit closer down will look how much closer it is all right let's give this a shot and see if it works better oh there we go look it's done some of it how effective that's fine we can just add another fingers crossed again again oh yeah that seems to be doing the trick it already made these tomatoes grow in and as if by a miracle look what happens Tada my tomato runneth over well if that worked so well I wonder how we could fare if we had even more well then I think we know what we need to try next don't we come on don't make me spell it out you know what happens give me a hold give me a please okay I think the next experiment is ready I spent a little time decorating the landscape and by a little time I mean a lot of time so for every available spot that you're allowed to make a hole for plants I made sure to put a hole there so we can do maximum planting every single little glorious spot now has a place that's reserved for a plant you want to know how long it took to do this by the way I'm gonna tell you it's probably longer than you think it took 19 hours 19 hours of staring at the ground and digging holes over and over and over again with this trowel and I did some quick math on this one and I learned I was digging about 50 or so holes a minute which means that for every hour I was digging 3 000 holes which means if you multiply that by 19 hours I dug 57 000 holes and having that many objects has clearly eviscerated the frame rate which makes me oh so happy but for such an amazing landscape we're gonna need a sprinkler system to match so let's go ahead and turn this into this yeah there we go this is another outrageously excessive at all featuring a beautiful comprehensive pipe system with a whole lot of sprinklers this is what I call Total coverage I haven't even turned it on yet but goodbye frame rate here's a refresher of how this monstrosity works first the pipe pulls water from here and then we have a shut off valve which will become really clear really quick why and then the water pipes in through all these pipes here and off it goes yes that's right one pipe distributes to all of this and that's where these things come in handy each one of these little Chambers restores the original water pressure and pushes even more pressure out that way and we have one of these connected to each and every one of the offshoots of the pipe system which means each one of these branches is actually self-contained it's actually probably a little bit easier to see this from the underside anyway the point is we have a lot of pipes now and I tried to count up how many there are here and I believe there's about 4 100 individual sprinklers here ready to do the job so that we don't have to oh but we're not ready yet we still have to do some planting after all what good is all that water if we don't have seeds to plant so off we go to beautiful seed Topia hello just hang tight lady I'm gonna aim this Spotlight right at you so that you have beautiful sunspots and 100 of your vision while I borrow some of these seeds I also like that if I get off my vehicle and then turn to face our disaster ah it takes the frame rate with it that's what we like to see either way we need one of these baskets okay so far so good-ish just keep on filling it okay I don't know how many I have in here but it's gonna be a nice starting amount I hope let's see what our Bounty looks like oh hey that's nice a bunch of these combined I guess that's what those dots mean it means that's how many I actually have okay time to plant one and two and three [Music] well here we are now having planted so many things which have since grown as far as they can and then dried up and let me tell you in my infinite naivete I really thought this would go faster because look at this look how fast I can put these seeds down this is gonna take no time at all but then I realized that the more of these I add the slower it gets like the frame rate is doing terrible things so you know what that's it that's how much we're gonna plan but don't you worry I still got most of it there's just gonna be a big patch in the middle that doesn't have anything but that's okay because now it makes the land look kind of disease and we like that seeing as how the rest of it is covered in dead plants excuse me plants that need to be watered and we need to save what frames we have left for that because I promise you it's about to get worse okay so here goes nothing we're gonna turn this valve and it's gonna turn the sprinklers on sprinklers are you on oh yep there they go you know it's pretty hard to tell from all the way back here but as you can see from a distance water is hitting all the plants and everything is starting to get a little Greener and thank God we can kind of see the results from back here because I did a little math on how the frame rate is doing based on how long it's taking for these frames to update we're getting about 13 frames a minute or 0.2 frames a second or one frame every five seconds like it's moving so slow I literally can't do anything at this point like look at this the camera moves and it doesn't even have time to update it's trying its best it really is you know what I was picturing when I had this idea I was picturing these amazing aerial sweeping shots of tomatoes growing in a vast sea of amazing crops it's like I was born yesterday of course I should have known it would turn out this way come on game I just want to get close enough to see some tomatoes please please let me see some tomatoes [Music] and just in case you were curious while I was sitting here waiting for these tomatoes to grow the frame rate dropped even lower to seven frames a minute 0.11 frames a second and the best part is once these things pop into existence we don't really get to see it it just pops into a single frame wow look how Lush with tomatoes it is thank you sprinkler overlords and all these zero frames per second that you bring thank you for doing a marvelous job I'm trying desperately oh no turn around turn around okay dear God let's turn the water off and try to get some frames back and turn okay hopefully that does the job ah see there it goes they're starting to turn off I mean I think and by that I mean from this distance you can see the blue stuff going away see look at this now we can check out all of our tomato plants at a blistering several frames a second and don't forget to spend some time stumbling through this field see look how happy he is to be in the aggressive land of tomatoes and I actually can't believe this but if you walk away from that mess the frame rate actually kind of recovers just don't you know turn back and look at it and we're going to need all these beautiful uneven frames because we need to go on to the next stage of production wait where the hell am I oh I'm glad I dismounted right on the roof anyway it's time to do some cooking I'm gonna take all these things back to the job site then I'll explain them when I get there don't ask why this thing is hanging on by a thread Dum Dee Dum no big deal wait what I can't drive over this the hell I can't have at the okay fine I'll carry everything by hand wait why'd I get shot back and where are you going huh okay let's go find it what do you hate Tomatoes well no idea where that vehicle went well no problem we needed a new vehicle anyway and we're gonna go with this thing the hydro Cropper Harvest crops and replant seeds ejects resources say no more this is gonna go great although I'm not quite sure why the vehicle is twerking but hey it's not my fault that when the frame rate's so low the physics get all weird whoops oopsie Daisy no one tell the union about this I swear this vehicle is supposed to just drive watch out Tomatoes here I come deploy the harvesting thing yes yes there we go okay fingers crossed that this is a good idea oh are we just gonna hop there okay fine oh yes here we go just ripping up the plants and it's taking all those tomatoes and it's putting them in the back what a great system just harvesting all those tomatoes for me and I have no idea how many of these Tomatoes we can fit in this thing so of course there's only one way to find out [Music] yep we're doing so good I mean we could just drive over these things but who's got time for that when your vehicle wants to dance the whole time I'm not sure why I thought after all of this that this part would be quick and easy but that's okay slowly but surely we're getting there okay I think I cracked the code all we have to do is raise and lower these things over and over again like you're a toddler splashing in the pool [Music] all right I can't take it anymore we gotta handle this frame rate I mean obviously I love how horrible this is running but we can't do the entire rest of the video this way we'll get nothing done so I think I know just the thing to fix this and it involves visiting an old friend yep that's right we're gonna nuke that frame rate right back into existence just a normal day carrying a pallet full of nukes remember this moment the last time we're gonna see this stuff before we reverse all this progress feeling like your dreams be dreams [Applause] that's probably fine yep seems like that did the trick all right can't really explain what happened to us but I guess a little radiation's gonna do that to you well the important thing is we have the frame rate back and all the plants are dead and there's a giant hole in our sprinkler system and we've got all these little Cube things which is kind of what happens when you blow stuff up but I mean whatever it makes it look a little post-apocalyptic I like it and don't worry all the plants might be gone but our glorious vehicle is still here and now that we've got some frames back I can show you some of the features for example oh yeah I already forgot he looks like this anyway if you push e this happens yeah so all I'm trying to say is we still have our tomatoes so everything's gonna be okay anyway let's take this other vehicle right now to go get some supplies all right round two time for more cooking okay stove come with me cooking pot hop aboard and so on and so forth oh and yeah the frame rate is still bad if we look directly at this thing so you know just don't do that and with this squared away let's go get this other vehicle after all it's got the sacred ingredient okay so we'll just go ahead and put this pot down even though there's probably enough radiation here where we don't need it but we want to go ahead and do things the formal way so now the next step is we need a couple of tomatoes I already forgot how many but who cares and we're just gonna go on over here and just do a little hook yes nice juicy Tomatoes right there on the ground truly a gourmet tree and now we'll pick up our dirty gross tomatoes and throw them right into the soup that was easy okay who is it that wanted soup am I losing my mind I thought the guy was around here somewhere well you snooze you lose I'm gonna find someone else to give this to you like this guy and Buddy whatever you do don't turn around and like look at that wanted sign okay anyway you want soup I got you covered let's see yep he wants a soup bowl and I'm gonna assume that's the Roman numeral two for cut Tomatoes Desmond you're in luck how would you like my finest soup here you go sir did you just cast My Soup To The Ground do you have any idea how long it took me to make this you know yeah wait right here I'm Gonna Get You better soup everything's gonna be fine oh you want more Tomatoes is that what it is oh I'll give you more Tomatoes open wide um thank God this thing can hold so many tomatoes how's that is that enough tomatoes for you what do you think Buddy have you had enough yet um what the hell are you doing does this mean you're happy hey buddy can I ask you to maybe not do that so close to my sign it just feels so disrespectful see that's more like it thank you okay you know what I've had enough of you how about you come back with me to my job site I have even more Tomatoes there what do you think you interested I'm gonna take that as a yes then it's shoving time come with me nope nope don't go back over there nope stop trying to go back I'm just gonna keep doing this until you behave oh he's trying a new tactic I think he thinks if he stays still I'm not gonna see him oh I take it back he just had to have a um he just had to take a quick break all right let's see if we can clear the sign yeah and it's good but enough joking around let's get you in the hole okay thank God he seems pacified for now or maybe this just has him terrified I don't even care if that's the case so long as he holds still now you just wait right there okay because I'm gonna do a little something while you uh while you just watch me well that's fine I don't care probably better that you see this than you don't so first we're just gonna dig a little hole here just a little ways down I don't want it to be fatal and we'll put that on to start cooking and to this we're gonna add our Tomatoes mmm we're gonna make sure it's full of tomatoes this time so he has nothing to complain about hey buddy you see your soup go get it have a nice summer how you doing in there you happy I sure hope so just be down there enjoying your soup not to mention the last little bit of daylight you're ever gonna see good night sweet prince ah talk about a job well done I'm sure he's gonna be down there enjoying his stew for quite a while hey wait a minute what the hell is this excuse me uh I'm sorry what is happening here wow that suit must have been really to die for 4. he turned into fertilizer like immediately wow that was fast that guy's fresh corpse was basically the best kind of fertilizer well I certainly feel good about this I guess we know what we need to do now right we need to make a fresh soup for somebody can I cut these right off the vine oh hell yeah oh good excellent just like Mom used to prepare him fresh wedges right off the vine then we'll go ahead and make sure to pick up each individual one before taking it and throwing it on the ground with a satisfying plop and with all of our Bounty picked I think we know what happens next making a soup from delicious human Tomatoes now to shop around with our delicious soup oh hello there looks like you could use some soup here help yourself what's this it was so Gourmet you want to pay me don't mind if I do thanks for your patronage I hope your friend tasted great and oh my goodness what's this even more tomato plants well isn't that exciting talk about the gift that keeps on giving you know what it looks kind of specific kind of like it spells something yep it sure does run huh you mean like continue to run our honest business well you know what they say never look at gift corpse in the mouth I will do that thank you very much so I hope you had fun I know I did I'm gonna be here in the bottom of this crater thinking of all the fun ways I can sell people their dead friends back to them and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,515,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, hydroneer, hydroneer game, let's game it out hydroneer
Id: YzpPvMF3p9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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