I Spent 1,000,000 Days in WorldBox...

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welcome back man I'm glad you're here you're not going to want to miss this one do you know what we're doing today we're playing World box for one million days 1 million days equals 2739 years see this we're at year 1 this might just be the craziest thing we've ever done ever hold on I'm getting a call hey yeah what's up I just heard you're going to be playing World box for 1 million days yeah and are you insane do not do that come on man it's for the viewers I got to get mad likes on this video you sure you're going to get mad likes on this video do you think people will even subscribe gosh darn I hope so this is going to rup my brain you're insane do not do this I got to do it baby gorg out sorry about that what's that you heard all of that oh man that's embarrassing all right without further Ado let's get this show on the road couple humans over here couple humans over here I don't know weird patch of swamp couple humans over here they're so pissed they're like come on look at all the green grass over there you put put us in the swamp yeah what are you going to do about it call the police oh my gosh yeah yeah be right there I just got to play World box for a couple more hours couple humans here I'm feeling saucy couple humans here I don't know couple over here it has begun six kingdoms 1 million days will you guys stand the test of time I'm going to say none of these kingdoms are going to survive a million days good thing you're not a mortal imagine having to gather berries for a million days jeez Louise isn't it kind of wild that the average human lifespan's like 85 years and that's only 31,000 days you know how many days I've spent just playing this silly game you know how many days just go ahead and uh subtract couple days there oh my gosh I've only got 3 days left to live I hope I can finish this video by then smash subscribe coffin reveal at 300K that's a little dark let's meet our kingdom shall we we got a realm of the pie just go ahead and double down on that one shall we we got oison of sun we got bow all right all right that works for me we got Yik hog we got we got hog Imperium uh we got woy let's just do wo and this one's just ow okay before we do any fast forwarding I want to explain what we got going on here six kingdoms we got rebellions off sorry we have rebellions off we got disasters off we got hunger on we got angry villagers on babies unfortunately they're going to be everywhere we also have a few ages on age of Hope age of tears and age of ice think of it like the season sometimes it's sunny sometimes it's rainy sometimes it's snowy thought about turning on age of sun but I hate age of sun with the fiery burning passion much like the age of sun it's and also these other ages are just too dangerous or boring so think of it like a weather cycle but in World Box the weather only changes every like 50 or 60 years so a little bit nonsensical but we'll take it all right let's Crank It Up to x 5 speed here we're we're going to have to do a lot of Sonic Speed because this is going to take a insane amount of time uh so you know look at that I'm already tired of hearing myself talk and it's only year 15 I mean goodness gracious man okay we got an alliance forming let's go ahead and uh throw on a sonic speed to get to like maybe year 100 maybe the first war yeah let's let's fast forward till the first war happens a few moments later okay the first war has happened hey look at that it's called big war the war is bll Sun and hog versus realm of the pie and wo and uh they're getting teamed up on real of the pie strikes back over here Tak an owl in a big way although looks like they're not going to succeed and also their home is getting destroyed while they're gone H it's sad to watch wo is probably going to get eliminated too because it's them versus pretty much four kingdoms and yeah it's the beginning of the end for them Realm of the pie is hanging on no one ever said it was going to be easy taking them over easy as pie oh they took him over okay looks like wo is actually safe the war is over uh it looks like everyone just hated rum of the pie and wo just happened to get caught in the crossfire and actually did not lose any Villages that whole thing all those fights they actually gained some land I don't know how but maybe they're just really good with people hog Imperium is doing something very stupid and breaking the alliance they're in don't you know that these other kingdoms are way more powerful than you goof ball well I guess only bull is bigger than them bull is already kind of scary that's a huge Kingdom Al is declaring war on someone they declared war on wo interesting okay cool let's go ahead and fast forward a bit more here we're at year 70 and Alan wo are at [Music] War and the war is over wo has won took them about 70 years but they did it congratulations guys the whole time I saw you guys fighting and I kept thinking wo how' they do that wo look at them go wo look at wo really wo them wo look at wo really send their enemies into wo it is year 141 and our biggest kingdoms are bull at 1,100 and wo at 960 hog at 650 and odison at 500 they're doing bad man everyone seems pretty content so let's go ahead and jump into the future a few moments later who slow it down Odis and of sun just declared war on hog Imperium I mean they're smaller than them but I think that they're the only Kingdom that they even have the slightest chance of defeating 580 population to 700 who will win oh my gosh it's a blood bath look at them fighting in the streets can't we all just get along why can't we all just be one big Kingdom of friendship okay they're losing some ground and gaining some ground dang this guy's name is kill look at this his name is kill and he doesn't want him he's got zero kills it looks like he's crying but it might just be the rain I'm kind of rooting for oisin of sun but but I think hog Imperium is going to win this one let's see what happens a few minutes later oh man it's not looking good Otis son has been pushed back to their final Island over here across the water their entire Kingdom over here has been captured by the hog Imperium um don't you guys think you have enough Villages no we want to hog all of them oh actually that makes a lot of sense hog Imperium okay I get it that makes sense you guys going to at least let them keep this island I mean it's the age of Tears can't you find it in your heart just to let these people live they got enough going on such a sad time this guy's not sad he's freaking pissed off dude about you this guy's stoked this guy's having a great time it's just like life H you never know what someone's going through some people they look calm on the outside look like they're just doing their job living their life but on the inside oh my gosh they feel the Rage of all heck and this guy he's not going through anything he's having a great old time he's got no traits no statuses he owns nothing he is proof that you don't need anything to be happy I hope you guys live a long and happy life oh look at that they declared peace peace okay ois of son gets to live a little bit longer I lost our friends but I know they're out there and that's enough for me okay hog Imperium is now number one that's really interesting also before we move any further I want to mention two things one I have modern mod installed because it finally got updated which means these buildings will eventually be skyscrapers oh look at that it's already happening modern buildings are being built and it's only year 290 this place is going to look crazy in a couple thousand years it's going to look like a fullon cyberpunk city tell you what the other thing I wanted to mention is I'm kind of holding this button hostage right here I do plan on turning this on and off throughout the video I just wanted the main kingdoms to kind of consolidate and then whoever's left will have to deal with rebellions so keep that in mind because eventually these kingdoms are going to become one Kingdom and then what are we going to watch for 2,000 more years you know what I mean boring people want to see conflict people getting along and living in peace boring fast forward snooze fast when are people going to declare war war on each other look at these guys they're so ready to fight give them something to do hey look at that as I'm saying that they're declaring war on someone B declared war on wo and hog declared war on B and oison of sun they're staying out of it bro they're saying you know what we're pretty content over here it's not exactly what we wanted you know we would have liked to have our whole Kingdom from earlier but if the other option is complete destruction we'll take this island and we'll be happy with it meanwhile on the mainland absolute chaos is ensuing everyone is at war with everyone right now actually this is ridiculous B is at war with both kingdoms though so I think they're going to get eliminated here they're getting teamed up on although they're the ones that declared war so do not feel bad for them where's their King I want to have a word with him where is he over here I know he probably just got elected King actually yeah he literally did um but I want to have a word with him because the Old King got killed oh buddy they put you in charge didn't they they declared war on two bigger kingdoms and are now getting wiped out and they put you in charge right yeah I know what you're going through buddy actually what am I saying I have no idea what you're going through through that's never happened to me no one's put me in charge of a kingdom before the only Throne I've sat on is my toilet at least my house does have a throne though that's a toilet joke for you comedy gold dude and look at that while I'm talking about toilets Bowl gets eliminated actually that's funny bowl like toilet bowl we got double points for that one smash that like button toilet jokes all over the place today okay wo and hog Imperium are oh no what are you doing stop that don't make that face what are you doing no you guys just worked things out okay okay well the war continues hog is now versus wo and we're going to just fast forward a little bit cuz this is going to end probably with one of them dominating the entire world so kick back relax grab yourself a handful of popcorn let's watch some world domination shall we oh man it is not looking good for you guys huh the last couple Villages are being eliminated let's go ahead and make it official and change your names to wo so sad this poor King was just hand of this Kingdom he's responsible for all these people it's got to feel pretty bad what the why are you so happy dude okay I mean you just inherited a kingdom you know what actually he's on the island maybe he doesn't know what's happening they just crowned him King one day and he doesn't know it's because he's the only Village left in the whole Kingdom he's like wow finally all those days of grinding on the farm have really paid off and here they come time to destroy them once and for all wait wait a second the war just ended they spared them okay hog I don't know if you guys are generous or evil I can't tell I really can't tell twice now you've eliminated an entire Kingdom only to spare them at the very last second right that was them last time right yeah it was you guys just lazy you don't want to go across the ocean to finish the job or are you just like not interested in the islands what's going on here I mean you're hogging the entire main continent so you're living up to your name is this just too weak of an island to interest you it's Enchanted look at these pink sparkly trees this doesn't interest you probably hurting their feelings I mean the pink kingdom does match the pink tree so maybe it's just a too good of a fit oh look at them they're going to thank you by allying with you that's so sweet oh wait they're alling with the other Island okay that's pretty funny actually Islands unite maybe someday they will grow big and strong and attack the main island I'm going to say probably not but I'm happy that they're getting along okay let's go ahead and fast forward until year 500 and let's see how things are looking maybe throw on some rebellions I want to see if hog ever declares war on the islands 12 seconds later okay year 500 the world's still defrosting from that age of ice there everyone's looking pretty good the islands are still alive no Wars have been declared and hog Imperium is at 8,000 population which obviously if we don't have anything happen from this point on they win so we're going to click on this rebellions option here oh man already looks like there was already some disloyalty in the Kingdom Hub of moon has rebelled 1,000 population Rebellion that's that's pretty pretty sizable and another one kogo and another one dude what have you guys been doing holy AA another one okay this is getting goofy all right let's let one or two more happen then we might have to turn rebellions back off because they are just eating themselves alive right now this is crazy I didn't realize these people were so unhappy look the rebellions are having rebellions look at this you guys just rebelled what do you mean you want to rebel again they were like ah let's do it ourselves we don't need the leader and the leader's like yeah we don't need the leader it's like bro you are the leader you became the leader now who are you rebelling against yourself okay well either way he just died all right that's way too many rebellions let's turn that back off again holy smokes we got some weird ones in here but no one's messed with wo yet they're living their lives also look at these big buildings look at them thriving out here looks like the modern buildings are starting to pop up it's year 525 so it makes sense these civilizations have been around a while another age of ice okay it's going to be a long winter I tell you what all these rebellions hog Empires population's dropping pretty quick too oh no Hub of moon is taking them over yikes hog Imperium is pushed back to the corner the rebellions have taken them over so quickly I did not expect there to be like instantly six rebellions how badly were you guys treating your subjects if they all instantly rebelled the first second they could okay some peace is being declared by a bunch of people looks like they've settled their differences for the most part and once again the world is peaceful and the most important thing our Island friends are still here but buch of alliances very nice okay so hog Imperium still here but now they're like fifth place we got Hub of moon as the biggest holy AA at second followed by great dim kogo for fourth and then hog is fifth well year 540 we're about a fifth of the way through this whole thing which means I got to fast forward some more before this video is 5 hours long I just want to see wo stay in the match that's my big thing I want them to survive till the end because they almost got eliminated so early on and they're still still here so let's see how far they go actually in fact let's make it a competition between wo and Otis and of sun who's going to make it further they both made it way further than they should have but can they make it to year a th000 can they make it to year 2,000 can they make it to day 1 million let's find out uh-oh Hub of moon is declaring warrant someone who is it going to be buddy what are you doing these people are crazy he's got 1,000 Health 500 years in he's got mithil moccasins bro jeez Louise oh man he's also got a Mythril migraine don't declare war just cuz you're cranky all right okay they declared war on holy AA which is the second place Kingdom and looks like their Ally is going to back them up all right let's go ahead and fast forward because we have a lot of ground to cover and a lot of consolidating needs to happen 6 and A2 hours later okay year 628 hog Imperium is holding on for their dear lives and you know what I've just noticed look who's here Otis of sun is part of the attacking party if that isn't Karma then I don't know what is that small King om that you pushed to the edge of the world is now going to be part of your downfall unless you declare war you punk don't you dare do it just finish the job for once someone's got to get eliminated it's only fair that it's hog Imperium after they got greedy oh man peace boring all right let's assess here we have to do a lot more fast forwarding cuz we have still have a stupid amount of time to cover but wo is still here their king's name is one and he's not acting like the one tell you what would the one be crying tear like that although maybe he's just trying to fit in you know it is age of tears after all and on the other side we have Otis and of sun still alive and look at that they didn't declare peace on hog Imperium although it's kind of a long journey to get your troops all the way over here but look at them they're here and they're super happy to be here they traveled across the entire continent just to say screw you to hog Imperium just this guy's just beating up a kid you went on a multi-year journey to go fight a child with a stick and look at that he died in the process tough kid I guess look at that look at this Army Otis and of sun they got so many people here I'm surprised they haven't taken it yet it looks like they're trying but I don't know maybe they will okay take a good look here because we're going to fast forward for a long time I want to get further into this thing we have so much ground to cover and I want this video to be fun so we're going to just fast forward in bigger chunks we're at year 636 we got a age of Hope coming up and uh maybe hog Imperium will get taken over at some point looks like hob of moon is declaring war let's see what the Unlucky kingdom is [Music] oh no wo was destroyed that's so sad Hub of moon you are evil they left hog Imperium alive though which is super random I don't know what it is with people in these islands no one wants to sail across the water to go take someone over is there something that I should know about the water is there some sort of sea monster in there cuz I'm not seeing anything wrong with the water I don't know what's wrong with you guys well it's year 730 and it looks like most of these Villages are now pretty modern some tall buildings in there a nice little Fountain some sort of poster for the new hot movie that's coming out or something it also looks like that stons Meme doesn't it you guys see it don't you the weird like 3D model head thing with the up right stalks I bet that's what it's supposed to be okay I'm not crazy that's probably what they were going for I got the reference I see it uh we got whatever this is not really sure but yeah it's looking pretty good the desert looking a little bit rough but you know some of it looks nice oh my gosh look at this Army what are you going to do with all these people you're enemies are this small island and this small island I think you're good man all right we're going to throw rebellions back on and we're going to fast forward some more enjoy the chaos here 810 and look what's happening our friends on the island are being attacked and the king is not happy about it and neither am I how wub of moon is here in a big way please leave them alone they've been through so much well not really they've been through a lot like I don't know 700 years ago and honestly they've been living pretty nicely ever since then but please leave them alone still they're kind of just living on a private island I mean up until now not very private anymore but they kind of had it made for a while maybe this is just Karma but Hub of moon of all kingdoms despicable hog Imperium is still here though doing well no one even cares that they're here I don't think anyone even knows they're here so 3 days later we've reached year a th000 and what a time it's been it's been about 365,000 days let's see how things are looking after that much time hog Imperium is still here the OG Kingdom and guess what Odis sin's son is still here but kind of not for much longer because they're getting attacked by holy cim we got holy gudo like doo uh we got ha Kingdom and look how smug their King is he's like ha you wish wo was still here don't you yes I do very much so I missed them a lot we got some more wars being declared don't care as long as it's not on hog Imperium or oison of who's it going to be oh look at that Otis of son you jerk wait a second look at them they've got villages on the mainland again they took some land they just wanted to wait a cheeky little thousand years before striking they had to plan this whole thing out and it looks like uh they didn't plan it very well cuz they already losing their Villages but bless them for trying you know they're really thinking oh I don't even know if I realize that but this is them over here they've had this for a while haven't they OD to of sun you dogs what will you do next let's go ahead and turn rebellions off for now so these can kind of consolidate down into some monster kingdoms and let's get this show back on the road we got another thousand years to [Applause] go year 1218 bro I'm losing my mind out here we're just barely halfway done and I've already lost it ha kingdom is still here whatever the hell this gray Kingdom is called No One Cares hog Imperium still alive I don't know what to say about that oh great age of ice big deal whoopy dooo it's the 10th time this has happened man they survived it once they'll survive it again look at them eating that bread bread keeps you warm eating fish eating mushrooms whatever the heck they want Liv in the dream gosh I wish I could live here here what am I saying I hate the snow I hate the cold I'd rather live in the middle of the ocean than live in the ice all right we're going to go ahead and just goof around a little bit we're going to turn rebellions on and we're going to turn disasters on pretty quirky right let's see what happens now huh see how you guys like that many months later it's now year 1400 we've got about a, years left Haw Kingdom still here so is hog Imperium don't even worry about them they're going to be fine oh my gosh they're not going to be fine look out for that something just blew up I repeat something just blew up meteor just hit someone it's getting pretty crazy out there things are blowing up people are living in these goofy looking skyscrapers yep something else just blew up what did I tell you these people up in the swamp still have pretty low tech houses kind of cringe honestly look at this what is that a McDonald's also what if you went to the wrong house your neighbor is the same house isn't that kind of embarrassing and look at all these guys embarrassing dude but look how advanced these guys look skyscrapers giant buildings some sort of telescope looking thing and yet their soldiers are still armed with sticks this is truly the 1400s all right guys I feel like my brain is melting so we're going to fast forward a lot here I don't care what happens we just got to do it we got to get to the end of this thing before I lose my [Music] mind the year is 2023 would you look at that let's see how the world's looking um I'm going to go ahead and say it not good it's half Frozen people are fighting everywhere the citizens of ha kingdom are frozen in blocks of ice and no one has wiped out hog Imperium yet what the heck we all know they deserve it are they really going to stay to the very end of the game they're the only starting Kingdom still here and no one's bothered them in 2,000 years how are you guys still here what's your secret dude you made your kingdom so unappealing that no one wants to take it over even if they totally could I mean maybe they'll make it let's turn rebellions off for the final stretch here let turn disasters off too this is it everyone we've got about 700 more years left until we hit day a million let's do it okay keep an eye on this lower right corner is hog Imperium going to make it at the end that's what matters here everyone else is probably going to consolidate down to one Kingdom I'm tired and I want to go to sleep let's finish this video up all right [Music] oh my gosh we've done it it is year 2,738 and 1 million days is 2,739 this is our last year the final few hundred days before we hit a million listen it's been a cool Journey it really has has been but I'm so ready for it to be over I've been staring at this game for hours and hours now hey look this one says Greg on it that's funny cuz my name's Greg it's like they're here to encourage me hey Greg don't give up it's almost time thanks I needed that I really needed that also what the heck is this supposed to be you know what is this building what does this do it looks like lights shining on a statue okay well that's what it is I just figured it out mystery solved here we go here's the countdown down 5 4 oh counted too early it's year 2,739 equaling 1 million days are you guys as relieved as I am of course you're not you're only 31 years old you have no idea you haven't been here very long look at these modern cities it's kind of funny that some houses are still like the early houses though it's like why why didn't they get the upgrade you know why didn't you get the house upgrade buddy well considering the fact that he's just standing perfectly still maybe he just forgot to go to work for the last 20 years or so oh look there he goes to work no just uh couple steps towards work all right well maybe he's living life slow you know he's enjoying every day or something hog Imperium by the way did survive till the end I actually didn't want them to and they did anyway I guess good for you guys that kind of makes them the winners huh cuz they're the only original Kingdom that's still here they started out over here in the savannah they got pushed back to the island and they sat on the island for about 2,000 years they were attacked once or twice they declared war once or twice but they didn't really take much heat so good for them GG's the runnerup they destroyed wo who were my favorites and they rubbed it on my face but uh you know what they did hold on for a really long time all right guys it is officially 4:00 in the morning and I'm going to go to sleep okay please like the video please subscribe there will be no 10 million days in World box of course this is as far as we go thanks for watching I'll see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Gorg
Views: 1,818,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i spent, worldbox huge war, worldbox long, worldbox timelapse, worldbox big map, worldbox fantasy, worldbox races, worldbox biomes, worldbox, simulation, tabs, mellon worldbox, simulated worldbox, fantasy world, worldbox battle, world box game, world box mod, dangerouslyfunny, totally accurate, battle simulator, in worldbox, 1000000, days
Id: j8vC9dDrIlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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