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in the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and i need a helping hand it's the name of the game but also I need a helping hand because I just got back from doing the show I did the Just for Laughs show last night it was [ __ ] awesome was one of the coolest things I've ever gotten to do and it was the best life show that I have ever done everything went flawlessly show was fantastic the jokes are landing the audience had so much energy and got everything that was going on and it was one of the coolest experiences I've ever gotten to have so now I'm officially a stand-up comedian because I went and did a show it too just for last festival and then a whole comedy said and everybody laughed at it that's insane also I shook Dave Chappelle's hand and that was awesome and then I saw John Mayer haha but that's not why we're here we're here to play a helping hand which is a game if you remember before I played where you're a dude in the hospital and people come in and talk to you and you one hand and you get to do all this [ __ ] you know you just react to people and see what that was weird he's awake I sure AM prepped the syringes for his spinal fluids oh okay oh you want me to do a thumbs down bad news I'm all [ __ ] up on the drugs [Laughter] okay now would you please lower your ring basically you want me to hail Satan for heavy metal and I can definitely do that doc please do that oh I want to do that one okay so I'm not allowed to stick up my finger at you fine whatever okay there wasn't a whole lot of time to prep for this everything just sort of started happening have you made it [Music] [ __ ] you bats hey bats yes sick swivel [ __ ] okay she's just gonna keep talking I might react to you guys hello I can still hear why is it getting darker look excuse me hmm stop oh god um oh god I'm dying oh Jesus mother am i okay I made yep I'm dead all right okay hey I'm in my car this is not good point notice a shoe what oh yeah Oh people hear this you know what they say this guy [ __ ] what else we got [Music] okay no no I don't like that that's not my jam that's not my silent I don't like that one I don't care if you like it Sandra okay I like number two the best never once [ __ ] right I was just enjoying that muse that was amazing Oh God oh that's bits of me that's outside of me that should be inside of me and I like a talk with somebody trained to cheese grate my leg they never saw this unsub cuts from spilling out and be like that that's one thing that you should definitely know how to do as a paramedic who give this cliff license are you a cereal box EMT are you feeling okay doc no no wait how do i how do I do that one again away it's just this dark Auto he dokie you're feeling okay yeah you know can you tell me what I had for dinner yeah you know cuz you never mind this guy has no sense of humor putting me back together like a human jigsaw puzzle you have to help me what do I do am I supposed to help you I'm gonna keep in that stuff in me I don't need it out of me you're the one who's supposed to be gonna put it back into me it's not like I knocked over box Cheerios on the [ __ ] table and well Focusrite everywhere then I put them all back here what do we do [ __ ] you oh my god where did that come from my hand and my brain you're bleeding so much man I can't do this all by myself are you saying that you're no Superman get your [ __ ] together James you've got this look at this dumb old face I need you to hold on to my phone okay I can't believe they actually made you see any room in this ambulance is a whole table over there man come on just hold on to it okay don't let go okay I'm not going to be like Elsa she was heading everything go um I'm surprised that the rib to turn this into a full game like there's full gameplay to it it's not just sitting in the hospital going mm-hmm this is what it is this is what the game is messing with your head can you please hold this put it in my grabber put it in grabby are you too weak or something oh I'm sorry am I too eviscerated for you to be able for me to be able to help you give me your phone I don't know Hawaii I'll just I don't know put it on the floor okay sorry dude okay I was too busy dying I just need to stick this here and make sure you're the blue dress the blue doesn't cut I can't read I'm dying doctor I am all over the place this is what it would be like if humans were able to be scrambled eggs yeah dude I have one question what is this and why is it on an outside of birds shouldn't be don't vomit inside the patient please don't vomit in me I'm not a human toilet okay I know I give off the appearance of giant piece of garbage and we're good hey I think there's still a bit of a problem dude yeah you see those intestines yeah the fact that I'm actually saying this sentence and you said yes proves that we're not doing your vitals are dropping yeah my raisins are dropping like my guts all over the floor Walker stay with me that's a you have a choice buddy but yes sure thing oh no oh god I'm passing out in today [Music] even reading what you guys are saying don't panic you've been in an accident but you're okay now dope what I mean you're alive every part of your body is broken your toes broken your fingernails they're fine I can see them the most isn't your mouth broken yeah some think the muscles in your mouths are broken by the way you sound so how are you feeling I'm feeling a little down no I'm feeling a little down doc because you sound like a simmer you've had why that should help with the pain anyway if you ever need to communicate to us use your hand got it yeah [ __ ] you okay he didn't say I think I'm introduced she's a nurse Barbara he's ready for you Oh God she drinks too much and her husband left her I don't like Babs we don't like bats this is a nobody's household no I mean that I'm discussing but has she looked in the mirror lately but yeah Rocco and Babs that's that's a pretty tab you little reckless [ __ ] whoa but calm down or rain I know you've had a hard life at least we know your bones are made of rock and roll ah that's where you're wrong these guns your mantle baby sympathetic what you better still have control of your bladder I'm going for a smoke I wanna show you that I've consulted my bladder by pissing all over this building she could be a little cranky but please be patient with her Oh doc all I can be is patient right now try to be as nice as you can't doc I'm lovely see please earth why was just really good you I think are you talking about I feel fine I still I flipped what drug stock no bomb careful though try not to bother her too much I'll try my best she might not come back if you call her too often I mean what's gonna happen to me I just sit here I be patient and I wait I look at this beautiful Bob Ross painting in the background okay bye you guys won't even open the door you just 2d phase your way through the gap oh [ __ ] dude is that my bro Tyler for some reason oh good we've been looking all over for you my name is Zoe this is Tyler we are from the dying for a Dream Foundation we've come here today because we heard that there's someone here who could use some cheering up listen there's no nice way to approach this subject but since you were a tournament hey wait what um doc you never told me I was terminal hmm I mean you did say that all my bones are broken it nothing works anymore except the one thing that counts ha ha right top it's all I can do I'm - I'm waiting - high five everybody that's what this game is I'm just sitting here being like everyone needs me hanging in my life I can draw attention to this monstrous hand all I want but nobody wants to high-five me hey hey Tyler yeah I'll talk bro yo what's up I'm taller coming to hospitals with get-well-soon balloons and I'd love to sell ecstasy to kids a trains hit me up what'd you say your name was again my name is pointy no my name is photo but can I my name is claw you know what Tyler my name is [ __ ] to you wow dude really because I'm not dying I'm fine look Tyler they never mentioned that this patient was mentally challenged come on I'm fine over here let me pee bag I have a lot of pissing me no how'd you do that she's magic mmm for me thank you just throw it at my face cuz I can't [ __ ] eat it please accept this gift from us wait wait there we go do you think he can understand us good job okay I'll ask him again do you want this no no how do we thumbs-up yeah sorry I think this patient is mentally [ __ ] dude you can't say that about me I'm not alone talk the doctor said if I talk again my job all changes go into a hospital and every better person that doesn't talk to you can't just go around saying they're mentally [ __ ] that's not cool Tyler you big piece of [ __ ] get well soon get out of here more like it guys guys don't go guys this is a cry for help I have no friend no one here likes me dammit well at least they left a gift basket nurse I gotta go do tea bags oh there you are what is it your little pest vibes I gotta go shoot my ass bags my bag is for Oh God [Music] is it really playing this song wait what what I'm going to miss him really you didn't even know him yeah well he just seemed really nice you know so full of life am i dead did I die in real life I mean how was I supposed to know that if I sit around sticking up my finger at people of afraid been crushed in a hydraulic press how am I supposed to know that I'm just gonna end up dying but Tyler came back and stabbed me ah so there is an ending I got as far as the ICU i mangled myself in a car became a human pinata and then just went to the ICU and died even though the doctor said it was fine and then Zoe comes in with her fruit basket knowledge it was like yeah he looks terminal and Tyler was like yeah he looks mentally [ __ ] and then everyone hated him Tyler had never actually left the hospital he got arrested as soon as he left the room okay let's go back to the ICU again now I see you alright oh god I have to go through all this again okay let's increase the tech speed don't panic you've been an accident know what I mean your life this may be hard for you to hear the office everybody buddy's broken you tells you [ __ ] your your nose your face but fortunately how are you feeling duck I feel great yeah great that's good here from now on if you ever need to communicate it's just use your head that's perfect oh hi Minji shooters where we getting here what it says ready for you hold it hey bats you're disgusting was my answer to everything thanks bats just call me a stinky [ __ ] hey what's going on in here oh this ugly [ __ ] stinky purple okay bye and don't like Bob's okay those aren't tight I gonna come back yeah buddy hey this is favor patient oh good for you my name is Owen its title is 9:30 funny we come here because it's nice blue now Tyler you better watch your language again okay yeah what did you say your name was again my name is pretty tab I can't tell you what my name is am I supposed to spell it out my [ __ ] fingers mm thank you for the fruit basket though I really like it it's very nice I like apples I'm just gonna respond to everything like this okay wait a second see I told you the patient's eat this [ __ ] up there's not there's not neat to go how to butcher than discerning great we'll just place this over here for you thanks guys guys that's pretty - thank you great I'm sure this will come in handy for you oh I get it will come in handy just because my hand is the it is in the air I'm not waving it like I just don't care okay it's still up there no one is high-five that yet thanks me whatever you feel like eating again this this is an okay gift right what else could a dying patient want oh I don't know life the cure the secret serum I know Colonel Sanders has it somewhere eating hoarding that [ __ ] forever did you ever notice how Colonel Sanders never dies he just morphs into a different human but he still survives that's because his secret sauce is caping in my life I've heard it has a lot of bull semen in it though so I don't know if I want it I'm just going to answer everything like this at the end Tyler when I leave hospital these little piggies are gonna go right into your [ __ ] face buddy we loved will you be going now then okay fine what's an actually paying attention anyway well I know you you take care of yourself what's that the sound of a high-five the tight right just give me the high-five yeah buddy give me my balloon weird Tyler that's my balloon Babs perhaps I gotta go duty oh there she is what is it you little pest don't have to look after you the whole day it's your job I have better things to do Babs I gotta go piss actually I did already can you empty it just send it to Bear Grylls how is he drinking she's coming here - stupid puny worm Oh guys I'm in hospital and now I feel bad about my stupid puny body you know the one that got crushed and mangled in the car crash yeah keep walking Babs [ __ ] so that's it I'm born back Bob do you like heavy metal there's nothing wrong with you you little degenerate I've just checked on you now leave me alone aren't you impressed that I'm still feeling the filling the bag up with peepee but bats hello really wish you could eat some of this fruit flew it through it fruit fruit banana banana that's a weird word bad man call it Bana oh god the preseason to give an exorcism okay I know occult symbols with my hand but that's just cause I messed up father for there is nothing that our Lord and Savior shoe boy [Music] wait can we just back it up a second okay shut up shut up [ __ ] or what is shoe bleed like the creator of the game or something his CP on his neck I like that a whole lot more you know how much more times I go to church if I knew I was believing in someone called Chiu boy [Music] no I said we went and honored someone called Jesus that's a made-up name well some of us did not everybody did that's that's slippery slope yes Shawn bring more politics and religion into your channel that's what the comments need be nice would you like to join me as we pray that the Holy Father I'd rather Hale sake is through holy water the sign of the devil how dare you meet our Lord's presence in this room please I must implore you ask for forgiveness right now oh please Lord as I sit here and you deemed it necessary for me to be mangled and crippled in this hospital bed and then sending somebody in who praises jubiiee pretty sure he's on drugs too much sacramental wine if you know what I'm talking about even though he's basically drinking your blood so aren't priests vampires I don't know I don't know what you're up to okay but if you could please rain the blessings of okie-dokie down on top of me that'd be Gucci good I'm glad that you have chosen the right that the path to righteousness we all make mistakes sometimes yeah I made the mistake of trying to find music channels on the radio and now I'm here a human kebab we are just lucky enough to have a holy merciful Lord oh he's merciful alright one thing I know about our Lord and Savior two boyyyyyy it's that he's merciful Oh bless you boy I loved you in so low a Star Wars story I need to leave now but you are in my prayers could I not tonight tonight unsubscribe from that mailing list see what father I have some sins to confess thank you swear no one stays in my life very long in this game but hey I'm still alive I was dead this time last time where was your Chiu boy then Father he left just like my real dad oh my god speaking of which you are my dad oh and his name is Jeff oh my god seventeen memes have just collided you're the truck driver Oh Santa my Beach yo dude you you so dundies I don't know what nationality you are but I've heard that you're so candies so then deez nuts all right yeah that's that's fine that's cool yeah I wasn't actually okay with this I just have a a spasm [ __ ] reflux in my hand you know after you crashed into me and put me here I need an apology from you son you see I believe in a thing called love that you were the one who caused this accident from my viewpoint it seemed yeah well from my point of view the Jedi are evil I mean taking you mister okay sir I'll be with you in a second can you guys I'm just gonna say right now that I think yeah maybe the accident was my fault because I was trying to look for a Starbucks with Gucci gang on the radio and couldn't find it so I looked up and I crashed so this has been my confession but if this guy asks I was never there okay that's cool dude yeah I think listen kid I might lose my job dude I lost half my bowel I need to be totally sure you were admitting to causing the accident do you understand Ted this is not legally binding this is just an okay symbol technically I could just be doing anything I could just be trying to get you well that was easy listen kiddo I really do appreciate your honesty I appreciate your belt and your cooperation I'm just going to uh and in the statement into the police now oh wait no hold on what wait a momento um hello grab a grab sir no oh man I'm gonna go to hospital jail and then won't give me a bag to pee and then I'm gonna have to pee in front of everybody else I mean I'm insecure about that I got a wiener in the shape of one of those apples over there no one's gonna understand I miss bats you pull through baby movies in general Warren soon oh by soon you mean you mean you mean that kids is called a running gag holy bazongas that be the one who takes the who looks it takes after it looks I be the one who takes after looks around here tell me can you speak yet does it [ __ ] look like I can Samantha does it look like I can what the way you got around with the stethoscope you can hear me with your regular ears if I speak you don't need to have this up in the air to be like mmm yeah they can hear sound waves better [ __ ] there you go so then why don't you just say that silly hmm I don't know why don't you just take these metal bars out of my teeth so my mouth works again oh yeah coz my face will fall off who is this lame it matters what you can do with those big long fingers okay Samantha I am married okay I have an anime girlfriend that I love very very much okay she's got TIG ol bitties and her name is newt see you may you don't know her she she lives in Canada she goes to a different school oh yes honey I know you like what you see how about I come over later and we can get to know each other yeah why don't you just come over and I'll prepare dinner I'll cook a big old steak and then I'll go buy you flowers and then we can sit down and watch TV oh wait no we can cuz I'm [ __ ] up in bed a bit better sure why not this is this seems to be the way you progress the game okay sweetie you just hang tight and I'll be back you're supposed to be in room 324 be nice 324 eh I remember cuz that's your bust size that's all Rangers Stacy nurse Barbara has been a scientist Oh Oh pops is back I'm gonna be fair bob's is better than this lady here because she's giving off a whole lot of vibes that I do not consent to my last nurse Barbara to give you a sponge bath Oh me and Babs are gonna have the best time me and me and Babur's are getting along like California wildfire it's good to see how quickly your recovery does that make a rubber bastard Daniel I'm sure you know why I'm here [Music] how does he talk like that normally listen here boy the prophecies have long foretold of a liberator coming down to earth to redeem the souls of the good destroyed sinners the Damned see where I'm going with all of this of course hell yeah there's nothing else going around in my life I might as well join the cult he said I can call up my parents and say hey yeah I've got friends now good good I can see why Pastor Daniel has such faith in you once you have recovered fully we will need to put your faith to the test you see we can't just assume that anyone could be the Liberator our Lord [ __ ] tests that you will successfully complete in order to prove yourself worthy lady this is getting a little weird okay this is getting very doki-doki on me all of a sudden it'll take courage and strengths but it'll be worth it I get it just give me the flaming torch and I'll drink the blood of your Satan God whatever okay just give me leave this hospital bed I'm bored oh yeah sure sure thing buddy yeah whatever you want it's just agreeing to everything maybe I'll come over later sure do you accept charges sure do you want to join a cult and praise Satan forever that sure okay see you later Pastor Dave lovely man makes great kool-aid tastes a little phony don't the people who drink it mysteriously died oh my poor baby it looks like you're in so much pain what did you do this time I came as fast as I could haha same always this my mom oh that's weird I'd like excuse me does this elevator get off this joke oh yeah don't worry mom the bones are only broken in my ankles feet knees calves shins legs arms back spinal fluids are leaking at my neck broke in four places but I'm I'm pretty Deb you something a Pokemon who's only able to st. mama mama does that mean you're okay can't you speak no that's a negatory mom Moreno can't speak with these mouth flaps of mine these lips don't work there won't mind you in the game they don't can you maybe try something to me that's a bit more substantial I'm sorry am I not giving you enough right now you know a big giant truck shaped pin roller ran over me then it turned me into styrofoam yes okay sweetie I still don't know what you're trying to say yeah me neither at this point I I don't understand this meme and I'm too afraid to ask notice that I'll come visit you again as soon take care of my sweetheart ie I love you I - mom I wasn't my real mom I know my real mom my real mom would never say she loves me hey Peter hey you're missing some arms as well wait oh no it's the five-oh magnum p.i oh [ __ ] but what's the matter peaches oh my God look at your freaking face the trip didn't actually drive over this offered the truck drove over my legs this is how I always feel real good about I'd say nice to meet you but your face is making it a bit hard you're the one who's missing a nose we're here today to ask you a few questions about the accident that you were involved in on the night of the 11th of February let's make this short and sweet all right I got some big bad Donuts to catch yeah we're fine no nose I didn't see what you just said I was too busy making fun of your face yes What did he say yes [ __ ] one fina told you this was a frickin waste of time we have some reasons to believe you're being a bit negligent on the road someone the truck driver Jeff [ __ ] approached us and tried to lay down some criminal charge hey the guy wants to put you in the slammer and very opened Oh Jeff and you know what a momento por favor no good old Jeffy boy he said that he didn't want to do anything to me he just wanted me to admit it and then he was going to go file the police report and I say Jeff Jeff my buddy Jeff guy that I actually almost killed in the accident I'm not going down for this Jeff okay I don't like prison I I can't go to the slammer I mean I'm in body prison right now I'm in cast prison I know how I'm talking just nobody there I don't know who I'm talking do you believe that this accident was Jeff's fault oh god I could really do it here couldn't I you do I admit fault of my own potentially go to jail and just have my entire life ruined what would mom say what would what would happen to the cult they need their Liberator no I can't go down for this do you believe that dude the accident was Jeff's fault yeah yeah I do that's what he gets for driving a big rig through a residential zone you know he was taking up the whole Road Jesus you don't know of course you'd say that you happy now Pete Tony you know I'm never happy since my wife left me off all because you wanted to do the job right such a waste of time probably want to take this to court since you have not admitted to causing the accident you need to find yourself a lawyer to defend you in court where oh no you don't know I have the perfect lawyer for you kid you'll get the job done nice and quick it's gonna like Peter tuna dude I'm right here trust me kids there's no better lawyer out there we'll see you at the course code of course cased it maybe I need a [ __ ] doctor okay toodles bye fellas thank you it was nice to see you don't press charges I love Polly hey Babs is back giving these sick bastards a sponge bath is literally the last thing I feel like doing Babs I'm dirty and I've got bed sores can you come in and fix this babari no bubbles Babel Babylonian I dirty there's so too much of a baby to get out of here you weakling what Babs I'm all dirty I'm a dirty boy I need to be sponge bath sponge baised but he didn't beasts punished Babs especially around my legs area very dirty you weakling that's me yes dominate me Babs yeah that's what I thought you're so pathetic you can see too right oh there's a spare I'm not gonna give you a sponge bath you think get you've got to be out of your mind I'd rather clean a thousand catheters then clean your disgusting face yes yes bad tell me I'm trash lay down the law walk all over me oh good I'm glad we're on the same page the page of love a weakling with no backbone yeah the truck you know those yogurt dis squeezable yogurts yeah imagine the yogurt was my spinal fluid and the truck was your fingers is going I'm saying I don't have a back anymore you can say to go to hell okay bye Babs she wants me there's a spark there she's if she's afraid to admit it oh you're not the lawyer are you I've been sent here by the police department to represent you in the court case against Jeffrey Harrison yeah we like to call him Jeff around here and the officers have told me that you have caused some unnecessary chaos and the roads which brought you here if well no matter even if you are guilty which it seems that you are we have something in common neither of us have a spine or a neck anymore shall we go through what you did wrong on the night of February 11th I didn't do anything wrong I'm innocent I was just driving there and keep ran over so there is okay I'm a weak little boy no I'm not going back boy I can't go back into the slammer I'd rather suck a thousand dicks than go back there cuz if I go back there I probably have to suck a thousand dicks anyway diet analogy just make any sense but I'm just hoping to confuse you to the point okay I should be reading this and maybe you'll get away with this the other good news for you is that you they probably do not have any physical proof that you were being negligent whilst driving I was just looking for sweet jams oh don't look at me like that we all know you were too busy looking down at your radio how do you know okay and I can't help but look at you like this this is how my face is I told you this is just my face where does everyone keep thinking there's something wrong on my face it's fine um simple no it suffice I don't half-ass anything mr. lawyer wait half us lots of things if we can whole ass everything did you change your attitude swiftly of the way you would have to represent yourself in the court now let us begin with some courtroom etiquette since you can't even be polite well you can't even dress yourself so sorry I need to work on it how do you do the judge if she asks you question do you tell me swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I'm just gonna give her one of these I'm a slam down and all like heavy metal on her and she'd be like dude that's rad how could I do that to the judge ago yo judge sorry but she be like Oh charges dropped that's how you do it in the state of California that's how you get out of a fender bender and that's the tea for the day folks oh god oh god I'm going back into the alternate wait what's happening [Music] [Music] I'm in the prison hospital this is awesome they call me old Gulen snake now you'll end up in solitude if you carry on that way yes we have a new member of the family boys and what's your name son I told you school and snake call me that that's my code names awesome cat got your tongue no I lost someone a truck drove over me oh shoot I forgot the water took on a truth let me guess the truck won I won just remember always be on your best behavior otherwise I promise you trace a wave no silly gangs I'm already in a gang it's called the the chill pack now I'll be over there by my podium the only time you ever call me it's when there's an emergency got it oh I do got it but I really want to sass you cuz I'm a sassy little boy I'm a sassy little bean boy you've every right to be whoever you feel you need to be I encourage you to bathe bathing suit kids anyway before I forget the hospital has told me that they have sent over a particular can we get some Bob's and Charlie's yeah I love pop spots is the best part of this game I'm already holding on in this game for Babs see you later that Babs is that is that Babs oh no you drive the deal with your ugly face with the rest of these dirty crooks - you love it Mads there's a be over your head from Babylonian on the plus side that prison guard is quite cute don't you think I have some toy of me like that you know how I get jealous okay you know the drill don't bother me don't call for me we get on just fine okay you know how I like it the silent treatment little twerp yeah call me garbage Babs Babs you're just getting into eight I'm gonna do with this boner now bats oh god it's a Simpson hey you must be the new guy in town you got any hand cream on you why oh you look so scared I'm not gonna hurt you unless you don't have any hand cream excuse me I think this man might be the human embodiment of jaundice let me get him out of my face hurry up now boys you should have seen your face again okay my face just looks like this can you speak Spanish no I mean you're speaking perfect English so why would I have to speak Spanish no this one you don't yeah what a disappointment almost as disappointing as your face and the fact that you don't have any hand cream don't feel bad about it green go like my mama always used to say don't judge a book by it's cover unless that you look the color of your own suit that you're wearing because that's just gross amigo anyway I know that you were new here and people will probably take advantage of that so always watch your back they're just making fun I told you I don't have a bag anymore we will look out for you look out for us what do you say are you one of the gangs I heard about oh my mother said when I moved that I would always make new friends she was right can we sell drugs together this is great news before you join our group there are a few things that you should know firstly my name is Eduardo Eduardo I've been imprisoned for okay I was caught embezzling money from coffee capital because I needed to feed my family you know the placement of that leg between your legs is very unfortunate we're very flattering and whatever way you want to say it oh it's fake time yeah yeah great is that what you said I'm not even paying attention my family has good reputations with the guards yeah they respect us and keep their distance and we do the same for them if you were keen to join our family you need to respect the guards oh also we have a family site whenever someone is bothering this is my family sign I took this to mean I love you when I was a kid oh okay is that this okay so you put that one there you put that one there and that one there yeah yes so that's the one all right wait I might doing a gang symbol note about the toys please chew boy if you're up there I'll see you around me okay Eduardo stay safe and remember live long and Ola bye I love you he's gone okay life in prison has actually been better than the hospice part oh there's a naked dude can I get off mr. bones was right now I can't stop staring at his nipples there's something about their intoxicating it almost looks like a face Who am I talking to hello hi oh you're there hi how's it going yeah look at his nipples and they weird mind if I get a bit closer of you back off there buddy I don't want you or your black hole nipples anywhere near me there's nothing like two friends getting to know each other better okay I'm spoken for I have a love for a fine lady named Babs I bet the sponge baths they give you must be really good only if they're from my one true love anyway what are you informed I mean for some fun did you kill someone yes technically I killed the old version of myself that was in hospital I was a patient and now I'm a warrior it's also poetic as I told two boyyyyyy guy in CB to give me the flaming torch so that I could carry the burden of the cult forward I know of a flaming torch my hair did you kill someone oh hell yeah dude oh you know this dude you're just out in the street you see a guy you're like oh dude I feel like killing that dude and then you do it and then you're in prison shit's tight dude huh so how'd you do it Gautam with a knife did you slit their throat you blow their brains out it did put in a different way does this new count oh so you don't like to kiss and tell Hey oh so you're Canadian eh well a liar and a killer is somebody that I can respect since you're new I want to consider joining a gang wait I thought there was a knife on your arm it's a rather you're lame dude get out of my face he wants me to join a gang mother always told me not to but then she also said go play in traffic and now I'm here because of that so maybe she was telling me the future hmm it isn't a video game after all so it might be okay oh yeah oh yeah that's nuts going on I quote just like a book club right we just get together you share our feelings every week are you gonna fit right in with murderers thieves and liars are they also part of the game you should know that we use this site to fans of him hey ffff and but the site I'm confused okay so we just do nope we do this Frere my hand doesn't work that way it's like a weird reverse spider-man I'm sure you gonna get along with the rest of us just fine yeah because I killed a guy killed him dead lose in fortnight but I kill them and their pants okhla Pete okay IFRIC I'd miss start and a part of that sentence I swear Teddy once made the guards cry with that sign Wow anyway soft skin I'll see you around don't call me soft skin that's weird and gross you take care no okay take care now bye bye then bye II I lock the door lock it lock it real good Oh Babs is back she thought her negligence would kill me I can't die when the love for you burns in my soul could you just stop being so selfish and die already Babs okay I know we've had our problems okay you come in tell me I'm a piece of [ __ ] I react very strongly to it and then you leave we have something here we're a strong couple okay when I get out of the hospital prison and remove these water tattoos real tattoos made from the ink and blood of my enemies when I wash them off we're gonna be the best we can go to Hawaii it's for the weak there Hawaii's in Africa right perhaps I don't know I'm not a mad at the world but together we can understand this okay for you Babs I'll die okay I'll die but when I faked the death then you come and we leave a very ugly unstable brittle wall that a lot of people have kicked and a care or two have driven into it that's too real the roasts video is done Babs you don't need okay you win your way of fine the prison guard hasn't come to talk to you has he he has oh he did what did he talk to you about there's anything about me where's the couple okay screw that guy he doesn't even walk properly he walks in like this and then when he's finished talking he walks backwards the terrible Michael Jackson impersonator do you say anything about me yeah I have I've said a lot about you to the people course you didn't merit anyone notice no bag like me you're beautiful like a bag of canadian milk one of these days love you [ __ ] you might literally be Satan you know you might be a big old steaming pile of raccoon [ __ ] but you're my steaming bag goodbye twerp she's like she's loosening up to me good luck trying to stay alive good luck to you to make the odds forever be in your favor she loves me you can tell wait we're busting out of prison Oh pepperoni's back yeah well what happened why is the Latino leader here okay poor kiss that boy didn't see all that hey man back off guys we can work this out okay the important part is that Bob's likes me now hand him Han what we're all ready to choose your gang that would be like choosing suicide yeah he chose our guy hey let's talk amongst yourselves [Music] let's go to our I'm going over here everything going on you guys talk huh Antron oh yeah it yeah no no Dino wha hey uh huh wait wait no baby huh baby come back [ __ ] you soft skin isn't that kind of what you were laying before I'm getting very mixed messages here don't lead I don't like prison I don't do well here okay no but the emotional box I heard that he got into some kind of gang problem in jail really that's terrible yeah apparently he couldn't make up his mind about which gang to be loyal to oh dear yeah sounds like they all ganged up on him in the end I died okay well that was helping hand and the listen to take away from this is that no matter what happens to you in life people are still gonna be [ __ ] and expect everything to happen out of one hand gesture and as we all saw no hand gesture is ever the right hand gesture except this one because this one is looking for a high-five and that's a team effort high-fives are the greatest team building exercise imaginable up top up top everyone yes yep everybody out there yes high fives high fives wrong but for what that was I actually enjoyed it I know I was ignoring a lot of the sentences that were in the game but I had fun just making up my own little story and riffing on different things because again it gets very very repetitive it's cool that they managed to make an entire game around that mechanic and that it's more than just sitting in the hospital now and thank you to developer for sending me the code to be able to play the game they saw that I played the demo of it and sent me a code for the full game so thanks for that I just think that the mechanic on its own gets a bit too repetitive and the game like there's so much stuff to it I I got as far as this there's all this stuff left to go so I know if I'm gonna go any further or just even here I have no idea you guys can let me know but for what this was and for what this video was I had a blast recording this so I hope you guys had a blast watching it alright thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it punch that I put in the face when you bus and high fives all round stupid [Music] [Applause] oh it would appear that my voice has left me just like my spine left me in the game
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,245,016
Rating: 4.885385 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, helping hand, helping hand game, funny game, hilarious, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, hospital, hand gesture, helping hand jacksepticeye, funny gestures, indie, flash game, indie game, nurse, doctor, hospital bed, middle finger, controls, download, download link, reaction, funny jacksepticeye, funny moments, full game, full release, steam version
Id: vHpS1NAuyPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 15sec (3555 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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