SUBNAUTICA ON LAND | Journey To The Savage Planet - Part 1

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to a game called journey to the savage planet I knew nothing about this game until about two weeks ago and it looks super cool it looks like a mix between sort of satisfactory and subnautica games kinda like that which you know that I absolutely love so I've been very intrigued by it and want to try it out um it also kinda reminds me of why I said why am i black breathitt that's I couldn't think of the name of it for a second single bear yes play so this just came out today and I haven't seen too much of it just like a trailer oh I'm guessing that was the savage planet that we were on a journey to oh okay thank you for joining the Pioneer program no problem oh did you have more to say Oh 30 years kindred has been striving to help humanity expand beyond the confines of Earth and I am excited to announce that many industry observers now consider us the fourth best interstellar exploration company for manufacturing batteries and solar arrays for use in extreme climates - our line of athletic footwear and chic survival apparel we have been continually striving to drive humanity further from the bottom of the oceans and now to the stars that's an amazingly well edited video beyond pure exploration and into settlement which is why you were here our scientists have identified several planets that may be fit for human habitation okay Wow your job is to exceed catalog creatures threats and opportunities and send it back to our crackheads oh it has been made to ensure a comfortable and safe journey recent budget challenges plus the unknown natures of the obstacles you will face means we're unable to send you anything in the way of equipment this is a feat at an aquarium whoever as your habitat comes equipped with a 3d printer and every other than capable of turning any old space trash you discover its you useful items one minor note all the fuel and your javelin was used in the journey from Earth and the landing on your planet you will need to discover a local resource that you can refine into an appropriate fuel unless of course you decide to spend the rest of your life off earth but I don't think up too much of your time and I'm sure you're very excited to explore so I wish you good luck we will send updates on your progress as you complete your scheduled surveys stay alive and see you soon Wow okay that was funny I like that standard fusion protein is in prolapse my discomfort or death is possible and all effort old need to help Edward rec of you know that Kirk we're talking to you six months I'm definitely not crazy lady don't even dare worry think about it new report okay it looks like you made it good job as per your kindred employee experience program benefits contract you are contractually obligated to submit regular reports during your mission let's begin okay let me just let me just get my sweet dirty bean water down me first Oh God which one am i I mean I would love to go with the dog but this is more me which one of these as me I'll go with the dog I'm a few I'm a few cuddly I'm a cute cuddly little creature thank you for your time explore j7 5 X 3 2 1 this is the end of the report please press the submit button to send your answers to kindred Stata Center for processing ok alright have some messages apparently ok can I explore let me explore thank you thank you okay so caution kick an alien in the head remember that it's important it's gonna be on the exam at the end don't salt and pepper your aliens and don't touch them or make love to them either okay also this game is co-op so if you were if you had friends each one is playing with two that's why they're like if you have a partner or not and that's why there's two discombobulate errs here okay but I wanted to try it out solo first because I want to get that like yeah let it kind of like subnautica feel back again this is cool it also feels like outer worlds I've never played it but reminds me ok the exterior hatch sorry I'm barely paying attention to you lady I'm exploring proceed show track mission objective woohoo okay good here my ship looks cool looks like something out of Star Wars or Hitchhiker's Guide funny game game funny oh it's cute oh god there's a lot of bang openness so what is this place grain also don't make something like some sort of sasquatch I don't sound like a human oh damn okay thank you I don't know if I like that oh it's the teleporter oh okay so I think this is one of the panel things that she was beast I'm not actually a human at all I don't know why I thought it was human okay thank you I just covered him in goop Jesus Christ okay I'm sorry that I walked into your lair whoa what do we need what do we need can i okay scanning good drugs okay god I wanna highlight our cooler locks on puffer bird these aren't read oh this is bait ah that's what it do okay where am I going it says here I don't know lady go to space and doing all this [ __ ] I don't know if a pistol is the first thing that I should be making but you know what everything's dangerous out here so I'm I'm I'm a pack up the blinky shoot him in the face okay let's head out hope you guys are [ __ ] cute as all hell I want to take you home and Pat you in the head until you say that I'm your new dad all right back at the 3d printer yeah I'm good I'm like a dog manbearpig monkey meat hands okay friends are good for me please thank you Jesus Christ yes well I colonize our planet I do it with weaponry oh I can upgrade ah it's a good RPG is well [ __ ] fun okay do I do I have it on me no you have to give me a minute here folks here we go okay I mean like sniper mode but I'm not on the thing it has like a little sight but I can't use that all right shoot these hey hell yeah cliched little birdie dudes now you guys cute I don't gonna shoot you I'm gonna keep you alive forever I'm a calling call you Reginald veg milled hedgerows intentionally easy there monkey man easy okay what okay this game is cool I like it so far all right what are we doing Who am I fight what is that who are you let me through I don't waste ammo Wow [Music] cool hell yeah yeah you said no intelligent life I already met Birds okay so just scan everything scan all the things yeah bouncing the unborn children bouncing them I say this is fun okay I don't want you I want to stay out here and I want to explore and I want to see all the things that the world has to offer right ah gee Jose so these are health if I lose health I shoot this and get some back what is this shooting it does oh holy [ __ ] I could make my own trampoline course I'm hearing sounds the last time Oh last time I heard someone's in a game like this a [ __ ] Reaper came and chopped my ass off so I don't want that this time no thank you no you need to stop talking lady I want to get up there nice god that's a big skeleton I am hearing so many sounds I don't know how much did them want to kill me you can say that again Mildred I forgot what your actual name is okay what else is there - scan scan everything what's this Mesmer toxin now eat a bunch of them get high as [ __ ] hey wait bouncy here nice nature's little [ __ ] a living loot vault cracked to open investigate the nearby area for clues ooh okay got it that's one - what is this thank you I had to run away from nothing very quickly he was about to kill me and this one everything's trying to kill me on this savage planet sucks I don't want to be here anymore I'm gonna go home I kick on my feet watch Netflix ok what if I put one there and wait oh that's not good oh that's not good oh that's not good huh you didn't spread ow god damn it dude you suck it's in here Carbon vein a grapple seed Wow I didn't do anything have to use it on something shoot everything and ask questions later that's my mentality I'm a colonizer all right we're at weird direction forward where we go we're up that question me ask where go now me do I don't know oh crap oh seat nope oh I have a grapple seed but I don't have a grapple gotcha gotcha where did that other one go I dropped one hello has anyone seen a grapple or a contact lens I seem to have misplaced it damn it maybe I should go back to my ha ha ha beat at give me health please oh hell yeah dude you're a different one you're the Big Daddy here huh some bait oh these guys are cute the things that don't try and kill me are very cute if they try and kill me though I will kill back I do have that capacity alright thank you for your [ __ ] what is this thing yeah you just ate that dude thank you she's supportive can I walk across this jelly waft basin run run run run run run run oh God what is happening am i dead shoot him shoot him and ask questions later ah [ __ ] okay okay got him goddang Johnny watts okay I think I did it I think I survived see don't mess with me I'm a big bad boy and I'm ready to [ __ ] nice okay get your cheat hoes back oh sweet flaming hot cheetos my favorite flavor wait like this he said eat that she didn't even finish the conversation last time and I just ate that shove that in my face and hope for the best probably some sort of disease now okay so my goodness run out of ammo it just runs out of charge that's good to know wow the vert and wilds of Zil or zion or whatever okay there's a lot to scan here so leafy so luscious it's all luxurious no they're not those are massive those are big bigots okay I don't want to go I'm gonna head back to my habitat I don't wanna go too far because things are want to try and kill me I head back don't tempt fate just think I can make this put one of these here I'm gonna do it I'm gonna make it watch this ah [ __ ] packing me go resources deposited Thanks let me just get my lovely coffee into me again Oh top of the morning to you feels good the fun quarters all right [ __ ] I don't think I've made the right one okay damn wait I have a message is that my mom does she fight my bike remember the Kindred value system hello again Explorer name here congratulations under tremendous progress you've made on planet name well I'm sure by now the isolating loneliness of space exploration has started to set in rest assured that your personal sacrifice has not gone unnoticed Martin tweed Kindred's fearless and intrepid CEO was distinctly heard remarking that he was interested in the paragraph summary he skimmed documenting our 74 active pioneers hard work well done as you continue to pursue your goal of exploring and documenting your exciting new planet be sure to maintain a keen awareness of the kindred value system one leave no stone unturned if a stone refuses to turn smash it to pieces to explore every nook and cranny should a cranny or nook seem too dangerous get in there and check it out anyway that's why we pay you three take pride in your work you defend or and defend kindred property at all costs advanced space Tech is expensive and hard to manufacture printing new limbs and extremities can be done at a fraction of the cost for have fun okay thank you I am having fun I'm having a great time oh Jesus important stuff only what did you bring what did Santa bring I want to grab a required element undiscovered grapples onto compatible objects from a distance but I want the grapple it's the only thing I've ever wanted can upgrade my gun okay so I need supercharge your pistol for a single extra damage shot got it improve damage bingo bango get that education Brooke thanks guys thought thanks no put it away ah okay I'll do it it's refurbished also discovered Momo it works okay jump thrusters are that's what I want launch boosters die what all the things dog get this stop great your step fog get it ah okay let's head out and kill more things that's how a human would do it but when you go looking for other planets we kill everything and take what we want human settlement at this point we are unsure of the specific obstacles he will face I was trying to press e to pick up more of these I didn't realize okay lady I'm not even listening I was well I'm not even listening I'm just I'm getting [ __ ] from these guys they're so good at giving me carbon I [ __ ] love this slap animation kappa the born idea trap at the bar - did you guys done okay give me all your carbon i need it oh god sorry did I feed you a bad one or something well that would stink bro there we go let's destroy everything lure everything up I'm here to take it all I'm here to [ __ ] up your planet I'm sorry your planet is beautiful and I'm gonna change it okay I don't care I'm a madman with a good if I were to [ __ ] your planet I will okay all right so 300 meters away and there's a purple thingy do 300 meters away as well all right go to this one she seems to know what she's talking about robot lady she got some sort of smart brain I had one of those too I just don't know where I put it all right we I guess not this way wait can I just blowing key I - boingy no that doesn't work are you are you are you shitty on my titties right now come on that should work it's simple sight simple math X plus y equals bouncy fun time whatever man I'll just do it myself in a different way I guess I can't kill them from distance I need the sniper upgrade all right where are we going it's still this way don't die don't die whole propeller anus mouth Cyclops a meat vortex Jesus I don't wait how do I give you the meat that you need oh hell yeah I could shoot these boys okay shooting them a lot what a guy a burgle snatch okay does he want bait as well Brooklyn such I don't supposed to do it him give me all your carbon shutting it out it's like played slime rancher all over again thank you yeah sorry that one was more liquid than gas you know I could shoot the the purple things it's an odor upgrade dude beaches love tumors bro okay I need to go down to this orange thing let's keep doing this this is fascinating though I like it a lot so far it really is scratching that like subnautica edge I know people really want me to go back to subnautica as well and do more of below zero and all that stuff maybe I will I keep waiting for new updates to come out but it seems like uh I'm waiting for the full game to come out instead of just playing all the updates but it seems like it's gonna be a while before the full game is actually out jarana hose out worth it all right scan everything kill everything will do [Music] pomegranates that's a fun name Fred deadly thing there you go [ __ ] yes snipe around here bro who wants to go who wants what's up you want some jacks got some for you oh I jumped into this and I was like wait there's all is this gonna hurt thank you very helpful this is the Deku Tree somebody thinks the scan I'm such an inquisitive little bean any health give me those flamin hot cheetos bro alright the thing i need is in here Chim cheroo okay I'm gonna garden and I'm not afraid to use it oh yes give me all that silicon Oh set a cow give me those titties okay I'm excited that's why I'm exploring and discovering the world feel like my software is devoid of intelligent life Oh what this I mean technically that is what teleportation would be don't worry I'm just gonna eat my jello all right we're our two next crazy lady sometimes whistling at me over here cause a Gandalf funny wanted to get Shadowfax okay man I love this [ __ ] I love games where I just go along and I get upgrades and it makes my life so much easier as I go along again jetpacks I get grapples I get a bigger gun what are you guys gonna poop over hey are you guys violent okay okay okay you guys are not violent you guys are cute puffer bird boys sniffle on his snow fur all right I'm gonna keep going into the cave don't mind me Oh darkness becomes me in here very useful it got me aluminium sorry aluminum silly other people not speaking it the same way I do nice alright there's a timer on this okay throw that one it's like a flare precarious shrine where's the thing I need right there all right scan all the things I like it okay I think my glow shrub is gone that's absolutely fine I'd even want it anyways stupid stupid closer look stinky sorry materials I love I love hoarding all these materials like the game being hired for a while and then hoarding all the materials and they getting so many upgrades and the next time you come back to this area you say haha [ __ ] you faster now yep oh thank god whoa oh my hair it listen to me Thrall sorry siphon that midnight oil doopy doopy I love that I don't even want it to be useful I just want it to be fun fun is the greatest currency humans have how many other creatures on the planet know what fun actually is right yeah all you guys do is eat and [ __ ] and I steal it - but do you have fun though probably not that's poop and it's fun for you but I don't know alright let's go back to this job portal thingy the flash novel point thought I was hearing something I mean I'm hearing a lot of things but something very specific I hope at some point in this game as well that there's giant creatures you know how much your boy loves giant creatures God no me penises where my hands are oh wait no I'm fine oh it could just go straight into the habitat ah I should have used that brain of me I am feeling it already okay jump pack boosters press space again while in the air to jump press middle-mouse while moving back or sideways to dodge ah so take a double life sampler allows you to extract the life sample from living tissue press Q to poke close to it okay I'm gonna probe some [ __ ] hey guys glorious day okay I can get this no super chair shot but I can also get advanced batteries I think the advanced batteries are better I can shoot more little thing next thing you know I'm gonna get a participation trophy and say that I want a [ __ ] Oscar my guy he stopped building me up just to tear me down all right Oh to the world with me going in okay I want to go towards this purple thing that they were showing me before I don't know how I get there though hey wow that's awesome hell yeah I'm a bouncy baby boy come at me bro I'm a [ __ ] pro gamer see these moves can't teach this in school so we're there whoa that's just straight to flex the shots oh we can we get reading just call me Rick O'Shea the bounciest Irishman all the land hey you boys eat up daddy's got some supper for you anything scan I like to get any things and scan kerbin sweet glorious carbon life blood of all living organisms give it to me give me your carbon and your knees give it to me thank you thank you what a dot a babushka oh [ __ ] okay so what you're saying is shoot harder faster and better next time got it ah they give me so much stuff kill hall ready come back out you little bastards I looked at this stream daddy my aim is on [ __ ] point there you go I know you're in here somewhere [ __ ] yeah goddamn [ __ ] the two trigger-happy there where'd he go Oh babushka babushka Ronny bud I'm not gonna kill ya I'm just gonna hurt ya until that kills you come on out buddy where'd you go I got a gift for you Jesus Christ lose you just hear the running coming from my asthmatic he's somewhere here god it's so [ __ ] talented okay they give you a lot of items oh oh damn he's right next to me I didn't even [ __ ] know I hear a big creature somewhere I'm excited to shoot that in the face that's gross you sound like that the flighting car in Star Wars Episode two you should look it up flying carrots out Star Wars Episode two Cold War's kind of a kind of a god-awful movie but my god does have a lot of fun means in it I'm afraid the rest of the babushka curse now whatever I got a lot of items out of already let's go this way now let's do this thing look that is making a huge sound somewhere whoo what is that so much to do so much to see this is where I already was we're not going that way this is how I got down into here but there was an innately different location nice nice damn it feels good to be a gangster what is making that big sound II I wanna find it I want to kill it I want to prove my worth is this crap Oh flower okay I'm really excited to get the grappling hook on a flower on X spider-man it's just this okie daisies I hear you what's down what's down it this way hello okay comin through sorry canes I see refuge how do you know that that's what it's called you just got here who's Kate Arthur that's a Kanye Kanye Hayes I see refuge oh can I get that nice yeah so now I can survive fall damage better is that what you're telling me it really sounds like that's what you're telling me thank you for your poopies thank you thank you I leave now bad night I go this way and explore more okay nothing crazy here I also forgot that I was supposed to be following a thing on my compass I'm just exploring right now I'm just being a play get old Christopher Colombo okay smokey Steamies looks bad oh wait I can get you by coupling it with this so [ __ ] smart or not are you oh hello there we go eat the shoes yeah I say nice nice tray that coming not this way we're Derby blockage there be fun hey yeah nice what we going here huh okay I can't break it though I got a I got a do this okay related to the to the thing why silicone vein okay hi whoa okay getting a little Trixie here are we I can't see through the [ __ ] smoke okay good all right do let me open this thing I'm so confusing binding bile okay it sticks things in place how do we do this though hello can I stick you in it no I who spin it in my hand and look really cool that is awesome but I want to do more wait can I stick this in creatures oh nice so these things are related to that wait this immaculate alien vessels ornate design represents blah blah blah chess good open now excuse me excuse me it seems to be related the alien chest I need to find something near that will turn it on ah okay I thought it was that thing but that didn't do anything when I went up to it maybe I should have scanned it huh and uh huh ah come on ya big dangus high and high and yeah there we go what a fascinating illy glyph it must mean something ah right I'm a baby and I need to learn how to do these things shapes good me stupid brain bad me stinky all right where's the next one through here I could smell it with my sniffers alright that's all that's in here forgot it goody goody goody gumdrops now if I was the last thing where would I be not up here I tell you that ooh hold on hold on secret mission going undercover hey okay can't do that but I can gelatinous blob what there you go wait didn't you do that the first time huh scat pink daddy what is it is it something good is it a new bike a baby brother alien alloy I mean that's cool but okay [Applause] okay where are two now buddies one of these things do bamboo door Oh imagine the indignity of dying to a giant falling tomato oh I just oh I need to get through before that happens got it lovely goop soaked witness Paltrow is selling beautiful goo please don't break on its cultural stuff Oh God get out of here and scary secret nearby I'm getting close to the purple thing but I don't know how I do anything here hello I think they're in the waterfall I can't get out over this oh wait maybe I can go up I know there's a secret nearby you keep telling me and I'm trying to find it but I can't right now leave me alone I really want to know what that big creature making sounds is so cool sounding so I need to give this thing meat there have a grapple seed oh that didn't work I have a binding bio no I didn't work how about gelatinous blob that didn't work either have a light sampler dammit I don't have anything if I shoot him in the eye No alright I need to get something that I can throw at him and then he eats it and then I'm like ooh yum yum yummy upgrades think I can go that way nope maybe hold on just a ding-dang for shift while walking forward to sprint press space to jump while they air jump again okay am I gonna make this I'm gonna make it baby okay off we go nice so well awesome let's look at the binding bile sorry little man wait thank you wait can I pick up their bodies oh damn the hour full of juice Wayne can I go that way go into there go into the thing nope how do we get meat into that feed in a puffer bird and see what happens yeah okay wait if I if I bait there Oh oh my god holy [ __ ] I'm sorry but I'm not damn tranquil crevasse of tranquillity that's a lovely name okay watch this Toby [Music] nice [ __ ] yeah Goti secret everybody it's a secret over here oh yeah I still didn't see what was making all of that big monster sound explosions ice I saw it already exposed sharp lady stinky um did you guys see that what is that big giant laser the [ __ ] secrets over here well that's not a secret that's a hole that's death huh how do i how do I get them to go here though oh [ __ ] I can kick them into it that's amazing [ __ ] yeah that was not the secret though goddamn [ __ ] that little dude up alright maybe we have to still go around like go up over there that seems accurate something up there is making a gaping anus sound oh wait that's not the secret the secret is this question mark I see okay I don't have any explosives yet but I am collecting a lot of materials and hopefully one day soon I will have all the explosives that I need boy he already ate one damn I didn't even have to do anything here thank you okay Oh temple was that a temple for don't [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay okay okay I did not ah what the [ __ ] give me my Cheetos I didn't realize these were the [ __ ] explosives God Almighty I just wanted to shoot II bangs goddamn then you started doing it and then the other guy kept doing it I mean I hurt a lot okay how do i how do i how do i next I should not be in here I needed a grapple for this why did I come in here okay I can get out hose thank God ah okay so they have a limited amount of time that you can use them for or they explode so he's like grab one head back down [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] where does that other door that I needed to get to god they explode a lot okay did I blow up this one yes Oh yummy yummy yummy it's a hundred of those [ __ ] orange blobs Jesus big space truck now what hit me whatever get space rock damn didn't do a lot of damage though oh thank you [ __ ] show demigods Neely's everywhere hate it god stinky okay nice this is very helpful yeah what is that thing what the [ __ ] how can I use you to kill you Wow baby that's what you love to see goddamn that was awesome do you know what I want to do it again [ __ ] dope heal and come home [ __ ] that was amazing oh there's like big ones damn this plan is hostile is [ __ ] that works out nicely for me though wait can I eat life's a blur life's a prayer hello no ok what if I nope was that the thing just crying I know I've been hearing the sounds up here for a long time I'm gonna go up I know there's a lot of other stuff to explore at the same time but this is really important I can catch you but you didn't know cashews grow in the edge of big ugly fruits no I did not pikemen nice Oh dope okay how's this liquid nearby creatures kill its minions to retrieve its loot all right it's one of these things again a meat vault cool okay so do I kill you whoa-kay shoot him in his big ugly tail oh yeah come on Oh attaboy our little [ __ ] what a [ __ ] i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i I didn't know there's Manny okay okay okay okay you got it you got it buddy you got it oh come on come on now you keep [ __ ] playing into me before I even have a chance to touch how do you know I'm going that direction huh oh come on do it again [ __ ] damn it man all right oh the health is gone out of this thing [ __ ] is there a health plant nearby they keep doing the spinny thing directly into me even when I dodge they keep going the direction that I'm trying to dodge it okay so I can't get them tails until they do that thing yeah don't she goes and there's health over here goody let epic dodge [ __ ] [Music] look oh okay no do it again not not yes oh baby that's awesome that was super fun oh and they opened up the chest got it nice uh oh sweet juniper berries those the things making noise all that time oh that noise you know I think it might just have been okay sweet another thing nice I didn't realize that when I pick up one of these it's not an upgrade immediately you need three all right time to get back to my mission area my teleportation habitat whatever shush up alright can i craft anything new new weapon single single shot would've been handy there because I could just charge up and shoot the tail fast reload fast reload is also really damn important because reload was really crippling me that time thanks guys thank you thank you and maybe wait let's go back out and see what else I can craft required item undiscovered bomber granted stabilizer alright what do I need I wish had told me what item I needed to upgrade instead of just saying you don't have it and improved utility belt King Harry five objects of any type okay don't really need that yet a better visor kind of need that upgrade your scanner to have a bigger detection range also increases your zoom distance well not too much what did I do okay I once I want the weapon thing more oh yeah okay is that it is that all I can get oh I can get the fighter still as well catch Inger cool okay I still haven't got the grapple thing first f4 Island range maybe it's something got to do with the grapple seeds all I have are seeds but I don't have anything else I know we'll figure it out but I'm gonna leave this first episode of journeys and savage planet here very very fun game I'm enjoying it a lot so far does all the elements of these types of games that I love like the exploration the creatures there what the [ __ ] is going on and what do I do next and scanning everything and learning the whole planet as I go along but then it also has this really nice RPG ish element to it or a craft things and they go further and I get better at it and I really like that and really like keeps me on track and keeps me going and just makes me want to discover the world more it has a really big vibe of remember grow home and how does it grow up and grow home or whatever they were cause when I was playing as little bud that was flying around and grabbing onto ledges and stuff it kinda reminds me of that where I grab different items in the world and they upgrade my jet boosters and my jumping and all that kind of stuff so I'm enjoying this a lot so far I can't wait to play more of it I hope you guys are enjoying it as well if you are don't forget to leave a like on the video because it really lets me know what you guys are into and what you want to see more of so if you want to see more of it don't forget to leave a like on it and don't forget to subscribe as well if you're new here but also to keep in touch for more of these episodes as well to be reminded of them whenever they're gonna come out but until then I'm gonna leave you guys here I can't do any chompy's in here I thought I could do something cool okay night-night sleepy sleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man I am hungry
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,959,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Journey To The Savage Planet, journey to the savage planet gameplay, journey to the savage planet review, journey to the savage planet walkthrough, journey to the savage planet solo, journey to the savage planet single player, subnautica, journey to the savage planet jacksepticeye, PC, epic games, journey to the savage planet part 1, savage planet, journey to the savage planet game, savage planet gameplay, savage planet game, journey to the savage planet coop
Id: nOjARgui8Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 29sec (4049 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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