Trisha Paytas' Poetry is WEIRD

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apparently I quite like torturing myself because against the advisements of you guys I recently found myself buying Trisha Paytas poetry book title a hundred and one poems about my ex-boyfriend why do I do this to myself [Music] now before we take a look at a specific poems there are a few things I want to say I'm not really a fan of Trisha Paytas as like a youtuber or personal whatever that's not say dislike her I just don't really watch her stuff I never have now that I have watched a few videos about her and I do find her quite an interesting character there's a brilliant video I watched awhile back now and I can't remember off the top of my head who made it well I'll try and look it up and if I find it I'll put a link to it in the description and I'll mention you on screen here whatever and but basically it was this fantastic video that talked about how the main issue with Trisha Paytas is that so much of what she does is trolling it's trying to get a reaction and a response but she combines this with actually putting like her real feelings and a personal life into her videos so it's very confusing for both her and the viewer because there's this really blurred line between her personality and her persona and it gets the point where I'm not sure even she isn't highly sure about what's her and what isn't what's real and what isn't you know this poetry collection is probably a really great example of that because she talks about things that really happen to her and a real relationship that she had and her real feelings and you can tell in a lot of the poems as a hell of a lot of raw emotion in there there's a hell of a lot of passion and feeling but I can't help but feeling that with the poetry itself she's again kind of trolling if you want to put it like that she's trying to make it intentionally bad and angsty because that's kind of her brand that's who she is that's what she's known for I mean just look at her music as an example [Music] he was always in my car my straight bar here you are Jesus [Music] [Music] now this in itself isn't necessarily something to criticize a lot of people write bad poetry but not everyone can intentionally make it bad and so while we are gonna be analyzing these poems today as if they were serious attempts at art and poetry and whatever it is worth bearing in mind that this probably wasn't her intention and that's absolutely okay the other thing I want to quickly bring up is a comparison to Gabby Hanna's poetry book the books are clearly written with very different audiences in mind although I'd argue that the ultimate goal of each book is the same to make money again not a bad thing in itself everyone has to pay the bills I have to pay the bills see the rent on my tiny little flaps insane however it's very clear that Gabby takes her work a lot more seriously than Tricia does which is why it's even more disappointing that Gabby's poems come across as lazy or not well thought out or unfinished or just kind of boring in places it's very clear that they're both writing for very different reasons while I think Gabby wants to try and be taken seriously as an artist and it doesn't really work I think Trish's goal is basically just get some attention and entertain people a little bit and get her feelings out there and so in that respect I think Tricia actually achieves her goals far better than Gabby does it's not say Trish's poems are good they're still not but I think because Tricia doesn't necessarily want to create like serious works of art it means she had a lot more like freedom creating her coins you can tell she kind of had a lot more fun with it and you know her poems are a lot more silly and kind of real and raw it means that even though her poems aren't necessarily good at least they're never boring which you can't say about Gabby's unfortunately the other advantage that Tricia has over Gabi is that Gabby's work constantly feels like she's trying to mimic the work of others that she's not really quite sure who she is she's still finding her voice like I say a lot of Gabby's work feels very unfinished Tricia's at least I don't know because again I would say they're not really edited they're not really worked on they're still very raw that's still a problem but at least Trisha has a very clear voice and style to her poems her poems are very recognizable as hers and hers alone it's like you can imagine her reading them out and saying them and you can kind of hear the emphasis behind certain bits and as Trisha would say them it's very distinctive she doesn't have a terrible grasp of rhythm in some places and and yeah like I say while her voice and style is it to my taste it's very distinctive and I have a hell of a lot of respect for that and so with that let's jump into reading a few of Trish's poems the first of all I wanna talk about is actually the first poem in her book and it's titled a shattered heart so already we've got a hell of a lot of angst and it feels very keen a jury you know this is something you would write or even read as like a 14 year old to his first boyfriend had broken it with her you know he canceled on me at least I know this is not meant to be taken seriously I'll let it go I get excited then disappointed what else is new story of my life he's gonna do this to me why can't guys follow through why can't guys let me through I know it's pointless I don't even care but so what just happened my heart has no room to spare to be broken again or hurt some more this is why I result to being a [ __ ] for no one cares about a [ __ ] and even more a [ __ ] never cares about you sometimes it's black and white sometimes it's not but I no longer care I am numb it's been six months since my last but only six hours since my last do you understand give your body away and not your heart the worst that can happen is your body dies your heartbroken will make you live a tortured life at least yet there is some peace a broken heart is never fixed only mended a shattered heart will kill you for life right now feels like death so a lot to unpack here it definitely reads like a stream of consciousness which isn't necessarily a bad thing that can be fantastic in poetry some of my favorite poems are written in that way but I can't help but feel like this reads like a first draft this is just you know she sat down at her computer on your notebook and she's just written she's just got it all out there and all her feelings just whoom you know there's a few weird bits like when she says but so much has happened is that a typo or is that some kind of weird stylistic choice I have no idea um and if it is a weird stylistic choice for reason it feels very odd well I do find interesting is that it seems like she has actually made some stylistic choices and not necessarily just mistakes and around grammar and spelling you know opening with the line he canceled on me with no capital letter if this is done on purpose and that is so interesting Tricia is religious I think she's a Christian or Catholic I can't remember which but she has spoken about like you know how she believes in God and stuff in the past and so I want you to think about how people are always capitalized he when talking about God he and him and stuff like that the capital letter it signifies and you know that they worship and respect and love him and so on and so purposely choosing to ignore basic grammar rules like capitalizing the first word of a sentence purposely giving he a lowercase letter to me that says I'm done with you I'm over worshiping you you don't deserve my respect you know she doesn't care anymore since he hurt her and and that would be a fantastic wonderful very interesting little choice except it's not consistent literally just a few lines later she falls over the line he's gonna do this to me with a capital H so I have no idea what she's coming for I don't know what's intentional and what isn't it's some very bizarre strangely while some parts of her poem are incredibly hyperbolic and could very easily have been written by a teenager you know the whole a shattered heart will kill you from life right now feels like death all that sort of stuff other parts of it are surprisingly relatable and real and they are things which I think need talking about more you know she touches on ideas that it's easier to fall into physical relationships rather than emotional ones because that way you don't get hurt as badly you know she talks about how vulnerable you feel opening yourself up to someone emotionally because it hurts more when you're rejected or let down then you could ever be hurt physically at least that's how she kind of feels that's what she's portraying and that's something that yeah I can relate to completely you know physical marks can heal but emotional ones they leave scars I'm conflicted when thinking about the structure of this potent part of me thinks it's just poorly written poorly thought-out with weird varying line lengths and stanza lengths and cheesy rhymes in places you know like at least I know I'll let it go and but another part of me thinks actually it is kind of representative of your mind when you're feeling like this it makes there's a purpose to this structure sometimes you know when you're in that slightly manic anxious upset state you sometimes have rambling you have these short sharp questions that pop into your head you know your question what's wrong with you it's easy to flip between thoughts like this and that's why the varying stanza lengths of you know warm line four lines three lines two lines it does make sense and it seems like there's a purpose to it at least there's a reason behind it and then at the end you notice the panic calms and the numb feelings the sadness the emptiness sets in you get these single stunted one lines of I am numb a broken heart is never fixed only mended it kind of feels like she's giving up the fight of it she's over it she's just done all it said I'm aware that I'm probably reading far too much into this and I doubt that was her intention when right in the poem I'm not sure if any of this was intentional and it may just be the consequence of her writing when she was feeling these emotions but that opens up a whole other set of questions and a very interesting debate the fact that this kind of structure was influenced by her raw pure emotions rather than planning and knowledge does that make it more real and beautiful or does that just make her lucky does good art have to be planned or does it just have to be real and raw where is that kind of boundary between them if it makes you feel something does it necessarily have to be good I don't know it's yeah very interesting and that's kind of one of the things that this book really made me think about because I went into this thinking this would just be an absolute joke and a mess it would be terrible and we could get a bit of a giggle out of it but then I was like crap these poems as terrible as they are like objectively bad are actually making me feel something I'm actually relating to a lot of what she's talking about a lot of her ideas so if I'm feeling something if I'm getting a response does that somehow make it good art I don't know is yeah it's very interesting very provoking so I actually want to compare this to a poem by the wonderful Wendy Koch called bloody men which also talks about the risks of jumping into a relationship and the consequences of that and opening yourself up to someone physically and emotionally but clearly this poem is a lot more thought out and planned it's well-structured it's well-written and so on so I just kind of want to compare these a bit bloody men are like bloody bosses you wait for about a year and as soon as one approaches you stop two or three others appear you look at them flushing their indicators offering you a ride you're trying to read the destinations you haven't much time to decide if you make a mistake there is no turning back jump off and you'll stand there and gaze while the cars and the taxis and lorries go by and the minutes the hours of the day is fantastic I love this poem so much it's one of my favorites Oh Wendy cope it's fantastic so the main difference you'll notice between Wendy and Trish's poems is probably the tone and as harsh as this sounds Wendy's home is far more well thought out it's well written unlike Trish's it's clever it uses these metaphors of buses and traffic and transport the whole way through and it's oh it's fantastic partly you know this idea is used to describe how relationships can change where you are in life and move you forward or whatever and sometimes you have to take a risk or end up being stuck in the same place you can try and look at the signs to see where you're gonna end up be don't always have time to read them and you just have to jump on the first bus before it goes and leaves you stranded there because if you don't jump on a bus you're just gonna be stuck watching the world pass you by similarly you know the whole flashing their indicators offering you a ride it's clearly about men flirting and showing off and you know trying to grab your attention the big difference for me though between Wendy's poem and Trish's poem is kind of when I guess they were written in terms of the narrator's lives so for me reading these Trish's poem is written as though it's you know immediately straight after you've been hurt and let down by a man you get that immediate pain you feel her suffering you know she's hurting right now as she's writing those words Wendy's poem is written and I would say like a bit later on or like as your old room more mature with a bit of hindsight you know she's looking back and she sees that even pain can propel you forward you know even if you get on the wrong bus at least you're further on than you were before usually you know and even when it doesn't work out that can be better than just staying in the same place and stagnating and so you don't quite get that anger and bitterness in Wendy's poem Wendy definitely has a lot more of a mature voice in hers and Wendy's message is a lot more subtle but also more complex than Trish's Trish's is very much like ah screw men I mean we see this not only in the message of Wendy's poem but in how its structured and written as well a lot more consistent in terms of structure you've got this wonderful little rhyme scheme throughout it nice little rhythm and clearly a lot of time and effort and work went into constructing this poem it's not just roar emotions on a page that said it still makes you feel a hell of a lot higher happening with drink thanks baby yeah I'd also say that Wendy's climbing is a lot more laid-back and isn't afraid to use a bit of humor it's not quite as manic intense as Trish's poem and so you know like I say when uses a bit of humor that are bloody men like bloody bosses you know this this is a woman who's accepted that pain is just another part of life and as horrible as it might be in the moment pain does not stick around forever and that's important to remember she knows that even though it might seem like there's a schedule to life and how you have to do things at this time and this time and you know if you haven't done things at this age you're a failure or whatever you've missed the bus she recognizes that even though it might seem like there's a schedule there's not really and men and life just like buses are unreliable and sometimes that schedule doesn't work out even when you're expecting it to you know things are never completely in your control and that's absolutely okay you know just roll with it and hey if something goes wrong with a guy that's absolutely fine because another will be along in a bit the thing is both messages in both pressure on Wendy's poems are very real the things that we as women do experience both explain what it's like to be a woman in a relationship and the fears you feel it's just for me Tricia's poem is what I like when were younger and how a lot of it naturally are whereas Wendy's poem it's more about the women that we aspire to be and grow into and learn to become you know it's um I can almost see this these two poems being written by the same woman but like you know 30 40 years apart a couple of big themes throughout Trish's whole book and are her relationship with food her self-esteem issues her feeling undeserving of love and of course sex these are all motifs repeated constantly throughout the book a recurring pattern we see is Trisha enjoying herself either through food or sex she loves both and she won't apologize for that and again I have a hell of a lot of respect for that and how she's just accepting if you know this is who she is and this is what she likes and you know take it or leave it but then after you see she's enjoyed herself you see these waves of self-doubt kind of crashing in and she begins to be like well I don't deserve this and she feels guilt for enjoying herself she feels guilt for being happy it's interesting because you look at when she talks about sex in particular the guilt she feels it's not for having sex but for the happiness that comes with that it's very very interesting there's this one poem called breakfast in bed and it's a great example of this it's like the epitome of everything I just said and I mean it's a terrible poem but there's a lot of feelings in there and it tells us a hell of a lot about kind of Patricia's mindset I think coming over late to your house feeling like I'm sneaking in you say you want to go to bed but also want to get it in I do not mind I do not fret I could just be by you and lay in bed hands on your chest so warm so soft fuzzy like a teddy bear your house so warm a relief from my cold tomb you push my hand down and I'm so relieved you still want me I want it too so bad caressing you and dressing you we undressed together this is the best part of life I think to myself it's free it's fun it fulfills so many needs you're ready to go and so am I release feels good I go to sleep smiling like a guppy I wake up you've already been out and about and you bring me food like a princess I am NOT but you served me like one why serve me I am so undeserving again we see this pattern here and that she writes about in so many other poems as well of her searching for happiness identifying what will make her happy and taking action to get it you know coming over Lake to your house I do not mind I could just be by you and lay in bed then the self-doubt creeps in and she uses sex to kind of seek reassurance you know I'm so relieved you still want me and finally she feels happy she feels fulfilled she's got what she wants and she's loving it she's enjoying it because it's not just necessarily about sex but that emotional connection as well you know this is the best part of life I think it's myself it fulfills so many needs and then once that initial buzz of happiness has passed the self-doubt creeps back in and she hits with waves of I don't deserve this you know you bring me food like a princess I am NOT but you served me like one wife served me when I am so undeserving that last little line is so telling I mean it's not necessarily a clever poem and there's no real imagery or metaphors or thought to the structure or language but it's real and it's raw actually doing geeky Trisha is not ashamed of having sex of wanting sex she's not afraid of society judging her for that but she does feel guilt about the happiness she feels from both sex and an emotional connection with someone and that is caused by internal insecurities rather than anything external is interesting because not the casual sex that makes her feel guilt it's the emotional connection she feels undeserving of you know she could probably have sex with a random person and not feel this but the minute she has an emotional connection with them that's when she starts to feel I don't deserve this stop treating me like a princess why are you doing this I actually want to contrast this poem of Trish's to one that any of you who've done English Lit G says he might be familiar with and that's salomi by Carol Ann Duffy I hope I'm pronouncing that right salomi it is right that's how I've always heard it anyway so Lemmy is also a poem about waking up in bed with someone and the feelings associated with that and again it's probably one of my favorite poems of all time I'd done it before and doubtless I'll do it again sooner or later woke up with a head on the pillow beside me who's what did it matter good looking of course dark hair rather matted the reddish beard several shades lighter with very deep lines around the eyes from pain I'd guess maybe laughter and a beautiful crimson mouth that obviously knew how to flatter which I kissed cold a computer strange what was his name Peter Simon Andrew John I knew I'd feel better for tea dry toast no butter so rang for the maid and indeed her innocent clatter of cups and plates her clearing of clutter her regional patter were just what needed hung over and wrecked as I was for a night on the batter never again I needed to clean up my act get fitter couldäôt the booze and the [ __ ] and the sex yes and as for the latter it was time to turn out the blight at the beta or biter who'd come like a lamb to the slaughter to Salome ease bed in the mirror I saw my eyes glitter I flung back the sticky red sheets and their like I said and ain't life a [ __ ] was his head on a platter fantastic I love this poem so much it's again this is a clever thing with Carolyn defeatist already always so many layers to her poems now of course many of you will immediately realize that on the surface this is a poem about salami from the Bible excuse me now salami is often portrayed as a bit of a seductress but also a bit of a spoiled girl as well she was instrumental in the death of John the Baptist and actually received his head on a platter as a reward hence that whole imagery this is interwoven with a more modern story of a young woman going out getting drunk finding a man bringing him home barely remembering it the next day you know she doesn't even know his name it's about a woman a seductress using a man and ending up with his head in her bed she's essentially used him for sex and discarded him I want to focus less on the biblical interpretation of Duffy's poem here and and more on what it means for modern women today and our attitudes Ward's set in general especially casual sex and now this is just one reading of the poem there's obviously many more if you want to go into the biblical aspect but for the sake of contrast it's a treacherous poem I want to just focus on the kind of sex and guilt themes I guess you could say there's a clear clear contrast in how Trisha and Duffy both describe the men they're having sex with in each of these poems Tricia's is a lot more basic but you can also tell she has this emotional connection with the man you know and her lines like so warm so soft fuzzy like a teddy bear it's clear that she finds him comforting and it's using him for this feeling of safety as much as physical pleasure you know words like warm soft fuzzy it's not really necessarily raw passion it's more about love than lust Duffy's character on the other hand describes her man very superficially you know good-looking of course dark hair rather mattered sounds like my perfect man the reddish beard several shades lighter with very deep lines around the eyes for pain I'd guess maybe laughter and a beautiful crimson mouth that obviously knew how to flutter which I kissed colder than pewter you know she describes how attractive he is but that's as far as the compliments go all the other assumptions are basically that he must be bad because he's a man who fell for her charms and ended up in her bed so it can't be much to him really can there her first instinct to that you know his wrinkles around the eyes are from pain rather than laughter then she saw well maybe maybe it was laughter that's an afterthought you know the the laughter thing that would kind of make him too human to her eyes she assigns blame to him in quite a dry way saying you know his mouth obviously knew how to flatter but ended up being colder than pewter he got a slight half rhyme in there it's quite interesting and obviously the cold and and pewter thing obviously for shadows to the fact that by the end of the poem we find out he's dead but also to me reading it in terms of purely like relationship casual sex kind of thing and it's also I think hinting at the fact that these things is saying to her the flirting the compliments they're all kind of Hollow and shallow and meaningless and cold he was just saying them to get what he wanted and that was it and perhaps the other way around too later when she finally does attempt to describe him for more than just his looks again it's all about her making these negative assumptions you know she can't even remember his name but she calls him the blighter the beta or biter who'd come like a lamb to the slaughter this useful iteration with such powerful imagery says she thinks he's a bit naive for letting her use him this way but he obviously deserved it right cuz he's a man so he must be applied to rabito or biter he must be this awful person who hurts women or uses women so you know she's just turning the tables here it's fine she used him before he used her it's kind of like a self-preservation thing again very relatable and this repetition of the B sound it's almost like she's spitting out the words you know she's she's disgusted with him with men in general even because they're all all men are the same you know they're blighters beaters biters you know it's she's spitting out these words the other interesting thing about Duffy's poem is how the narrator thinks of herself after all of this there's a contrast between the beginning of the poem where she acknowledges that she's done it before and doubtless I'll do it again and later when she proclaims never again I need to clean up my act get fitter cut out the booze and the [ __ ] and the sex yes the interesting thing is she only changes her mind and say she's gonna change after she's compared herself to another woman the maid once she sees the maid with her innocent platter and regional patter which you know thanks to this adorable little rhyme the maid seems so much more wholesome than solonius description of herself which is simply hung over and wrecked it kind of makes me wonder why she's saying this why she's decided she needs to clean up her act is it because she's really fed up of casual sex and having fun and all this kind of thing or is it because she feels like society and other women are judging her for it for enjoying these things for not being as lovely and wholesome as her innocent maid either way in both Tricia and Duffy's poems we see women feeling guilt after sex but for very different reasons completely different reasons Tricia because she doesn't think she deserves the happiness that comes with having an emotional connection to someone she thinks she only deserves the raw meaningless sex and salome ease guilt on the other hand is for feeling like people will judge her for the meaningless sex for the having fun for using men as objects I mean interestingly both women are reversing traditional gender roles in their poems just in different ways Trisha goes out of her way to seduce a man and ends with him bringing her breakfast in bed being the kind of carer in that respect and while salomi is the one who's the player who seduces men without really caring about them both traditional male roles you know usually the man is the one seducing the man is the one being fed and taken care of by the woman you know it's like I say both are women taking on these traditionally masculine roles and kind of feeling guilty for it even though they're not doing anything wrong but they're surrounded by people who tell them or make them feel or imply that they aren't deserving of this that it's not the proper way for a woman to behave or whatever which is a real shame and I think from a feminist perspective this really kind of light is very revealing of our views and attitudes towards women and sex in general there's definitely an attitude that women should be chaste and not the chasers women should have to be convinced to have sex when women shouldn't be enjoying sex women shouldn't be out there going for it enjoying themselves objectifying men as much as they feel objectified in the past and I do think that needs to change I think in a real equal world we need to acknowledge that sex is something for everyone whether you're man or woman or non-binary or whatever anyone can enjoy sex anyone can pursue sex sex can mean many different things to many different people and as long as it's always safe and consensual I don't think there should be any shame or guilt associated with it for anyone and this whole thing actually reminded me of a poem by John Donne from the 1600s called the flea and now this is I wouldn't say it's one of my favorite done poems but it's one sticks in my mind now John Donne is fantastic I don't necessarily agree with a lot of his views but are his poetry is his writing style is wonderful he's very funny at times he's also a difficult 1600s man you know a lot of it is about him convincing women to have sex with him and he also has a lot of holy sonics he writes about religion in a way that you would not expect for a man in the 1600s to write about religion it's all very like passionate and raw and honestly the way he writes about God you would think sometimes he was talking about women you know and in one of his sonnets it's like batter my heart three-person'd God for you as yet but knock breathe shine and seek to mend that I may rise and stand overthrow me and bend your force to break bow burn and make me new and and so on it's all very am very passionate which is quite interesting but that's that's not what I want to talk about today well I won't talk about it's a poem called the flea which is basically about a man convincing a woman to have sex with him yes so basically he's kind of being tricky and manipulative and using logic to convince this you know woman with a silly little woman brain to have sex with him and he's trying to flatter and manipulate and whatever just in the way that salomi implies that men do and says that men do and criticizes men for doing let me let me just read you the poem actually and then we can talk about this a bit more and one thing you'll notice is you don't see the male narrator feeling guilty about having sex in this no mark but this flee and mark in this how little that which thou denies me it sucked me first and now sucks thee in this flee are two bloods mingled be thou knowest this cannot be said a sin nor shame nor loss of Maidenhead yet this enjoys before it woo and pampered swells with blood made of - and this alas is more than we would do Oh stay three lives in one flee spare where we almost you more than married are this flee is you and I and this our marriage bed and marriage temple is though parents judge and you we our net and cloister than these living walls of jet d'eau use make thou apt to kill me let not to that self murdered added be and sacrilege three sins in killing three cruel and sudden has thousands purple died now in blood of innocence wearing could this flee guilty be except in that drop which is sucked from thee yet there triumphs and say us that thou find us not thyself nor me the weaker now tis true then learn how false fears be just so much honor when those fields to me will waste as this please death took life from thee so I know the language is a little kind of old and hard to get your head around is hard to read sometimes and I find it's easier to read in my head than say out loud and but you know me I have trouble pronouncing nearly everything anyway but basically the point is he's saying look this flea bit me and then it bit you our blood is already mixed in his belly you know that's three beings blood all merged into one that is a relationship between three that's basically marriage of man woman and God this has already happened you know how much worse can us having sex be you know he's definitely manipulating her he doesn't really care about her views her feelings the fact that she probably doesn't want to for religious reasons and so on and he's just all about trying to sleep with her and he'll say and do whatever he can to to get there you know it's shameless it's quite funny but it's also the perfect example of a man trying to control a woman twists her arguments and views and make it seem like he's smaller than her so he must be right it is manipulative and very typical of the time didn't just make me laugh though I gotta say that I did go on this date once with a guy who I mean he didn't use a flea thing to try and sleep with me but he did talk down to me a lot and he did try and like twist my arguments and make it seem like he was smarter than me and he felt like he was smarter than me and I'll have a so awkward like I remember at one point I referenced like a basic fallacy in conversation he's like oh do you know what that means and I was like have you seen what I do for a living yeah and you basically just like spoke down to me for like a whole bunch of the evening and yeah he was a very beautiful man and it just turned out that he didn't have the personality to match and he was also a fan of Jordan Peterson which we may or may not have argued over so I have a lucky escape there and what I will say is for any women who date anyone who speaks down to them and thinks that they're smarter than you or like just you know patronizes you at all run run for the hills I had a lucky escape there anyway I brought this poem there because it's very interesting that we have Trisha feeling guilty about having an emotional connection with a man salamé being made to feel guilty about seducing men and then this man who is literally manipulating and lying and burning his way into having sex with a woman who feels absolutely no guilt or shame or anything you know and I just think it's very telling of the different attitudes that men and women have towards sex and and how even over 400 years these attitudes haven't changed as much as I think they should have anyway I was playing to analyze a hell of a lot more of Trish's poems in this video but I feel like this is getting on quite long already and I've only talked about two of her poems there's a hell of a lot more we can unpack in her book if it's something that you guys are interested in otherwise let me know your suggestions for other people's poetry books that you would like me to see that you would like to see me read and analyze and so on because I am actually really having fun with these poetry videos I didn't think it would ever be something I would do on my channel but I'm loving this I'm having so much fun and it is something that I'm currently very passionate about and enjoying and but anyway this is where I'm gonna end this if you've read Trish's book please let me know in the comments what you thought of it and if you read Gabby's book make sure you go over and check out my videos on her poetry and again let me know your thoughts on it as well and but for now thank you so much for watching I also just want to extend a quick thank you to every person who sent in Cairo like Christmas presents this year oh my god I never expected anything like that and you're all so generous and kind and lovely and amazing and Tyra got new toys from you guys new snacks she had the absolute best Christmas ever and for me Christmas was a little bit rough this year so knowing that you guys were kind of there and thinking about me and like supporting me and just being so kind and lovely actually really really helped and kind of got me through some of the tough stuff so I I just want you all to know how grateful I am and how much I appreciate you guys and yeah and with that I'm gonna stop rambling but thank you for watching today I appreciate you guys so much I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas in New Year and I'll see you guys can see
Channel: Rachel Oates
Views: 355,526
Rating: 4.9376631 out of 5
Keywords: rachel oates, trisha paytas, blndsundoll4mj, trisha paytas poety, gabbie hanna, gabbie hanna poetry, 101 poems about my ex boyfriend, wendy cope, carol ann duffy, john donne, poety analysis, trisha paytas' poetry is bad
Id: jJiy-aIq_IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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