FOUND COLD CASH I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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this has got to be huge money this isn't this is this is big what the Hales are you up to today now I promise I'm going to an auction today there's only two units and it's local here in Worcester so hopefully we can get both of them but before we do this is the reality of driving 25,000 miles so far in the past six months I got a complete all blow out on the trailer so we've got to fix this tire first then we can actually go to the auction and then we'll find out what the Hales is inside I got my tire iron I got my wrench and we're gonna see if we can break these bolts which we can always a good idea if you can't break the bolts to actually have another leverage bars so I've got this as well just to see if we need it we've got two of them loose that's good we got limited time so we literally we've got a hurry if we're gonna get there to the auction again being only two units and only 10 minutes away from me at the warehouse this is perfect I want both of them today if I can get them both but I got a hurry got my new tire from Lowe's I think we're ready to go now usually before you put those lug nuts on you want to put some kind of pipe dope you want to put anti-seize lubricant on okay and you can see I have it right there that makes sure those lugs don't rust on you see here you don't want that rusted on so when this happens next time you can get them off just like I did here we go let's put this bad boy on and let's go find some treasure today yeah one of the easiest ways to get those lug nuts back on just spin it shoot I'm saying put that iron on there just spin spin spin let the tire do all the work for you tighten it up and then we'll drop it and we'll be right back on the road again [Music] you're never gonna believe what the hell's happened oh the auction got canceled there were only two units and so the law of the right of a redemption applies the individuals can come pay their past delinquent fees and they redeem everything that's great for them not the best in the world for us so head back to the warehouse we're gonna dig inside and we're gonna find some mystery boxes and we're gonna see what kind of treasures we can find today I'm curious to see what's in here this is a unique box without a doubt oh here we go we got it labeled it is the ever on 707 movie editor oh my goodness it's a movie editor for those who don't know I am looking to hire a full time camera film whatever you want camera person camera man camera woman camera film person so an editor full time editor so it's a full-time paying position that position has to be dedicated to what the Hales you can't be overseas you have to be local you have to travel with me fill my days fill my life and edit it so if you know anybody who would actually be interested and not somebody who can do what I already do it has to be somebody who can take the channel to the next level already knows what they're doing make sure you let me know in the comments or always send an email what the Hales at Yahoo maybe I can hire this thing who knows let's find out what the Hales is inside here yeah oh here's this price remember this was an antique dealer he was asking $20 now some of the old some of the old projectors how this is this isn't a projector this is that's an editor some of the old projectors I've sold on Craigslist for 100 plus dollars oh yeah look at that that plugs in oh it's got a broken piece right there look at that look at that that's not good but oh there it is so maybe maybe it can actually be fixed little jb weld and that baby will be back in business still cool piece that'd be a cool piece too actually have at home I've got a I've got a camera projector at home an old school one in the living room it just hangs out there so that's pretty awesome right there I like that so we've got box number whatever number it is in the video everything doesn't go in order all right we got another oats of spice us this I guess this is before they actually have senses so there's some in Oh oh look look oh I think it might be dead people coming out of there I don't know apparently this was a thing back then so this is before they had senses and that looks like sermon the all-seeing eye from Lord of the Rings all right no hobbits in the warehouse today looks like we might have some depression pieces too but these are always oh there's more wait oh that's the time I was gonna say that's the top but that's too big I wonder if there was another piece in here let's find out let's find out if we actually have another piece and we do it we've got some pieces some random stuff in here I don't know oh we gotta top to something that looks like depression glass so let's just enough of the depression glass I've seen enough depression glass you know it just gets downright depressing so let's move it on over and move the next box up it is absolutely freezing in the warehouse we had an ice storm we've got snow and it's usually 20 30 degrees colder in the warehouse so it's insane cold right now and I have to empty the trailer as well because there's another auction tomorrow that might be actual silver oh wait something goes in here doesn't it do you guys know what would go in there he was asking to two bucks it doesn't come open oh it does come open so there's where it would be actually labeled I didn't think it came open but it obviously it does connection so that's good well there we go we got a porcelain duck remember when your grandparents or maybe you are the grandparent everybody had a concrete duck my grandma had one dress that concrete duck up weird where where did that fat ever come from hey let's all get concrete ducks why the duck not right yeah that was a weird one we've got some other things there's some buttons buttons and kitty cats and oh there we go we've got some more electrical insulators that one is a clear one again the blue and the green has to be is more collectability from my understanding really really hard to get that get these actually clean you got to soak them for a long time is that a roadrunner that's the roadrunner Mimi okay who do we have here we've got we've got a $6 angel statue I'm just a fool with opening box there oh we got jewelry here we go all right we're crazy about these boxes here we go we've got some jewelry is it gold what do you guys think you guys think this is gold and we're gonna be blinging and banging and whatever else all the kids say nowadays if this is gold I don't see actually let's just what you guys think good look was that was good was good was good was good all right not sure if that's gold or not but I have to check that one for sure find out there's some other random things in here this is just you never have enough metals or glitter glue sticks okay we got that we got the corkscrew pretty sure that is a roller coaster at Cedar Point we do have the jars with cork the corresponding cork all brand-new that's kind of cool and OH silverware silverware more silverware let's grab some more boxes here we've got an auto vance three rear screen filmstrip projector in a singer' box now I had no idea look at that singer I had no idea singer got involved in film or tape playing or anything like that I thought they were all about actual sewing so this is gonna be interesting let's see what's actually in this box I got keys I got the keys here I got the warehouse cookies and I'll have aconite but the warehouse cookies oh yeah there we go now we're talking in there and yep there we go there we go there is an auction tomorrow I can't wait to go to it okay the auctions have been few and far between in Ohio but that happens because of the weather look what we have here look at this living German I should send this to Rene over at bargain hunters thrift six weeks from today what is this are these records they are the living language course this is living German 40 lessons complete on four wow that's actually that's pretty cool okay we got all we got toys in here yes yes yes yes oh we got to know all right what's our favorite animal what's our favorite animal um let's see true Oh somebody once left a comment that I was hungry like a wolf let's see what this sounds that sounds more like an Egyptian cry if you ask me let's see what this one does [Music] alright one more one more just for fun let's see what the Sheep says hi so these were put out by Mattel and normally these will sell I haven't looked him up in a while but when I was selling these a couple years ago these were going for twenty-five fifty dollars anywhere in between there it all depends on what characters how rare it is so there's money right there for sure children's stories of the Bible come on let's look let's see if there's any money and I just saw on Facebook somebody posted that they found thousands of dollars in a Bible from a storage unit me I've yet to find any money in an actual book me personally so there's your butterfly catchers right there I have never found any money in a book I've been doing this forever but I did just drop bingo all over the place everywhere and then here's the elephant the elephant just pooped out so right there you go alright if you want to know what elephant dung looks like I am there it is Duracell that's what it is that's what it is that's a good box let's see what this one is that was interesting see what we got in here we got the Duke Pete okay all right okay come on big money big money big mom well it looks like uh would that be crochet what would you guys call that what kind of pattern is that now a lot of quacks can be a lot of big money too so we'll have to look up this actual clock nice wooden clock got a mirror in here looks like we got a crystal glass no not crystal and we got some picture frames and stuff so I'm gonna let's set this back aside this doesn't do much for me I don't get excited about this toys I like this kind of thing it just doesn't do anything for me so let's set that aside let's get in the next box because that get my heart oh it already is look at it already is we found zombie apocalypse gold look at that and it's six mega Oh Megan bathroom tom great again okay let's see what we have we've got we we've got an entire tape collection okay we got the pĂȘche mode Pat got a bunch of tapes in here David Bowie little-known fact David Bowie actually would be a frequent visitor here in Worcester because his child attended Worcester College so private school here in the area and so there are a ton of photos from locals of David Bowie in the area all right what do we have in here we have decisions just like we have a game called decisions and crit critical decisions okay I can barely read oh look at that looks like the old monopoly pieces I am gonna have to check this one out critical decisions have to look that one up on eBay that could be some money there that could get me excited we've got more tape holders we got more tapes see all that in there so have to look every single one of these up individually you guys remember how to do that right you guys remember how to do that on eBay if you don't know how to look things up to get the prices I often will do a little clip showing you on eBay alright you talk to me into it I'll I'll do a clip right now showing you just to remind you okay let's look up some tapes instead of actually looking up the cassette tapes we're gonna look up the game critical decisions I'm going to show you exactly how to do it we're gonna go into our eBay app on our smartphone and you could do this on your laptop and computer as well in the magnifying glass that says search for anything we're gonna put in critical write critical decisions there we go right there and we're gonna hit the magnifying glass now we're probably gonna get books and all kinds of things right here look we've got 1055 results these are the live auctions or Buy It Now actual listings now that's not what we want so to the right we're gonna hit filter and we're gonna scroll down remember anything can anybody can ask anything for anything at all I could ask some million dollars for this game it doesn't mean I'm gonna get it so looking at live listings does nothing for us we're gonna look at sold that tells us what things actually sold for there are 63 results now what I like to do is go sort highest to lowest I always go highest because this gives me an education in what sells for the most I don't like the bottom level stuff I could care less about the penny items I want the hundred dollar items so let's look here we see there there's definitely book this book is selling really well really well and can we find our game the art of critical decision making this before DVD course all right what do we have here great courses courses again critical decision-making critical decision-making these are the courses okay let's refine it a little bit all right we're gonna go back to the magnifying glass and we're gonna put game remember every word we put in this magnifying glass it searches the actual title so if the word is in the title it'll come up introductions to critical survey and games and decisions critical survey okay reality is this guy's I can't find a comp on eBay so I'll have to do more work to figure out what it's actually worth and sometimes you're not gonna find it that's why worth point com is sometimes a really good resource as well big money big money big money and Purdue chicken any squawks yeah it's got to be chicken it's got the whole squawking thing looks like we got some hot plates twins dream come true glass glass okay so things like this that's missing the top I'm almost positive yeah it's a pepper shaker salt and pepper shakers these are collectibles all of their own they've got a whole genre people just collect it and collect and collect and if you get the right one thousands of dollars hundreds of dollars but we got to know do we have the right one this is some kind of nipple so there's all kinds of groupings for this stuff on eBay and obviously you're always gonna get the most money on eBay because you have a worldwide market when you when you can take your product to the world and have them bid against it the price is gonna go up all right ashtrays things like that so oh there you go collectible mini shaker right there I don't know if that's salt or pepper but it is really cool I'm sure there's some other good stuff in here too it's just it doesn't it doesn't get me going like twin hotplates alright let's move this aside let's see what else we found in this unit these are the very 100% last boxes from this $25 unit huge unit look at that we just found do we we found one of these before didn't we I'm almost positive we might have found one of these before in this unit that's $20 look at that it's hand and carved look at that oh look at that we actually get a date there 287 Elaine Elaine somebody carved it and it's copyrighted I didn't know you could copyright a hand-carved father Christmas but apparently they attempted to copyright it that's kind of funny actually that they tried to copyright it oh okay now look at this here look at this year this is money this is money and you're not gonna believe it but I'm telling you this is money these old porcelain Christmas trees right here these are hundreds of dollars this right here wonder what he had a price for yet we got the base - okay let me pull it out this is money this is big money this isn't cheap stuff here and he probably had it priced inappropriately he had no clue because most of these people don't because they do flea markets they don't actually they don't actually do online sales so there's your mold al antic there's your mold oh my goodness I can't believe we just found one and there's your base that is big money right there that could go for a couple hundred dollars actually not we are missing you see the the decorative bulb right there looks like we've got a couple there's a blue there's a red only some guessing you guys know I'm colorblind but I see color my color not your color so if the rest of them are in here which looks like they could be we're doing really really good that's really all that's that's worth some money there and then you know kisses are worth money too if you get them from the right person if you're a person that pays for it is I wouldn't never pay for it ever ever not saying I wouldn't charge I'm a businessman Xbox here and by the way those are what's called jokes yes those are dad jokes those all joke so don't take any of that seriously I understand some of you don't have a sense of humor and I'm still trying to find everybody who watches a sense of humor but there's only so many sense of humors that I find in each storage unit I wish it was like porn the doll toys and and drugs but they're a little bit more sparingly um we've got well we got this a little clay neti pot no I don't know it's something something definitely something so it's stuff that's this glassware it looks like we got I thought we had a person in there oh my goodness that'll freak you out actually honestly what wouldn't hurt to try it would it just wait guys think there's a fill in the bald spots huh how's it going hey how's it going this is a mega giant box but it says open immediately so who are we to not follow the directions manhandle oh look at that that's how I take care of tape if I don't need aconite man handle it all right let's see what we have oh we got baskets now if these are long a burger long a burger you know some of them was thousands when everybody was actually collecting them but some still carry some value this box looks like it's a box of baskets got a box to carry things that carry things genius that was all and this is for the smaller things what we need enough okay so let's decide but toilet paper is even more awesome and this is a toilet paper box Oh Superman right there that can't be good some wave can't keep us out of the ridges we like our potty time potty time is party time when you got ridges oh look at this look at this this is a display not only is it a display it has all the stuff slovenia starters with long-life ceramic condensers look the condensers are there this has got to be huge this has got to be huge money let me get it out of here let me get it out of here this has got to be this has got to be huge money this isn't this is this is big all right that's the collectability just the collectability alone for the old display oh my goodness and the starters are still in there okay but it's like I really am trying I want I want you to be able to see what's in here oh my goodness there's so many this is awesome so not only oh here we go here we go okay not only do we have the display we have the actual product this is incredible check this okay go like this this is how it would go so there's the starters the product is in there look it follow this product this is so freaking awesome and then the sign the sign has little butterfly you know butterfly wing nuts okay so the sign just like that and there you go that's how you would sell that thing and that has got that this thing will sell Wow how stinkin cool I'm curious if you had a price see if you had a price anywhere their starters down here product is there I mean this is just awesome I love it I have no idea that I have it this thing is so cool okay I don't know about a price I don't see a price if you guys want to do a little bit of work and start looking on eBay I mean it's gonna be very hard to find this in this condition with all the products but this is awesome I'm thrilled I can't believe it okay let's we'll get another box here we go one more box we're gonna set this aside this is so stinking cool I love all the old-time display stuff is just awesome it's awesome that would look so cool you know what there there's a restaurant right down the road here and it's a converted it's a converted gas station really cool and I may take that down and see if they want that for the motifs that would be you know you can always instead of people coming to you to buy things you can always take your stuff to them and see if they want it alright let's see what we have here might have we might have some more money and we've got we've got decorative lamps I think we have decorative lamps let's see what else is in here not with the right lamp you're looking at tons of money too so look at this here look at this here old school lamp what was the askin $25 for that lamp it's what he's asking and there's there's a bunch more in here as well bunch of them so this box is filled with lamps [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 32,538
Rating: 4.8168921 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: DxNtiTUzot0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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