I Can't Believe They Stored THIS! I Bought a Storage Unit For $1! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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today we're going to clean out our final last storage unit in california ever i cannot believe it the time has finally come guys we paid a bake breaking amount of money for this you'll see when you get there but it costs us a lot of cash let's hope it pays off let's go on the road let's go get it [Music] so here we are the uni guys this one's kind of grimy looking but it's at the same facilities the one we got with all the totes and nobody wanted it so i was like you know what one dollar storage unit why not you can't really use so we only paid a buck for it let's go in there and see if we can find [Music] number one we have a mystical magical staff also known to you regular humans as a broom but it's a magic staff don't forget this yeah that's not really it's like detergent and dryer sheets and things like that but it's not exciting stuff to look at this come on this right there reason enough by the unit since remember these yep little scentsy markers now if they're in there i don't know oh yeah see every marker you use smells like something um smell that smells like ocean water what is it beach that makes sense right all right you know what i was like i thought they did something to them made it weird but now it's beach all right please just what we needed one cleat that's uh yeah that close that bag's closed unfortunately i don't want to look at clothes but what about this bag because we got a car bag yeah a car bag not an action figure yeah look at this lady i don't know who she is but are you old i don't think so no 2016 so probably not much value there it looks like um overwatch at south park when stan went goth that's like what he wore this another one yes it's the same lady isn't it looks like it to me all right two of you the most best thing in there salt water sit down be careful no i'm gonna get salt all over the floor we also have glass screen protector yeah that's junk so we got more dirty clothes gross and more dirty clothes more clothes more squirrels i don't know clothes i hate clothes let's see what's in this first book what is this guy a chewbacca we got a little mini chewbacca and that another chewbacca why do they have two of every toy i don't know two chewbaccas hey look that's like new oh cool i'll take that thank you all right there's more in here let's go figure out what pockets they're in there's something another one here okay no there's got to be another one somewhere right here there it is there's something heavy in there it's actual school stuff it's actual school stuff well what is that that's just a dictionary know what i was hoping for this bag oh oh it's clothes on top but it looks like it sounds like the bathroom bag that's what it is lotions plastic spoon you know just in case i don't know if you need to spin the bathroom but never know another bag under armour too let's see what's in it where's it open it right here this is more school stuff in the back at least let's see if the front is the same what is that oh that's yes yeah classroom cash one dollar it's kind of sad when you think about like i don't know what happened here but that's all school stuff again let's see what's in the last book bag i actually got one more book bag after this book back this one feels like different what do you think we got cash money hope so 100 million dollars nothing where's it open at right here close bag no fun let's use it a target bag first more clothes boring hey you want this bracelet making best friend bracelet making dude there's a spider crawling on it oh you should have killed it it kind of freaked me out there it goes come on come to my foot come on keep coming keep coming that was coming at me too fast you know this kind of sucks but for one dollar it's like whatever i just donate to clothes and help some people out it's only a dollar coconut lime all right put the lime in a cookie nut shake it all up um well let's get more clothes clothes clothes that wasn't another bouquet yes but it's empty now what is that something's down there let's see if we can figure it out the zipper's broken off jeez it's my favorite so other than that more clothes and a crock pot you know if we were at flea market with the book bags the croc bonds that we probably make like 30 or 40 off this stuff but honestly leaving in what five days four days i don't remember we're just gonna donate it also let's load it up and get it out of here all right so there was pretty much nothing in that unit at all worth keeping for us since we're leaving literally tomorrow as i'm recording this which the day you're seeing it we had already left on monday the 21st so hey we're probably already somewhere in the middle of the country right now the time you're watching this but as you can see in the house we got everything kind of just all over the place dining room is completely empty over here the other room is completely empty the garage is full of all kinds of our stuff we are out of here tomorrow we pick up a truck at 9 00 or 10 a.m in the morning it's like 7 p.m right now so 14 hours until we can pack our stuff and get out of here had a lot of people ask us i guess some people didn't see it in the videos we are from virginia natively the northern part of virginia right outside of dc which i hate that's what we left they went to california for a year didn't really like it here either but this was never a permanent choice for us i just heard so many things about california good and bad and instead of trusting everyone else's opinion i wanted to come out here let's experience it for ourselves some things i love some things i hate it do you know what i mean i'm happy we had the experience just wasn't for us so we're going back to virginia but not up north more down south going to try another different environment until we find a place we really love and want to stay at then we'll think about buying a house and moving in and just staying there permanently but until then it's exploring the country trying different places and seeing where we're happy at so if you enjoyed the video leave a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
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Views: 24,694
Rating: 4.9177866 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction locker, abandoned storage unit, storage unit, storage wars, real storage locker, storage auction, found in storage locker, real storage auctions, i bought an abandoned storage unit, taco stacks, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit auction, storage locker auction, storage wars finds money, storage wars finds drugs, storage wars finds 7 million dollars, storage unit finds
Id: xpK9bBBVkaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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