FOUND MONEY I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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holy cow halo its Jeremy with what the hey listen if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you do and hit the bell so you get the notifications of all the new videos that we upload because you never know what the Hales were gonna find and today I got contacted and called yesterday evening by an auctioneer spur-of-the-moment one unit here in North Canton all we're told that there's a tractor there is an ATV there's a hot tub now I just registered I also was told that the gentleman is in North Carolina or South Carolina now he had some medical issues his body went septic and the manager said this guy is not one of the bad guys this guy is one of the good guys and his unit is packed with the good stuff bad problem is I didn't have much cash on me today so I doubt we're gonna get this I got a little bit over $9,000 with me probably not gonna get it but the good news is is we're gonna practice because the gauntlet and the challenge has been cried out by the West Coast storage auction pirate Locker nuts storage stalker you got storage hunters Vegas bargain hunters thrift the West Coast has been talking a lot of game saying that they're better than the East Coast so I called my buddy treasure hunting with Jebus next week it's on like Donkey Kong we're going for a battle royale and if that ain't enough we're taking treasure hustlers with us who the hails of you thinks gonna win East Coast versus West Coast like to think of us as the beast Coast because we're gonna win but we want to know down below in the comments who do you thinks gonna win team West Coast or team East Coast hello I'm Rodney dim Erling with dim Erlanger Lydian auctioneers from Canton Ohio we were supposed to have an auction today here at triple-a south storage in North Canton the owner called just 15 minutes before auction time with a credit card and paid his bill and so we cannot have the auction today because it is now paid up unit and I believe this is the third time this gentleman has paid on this and been late and paid right at the last minute so we want to apologize to everybody that might be coming and do you promise to call me when it goes up for the fourth time absolutely I'll bring more money that bring more money yeah it's like I got a lot of nice stuff in there so bring more money the auction being canceled today really put a strain on my workout program West Coast versus East Coast West Coast been talking so much trash saying they're the best coast they don't even know what's coming East Coast is about the beast Coast them so we're gonna have to practice today we're gonna have to work it out on the profiling skills unbending boxes seeing what's inside making sure we have profit this is the $400 horse unit the saddle the the $15,000 of jewelry this should we get me pretty hyped up for this battle royale unboxing it here and then tomorrow we'll go back for the drug dealers units okay I have a feeling we got some good stuff here that's because they're clear and I can see through this right away to begin zucchini steakhouse onion and your soup microwavable popcorn it's great Swiss Miss jello this is gonna come in handy because there is no doubt there's gonna be a storage food challenge and I am NOT one I'm not one to get beat in a storage food challenge we got pudding this this is good this is good training material and I think there's even more hello yes there is look at that got the saltines pancakes oh yeah okay storage auction pirate you want a unicorn come on come on you want you know whatever we're gonna do with your unicorn you want to know what East Coast is gonna do East Coast is gonna rip in your unicorn and then I found this other dresser and I got a kind of a feeling that it might be something that was next to the other dresser but before we look at that a lot of people asked to get a closer look at the tack since we found out a lot of a lot of silver was on the tack before it now if I had my guess there's probably silver in this now looking at this buckle here's what I've come come up with so far I got Kathie's a diamond with a D in it that's all I got I don't see anything else with silver so I'm gonna set that aside and we're gonna dig in but before we do I had another idea I mean you guys always tell me how bad my gloves are and I figure if we're going to this battle royale then West Coast is gonna know and go to see East Coast means business look at this new gloves this is this is gonna be highlight and I mean that in every yellow way possible alright let's see what we got all right top-drawer holy cow look at all them batteries huh that's it's a lot of batteries that is all batteries well just well this this next one doesn't have a knob so we'll just go this way we've got all right let's do this we're gonna go down like that the way the way to go yearling longline whoa Columbia Elmer mm emeralds getting too excited nothing nothing after all those emeralds we found nothing here you go look look look there's more tak look there's another and I just dragged it gotta get under control all right look at all that tak now this the other one we found said silver on it see right there silver and this drawer is filled with tak pieces we'll have to go through all of that individually we'll set that aside we'll hit this next drawer here let's go down a little bit actually I think you can see it pretty well can't you okay here we go holy cow all right let's be honest what were all these batteries for if you saw the first unboxing what or all of these batteries for and okay we got one more drawer I'm gonna slide this back but hey here's another Garth Brooks disc set Garth Brooks the Entertainer we found another one of these in the other I forget what unit it was it was better better condition let's see if it's actually in here blame it all on my boots I showed up with roots I forgot to dye my hair okay it's all in there so a lot of people actually asked us for this when they saw the other one in the video so if if George sold you one well there's another one if you want it I'll check this out here let me take take the camera down okay here we go we're taking the camera down to the drawer we've got a flag no this isn't just a normal flag look at this I've never seen one like this before okay anybody anybody have an idea what this is Dread Pirate Roberts what we got here this is a piracy flag this storage auction pirate trying to throw some smack at us I'm gonna take this I'm gonna give this a storage option pirate next week he's gonna get that we're gonna we're gonna fly the flag he's gonna fly that for surrender let's see what do we got there's a handkerchief whoopee hold a second National Jamboree Valley fort 1950 BSA BSA remembered the Jamboree that was over in Asia from the Boy Scout unit I bet BSA is Girl Scouts night yep it is look at this look at this this is her Girl Scout whatever you would call it wow wow wow wow so not only do we have all those Boy Scout things look at all this cool Girl Scout stuff we have and I mean Boy Scout things from that other Boy Scout unit that we bought I think that was back in November October November how cool I found some really cool loose things like this picture and this picture just isn't one of those pictures I think it's one of those moving pictures because it has it has a cord on the end so I betcha like the water lights up and it flows down like a waterfall I bet you that's absolutely gorgeous when it's plugged in found some couple other cool things as well I don't know if you're gonna be able to see this Revere where do you see that so Paul Revere I've shared that with you before it was a metalsmith metallurgist before he was ever riding on the horse declaring one by land two by sea 1801 it's got the patent number on there and everything so cool piece there and then got this oven thermometer to found a pair of loose binoculars so see you got a pair of sell sign so look at this I mean we know big-time indeed horses in equine so these are yard ornaments and solar solar electric solar powered that's what we're looking for remember when we found the wiener-dog boot scraper I think I think they absolutely had a this was a really cool another loose piece just a cutting board and so I thought that was neat another cool piece here well trains going by I know what you guys are all gonna say now you're black Jeremy your gloves they're too bright cuz I have the flash on well you can't have it both ways you can't say you want me to get new gloves and then when I do you say they're too bright look at this wow this is one of the old trucks look patent pending right there see that right there I had to turn the light on because it's starting to get dark and it says on the front what's it say can you guys read that on the front license plate what's it say just say buddy maybe oh cool if you didn't get a good look at it look very very cool oh look you know what this is a bank your money goes in here and it's missing the piece here this is an old truck Bank oh man how cool is that and it is it's a buddy L look at the tire it's a buddy L truck Bank I wonder how much this is worth Wow cool we've got some horse decor it's kind of cool cowboy looks like some more horse decor well we got some more old trucks down here look at this I know a lot of you guys love these stuff Hubley we got Hubley on the tire now unfortunately it looks like we're missing the back of the rig and this is probably how you used to dump it or let it go so we're missing its got number one Oh our excuse me 801 inside or 108 if you're reading it this way so I don't know maybe we'll find the rest of the truck here's another one let me see if I can get it look at this Western Auto haha cool is this looks like it's missing the back of the pickup truck Western Auto the family store this is a Hubley so Hubley Lancaster PA number 800 I see some more numbers underneath here 0:06 look at the detail on the front does not look like it's a dump or if it is I don't know how to dump it but I think we're missing a piece that's cool I love that stuff look how cool this is this is a lamp this uh this is a chicken lamp yep you got the switch right there how cool is that that would look great in somebody's camper like I've got Jebus the turtle somebody could have you know somebody could have locker nuts the chicken you know what I'm saying you're just a little West Coast tribute but you guys could also have Jebus this wild stallion from the east in honor of the East Coast being the Beast Coast look at that that's some cool cool decor right there and it folds in half looks like we've got some horses of course we have some horses right I already knew that it's stamped with something there on the side that doesn't look like briar we got a horse statue a very decorative and heavy horse statue zips chocolate chip world champion Western pleasure horse made by stone this feels light I don't know if it's in here something is in here it feels very light though oh wait wait wait wait we definitely have a horse we don't only have a horse we have an autographed horse and Meyers zips chocolate chip 10 1798 does anybody know who Ann Meyers is does anybody know who zips chocolate chips is and do you know what in the world the autograph does to this figurine which looks like it's in pristine condition we look down here this is number 325 out of 2,500 and it's autographed I wonder how she got it autographed all right we're gonna we're gonna put that right back in here definitely I don't want to break it and we come on let's be honest we all know I have a tendency all right we've got some other home decor we've got a rooster it looks like some horses nothing nothing out of the ordinary there I mean we would expect that based on this unit for sure some great sayings never give up if you stumble get back up what happened yesterday no longer matters today it's a new day I mean that applies to the East Coast for sure but don't lose hope when you're down to nothing God is up to something in that the truth and then we got the merry-go-round horse I think it's appropriate that we try and honor this previous owner obviously a tremendous passion for horses a tremendous passion for the POA ponies of America and did a tremendous amount of work now her parents started it and so I think this picture I've got tons of them but this one is blurry enough that we can see her tremendous passion for horseback and for ponies and and we can also thank her for everything that she's provided for us we still have not been able to locate her and I just saw this tote says very old pictures which you guys know I love seeing some of this old pictures if we see anything personal you guys know I'm gonna have to edit it out but look at this I wonder if these old Lithia graphs this old this old picture stuff people just love it and see I mean it's just so cool look at this I bet you there's gonna be some wartime stuff in here I mean you just don't see anything like this anymore what people do is they hodgepodge this though they'll use this on a lot of their projects so if you find something like this I mean how cool is try and get the flash off of it old tractor you find stuff like this the old locomotive and people will put it in their distress projects so it's really really cool some people have messaged us and said hey now it's like having a family look at that I don't I maybe Park Ranger or maybe that's just how they wore suits back then dad and son siting in a sighting in a gun actually that's military there were in uniform Wow all right let's try and be let me make sure I don't think that's anything you know there's just no telling what we could find in here remember we found $15,000 worth of jewelry in a garbage bag [Music] whoa Kodak recon safety film all right says number 20 kodak recon these are stuff says kodak recon I wonder if this is find a date I wonder safety film this has got to be from training here's a cool picture from their 1958 was stinky so they obviously not only had a wiener dog but they had a skunk as well Mike and stinky 58 I'm hitting it a little bit too much personal information in here but I have all his official Air Force records the dad they're right here he passed away in 2006 I did find his obituary he passed away just months after the mom passed away probably have a broken heart and so all of his military paperwork right here it's that and this stuff was just so cool the history behind it it's really really really neat to walk through the history look at this we have found an entire postcard collection now I want to encourage you never ever just discard paperwork as a matter of fact paperwork can sometimes bring the most amount of money I was telling George this the other day I found a Kentucky Derby just a program you know this is what's going on at the race started out at I was from the I forget what date it was that there was a glacier this is so cool and I sold it on eBay it had writing in it the whole deal hundred and seventy five dollars and I got a raccoon buy me right now so I got a little friend all right out of here out of here yeah he came up alongside of me scared the living scared the Hales out of me come on out where were we oh my goodness he is literally will not get out of the garbage that I've already placed here you got to go got to go I'll probably caught you and let you loose here you got to go my friend look he's trying to get in now this is the other this is the other side of storage units okay seriously this time where were we look at all these postcards just post cars after postcards look at this postcard collection look there's more like that freedoms leader the ambassador I mean we may have hundreds if not more just in postcards we could have thousands the only way to know is to check everything out on eBay that's where you're gonna find out if this oh yeah this United Nations New York Empire State Building Statue of Liberty Rockefeller Wow what is this stuff this is a transfer to put on your shirt look at this yeah these are shirt transfers old old shirt transfers see if we can find a date see a date man man we got to put that back in definitely have to put that back in okay I got a pause this because I don't want to lose any value on this there's truly just so much cool stuff in here I'm telling you a lot of times paper can bring more money than anything else a lot of people look for the big stuff here's Japan Stars and Stripes tourists Stars and Stripes map of Japan I've been to Japan I didn't get one of these look at this the stuff could be worth a lot now for some of you right now you're just like yeah whatever get to the good stuff you don't understand how much money is actually in paper and how easy it is to ship how cheap here here's a hunting license look at this there's a pipe it's like national treasure pipe you got to put that in that's like that's the key to a lock okay there could be and I'm not saying that there actually is because I don't know unless I look at all of it there could be thousands of dollars just in this tote it's the history beautiful I guess you would call this a side drawer some kind of organizational tote I thought this might be interesting so new gloves back on that's right that's how bright we are East Coast is called the Beast Coast for a reason all right should we start with top middle or bottom any meanie miney mo catch a tiger by his toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miny moe we'll start here so oh look at this look at this already all right we got a craft manual North American Indians Footwear this thing is really heavy it's about to fall over on me and my body is really sore I need me a full-body massage tonight from one of them toys that I found in a unit them big massagers this is a kind of a cool can look at that mixed nuts salted paneer oops nothing in it [Music] got body labs slim kit you probably should take that take that for the for the challenge west coast East Coast this this salt and pepper shakers their boots can you see him George George were here she could help me with this but unfortunately I'm beyond solo right now all right can you see that can you see the runnin horses in there I can't see that can you because really you got to look at it can you see that there's three running horses in here that you apparently can't see there's a little here's the thing a candy yeah we like candy oh wait there's more than candy there's also look at that there's a watch there's a watch what kind is that a cure ah this is there anything else in there try one of those candy I'll take some of those candies home for George I'm not about this our secret don't tell her that was actually in here as a surprise we're not gonna tell her where it came from there's a magic towel some kind of dolphin [Music] leather change purse maybe candelabra made in Italy in inner pure there's a belt buckle 1977 Boston look at that that's got to be worth something keychain so definitely equine persons keychain right there a bit something easy twist remove store caps okay this is for clamping on and turning different things jars on lids a shot glass but it says it's a measuring cup shot glass like that before barely can you even do this right now we got diamond needle Corp we got more tack there's more tack and that could mean more silver let's hope there's more silver in there I'll have to take that home and check it I'll set that aside oh my how how cat lady like how'd it get in there there's like three or four of them there's three of them those are cat light plates definitely cat lady it's like a silver spoon mmm high-tech I bet you that's a pearl we'll have to test that all right we're gonna go down a drawer oh I forgot about this thing what's this [Music] looks like Christmas ornaments a bunch of horse Christmas ornaments all right you guys talked me into it I went and got the table back out my back was hurting bad from moving all this stuff today see oh whoa this one is full let's just take it out take it out tip it down all remember the Sony remember the Sony camera I bet that's would that go on the ones down with that screw on would wouldn't it I bet you got a bunch of cables we got a splash splashy not sure how that works oh look look look look there's another lens for that that for that camera that we found High Definition 45 X wide-angle lens let's see if it's in there it feels like it sure is it's in here let's make sure that's actually it though this is a whole lot harder what gloves all right we're banning in there gloves and yep it's it's in there how cool is that owner how much that's worth again I don't have time to look at it right now we look at values afterwards there's a charging dock whoa we don't usually get we don't usually get cellphones this nice they're usually all cracked that's a huge screen too might be able to upgrade to that oh look at that a magnifying glass a magnifying glass with lights all right this is definitely going home we can use this for coins how cool George is gonna love that Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 oh this is this is the camera that's the camera here's all the paperwork for the camera some else we have ponies of America and got a checkbook all right that's gonna go aside we got out of checkbook that's pretty normal fun and checks us all the time look at this we got a purse we've got okay we got coupons see it all right we got this many cards let's see if there's any gift cards no gift cards all credit cards okay I'm gonna put that back we're gonna check in here unfortunately no gift cards no money this is coupons and stuff all right we've got paperwork paperwork paperwork it's just so boring I usually just edit this out so that's what we'll do again we'll edit all this out paperwork off to go through that later but admittedly I wasn't too good at getting that middle shelf back in but let's see what we can do here god this looks all right yeah here we go there we go we got a stash of gift cards for the next gift card video sweet gift card gift card gift card reward card gift card okay that is cool and it's a horse purse I don't know if that was self-made here let me change that angle holy cow look at all the change look at it all there's another ring we have to check that for silver look at all this look at all this we got bag changed repu stage alright that's all gonna have to go home that's all gonna have to go home to be gone through to see if there's any collectible coins in there what's your guess put it down in the comments how much money is here Justin change down in the comments we want your guess and we want to find out who's the closest [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 48,934
Rating: 4.8534598 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, found money, cashing in coins
Id: 2v7U7sxWI30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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