I Bought A MILLIONAIRE'S Storage Unit! LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit!

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a check for 1 million dollars guys we just took a huge gamble on a storage unit that looks epic so we use do not spend this kind of money on a unit it looks like this but you know what I felt like rolling the dice today we're gonna go see if it pays off guys please like this video subscribe for epic storage units all the time for new let's get on the road here we are the storage it is right here we paid five hundred and seventy dollars for two three reasons one there's something we need to the company on the boxes or professional movers that we use for companies and rich people so I figured let's roll the dice on this one three I don't know what I'm gonna say there's a lot of boxes let's just see what we got in there let's do it [Music] so five seventies more than we will usually pay for a unit like this but it's tax time you kind of got a gamble into we were needing these shells for our garage and into three metal shells and those are like 50 sometimes 100 bucks apiece so we have two or three of those I'm gonna subtract that from the cost because we were literally gonna order those from Walmart so you know what let's call it a 300 unit so we have four total metal shell and even if there's a low and one 250 bucks apiece that does cut at least $200 between two and four dollars off our what we paid for the unit cuz we were gonna buy them anyway so let's keep digging what else I got two blue shells here but these aren't really what we're looking for we'll probably just take those to the fleet mark and then get about 10 bucks apiece for them cuz they're pretty solid plastic so the third one behind you there's a third one there is so save $10 apiece these are probably are you ready to play a game of this chair um well I'm spinning myself so I feel like I say we play spin as many times you can t throw up anybody you know so another one of the main reasons we like to you it is you see all the boxes say trove on them and we look that up apparently it's a high-end moving company that's used with businesses and high-end people because they photograph and inventory every single box you give them so they're pretty expensive that's why I figured let's gamble on it let's take out one of the first boxes first box just rip the tape over let's see how this is gonna go oh we got a fan hello nice to meet you Holmes I don't know it looks like the rest of the stand is in there today's the base there's the stand so that's probably another you stay here you go there we've even got some water to stock up for I can't say you two doesn't like it but you know what's in here it's just a folder yeah folder the rest of it is paperwork so you know what I'm gonna call this strike one box number two the sofas will look better and it most definitely does not well so paperwork company rate is nothing every workplace record you put up we always tell these a bunch of rubber band just what we needed made Pro University okay so I guess we got like a made company workplace violence prevention safety training probably if they lost their unit I would think so it looks like it might be paperwork all the way down look at that which is office work office papers nothing we want to look at I'm gonna call that strike two number three I mean I'd love to say don't be worse but can it really be worth in this is what he's paper at least it's a recycling no um on work orders here at your work orders then we got files just files I was gonna make sure there's no money in there's people's licenses this is like everyone they've hired I thought there's other applications and resumes set that aside this more junk or jump and there's something in there I don't even know but this thingy cleaning supplies can have some value how much I don't know but but I guess it's missing its handle and everything else it doesn't look like it's in the greatest condition so probably not a sticker right on the front this is broken does not pick up then why'd you keep it why'd you store it this is all cleaning rags favorite well strike three I guess we're out all right guys we need some value to value quick cuz we're not looking really good right now coffee maker mr. coffee that's in just beautiful great shape as you can see well this computer like years ago preferably in an all-in-one three here that just a monitor won't take it's an all-in-one isn't it looks like it yeah is it cuz I don't see you know specs yeah nothing um I don't know no no no see you know a way to cut it on it up into the bottom hmm I don't know I'll look into that maybe all-in-one computer maybe just a monitor I don't know that's the keyboard no it's too light to be that hose - yes okay vacuum hoses I'll do some research on that computer really quick okay so I just search this monitors an HP 27 XW monitor and sold listings pre-owned on ebay range I mean 80 360 170 but as low as 30 so I mean I'm gonna say between 30 and 80 dollars for that which is a big range but it's something and every little thing in this unit so far from baseball but we can see is gonna add up and we're just gonna have to basically penny everything out to get our money back on this and so far but we don't know what's hidden in there so let's do let's check out more Rockies all right guys real quick we pulled out a few boxes and it does look like they're 100% a cleaning company but like I said hopefully make far more treasures hidden back there because it's like three rows of boxes but we opened this one this one's all these like spring things over here that that's the hose you guys saw all of these are literally a box with a bag full of cleaning rags and that is it okay that's why do you love guys would be about to kick it sorry guys that had to go because I'm not about to be stoned cleaning out a storage unit so sorry all right guys first box that we pull it out that has not not rags in it not rags whoo I don't think this is gonna be a rag doll right here unfortunately inverter your layout okay so it looks like a fancier let's roll it out here so Panasonic the genius prestige want that go for it clean it's alright it's alright the plates on there unless it's in here alright so complete microwave gonna have to look this up too like I said we have to penny out anything and everything that we find besides the shelves obvious you're keeping but see what else we got you know your storage units good when the microwaves the highlight so far yeah yeah we have a big thing in whatever this is called blanket movies let me get whatever let's see what we got it seems to be a dresser but not a dresser a desk so maybe there's like in the door that's him maybe there's like their petty cash envelope in there and there's money okay got duct tape we got I knew we had a desk so this is the back part of the book boy not even the drawer my paperclips yeah like for paperclips that's value before I show you the next thing we found went to stay next person that tells me to look for a unit that's nicely professionally packed I'm gonna we got this and if you don't know desires there's a whole box of magic erasers I don't know how much they're worth I thought the box is empty it's it literally there's a lightest thing I've ever seen but you never use these things they really are magic eraser yeah and that is like so far legitimately the highlight of this storage unit it's professionally packed it's got moving plug its it looks nice and it might be the worst one I've ever bought just to give you know if they don't outside the unit now we have a tote full of empty spray bottles a thing of rags a thing of rags a thing of rags again all those are rags this is a key box that has this empty key tags on it this has coffee in it it's just imagine embodying the dump into one unit that's all we got so far all right so let me do a recap of this storage in it and give you a little bit of the background story which is just I don't know it's a weird unit very very weird unit so you wouldn't think when you find a company storage unit what was the name of the company again they Pro may pro we look them up they're still in business they're all over California they're doing good so it's not like they went on a business and lost their storage unit my question is how did this end up for auction we look we get the owners of the unit's name it's not some random employee it's one of the guys at the top of the thing one of them not gonna tell you names obviously you can do your own research but one of the top owners of the company why did they pay and let this stuff go abandoned when their company's all over California and it's not like it denying it's doing good and it's growing but they lost their storage unit it makes no sense but you know if I'm their checkbook and I went ahead was right through myself it's not a check for 1 million dollars I was like it really cashed it but it's a good idea I was getting your teeny cleansing stuff but when we went through everything again in more detail whatnot it's not like he's gonna be a huge huge loss will be able to will do alright the microwave is like a $360 microwave so resale 100 to 150 the giant family you know we showed in the video a giant white board in the back no it's like an 8 or 9 foot like white board it's like a $350 white board again probably 150 bucks for that so that's 300 I probably end up loving the shelves go we're gonna keep so between 150 and 200 for those to make a profit Jonas look try to make a profit and that puts us at about 500 bucks and all the little things here and there hopefully add up to another 150 and wind up with like 650 even though after fees were like 700 in that unit and everything so yeah it's okay you lose sometimes the name of the game and I've said it before if you went every unit everybody could do this you're gonna rake your elves with your wins take take it in stride one thing I want to ask you guys though do you think this unit was staged I personally think it was a very staged unit obviously like I said this company is not going broke they have their money that they can afford to pay that to nobody gets new moving boxes and tape them up only to put a trash bag full of dirty cleaning rags in the box that makes zero zero zero sense especially a company that company is not cheap they're expensive so you got a multi-million dollar company that's paying an expensive moving company to come box your stuff up literally here's my bag of dirty rags can you box it up table for me not let me grab a vacuum seriously Zack moving company inventories this stuff if you look at all the boxes they all have little barcodes one time when we looked into these that's what the company uses they inventory your stuff so somebody paid and then it's not a couple hundred dollars for them to move it's thousands so what what is the answer to this the only thing that makes sense to me is they stack those boxes up in the back they made it look nice and they were hoping they can put it up for auction put it store the stuff let it go three months go lean and then when I went optioned off they were hoping it would for more than when they put it in there because legally that convey no the storage facility 600 bucks and it options offer a thousand the facility has to send the other owner the $400 back I think they were hoping that that would happen because it was nice-looking moving boxing and I don't know it's just a weird shady storage unit I think they were something else going on there it just doesn't make sense at all okay and one thing that I want to pop in and say invention is that on the Jesus Family Channel this Friday we will have the first part one deep search into this unit because I know in this video we didn't thoroughly go through every box so what better way to do that than on the Jesus family and our deep search video and also since we only could get one valid at a time there will be a part two and we're gonna put that out on Saturday same time 1:30 p.m. Pacific time so what 9 videos from us this week we're working overtime yeah so definitely check out the deep searches because like we said I got kind of it delve into yeah I kind of mad at the facility now it's gonna feel like searching no more I felt like we're gonna lose all that money yeah so like in those two-part videos we're gonna focus on how to basically get as much profit I keep saying profit but I don't know what I don't know what to use the enterprise as much money made and that unit as possible so definitely check that out like we said there's a lot of stuff that we didn't show on video today yeah cuz I was just weird going at that point it was hot there's bees in there we were losing money I wanted to go home and part two is not like I said not gonna be on this channel at all so you have to go the jiwoo's family to see that link in the description anyway guys thank you for watching make sure you leave the video a thumbs up subscribe if you're new because we do storage units and all kinds of treasure hunting all the time until next time pizza [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 68,362
Rating: 4.7408528 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit for $10, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage unit, abandoned storage units, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, lost luggage, luggage auction, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: LdoJJM2E9oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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