We WANTED IT So We TOOK IT! You HAVE To See This! Yard Sale Finds Worth Money!

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welcome back to treasure hunting with divas guys today we have a different plan in store here as you can tell probably by the thumbnail on the title we are going yard sailing i feel like it's the first time since we've been in california that we are going to other people's yard sales instead of us holding our own so without further ado let's get on the road let's find tons of yard sales and see what we can get into let's get going [Music] our dogs are singing for you i appreciate it how much for the air freshener thank you thank you run runaway pumpkin first yard sale we went to i found this lovely vanilla car air freshener i can't wait to use it only one dollar let's hit the next one is i think we've never bought another one brand new bathing suit okay that's a good thing so how many is that oh here terry it's terry stuff so we just left the multi-family yard sale it was a pretty decent sized yard sale had some stuff some toys some new clothes which was good but nothing for us so on to the next one [Music] so the only thing at that yard sale was the grill which was 40 is a very very good price for that but we don't need a grill so let's find another one like oh how much for the animal crate right here um thank you thank you so the only thing that we got is this curling iron now i'm actually just gonna use this to try to see if i can play with my hair and see how i want it for my weddings and i'm doing my own hair um i think you guys saw he picked up a pac-man genesis game but it wasn't in there unfortunately so sad um i asked about the pet crate but we don't really need it i was going to get it from missy because her fat self has a little cage but she could fit in hers other than that i didn't really see anything we'd be interested in so on to the next one okay thank you how much you're asking for the jordan huh all right thank you hey if you guys are trying to sell those try to list them on poshmark yeah thank you you're welcome so overall not bad yard sale not stuff for us but the only thing that i would have been interested in were the jordan 3 cements and they were size 11 and a half and they were practically brand new maybe worn one so i asked the sun the price he said 120. now brand new they're probably around 200 so i was like okay and then i looked them up and they're selling on ebay brand new for like i don't know 170 or 150 so overall fair price um i suggested to them that they sell it on poshmark if they want to sell it hopefully they do that and then they can get their money because i don't think somebody's paying 120 at a yard too sorry cynthia don't put your first third grace on it so i don't want you to stick your first down on something nice [Music] here you go young man that's for you you should have that for free thank you great thank you very much whatever you want to get for it okay i don't like that question five bucks okay it works right good if it don't work we may as well throw it out right i just want to see where it targets for the most part so i'm looking for something lower back oh yeah look okay i'll take it all right thank you so my favorite find by far that was very pretty environment back there so hopefully you guys got to see that pretty well but a massager for five bucks and the guy even plugged it in for me made sure it worked make sure it could target my lower back this is about to be i can't stand amazing guy oh we don't have petitions um i'm not that good i had to get this one that was just so good yeah there's no one hold it i don't want to touch the ground oh my god we just put it up as soon as i saw it only pulled up i was like i have to know what they're selling good morning good morning it's not hot yet why yet it's getting there though oh good day so we just left those two yard sales side by side overall eh stuff i'm not trying to roast through your tails but it's just not for us um right now we have the antioch gun show in the gps so if we can record there obviously we'll bring you guys along otherwise we'll show you if we get anything and we'll let you guys know what the experience was like after if we can't record there so let's [Music] go we got tickets tickets yeah all right we're home done yard sailing done gun sailing but we got a few things to show you that we didn't show you so i bought my little political flag here that says no more bs at the bottom but you know it doesn't use bs it uses the real words a little hyper 20 but when i learned they were selling these to campaign to get rid of california's governor i thought it was more than worth i would have paid 44. that's a good cause you know your money's going towards a good call it's okay what do you got over there i got as much footage from the gun show that i could i didn't want to be all up in people's faces with the gopro so i was trying to be respectful but i got three things so first thing they're all the same thing but they all say something different shirts this one it says your feelings on it because we care about everyone's feelings right yeah yeah but that guy right there making all the difference he's he's totally hugging it because he loves people's feelings so much and then this one ban idiots not guns and i'm pretty sure i got a little bit of footage of that ammo line now i got it right when we walked in by the time we left it was literally like wrapped around the entire gun the gun show me at least 200 people crazy the amount of people and here is facts facts fact all very true yes i always i watch a lot of the self-defense channels and one of the famous quotes always here is when seconds matter police are just minutes away right so that's the new stuff that you guys didn't see in the video anyway fun day of yard sales i feel like we haven't went since it's been a while since we were in virginia i feel like we never went to yard sales around here we had our own but never went to any so if you did enjoy it of course leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you haven't already hit that subscribe button for brand new videos all the time and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
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Views: 25,748
Rating: 4.8358092 out of 5
Keywords: yard sale finds worth money, yard sale finds, yard sale finds 2020, yard sale finds for ebay, yard sale finds to resell, yard sale finds youtube, crazy yard sale finds, greatest yard sale finds, lego yard sale finds, mtg yard sale finds, video game yard sale finds, yard sale, yard sale fishing finds, yard sale flipping, yard sale haul, tag sale finds, estate sale, garage sale, garage sale treasures, make money online, american pickers, buy and sell, sell on ebay
Id: QrUJ8zlNclU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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