I Found a REAL ABANDONED SHIP! We Got Inside! Exploring An Abandoned Ship!

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guys guess what we were going out on a mountain drive middle of nowhere looking at the beautiful water and you're not going to believe what we come across right on the beach a legitimate abandoned ship check this out [Music] let me now express my disconcern or i don't think there's a word disgust for the graffiti on something like this or something that's like a spectacle and people want to come see why is it always graffiti why do people feel like they have to put their name or initial or heart s plus a in it why do we do that and plus there's a lot of trash in the ship which we'll get to right now actually was just saying look inside here obviously this thing's been here for a long time but i don't think back then they had dale's fine ale and all these beer cans i'm pretty sure or drumsticks personally coronas no i don't think those were on boats i think this is people that literally just can't help themselves they're just naturally disgusting and they always ruin things for everybody else but if you look up here the boat also has an upper deck and you might be able to get on it down there so we're gonna try to walk around look around edges and see if we can get in this thing that would be so cool so we're gonna try to go inside this ship but first look at this wood you think that's safe for a big giant foot like mine i don't know that whole thing's moving look at that that whole piece of wood is moving with my foot that's probably not the best way to go about let's find another way in so the back of this look at this dripped wood look how rotted that is that's just grimy and this part was super cool to me because i saw it from a distance that looks like the tree bark right but that's legitimately metal listen i can't really knock on it but that is metal there you go the ring metal that's so rusted that it looks like wood that's kind of wild to me boat people what is that for because to me doesn't that look like almost like a mini engine do boats have more than one engine i have never owned a boat i don't think i've ever known anyone in my entire life it's own even a canoe yet alone a boat that has an engine so somebody write me my day up and let me know what the heck that thing is so i climbed up a little bit here this is way more sturdy than down there by the way but i came to this part now i was trying to figure out what all this stuff is this no idea giant metal block giant metal box of some sort this i'm i'm wondering if it was like an outhouse type thing i'm not sure what's weird also is i don't know if this was put there after but it's like the cloth and then somebody would paint it on this side right yeah it's got graffiti on it and so down down here too so i don't know what this could have been oh there's some metal pieces under here well look is that the engine i don't know let's go around the other side and see so we came around the other side and that's gotta be what that is right there look at that that engine is massive now i imagine like most forms of technology things have shrunk over the years i'm guessing if i'm wrong correct me but i don't know how long this thing's been here exactly with that engine if you compare it to a car engine that's got to be at least four of them right there and look up there you can kind of start to see in there let's see if we can find a way to get inside all right so i found this box down here when i zoom in i see in loving memory of and then i see glenn and i can't see it with the camera but it says glenn boss jones so i definitely want to look up the story on that and i see it looks like some handwritten thing saying like this something favorite place so i don't know if that's who owned this ship someone that was on this ship or just somebody that just came here as like a tourist but i definitely want to figure that out if you look up here you can also see their sink looks a little bit grimy not gonna lie what are you doing hi get out of my bowl you wanna wash your hands in there yeah i don't think it's gonna work we're right over there look up ahead you can see where it goes through and that's definitely where the driver of the boat would be right in there what are you doing on this boat i came in the other window i wonder what the it works yeah come on now that faucet's not gonna work work dang it what if i just like completely filled this thing with water that would be hilarious but look right over there i want to go in there so bad but look at the wood down here it looks like if a cat stepped on it it would put a hole in it yeah on some big person my size so yeah i think we're just going to look at it from a distance i think we just found a friend here guys hi doggy how you doing your feet a little dirty you little dirty do you have fun in the water i found him all right we now name you honorary captain of the ship oh don't go in there look we came around the other side guys and we're like right in where the driver of the boat would be this wind is horrible out here what do you expect by the water right check that out i want to get in there ah do you think that's gonna hold look that doesn't mean that's water full wood that part right there might go right down and that part might be sturdy as crap you ever dealt with water in wood i want to go in there so bad i want to go in there oh my gosh you really did it didn't you hear the countdown of the boat i guess it's yours now by default right here take this show me what's in there i'm passing off the camera so what we have in here we have a floor that is completely gone i hear this creaking right here so i'm not taking steps in there but this right here i'm assuming was like bunks they look like bunk beds in here there's a bunch of spider webs in there so definitely not going over there um down there was where all the trash was so let's see what else we got over here um it's very very tilted so i kind of be careful because i have one hand here's some more graffiti but it says complete control so i don't know if that was maybe painted here um already or that's a graffiti type thing but here's the wiring and some of the controls for the ship in there as well um let me show you off the window here one view out the window there's the i don't know what the front of the boat's called i'm not good on my boat term sorry and here's like i guess where people would sit oh maybe this was where the wheel went the that thing yeah the wheel to the boat i'm so bad on my lingo with the boats but that looks like it's it for this side let's see where else we can get into this boat next task getting out getting in was easy but let's see if i can get out yeah didn't think about this part did you no i did not now you gotta get off the ship if you fall again i don't know you oh even when you're two hours away from home guys there's not a california trip if you don't see a forest fire off in the background part of the beauty here you have three seasons right what do we have here fires earthquakes and i don't know what else just nothing positive nothing positive all right we gotta say goodbye to our abandoned boat this is such a ceremony look at this beauty still cool isn't it [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 11,705
Rating: 4.9142013 out of 5
Keywords: exploring an abandoned ship, exploring an abandoned cruise ship, i found an abandoned ship, abandoned ship, abandoned ship exploration, abandoned ship floating in the ocean, abandoned ship found, abandoned ghost ship, abandoned places, abandoned ships, ship abandoned, ship abandoned at sea, cruise ship abandoned, cruise ship abandoned at sea, ghost ship abandoned, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: FJK95W6xLag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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