He Was ARRESTED! I TOOK His Stuff! MADE BIG MONEY! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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this little thing right here could be worth four or five times when we paid for the entire unit allegations they were arrested for was assault with a deadly weapon and battery with serious bodily injury today we're going to clean out a storage and we won all the way out in oakland california not the nicest area in the world but you know what i felt like gambling in this unit is a total gamble all mystery boxes you can't see nothing fingers crossed it's gonna be a good one let's go do it [Music] alright guys so we're here at the storage unit we just bought unfortunately somebody's cleaning went out over here they just took a load out recording a quick clip so it has these two boxes in it and it also has this little bit of stuff here so instead of making this awkward we're gonna do what we did before put it on the cart take to the car and we get home we'll go through it in the garage to make this a lot easier and a lot more comfortable because this is very very awkward let's get this stuff out of here and let's go do it now that we got all the boxes and bags home here in the garage where it's safe let's go do the stuff without having to feel super awkward let's do it so keep in mind we only paid 50 for this unit this was actually inside of that big box there but unfortunately i couldn't get the box to squish behind the seat in the back seat of the car without taking the tv out so for 50 bucks look at that right off the bat that's pretty much the money we paid for the whole unit right there i haven't even opened a single box or bag yet other than taking this out so let's see what we got first let's get to the bags then we'll go into the boxes because bags aren't as interesting as boxes you know what i mean boxes are just more fun oh okay let's see what we got in the bag first boom don't you think i'll look sexy carrying that around of course of course yeah all right so that then you got this it's like a wallet something like that ooh with is that a game stopper seat no it just looks like it sorry i'm a nerd look at this little purse here it's actually still some stuff in it you remember when like i forgot how many years ago the live strong ones of these were everywhere just all the time and everyone had the army strong one and the lift strong one the green and yellow one good times elementary school the rest of that is paperwork but it's a nice little purse there's just a sweater whoa it's leaking money this is what we got in here first aladdin bale bonds what's the price there right it seems to be a common theme of prospecting storage units but i guess while to look into the paperwork that just looks like something to hold the paperwork what is that thing just a bag again but dude look in there it's kind of grimy can you see in there just straight trash it looks like that's no good this is all bags in here like it's just a bag of bags look at this purse geez look at the size of it it's heavy too it's got stuff in it and it's broken there's the strap we'll see what's in it and it's just a lot of paperwork again like a lot of paperwork look at that papers papers papers papers papers gonna have to be something we look into a little later again is this another bag how many persons does one person have women watch our videos what's the normal amount of purses for a woman you have because i don't know what's this what do you think that is what does that say can you tell no idea um that's kind of shady business cards come on boring well look here's bank cards with their real bank cards not visas unfortunately that's what we're looking for use the real bank card you probably go to jail but visas and gift cards they're all yours a laptop charger so hopefully that means there's gonna be a laptop somewhere in one of these boxes that would be nice those are usually easy money but other than that this bag looks like it's trash again that's not good and you know what one more little thing in here looks like what is that okay another bag somebody really liked their purses didn't they nothing in it again though that's just the zippers clinking together but at least four or five purses right off the bat in that one so you know what that's not a bad start this bag i'm just going to toss it aside because you can just tell this is a blanket set i can tell it's a blanket sheet and things like that and we don't want that this one well obviously judging by the hangers ripping through the bottom of the bag there's gonna be clothes but maybe if they put it on hangers more expensive clothes let's take a quick look and make sure there's nothing like super high end that i would recognize it looks like it's actually just gonna be dress clothes so not interested in looking through them this thing so let's see look at all these trophy accomplished sportsman here so this one is uh basketball 2006 participation trophy i didn't know they made those back then i thought those are new things um a football guy that probably came off of another trophy oh well this one is a participation trip in 2009 this one is there any like winning trophies in here no participation trophy of 2004 jeez i guess we're in california they've probably been doing the whole participation trophy a lot longer than the rest of the world here's another one this one hey a second place one there we go it's not winning but you know what it's better than a participation trophy look at all these medals too look at that football oh look first there you go now they got first place medal and that's a championship bill this is the kind of stuff that you wish you can get back to people but what can you do when they don't leave any contact info with the facility what are you supposed to do you know what i mean just go run around the city and be like hey anyone lose this you think it's in there um it feels heavy actually i feel like all apple boxes feel heavy yeah it's got this one of the straps that's it that's all right that's nice nice nice and safe what is this though any idea that could be kind of magnifier the screen looks like it magnifies whatever you're looking at it's a thing i'm about another metal nothing let's see what this is oh yeah screen magazine speaker all right all right and what is that hmm i think that could be some type of real art thing or just like a decorative piece you get from like a home decor store or whatever it is nasty yeah what what the frame is what's inside i don't know it looks like some type of mask that could be something another trophy this one's just patient trophy look at this one two three more metals and what's the bottom down here there's like a big metal really really this is what we have the big metal tip for metal slinkies and these little things really that was a very disappointing metal tin let's see what else is in this another trophy that oh never mind that's a mvp trophy uh-oh hey look an iphone 7 plus but it doesn't feel that heavy and it's empty unfortunately but but this chromecast i don't know what that is that is on the tv is it yeah it's literally hanging from the back of the tv cool all right then and well other than that what is this hello kitty oh look hello kitty lighter it's like in a protective case check that out that might be worth a little something but it's weird like it's 5005 and whatever then it says 1974 also so maybe it's like a replica of a famous lighter i'm guessing i know lighters are one of those things that a lot of people collect so i'm pretty sure there's like particular famous ones that people look for like anything else collector what else do we got here look at these more football medals and we got a little wallet here with what's in here not much unfortunately business cards and receipts boring and well the rest of it looks like hangers legitimately more metal oh that wasn't a metal i just saw one in there there's another metal in there some trash and some hangers which hangs just kind of trash this dude was accomplished i'll give him that but as far as value goes not too much so we have five mystery boxes here let's get into the first one and see what kind of stuff we have looks like a mix of shoes and football and so look at this old pro wilson football it's got like i wonder if this could potentially have been used in a game or something what do you think it's feel it like it doesn't feel it feels like a higher quality of any football ever feel it guys it feels higher quality it's got the like on here like the afc nfc logos on them i don't know that's kind of weird it's it wouldn't make much sense to keep a football in that kind of condition unless it has some type of reason look at these shoes they're disney vans that's kind of unusual never seen those before and they're in pretty good shape look at the bottoms yeah i don't think they've ever been worn hey that is the bottom of the tv i'm gonna set that over here with it this give me your money now now i don't have any money what is that a hair dryer with a comb on it and there's like little pieces of hair in it so if i cut it on actually you would go if you're running i'll try to get stranger's hair blown in your face my favorite christmas lights girls i hate christmas stuff what is this what is that thing i don't even know there's some type of little spray in there you see that yeah probably i have multiple in there at one point i'm seeing like a lot of these this happens a lot like a lot of these shoes that come from like the discount stores they're just not worth much i mean you get like a dollar a couple dollars a pair at the flea market but you're just gonna sit on them like these the ones that are just marked down repeatedly until they finally sell 99 36 12. if they have that many stickers on them usually they're not selling so i can't usually do much with these type of shoes besides like i said sell them for like a couple bucks up here at the flea market which we do not have time to do so they're gonna end up being donations just jay-z but other than that this whole box here it's full of christmas lights and freaking wait let me make sure nothing in here oh look there's a little pair of jordans check those out actually i like this style they look nice don't they cool i wonder if they're older ones or newer ones what do you think the older ones hmm they're size 60 youth we'll look into that some of the og jordans are where i think other than that yeah it's just a lot of cheap shoes i'm not seeing no other jordan so cheap shoes it'll just get donated mystery box number two what's in this one this looks like clothes not what i wanted to see and more clothes and well more clothes and is this more just nothing but shoes are these these are timberlands aren't they look at this timberland dress shoes you ever seen that nope i've never seen that before so there might be some better stuff in here brand wise maybe that's why it's so heavy look at the bottom it's all books and then that is one thing that i don't like dealing with because i can never really get much money for them and they're extremely heavy and back breaking but they're all in there what is this conspiracies in the secret societies whoever who else heard that little beat illuminati beat and other than that they look the boondocks ah get out get out all right probably gonna be number two boondocks i used to watch this show on adult swim this show used to be hilarious but other than that this box is books and i don't want to look at books mystery box number three could this be a better one i think i see jerseys let's see what kind of jerseys we got in here hopefully they're not like high school teams and that's exactly what they're going to be east that's not good but look what else i see oh there we go hold on make sure these are these are just going to be like their teams they played on again and again was that was that the only one at a cheap freaking high school our high school didn't let us keep our own jerseys we played football and we played them literally had to give them watching at the end of the season they took them back from us yeah mine didn't either well they didn't give it back that's some bs man i want something to remember but look at this oh there's two different pairs okay hold on now hold on hold up where's the other one of these this three okay i'm liking this bag i'm liking this bag already is this the other one that's full okay i keep finding different ones there are already some matches in here holy crap look at this this one hold on this one matches that one okay this one all right so there's one pair of jordans they're not in the greatest shape but they're still jordan so easy at least like 10 bucks because they're beat up they're in better shape maybe more than that all right let's try to find some pairs here look at this i got this gray one oops these white ones it's black ones how about some matches what is this different that's jordan too isn't it jeez how about one matching pair ah there we go these are in a little better shape i'd say get this way what do you think i mean they've definitely been worn but they're in better shape than the other ones they're not bad at all it's probably like 20 bucks i'd say all right and what are these tims jordans what the heck they're boots though they're jordan boots have you ever seen those before nope that's the first time i've ever seen these and i usually find a lot of jordan stuff that is definitely a first for me huh let's see is this a match troop yes it is look another pair jordans right there boom boom boom boom boom look at all the dunk champ on the bottom money money money money money is that the gray ones oh yes they are i love you you go here check that out another pair of jordans decent shape again this is gonna be washed put them in poshmark easy cell that's somebody's jersey again that's the last one yes it is check that out they're actually all there so all in all that definitely so far the best box look at that that box alone had well that's the pair for the other box one two three four five five pairs of jordans and jordan boots so like six pairs of jordans in one box that definitely more than pays for the whole unit let's see if it's in the last two boxes fourth and second the last box this one looks like it might have some winter stuff in it what are these i mean obviously the code i know that much don't roast me but what brand is it it doesn't say or h m not bad it's not over here is that another one ooh look what those are like jordan ones look at that all pink where's the other one at though there you go come here buddy look at that all pink jordan ones [Music] not bad at all this is this a jacket yes it is like a suit or something like that but there's no brand on it not sure make sure we don't have anything special here just regular hoodies it's got all the teams on it maybe they're like local teams yeah it looks like cool yeah what kind of stuff is this this looks very random put a coach bag coach a little change bag no money though unfortunately like there's one thousand dollars on negotiable what is that i don't know we'll take that can you go ahead and give me that the money order um there might be a pair of nikes in here too somewhere if we can find the other one and see this bag out in the box i hate hangers too all right so let's see if we see there's another shoe right there so a little pair of nikes those are a little beat though those are maybe maybe five bucks because they're beat up um what is this these i'm telling i always say this and joke around is true like these ugly ugly brands like this are always money like versace and gucci are ugly as you know what but there were so much money that's all people care about they want to feel important so they'll pay for other than that though i see another laptop wire but no laptop look another one i even got prints for 2006. but other than that not much in this box fifth and final box of the unit let's see what we got this one looks very random but look i see a coach right off the bat there's nothing in there okay what about this one come here it's also a coach but it's empty um what is this body painting uh erotic art all right you guys can have that i don't want it hello kitty bag it's empty but dude hello kitty let's put it over here hey look another hello kitty um let's see ew does that have hair real hair that is real hair i swear i swear ew because you know what it looks like look at i see that what go ahead tiffany box oh put nothing but you know what i'm going to keep it just in case are we about to say i think somebody had a full head of dreads right there and they ponytail wrapped it and then just cut okay because the ponytail is still on there okay that's kind of gross i don't want to cut somebody's hair alexander and annie energy nothing what's that hey hey look at that a little hello kitty necklace that's kind of cool we'll definitely set that aside and then another tiffany box it looks the right color yes it is but nothing in there boom it might be like you know what i mean falling out somewhere in this freaking box of who knows what look at that star wars vans all right there's a lot of stuff that's going to take a long time to go through in here there's somebody's high school diploma not seeing too too much in here as far as value goes i'm not gonna lie what's that a lot of empty jewelry boxes i'm hoping he's falling out in here somewhere really oh what's that oh look a hello kitty pez set some pads are collectible and valuable so that's definitely got to look up i see a little lotion dispenser too and a little beanie baby thing i guess i'll set it all aside oh i don't want to touch that okay this has definitely got some interesting stuff in it hold on let me go through here first look is that a watch oh troll dust you want a present yeah do i dare open it it looks like a phone for a bath yeah i think it's a bath bomb there's another car that's their actual card let's see let's see let's see let's see what is this there's a bunch of visas are they all personal ones they are unfortunately all right let's see what's in here because i see that right off the bat look at that ipod 30 gig ipod right there that's nice let's see what's in here this bag got something in it i don't know what what do they pay for it 15 bucks actually there's nothing in it it's a can you see that mccoskey something like that all right fly ribbon what is that i'm not too sure this is where all the weight is coming from what is this an inflator boy boy just what i wanted and well as of now i'm not seeing anything else but what we're going to do is kind of go through these boxes in really good detail because there's like a lot of small little things and then we'll do a recap after in just a couple seconds because i don't want to make sure we don't miss anything but if i sat here and went through every little thing we're gonna be here for two hours so give us some time we'll be right back so we've gone through everything in the unit this little bit of stuff right here is the stuff we're gonna be keeping now if we weren't leaving in two days we would have taken the shoes and the clothes and other stuff to the market but obviously we're out here in two days guys i cannot wait but easily like 400 worth of stuff just down here really easy with the shoes and the stuff jordan's in there tv the boondocks boats actually ended up being worth like 10-15 bucks a piece i didn't even know there's four of them there so that's like 40-50 bucks the big ticket i don't know that could be a possibility here now i'm not sure this little thing right here could be worth four or five times what we paid for the entire unit so i was looking on ebay and i could not find this exact model but there's one very similar to this it was a limited edition it was selling for 275 dollars now that we're not recording i looked on the back and it does say congratulations your owner of 367 out of 500 of this limited edition design so there's only 500 of these total out there but i don't know anybody that collects hello kitty so as far as i know i don't know what it's worth but let's hope that ends up being a big ticket item because without a little bit of size takes up no room and worth a lot of money that's what you're looking for in this business so i know a lot of you guys also like to know the background we find and usually it's along the same lines you know somebody that's been arrested for something horrible and well this is no different so we find the arrest record in here as you can see the allegations they were arrested for was assault with a deadly weapon and battery with serious bodily injury and this happened two times in 2015 and a 2016. this time was a felony the first time it wasn't i guess because first time offense but as you know the more you do stuff the more likely you're to be charged so as usual criminal charges most likely locked up lost their stuff because of it so if you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 46,556
Rating: 4.916883 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: N3dVYL8c4mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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