I Can't Believe We Got Away With This! You Have To See This! Yard Sale Finds Worth Money!

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today it is super early a little bit before 7 a.m on saturday and we have seen all kinds of yard sale signs and facebook posts for yard sales and i figured for the first time since we moved here let's go see what they got out here what do you think we're going to find out here uh horns of everything i have no idea good stuff right we like good stuff worth money very cheap let's see what we can find [Music] approaching the first sale over here let's get the gopro out and see what we can find morning is it old school playstation 2. so yeah we have furniture too but it's tucked away in the house okay if you're looking for anything like that um the only thing specifically i'm kind of looking for is like a bookcase it's kind of like 25 by 25. yeah i don't have that okay it's like so specific but that's fine i know what you're saying though those are good that's a good size are you looking for one like that hangs on the wall or are you no um just a black one that sits on the floor gotcha [Music] um that's all you see is bouncing around first yard sale of the day done but they pretty much just had like household decorative stuff um some electronics but nothing that we're looking for or that was interesting enough for us to buy so let's head on to the next one oh hey yeah where is the rest of the body for the heads oh they're just the masks that came from like targeted walmart they're just fun do you have any more dragon ball stuff besides what i see here uh the only thing we have is there's the dragon ball movie in there and then the first um original series in there okay yeah i think that's right all right i saw that bag down there like a tote bag yeah video games and movies on the back everywhere everywhere all over the place um is there a price for all of these uh she would be the ones okay let's go see do you have a price for all of these um let me see okay so would you do 30 for all of them because i know there's one in there that's worth like 25 by itself okay um some of them are older but it's up to you can you do 20. let me double check for charles charles [Music] do yeah how much are the jewelry for each bag you have like a price for each bag um okay she's asking about the jewelry in the baggies do you have like an individual price for each one yeah the um some of them are more expensive i just haven't had a chance to you know take them out but they're you know if there's anything you're interested in you know it's between like 50 cents a dollar um and then some of the like this is being centered okay this is for 20 for disney pits thank you thank you guys so we ended up paying a little bit more than i thought we were going to pay at a yard sale 20 bucks or some of these pens this whole box of pins but now that i've gotten in the car i've been looking up a few of these and i think we got a really good deal i found quite a few of these that have sold for between 12 and 23 dollars on their own so some of them are just newer pens or nothing special you know what i mean they're like nine and twelve dollars a piece but they're disney people love disney and some of these are like special edition ones and stuff some of these i haven't looked up yet like these in the case they look even older than the rest of them some of them look newer but overall i say there's at least 50 to 100 worth of pins in here just based off the ones that i looked up and that's not including all the loose ones that don't have packages like these that i can't really just look up i mean try searching mickey mouse pin good luck there's a bunch of loose ones in here that i can't look up and a bunch of the ones in the cases just the ones in the cases i'm saying are at least 50 bucks plus the loose ones i say it's a good find a good start sorry destroy all humans that's probably too long probably just the right height between them so they didn't really have anything we wanted but they did have one of the most classic playstation 2 games ever one of my favorites to store all humans but they did have it keyword did they don't know more because somebody destroyed their game at the table who did that it disintegrated into my hand destroyed it maybe it was just crypto that little game was cool but anyway on to the next one there's a ton of this neighborhood so let's find some more i guess i'll get this for a dollar is in the box over there hi how much for the pizza pan right there the pizza pan yeah yeah how about a dollar huh how about a dollar you won't find him i got you it's brand new i'm seeing if i have a quarter i do can you go ma'am all right you got a new pan thank you have a good one so the last two yard sales that i just went to one had the rock and like a bunch of clothes um some kitchen wear some other stuff but nothing besides this rock that i will actually put in the auction pile for our live auction for rocks and then the next thing which i paid a dollar for i don't know if i mentioned that next thing pizza pan low carb pizza goes on this right here and i only got it for a dollar 25 knocked her down one quarter money saved well done let's go to the next one so we're driving around the neighborhood looking for more yard sales and we found this one you know what's weird about this one it's our neighbor look what i found in the window over here is that a dexter i see in our window that is so weird we left the seven this house had nothing out we come back like 30 minutes later they have a full blown sail going they are fast workers so okay good morning okay at yeah are you looking for anything interesting good so that is three in a row now it's just no luck yet we haven't been recording after each one because there's nothing there to show hopefully we have some more luck i think we have a lot more screenshotted from facebook so let's go to one of the other ones outside of this neighborhood and see what we can get into uh let's see 75 is that fair okay all right so 575 there and two in there yeah please do please that's my mom so i am gonna ask her okay um but yeah this right here um [Music] [Music] you're fine all right since we hit a few yard sales and not had much luck lately we decided to switch it up a little bit there's a flea market about 10 minutes away that we haven't been to supposedly one of the bigger ones in the area so we're gonna head over there check out the flea market and see how the flea market scene on the east coast is versus the west coast let's hope we can have some luck [Music] you know i think it's the first time in a long time that i've actually gotten stuck behind a train all you had to do was follow the train cj sorry if you have no idea that's problem i apologize if you do know where that's from i respect you really guys again again on the way back to the train cj the train all you had to do was follow the train but i'm getting tired of getting stuck behind you give me your prime opinion on that handmade this i think they're really good it's really cool yeah never seen anything like this i got every anything you can think of i got it in a team sorority nascar you name it i got it but um yeah i saw if we go down here to the left there's stuff that goes that way um okay the knives well it seems like the flea markets on the east coast are very similar to the ones on the west coast 99.999 percent junk that i would not even pay a dollar for i would i would not take it for free 90 of it there it's just like i don't know i would not sit there all day trying to sell some of this stuff i mean maybe they get it sold i don't know none of that stuff is for us at all it's pretty much the same you just got to get lucky every now and then you can have that one grail fine where you find something good but most of the time you're walking around looking at jeep junk and that's unfortunately where it is now now we're going to take about a 25-minute drive to get to the next video because there's a couple yard sales there too let's hope we can find something good over there oh um we are legitimately stuck behind a train for the third time now can i say we've lived here for a month now and today was the first time i ever got stuck behind a train ever and it's the third time in one day what are the chances all right everyone we finally made it home so let's do a recap as always so here is the rock that we're gonna put with the rock collection that we kind of have started here we just have two bigger rocks in here so i'm gonna put this one with that and start a rock collection for the live auction a pizza pan like i said we're just gonna use that for home use like low carb pizza stuff and i wanted to get into this box right here of all the disney pins i want to go through them and show you guys because i know some of you guys are disney fans and you'll be able to help us out a lot with this stuff so comment down below if you know any information so i'm just gonna go through this it has this stuff down here but i don't really know what it means it says pin type if and has a 10 on the back it's probably a price at one point i know this is dumbo it's on the same card as the other one it looks like sleeping beauty in the back like these cards but like this pin and the very first one i have no idea who those are here's one this is one that jeebus looked up in the car this is like 20 bucks on its own count down to the millennium 2000 the love bug and it says 1969 and a 53 on it 56 pins to go still in the pack here is a pack let me open it of two tinker bell ones 1999 i guess uh walt disney world magic delivery next is this tiger i don't know where that target is from this is what magic kingdom 2000 sorry i wasn't even on the camera this right here there's another one of those like monsters looks like it's in a backpack but again comment down below with any information on this stuff because it'll help us out a ton all you disney fans calling all disney fans so this collect all six looks like beauty and the beast mystery pin and look at the back like the pin holders they're a mickey mouse sheet this one it i mean it says disney sense um it's peach scent and it has a just peachy with a starfish on it so it is disney i didn't think it was disney at first but there's the original retail price 17.99 one more in the pack right here is uh yeah disney princess i'm not good on my disney princesses but maybe that's belle yellow dress i'm assuming we have one right here that doesn't have a pin cover but i found one 2017 looks like pluto if i'm correct sorry guys if i'm wrong i don't mean to offend any of the disney lovers but sorry uh an american flag mickey mouse this right here is cruella de vil from dalmatians here is tigger i've seen this cat before i just can't remember what she's from aristocats maybe here is one that is a like neon green pluto so i was right that that other one was see pluto else we got this is a 2000 walt disney world celebrate the future hand in hand pin here's a no mickey mouse like star wars or star trek cinderella and snow white sorry i was trying to see like the picture through the camera and i couldn't tell who it was this is i think simba from the lion king here is a focus disneyland happiest celebration on earth disneyland resort with peter pan so that from alice in wonderland um here's one from snow white one of the dwarfs they're all in good condition i don't see many scratches on them there's another kitty cat oh that's oliver from oliver and company i think i know i think it's from other company but i don't know if that's that's oliver and here's another dwarf and lastly is a very creepy pin of cruella de vil from dalmatians and that's it for all the pins so disney lovers please leave us info and if you have a price guess on that whole lot down in the comments for us they will be on our live auction 100 once we rack up enough stuff to actually have it we will announce that in the video so stay tuned for that and we know you guys love these yard sale vids especially when we have one so we're i'm glad that we got an opportunity to give you at least this one we will have our own yard sale soon enough so i can't wait to do that and put that video out for you guys so with all that being said we love you guys leave it a like if you haven't already subscribe if you are new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 46,704
Rating: 4.9018726 out of 5
Keywords: yard sale, yard sale finds, yard sale flipping, yard sale haul, yard sale selling, yard sale set up, yard sale tips, yard sale tips and tricks for sellers, sec shorts yard sale, selling at yard sale, selling yard sale items on ebay, buying at yard sales and selling on ebay, garage sale finds, garage sale haul, garage sale hunting, make money on ebay, thrift store haul, thrifted home decor, treasure hunting with jebus, roi, return on investment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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